Inseparable (Rise of the Iliri Book 4)

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Inseparable (Rise of the Iliri Book 4) Page 40

by Auryn Hadley

  Just a bit closer, Ray, Sal said.

  I'm ready. Want me to piss them off?

  Oh yeah. Let's fuck them up.

  Rayna held out her scabbard, horizontal as if offering it up. A man approached to collect it, and she waited for his hand to close on the leather beside hers, then her main hand snapped forward, easily finding the hilt. The soldier pulled back, unsheathing her sword for her. The deep grey blade cried as it slid into view. Sal slammed the buckle of her belt back into place and reached over her shoulders. Her concentration slipped as she pulled the blades, allowing her skin and hair to bleach to white before their eyes.

  "You stupid cunts," the Captain said backing away. "Kill them, men. Show them what it means to fuck with an elite soldier."

  Sal snarled, but Rayna said calmly. "Yeah. Nice to meet you Death Vipers. Devil Dogs say hi."

  She rushed forward, ducking a swing, heading for the men at the fire. Sal moved the other way, shoving her blade into one man's gut and nearly slicing the head off another. The clean feel of skin parting before the resin edge consumed her, and Sal felt her skin tingle as the maast washed across her. Her head snapped around, her eyes focused on movement beside her, and she ducked, pressing her ears tight while slicing up. Her blade hacked through the man's groin and into his belly. Sal wrenched her weapon free, moving faster with each step. She growled, cutting down two more men on her way to the Captain that had dared to taunt her.

  One by one, men rushed at her, and one by one she killed them. Some clean, some not, but they all fell before her. Behind her, Rayna hacked men apart, her guttural sounds growing closer to a growl with each kill. Sal could feel the power of her swings, and reveled in it.

  "It's a trap," the Captain yelled, backing off.

  Five men rushed to him, one throwing him a sword. Sal never stopped. These men were her prey. They would all die tonight. She marked the distances between each one, feeling which way she could move rather than thinking it. She was outnumbered. Unfortunately, these fools had no idea that's exactly the way she liked to fight.

  "It's the fucking iliri," one of them said, pushing back. "We caught the fucking iliri!"

  Sal's lip raised, and she roared her anger. "Who caught who?" she demanded, her eyes fixing on the man. "I'm fucking hungry."

  Flinging her arms out, blood splattered from the ends of her blades. The men looked. All of them paused to see the monster that had no fear of them, and she charged, ducking at the last minute. A sword sailed above her head. She sliced the owner's chest open to the bone. He fell, clutching at the wound and screaming, but Sal had already moved on. Another man's intestines spilled through his leather when she cut through him, heading to the one man she needed most.

  "I'll make you pay for this," she snarled at the Captain. "This is my army." She swung, and a man grabbed at his throat, dying before he knew she'd seen him. "My people." She turned, blocking a sword with her main hand while cutting deep into the man's arm with her off hand. Sal kicked him, then cut his throat as he staggered away.

  Her prey was finally in reach. "You will pay for this!" she growled.

  Chapter 55

  Sal felt the man creeping up behind her, but Rayna was there. With a yell, her friend swung, slicing through his back - and Sal took the chance. She lunged forward. Dropping her swords to the ground, she grappled with the Captain. Her attack knocked him from his feet. Her body fell across him. He hit her, but she refused to let go. While the man tried in vain to shake off the white monster clinging to him, Rayna pointed her sword over Sal's shoulder, right at the Captain's face. Staring at the tip, he froze.

  "Did I forget to mention that my friend likes it rough?" she asked.

  Sal wasn't as understanding. Those were her soldiers that were now fighting for their lives. This was the man who could stop it. Struggling to get her rage under control, she stared him in the eyes and snarled. What she needed was information. She couldn't kill this man until she had it.

  "Why are you here?" she demanded. When he said nothing, she slammed his head into the ground. "Why are you fucking here?"

  "Captain Jorton, Death Vipers, Terric," he said, looking up at her with a cruel smile.

  Sal laughed. "You dumb-ass. I'm iliri. I'm not bound by the Conventions. You're not a prisoner of war. You're my prey."

