Inseparable (Rise of the Iliri Book 4)

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Inseparable (Rise of the Iliri Book 4) Page 28

by Auryn Hadley

  A murmur slid through the crowd, and one man pushed forward. "I grew up in Lewes," he said.

  "I lived half an hour outside Yarrin, is that close enough?" another asked.

  Sal nodded at them both.

  An older soldier moved closer. "I served in Ft. Landing for a while before moving to Anglia, but I'm not as quick as I used to be, and not good for much more than an archer, Kaisae."

  "You'll be perfect, sir," she assured him. I also need three grauori, shifters only, preferably those who can hold a form at least a day. It's a long trip, but you'll get to see the Conglomerate. Anyone interested?"

  "Ya," a young rafrezzi male said.

  I will go, a rafrezzi female thought.

  A nacione male walked to the edge of the table. I assume you mean for us to play the part of loyal hounds? I can try that.

  "Ok. Then I want you to go with Lewes, you with Yarrin, and you to Ft. Landing," she said, pointing to the nacione last. "We have soldiers coming over. These are good soldiers, and they watched my back. Their families are there, and we need to get them out before word can get back. What you are doing is a personal favor to me, and I will not forget it. I’ll have exact locations tonight, a letter, and a token for each of you to prove your mission. Razor will get you Conglomerate credentials, but they will not stand up to much. Do not rely on them, ok?"

  "Where we headed with them?" the man assigned to Lewes asked.

  "Arhhawen," Sal said.

  "No," Ilija called out. "Arhhawen is still not ready, Sal. Send them to Valmere. Just tell Nica who they are, and she'll make sure they're taken care of."

  Sal smiled at him. "Thank you, Ilija. I owe you."

  He laughed. "Well, I'm not counting, Kaisae, since I kinda owe you everything."

  Sal rolled her eyes at him, then turned back to her men. "We're getting elites tonight. They'll come in like assassins, so check your targets before you draw. Got it?"

  "Yes, sir!" the soldiers called out.

  "And Hwa? I need a dog to relay for me. Make sure they know we got the message. Make sure they know we've agreed."

  "Ya, Kaisae," he said, shifting slowly to a brilliant red canine similar to the Devil Dogs' symbol. He grinned at her and trotted away.

  "Someone find me three good horses," Ilija called out. "If we're doing this, we need some horses for our volunteers."

  A soft laugh from the back of the crowd cut through. "I brought fourteen. What exactly have you people been doing while I was away?"

  "Tilso!" Risk cried dropping his helm and rushing toward the horseman.

  The young man smiled brightly and caught Risk in his arms. They embraced hard, burying their heads in each other's shoulders as they both tried to talk. In the cluster of soldiers, many chuckled as Risk picked up the young man, but it was tense and awkward.

  "Just kiss him, man," Zep yelled. " Any human steps out of line, and I'll gut him for ya."

  The Blades laughed when Risk did just that, Tilso twining his fingers deep into his lover's hair. Seeing the leader's acceptance, the Anglians cheered, even if a few leaned away from the couple. Sal noticed. It was just one more thing to overcome, but she had a feeling if anyone could do it, it'd be this army, and they'd take it home to the rest of the country.

  Dom reached up to pat her leg. "I guess this means you have another Blade?"

  "Yes," Blaec said. He paused for a moment, then chuckled. "Yeah, we really do. We just need to make sure the kid knows."

  "Hey, Tilso!" Sal called out.

  "Yes, sir?" he asked, pulling away from Risk. "Fuck, Sal, what do I even call you now?"

  She shrugged. "Sir, Kaisae, Sal... Whatever you want, man. But we need to get you tattooed." Tilso turned to Risk, tracing the hint of silver at his neck before pulling his lover's collar lower. He glanced back to Sal, then up at Risk who was beaming at him proudly.

  "Yeah, and a set of blacks," she added. "And someone put that man in a link? That, my friends, is one of LT's Black Blades, and the best damned horseman you'll ever meet."

  Tilso's hand flew to his mouth as he looked around with wide eyes. "I get to be a Blade?"

  "Yeah," Risk said as he wrapped Tilso in his arms and kissed the top of his head. "Which means you're never getting rid of me now, Ahn. You're stuck with all of us."

