Inseparable (Rise of the Iliri Book 4)

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Inseparable (Rise of the Iliri Book 4) Page 12

by Auryn Hadley

  "She goes for the jugular," Zep answered, leaning against the wall behind them. "Teeth man. You forgot about her teeth."

  Sal's head snapped over with a smile. "You're late big brother."

  "I was covered in horse shit. You were able to entertain yourself." He glanced at Ryekir. "You'll be dreaming about those damned knives for weeks now, won't ya?"

  "No shit, man. I thought the weight would be a problem."

  "Balanced to the hilt," Sal said, tucking her swords under her arm to retrieve her knives from the ground. "Weight adds inertia. The edge cuts like nothing else, too. Ceramic slides; resin dulls too easy. These are neither brittle nor soft, but they tend to catch in the skin."

  Ryekir nodded. "Good to know. Thanks, Sal. Not many people would let a stranger play with their weapons, let alone anything worth as much as those. I'm gonna steal that finish, though."

  "You don't have the teeth for it," she pointed out.

  "Nah, but I think it would work well with a knife. Nice swords ya got, too. I think your worst weapon is probably nicer than most of mine."

  Sal shrugged, her eyes flicking to Zep. "We got spoiled. The swords were a gift."

  Rayna spoke up from the other side. "Where'd you find a man smart enough to give you swords and not flowers?"

  Again, Sal looked at Zep. "The Black Blades. Iliri know how to impress a girl."

  Rayna chuckled. "Ok Ryek, let's let them be. The rest of you, back to your rooms. We're mounted in the morning. That means we're up an hour early to tack up."

  Zep grabbed Sal's packs from the floor and carried them to his door. Unlocking it, he nodded for her to precede him. Stepping inside the dark room, she walked easily around the trunks to the table, grabbing the striker, and flicked it at the wick of the lantern. The flame flared to life, and she turned it down, lowering the glass over the wick as Zep stored her gear.

  "Rayna's not bad," she said, breaking the silence.

  "Nah. She's pretty good. It's nice to not have to crack my shins when I come in, too. I forgot you can see in the dark. So yeah, like I said, they gave us beds big enough for a couple of us." He tilted his head at the large mattress.

  But she could smell his anxiety. "You sure you're good with this?”

  "Yeah. Feels like I'm doing something I shouldn't, ya know, to Cyno, but I'm good. We talked."

  "Ok. Because I can always sleep on the floor, big guy. We've done it before."

  "Fuck that, Sal. I'm human enough I'm not about to let you do that, and I'm too damned sore to do it myself. There's not much to ya, so it's not like you'll even steal the blankets." He pulled off his shirt and tossed it into the pile in the corner. "I do have to pass out soon. Rayna wants me to show them some tricks in the morning, and no one tacks up for the Dogs."

  Sal nodded and pulled the sole chair in the room next to the lantern. "I need to talk with Blaec. Got some interesting stuff about Azure today. Will the light bother you?" She pulled out a pen and small sketch book.

  "Nah. You're good. You want me to wake you in the morning, or..."

  "You'll wake me, Zep. Whether you want to or not. It's good." Her eyes flicked up, landing on him.

  "K." He was sitting on the bed, pulling off his boots. Zep placed those carefully to the side, and Sal watched, chewing on the end of her pen. He pulled his socks off and threw them on the pile of dirty clothes, then loosened the laces at his waist before tying them again. With a glance at her, he slipped into the bed, near the edge but facing the center, and smiled at her. Sal lowered her eyes back to her sketchbook, making small doodles in the upper corner. When Zep closed his eyes, she reached for Blaec.

  Hey, love, you free?

  Yeah, he replied groggily.

  Thought you'd want to know that twice today I've heard that Azure is falling apart. Raj said that's why he tried to jack me -

  You aren't buying that, are you?

  No. But he also said he's a third-year vet, and the most senior.

  Oh, damn. Ok. I see what you mean. Who else? Blaec asked.

  One of Zep's new mates. Girl named Rayna. Said she's watched them fall apart. Think you can make sure Sturmgren knows?

  Yeah, that I can do. Aren't you supposed to see him again soon?

  Should, but Drago's all over my ass. Just wanted to make sure it was out there. That, and I have a question.