  Sal grabbed a knife from her back and held it where he could see. His eyes went wide. Slowly, almost torturously so, she slid the blade between the line of his armor and his skin. Sal wrenched, the steel tearing through leather and stitches to expose the man's shoulder.

  "Let's try this again." Sal casually replaced the knife in its sheath. "Why are you here?"

  "I'm Captain Rordan Jorton, of the Empire of Terric."

  "Not good enough," she whispered - and sank her teeth into the strong muscle above his shoulder. Jorton clenched his jaw against the pain, but Sal bit down, biting off a mouthful of muscle. She raised her head, making a production of chewing. When he looked at her, she swallowed. "You taste good, little man. Still warm."

  "Oh gods," he gasped, looking up at Rayna. "Help me? Don't let her eat me!"

  Rayna shrugged. "We haven't fed her yet. I suggest you answer the question."

  "I don't know!" he cried.

  Sal grabbed his face, turning it to hers. "Not good enough. Why are you here?" She licked his blood from her lower lip.

  "We were told to stop the meeting in Zaqala."

  Sal rubbed her hand across her chin. "I see. Why?"

  "To stop the alliance."

  "You're doing good, Jorton. This is where it gets harder, though, ok?"

  "Just don't eat me," he begged.

  She smiled. "What do you know about my army?"

  "I, uh... wait!" he begged, wincing away. "Seven hundred and fifty humans, about a hundred iliri, some traitors. You have the rulers with you too, and you're using trained wolves to increase your numbers."

  "Mm, not bad." She caressed his head. "How do you know this? Who is the leak?"

  "I don't know," he whispered, and a tear slid from his eye.

  "Wrong answer." Sal slowly moved to his shoulder. She licked at the wound, and he winced, clenching his teeth.

  "I don't fucking know," he pleaded as Sal licked the sweet blood again.

  "What do you know that I might like instead?" The tip of her tongue pressed against the raw flesh. "You taste sweet."

  The man began to talk. He listed military bases and unit numbers. Each time he paused, Sal licked his wound again, nipping gently at the skin. She could feel Rayna relaying every word in the back of her mind. When Jorton fell silent, he began to weep in earnest.

  "How many men are here?" Sal asked softly.

  "Two hundred. We're supposed to hit you while you're making camp."

  "It didn't work, you know that, right?"

  He nodded. "You were forward sentries. I can hear them fighting."

  "Mm. And how did we tell them you were here?" Sal asked.

  "I don't know! I didn't think you did."

  "Last question, human," Sal said, lifting her knife. "Do you believe in God?"

  "No," he whispered meeting her eyes. "No, he's just a bitter old man." He choked back a sob. "I just thought we were better than the iliri."

  "You were wrong," Sal whispered, turning the blade.

  "Just do me a favor?" he pleaded meeting her eyes. Sal cocked her head, waiting. "Kill me fast?"

  "No." Sal growled, wanting nothing else, but she knew better. "I need you to live. I don't torture my food." She leaned back and pulled him to his feet with her. "Captain Rordan Jorton, you have two options. You can bring more men at us, but it won't help. On the other hand, you can pull out of Myrosica and retire. I'm coming for him. Tell him that. I'm coming for him, and I'm going to win."

  He nodded.

  "Do you know who I am?"

  "You're the Iliri Queen," he whispered, staring at her pale eyes.

  "Salryc Luxx, Kaisae of Anglia. Say it!"

  "Salryc Luxx, Kais
ae of Anglia," he repeated.

  Sal nodded. "Tell him, Captain Jorton. He fucked with the wrong bitch. He's not as strong as me, and the world is on my side." Sal laughed. "Back the fuck off my people or I'll take it out on all of you. Your horse is the next hill over and smells like arrows."

  Sal shoved him away from her, and he staggered a step before he realized he was free. Without looking back, he took off running in the direction she'd pushed. From the scent of him, he expected her to change her mind any moment.

  "You let him go?" Rayna asked.

  Sal snarled at her and she backed up, lifting her hands. "Personal space, right."