  "I never wanted to be anywhere else, Celyn. You just need to stop running off. I can't believe I get to be a part of the pack. But I'm not iliri."

  Risk shrugged. "But you're my mate, or as close as I'll ever get." Smiling, he looked up at Sal, peering right into her eyes. "Mine," he said.

  "All yours, Risk," she assured him. "He's not really my type."

  Chapter 38

  Tilso brought fourteen new mounts for the Black Blades. Each one was young, fit, and battle trained. Before they left the CFC, Blaec had carefully picked the horses so that each soldier now had a dark and a light mount. Sal's new mare was black with a small white line on her forehead and a small sock on the left hind. She stood tied with the others in a picket line along the back of the Anglian camp while the stable master showed them off.

  "What's her name?" she asked Tilso.

  "Veil. And Cyno, yours has more white, but she's lighter on her feet. Her name is Oubliette."

  Jase walked around his new horse, who turned to nuzzle him. He chuckled. "Ok. Ya know me well 'nough. She a bucker?"

  "Nah. She'll do anything you ask, and damned well, but she's got nothing but try. I know how you are with Raven. Took me a while, but I found one as close as I could. Only downside is the blaze and socks. They shine pretty well at night."

  Jase shrugged. "Na any worse than a blue roan. I can darken it if it's gonna matter. Thanks, man. Nice ta have ya back with us."

  "What'd you get, Blaec?" Sal asked, moving to her Dernor.

  "Don't laugh," he said, steering her down the line of new horses.

  "K..." she muttered, her curiosity rising.

  "Siri." He gestured at a pale horse covered in large gold dots. Sal grinned, but Blaec lifted a hand. "Now I said don't laugh. I wanted a grey, but Tilso told me I had to try her. She's as good as Arden, Sal. Should be, she's Arden's sister." He shrugged, looking almost guilty. "Not happy she looks like a party favor, but they all look about the same at the end of a battle, and I can't keep asking Scorch to do all the work."

  "She's pretty, Blaec," Sal assured him. "And a nice match to Arden. She suits your position, too, so stop worrying about a few spots on your horse."

  "You're teasing me?" he asked.

  Sal laughed. "No! I'm serious. We all know you wouldn't ride a pretty hide with nothing under it. Just pretend you found her coated in mud - and have fun trying to keep all that damned white clean."

  Blaec sighed. "I know. So you see what Zep got?"

  "No," Sal said, and Blaec pulled her back up the line.

  One mare stood tied well away from the others. White socks went to her hocks on the hind, and it looked like someone had dropped white lace across the blue shade of her coat. She pinned her ears and snaked her head at the next horse in line - well out of her reach - and Sal saw a blaze down her face. When Zep walked to her side to show her off, the mare lunged to bite him. He thumped her solidly in the shoulder without flinching.

  "Diva," he announced proudly. "She's as mean as she looks and twice as lethal."

  Sal lifted her hands and backed away. "Yeah. All yours Zep. I'll give you a few years with her before I even think about sitting that beast."

  "Yeah," he said lovingly. "She's a real bitch."

  "Why fourteen?" she asked Blaec.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against his chest. "Ten of us plus Tilso and three spares. I didn't exactly plan for that many, but Tilso found the last three sitting in a pasture. Diva was one of them, and Tilso's pretty sure they came from his dad's farm. They trained up nice enough, though. Jinx, Diva, and Oubliette, if you'll believe that."

  "Jase's horse was one of those?"

  Blaec shrugged. "Yeah. Had t
hought about giving Siri to him before that, since she's a match to yours and easy enough, but Oubliette? She's just too perfect for him."

  Sal snuggled deeper into his arms. "So we have three spares and need to send out three men. It's almost like you planned that ahead of time."

  "I honestly didn't," he swore. "But I'm giving them Shadow, Honey, and Dee. They're good horses, but not a match for any of us. I figured with a few hours under saddle, they'd be worth the work, and that trip will definitely give them the hours. If nothing else, they'll make good broodmares."

  Before she could reply, a trickle of thought brushed her mind and Sal groaned. "Sounds like I have to go play politics again, love. Gonna be a crazy couple of days, I think."

  Blaec turned her in his arms. "I know. Any way to convince you to put your new play toys aside for one night?" He ran his thumb across her cheek and looked at her lips, refusing to meet her eyes.