  Zep? Blaec guessed.

  Yeah. It's two fold. Rayna's interested in him. She asked me if there was a thing between us, and I told her no. Do I tell her how to get him, or just let it be?

  She could feel Blaec sigh. Human or cross bred?

  Human, Sal told him.

  Then let it be. Zep's serious when he said he has no interest in them. What else?

  I'm not sure, love. He's gone self-conscious. He's tense. I'm getting mixed signals from him.

  I bet. Blaec laughed. His instincts say he can't touch you. You're mine, and he and I have been friends a long time. You're Cyno's, and they're pretty close. So his urges say to stay far away from you.

  Then how do I make this work, so he's comfortable?

  Time, Sal. Don't give him an option and just wait it out. Do what you do and be ok with that, and Zep will relax. You interested?

  Sal chuckled softly, aware that Zep shifted in the bed. Maybe. I'm kinda curious.

  It's the human thing, isn't it?

  No. That's actually not it at all. I'm fine no matter which way this goes; I just don't want it to end up causing problems. I also don't want to sleep alone. I may have eased some tension with Raj, but his cronies are still out for my blood. We work in pairs, love. You taught me that. Zep's the guy I go to after you and Jase.

  Yeah, Sal. We know. Cyno and I already talked about that. We like him. He's good for you. Just let us know, so we don't make things weird for him.

  Promise. Go back to sleep, love. I'll see you in a few days.

  Ok. I love you, Sal. Sleep well, and don't bite him too hard.

  Sal chuckled as she broke the link, then looked at her page and blew on the dark swirls. The best part about Iliran writing was that it did not flow in a line, but rather in thoughts. That made it easy for taking notes and making sense of them later. She sighed and leaned her head back. The situation between the Black Blades, the elite units, the Conglomerate, and Anglia was getting too complicated when she had to keep notes in order to make sure it was straight in her head. She had no idea how the situation with Azure would fit in with everything else, but she knew it was important. Closing the book, she laid it under the lamp, the pen against the spine.

  Then she slipped the short dress over her head and ran her fingers through her hair, glancing at the bed. Zep lay quietly, but his dark eyes were open, watching her. Lifting the glass, she blew out the lamp before pulling back the blankets and sliding in beside him. He watched her snuggle close to him, but never moved. With a shy smile, he pulled his arm from the blankets and tucked the edge around her.

  "You're not making this easy on me," he whispered.

  Sal caressed his cheek. "There's nothing you haven't seen before. Not even the tattoos."

  Zep's dark eyes looked in each of hers for a long moment, and Sal said nothing. "Seeing is a lot different, demon. I'm not exactly used to having you naked in my bed."

  "I know. You're so tense, there's no way you will ever fall asleep like that. Zep, relax."

  He chuckled, his deep voice so different from Blaec's or Jase's. "Don't tell me you don't bite. I know that's a lie."

  That made her giggle. "I'd never say that. But I make sure you like it when I do. We're good, Zep. Get comfortable so you can get some sleep."

  He groaned. "Ok, but don't hold it against me. K?" She looked at him, confused, and he grumbled again. "Sal, I'm trying to be a gentleman, but I can feel your skin against my arm, and you bare legs against my pants. I'm just a man. There's some things I can't control, ok?"

  Sal nodded. "Our secret, Zep. This isn't any different than the picnic."

  He watched her eyes in
the dark for a moment, then shifted over, laying on his back. She moved her head onto his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around her. When she snuggled closer, he sighed and began to relax, his arm rubbing hers slowly.

  Sal rested her hand on his chest, felt the course hair under her palm, and ran her fingertip through it. The hair was thin but much more wiry than she’d expected. Neither Blaec nor Jase had any hair on their chests, and she couldn't help herself. Her finger twined through the curls. Zep gently placed his other hand on hers, stopping it.

  "It's not what I expected," she whispered, and snuggled her head into his shoulder again.

  "It's what I have, demon. Don't tease me. I'm not that strong."

  "Ok, big brother."

  "And don't call me that right now." He turned his head to her, and lifted his hand from hers, tracing the line of hair down the side of her face. "I don't exactly feel like your brother right now."

  She looked up and caught his eyes, holding them, watching him for a long moment. When he didn't look away, she pulled herself higher. One of her pale hands pressed against his cheek, preventing him from looking away.

  "Ok, Valcor, I will not call you that," she whispered before gently brushing her lips against his. He tensed, but Sal's mouth hovered over his without moving. She could feel his breath against hers, and she kissed him again. Zep groaned softly and pulled her closer, his lips parting so slightly beneath her. Her tongue caressed his gently as his arms slipped around her back. When he pulled away, Sal smiled, lowering herself back to his shoulder.

  "Whatever happens, Zep, it happens. I am not offended either way," she whispered to his chest. "I also will not push you."

  "I just need to think it through, babe," he said, pulling her to him. "I've been saying no so long, I'm not sure I know how to say yes."

  "I know. It's ok, Valcor, I know." She closed her eyes and breathed in the sweet smell of him so close to her as she drifted to sleep.

  Chapter 17

  Sal woke to a dim light breaking into the room and a large, strong hand brushing her hair away from her face. She smiled.

  "You're beautiful, you know that Sal?" Zep asked. He lay in front of her, propped up on an elbow.

  "Mmm. I like that," she mumbled, leaning into his hand.

  "Demon, you're evil." Zep chuckled. "We still good?"

  Sal nodded sleepily. "I'm good. Not pissed that I pushed that?"

  "Nah," he said, sitting up to put his back to her. Under his breath, he laughed once. "I liked it, kid. I didn't know if I was going to stop."

  Sal pulled herself up and leaned her head against his back. "You didn't start yet, Zep."

  "Yeah. Just…" He glanced back at her. "Be careful with my names, ok?"

  She cocked her head at him. "What do you mean? You have Devil Dogs calling you by your true name."

  He offered a weak shrug. "They haven't earned the right to call me Zep, but," he turned to face her, his eyes flicking down then back to her face when he realized she was still naked. "It's different with the Blades. I've been Zep to the iliri for a long time. We all have our names, and we all use them easily. We also all know what it means when you change them. LT is Blaec. Cyno is Jase."

  Sal nodded, showing she understood. With a smile, Zep ran his fingers through her hair. "I can't take it, Sal. My name on your lips? It's too much. You know how I've felt about you, right?"

  She tried to take in every nuance of his features, hoping to read the real expressions that he rarely let show. "No, I don't think I do. You've always told me I'm like a little sister to you."

  He pushed out another chuckle and pulled the blankets to her chest as he stood. "Yeah. There's still a part of me that's human. I lie really damned well. Get dressed, or don't, but I need to be in the stable in thirty."

  Sal flopped back on the bed. "Ok, fair enough. What are you going to do about this?"

  "I can't do this to them. You know that Sal. I'm supposed to be guarding your back. That's it."

  "Are you serious?"

  His dark eyes hit her, and he nodded slowly.

  "Ok, then you really are a bit human, still. They want you to."

  "Why?" he asked her.

  Sal shrugged against the sheets. "Because you're one of us? Because they know I'm in your bed already? Because if it's not one of them guarding me, it's always been you? I don't know, take your pick?"

  "Fuck. What did you tell them, Sal?"

  She stretched, feeling all of her muscles tremble before they gave in. "I told Blaec I wouldn't push you. He said I should. Jase said something about better you than Reko."

  "Yeah, I can see that. Reko's pure. Gotta be a bit of concern for Jase with that."

  Sal growled playfully in her throat. "Well, if he happens to hear that Reko has no appeal to me, I'd appreciate it. He smells wrong."

  "Ever think you two are related? Roo said something about that. The smell of a sister, I think it was."

  Sal looked up at him. "Could be. Kinda feels right, now that you mention it. He got some records on us. I'll see if he knows anything."

  Zep nodded. "Keys are on the table. I got a second set." He held them up to prove it. "You having lunch with the General?" Sal nodded. "Ok. Then I won't stop by."

  He turned to the door but stopped. Sal watched him work something out, and then he turned back to her. This time, he couldn't meet her eyes.

  "I'm gonna be a mess, ok? This isn't as easy as I thought."

  Sal nodded. "At least you're still iliri enough to talk about it. I'll back off, ok?"