  Sal smiled, and he bent lower, his mouth just brushing hers. "Yeah," she whispered. "They need to settle a few things anyway." Blaec's eyes flicked up into hers then back down, and Sal smacked his shoulder lightly. "Stop that and ask what you want to know," she teased.

  "What's up with Zep?"

  "I'm supposed to say that he amuses me." She paused, making it clear that wasn't it at all. "Truth is, love, he's holding back."

  Blaec tilted his head, dismissing that. "Didn't look like that this morning. You spent last night with both of them?"

  "It works, and don't you go all human on me, Blaec Doll. You may keep your mind all to yourself, but that doesn't mean the rest of us do. They aren't sleeping with each other, either."

  "I can't, Sal. I'm ok with it - shocked, but ok."

  "Why shocked?"

  Blaec kissed her again, and she felt the laugh on his lips. "Not like that! I'm shocked it's Zep and not Arctic. That's it. I'm not new to iliri ways, sweetness. I just don't want to share you like that. I'll take my turn, but when you're mine, you're all mine. Ok?"

  "I'm ok with that. Honest." Smiling, she pulled herself tight against him, her head tilted up to meet his face. "But you do realize that you just lost one excuse, right?"

  "What's that?"

  Sal giggled. "I am a queen. You can't claim it's clearance that's keeping your mind out of mine." She kissed him and stepped away, turning for the King's pavilion. "Figure out a new excuse before I get done," she yelled at him over her shoulder.

  Zep heard. He watched her leave, then scooted around the mare - and slapped Diva's hip over when she threatened to kick him. Somehow, he made it to Blaec's side without damage from the horse.

  "You're a fucking idiot, LT. You know that, right?" he asked.

  "You've told me that before, Zep."

  "Yeah. We've been friends a long time, and a lot of shit has changed in those years. Now, I'm not about to stop this shit between Sal and I - "

  "And Jase," Blaec muttered.

  "It's not like that, and you know it. Look, the last time I told you that you were an idiot, I was right, yeah?"

  Blaec paused, knowing it was true. "Yeah. And I got her back because of it. You saying this is another one of those times?"

  Zep nodded. "She won't say shit, but it bothers her. I'm not saying come make a puppy pile with the rest of us or anything like that, but just let her in your head. It's been a year and a half. She deserves to have your trust."

  Blaec dropped his voice. "I can't do that, Zep."

  "Sure ya can," Zep countered. "She's getting all these tricks, and she knows it, but she'll never use them against you. Ask Cyno about the old Kaisaes. They could hold whole armies with their mind, right? I think Sal's close, she just doesn't know it yet."

  Blaec's mouth snapped shut, and he made a point of looking at the people around them before he just turned and walked away. Without a word, Zep followed. They didn't go far, just to the edge of camp, but it was well outside not only iliri hearing but also grauori. Zep stopped beside him, crossing his arms as he raised an eyebrow, but he didn't break the silence. Then again, his senses were too human to tell him if they were truly alone.

  "So you let her in your head. You understand what I'm talking about, right?" Blaec asked.

  "Yeah," Zep drawled, slanting his head. "I let her in, but no, I don't get it. Just don't tell me you aren't in love with her. Something change?"

  "No, nothing's changed," Blaec assured him. "And yes, I'm in love with her, but I'm not Cyno. Why aren't you Taunor yet?"

  Zep pressed his hand over his eyes, massaging with his thumb and index finger. "I get what you're trying to say, but it's different. Look, I amuse her. I'm her best friend, and it doesn't hurt any that she's just about the best piece of ass I've ever had. I mean, that's pretty much it."

  "You trying to tell me you haven't fallen for her?" Blaec pressed.

  "Nah," Zep said. "And I'm not getting in a pissing match with you. I'm also not saying I won't take it. Fuck, man. If this shit stays like this, yeah. It's just that I know I'm human. I don't feel real human anymore, but put that ice queen on my chest, and I'm reminded pretty clearly just how dark my skin is. You see what I'm saying?"

  "You think she's going to choose her lover because of how iliri he is?"

  Zep shrugged. "Makes the most sense. Cyno, you, Arctic. Maybe Audgan in a couple of years, who knows. Even Razor's more iliri than me. Sal's impulsive but loyal as fuck. I say yes to that, and she won't look anywhere else. I'm not gonna stand between her and something that she might like better, ya know?"