  He sighed, defeated. "Don't. I shouldn't say this but don't. I kinda liked it."

  Sal smiled and climbed out of the bed, walking to him. "Ok, Valcor. I won't, but then kiss me before you go?"

  "Sal," he whispered, his eyes sliding up her body.

  He caught her with his hands on her hips. When she reached up for his mouth, he didn't hesitate, bending to meet her. Sal's arms twined around his neck, pulling his much larger body down so she could reach. Her fingers tangled in his hair while their tongues danced across each other. Silently, Zep clung to her, his fingers pressing tighter and tighter against her bare skin.

  He smelled so sweet. Against her, he felt like a contradiction with his thin, soft skin over steel-hard muscles. Sal stopped worrying and let go, nipping at his mouth as she would an iliri lover’s. When he relaxed into it, she bit at him again, struggling to keep it light enough not to break his skin even as the scent of his sugary desire washed over them both. Slowly, kiss by kiss, she worked her way to the silver swirls along his neck, the ones that proved he belonged to her. When the tip of her tongue trailed over those lines, he groaned and pulled her higher.

  Her legs twined around his waist, holding her against him. The coarse fabric of his shirt crinkled between them, but she didn't stop kissing. Every touch of her mouth made him hold her a little tighter. Each time their tongues met, he moaned. The honesty of his reaction was like a drug she needed more of, wanted to have forever. Losing herself in the delirium of her passion, she let her teeth drag slowly across the thick muscle between his neck and shoulder - then paused.

  She wanted to bite him. He wouldn't stop her, and she wanted it so bad, but was it the delicious scent of his human body? Instead, she kissed him again, there, forcing herself to ignore that primal demand as she tried to bring her mouth back to his.

  But Zep knew. "Just bite me, Sal," he begged her softly.

  That was all the encouragement she needed. She shoved the collar of his shirt back and sank her teeth into the soft skin above his left collar bone. Her teeth pierced his skin so easily, just like they had so long ago. The sweet scent of him matched the sweet taste, but this urge was different. He turned, shoving her back against the wall, the weight of his body forcing her under his control. Sucking in a breath, she pulled her teeth away from his skin and their eyes met. He smiled, then bent to devour her mouth, taking charge. The taste of his blood on her lips did nothing to slow his desire. He treated her like an iliri -
and their tongues danced.

  "Fuck," he whispered, pulling away to ease her back to the ground. Like it was the last thing he wanted to do, he let go of her then turned, shoving one hand across his hair. "I fucking wish I didn't have to go to work, babe, but I do." He chuckled, easing the sensual tension. "So that is what it means to be with an iliri?"

  Sal laughed and walked toward him again, but he grabbed her shoulders. Sexual tension flowed openly between them as he held her at a distance, but she reached up and wiped the blood away from his neck. Enticingly, she sucked it from her finger. "No." she giggled. "No, that was just a kiss." She wiped at his neck again, then walked back to the bed, lapping at it.

  "Well, that's pretty potent, demon."

  She shrugged. "Stay there, Zep."

  When he didn't move, she relaxed and reached for him with her mind. He tensed for a split second before recognizing it as no different than what they did in battle. His mind and emotions twined with hers for a brief moment, and Sal closed her eyes, leaning back on the bed to focus on how he made her feel, how sweet he tasted, and how much she wanted more of him. She poured her feelings at him - then broke the link between them.

  He gasped for breath and reached out to steady himself against the wall. "Fuck," he whispered.

  "Yeah, that's usually what happens." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Zep? That's what it means to be with an iliri. We're primal. Our instincts are stronger than our logic, and sex is the strongest desire in any animal." Pulling open her eyes, she looked at him. "I know what turns me on, and I know it's an evolutionary holdover to make the next generation stronger, but that isn't how it feels."

  "How do I say no to that?" he asked her. "You let me feel a glimpse of that, and think I'm ever going to forget?"

  She refused to look away. "You make a decision and tell me. You're allowed to change your mind, but stop sitting on the fence. Stop acting like a damned human! Either you're iliri, or you're not. Pick a side, but if you think I'm going to spend the rest of my life ignoring how much I like the scent of desire on you?" She finally broke the gaze, looking down to the sheets. "If I can learn to accept what I am, then so can you."


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