  "That's your reason?" Blaec asked, shocked.

  "Look, I'm not making a big deal of whatever this is. She finds someone better, I'll be the best damned big brother she's ever had. But seriously, LT. Why haven't you been in her head yet?"

  Blaec bit back his answer.

  So Zep kept going. "Then let me lay this out for you real plain, so your dumb-ass can figure it out. Sal links me in, and it's amazing. I can feel everything she wants - every nuance. Yeah, it's intense, man, but that's not all. She links me in, and it's damned good. She pulls Cyno in, and it's exponentially better. I don't just mean in bed, either. I mean everything. It's just how the link works. Don't tell me you don't love it when we're in battle. It's the same damned thing."

  Blaec shook his head and chuckled. "Zep, no way that's happening."

  "LT, you get in that girl's head tonight, or I'll make Arctic rip you open to her - and lock you out of the link. You don't want to share her, that's one thing. But if you're not gonna appreciate what she's offering you, I'll take your place as Dernor."

  Blaec growled, and his head snapped around. Zep just held his gaze and smiled.

  "Kick my ass. Go ahead," Zep taunted. "Doesn't have shit to do with this. If you're not willing to love her completely, then get out of the way for one of us that will. What the fuck are you holding back for?"

  Blaec huffed out a breath, still refusing to answer, and turned back to camp. Sometimes saying nothing was safest.

  Zep called out, "You can't keep avoiding this unless you want to end up losing her."

  That was more than he could take. Blaec spun back to him. "She gets in my head, and she knows everything. She knows every secret I've ever had. Every pain, every joy. She can pull the memories from my mind as easily as you and I breathe, and you wonder why I'm scared of letting her in there?"

  "Yeah, basically," Zep said.

  "What part of that don't you get?" Blaec hissed.

  Zep shrugged, looking a little too smug. "The part where you don't want to share that with her. She knows why you had that fit in Escea. She knows how much it wrecked your world in Ft. Landing. She knows how much it tore you apart when we lost Circ before she came."

  "Yeah," Blaec snapped back. "And I'm supposed to protect her. I'm supposed to keep her safe, not be terrified of what all this means!"

  Zep chuckled and patted his friend's shoulder. "We all are. Cyno knows she could kill him - and he's sure as hell not used to that - but he doesn't keep her out."

's not just that," Blaec admitted. "Do you have any idea what she can do if I let her all the way in?"

  Zep nodded. "Yeah. I'm not fucking stupid, LT. She threw all one thousand grauori into a frenzy because she had a bad day - including Rragri! She can take over your body, or shuffle through your mind. What part of that is a surprise to you? Every Kaisae's been able to do it."

  Blaec's mouth was falling farther open with each word. "How'd you know all that?"

  Zep waved that off. "Cyno's a bit obsessed with history, and it's all I had to learn Iliran on. Been rough trying to figure out fact from legends, but watching Sal, we think most of those stories really are that impressive. No, she doesn't have a clue. He hasn't exactly told her half of what's in those books. But here's a question for you. You think locking her out is going to stop her?"

  "Or keep her going," Blaec whispered.

  "So, instead, she just grabs Arctic's mind by the balls, rips you open that way - or Roo - and does it regardless? Fuck, LT. You're a fucking idiot. Sal would die before she did that. You know that. You've been with her in maast! No way she'd hurt any of us."

  "How'd you do it, Zep?"

  "Do what?"

  "Stop her the other night. She ate a human, and they said she went after you. How'd you do it?"

  Zep grabbed Blaec's forearm and held it until his friend looked in his eyes. "I was linked with her. I showed her that I trusted her, and she felt it. She made sure I knew I couldn't have her kill, but she warned me. She held the maast from me and showed me every move before she made it. I fucking near pissed myself when a berserk iliri Kaisae turned on me, but she hit me with her mind." Zep tapped his head. "She's not human, LT, even if she fakes it pretty well. That's her way of begging for help. She gave me everything she had so I could stop her, all I had to do was trust her enough to try. I know what I smell like," he chuckled, "and now what we taste like, to her. But I stood before her fucking-ass naked and trusted she wouldn't eat me. Think about that, and then tell me why you won't open your damned mind to her."

  Blaec laughed, the tension broken. "No one told me you were naked!"


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