  Breathing deeply, Sal looked around her. Bodies lay everywhere. The scent of blood was making it hard to concentrate. "Ray," Sal said softly. "Tell them where we are, but keep the humans away from me. I need Jase." She sank to the ground. "And don't come near me."

  Rayna chuckled. "I'm not taking your kills."

  Her hand clenched into a fist, but the rest of her stayed still. Perfectly still. "They aren't mine."

  "I can feel you, Sal," Rayna said softly. "I'm not taking your kills. You can have them." She shifted another step back. "I fucking feel it, Sal. I know you want to. Just eat one!"

  Sal shook her head, fighting the desire to do just that. "I need to kill something."

  "You need to eat something! They're dead, Sal," Rayna said moving to a body. "And they smell so good."

  She kicked it, and Sal growled, lurching forward before she stopped herself. Rayna watched her and nodded. Keeping one eye on Sal, she pulled a blade from her hip and cut the clothes away from the corpse's chest and arms. Next, she grabbed the scraps of cloth and tugged. The body shifted on the ground, moving ever so slightly away from the feral Kaisae.

  "Mine!" Sal snarled, unable to contain it.

  "Yeah," Rayna assured her, "I know."

  When Sal still didn't move, Rayna shrugged, wiping her knife across her leg before cutting into the dead man's arm. The sweet scent of human flooded Sal's senses, carried through the link to Rayna's mind. While her friend carved a fistful of muscle away, Sal's emotions battered her. It was her kill, but she shouldn't eat people. Blaec said it was wrong. They weren't beasts!

  Rayna gripped the knife tightly in one hand, the human flesh in the other, and walked toward Sal. There was no fear, only caution. "Here," she said, waiting for Sal to glare at her before tossing the meat over. "He's yours, Sal. You took out nineteen. I'm not leaving until you eat that."

  Sal closed her eyes in ecstasy and bit down on the raw chunk of human meat in her hand. The taste flooded across the link, into Rayna's mind, but so did the need for more. Rayna sighed.

  "Your body craves it, Sal. Go eat. It's just us."

  "Ayati," Sal whispered, shoving the last of the meat in her face, and licking at her fingers, her mouth full. She glanced at Rayna once more, then darted toward the body, pulling the limp arm to her face. Moaning, she bit hunks of flesh away, gulping it down as if she was starving. Rayna walked slowly away. Sal's predatory instincts still pounded in her head. As soon as she was over the hill, she sank heavily into the grass. The Devil Dogs were coming. They kept screaming at her in her mind, but their thoughts couldn't compete with the desperate need coming from Sal.

  Do not crest the hill, Rayna warned them, visualizing her position. I am here. Come to me.

  Ray! Pig sounded frantic. You ok?

  We're good. I have a bit of a berserker problem over here, but I'm safe. Just do not crest the hill, ok?

  No problem. Two minutes.

  Rayna reached for Blaec Doll. Sir?

  Rayna? he asked.

  Sal's fine. We took out Death Vipers.

  You safe? he asked, his concern flooding to her.

  We're good. She won't hurt me. I'm out of her line of sight now, too. Just thought you might have a better idea of how to get her home.

  I do, he assured her. I'm bringing her Ahnor. He's in a light frenzy but still sensible. Where are you?

  I'm here, Ray said, showing him the same place she'd told Pig.

  With both elite units headed at her, Rayna had nothing to do but wait. She wiped the blood from her weapons and lay her sword across her lap. Her sheath lay on the ground somewhere too close to Sal. A rustling in the grass hit Sal's ears before Rayna heard it, but she called out.

  "I'm here."

  "Ray," Tyr said, leading a group of men in grey toward her. "Where's Sal?"

  "Over the hill, don't go there."

  "She messed up?" he asked, the men with him climbing higher, looking toward the scene of battle.

  "No," Rayna said, and one man turned gagging. He fell to his knees - and vomited. "Ferro, I said not to go over the hill."

  Tyr looked at Ray and started up the hill. "What's - "

  "She's having lunch," Rayna said. Ferro heaved again.

  "Fuck," Tyr gasped, sinking beside Ray.

  "She's fucking eating him," Ferro muttered.

  "Kinda what they do." Rayna shrugged it off.

  "No," Ferro said. "I mean, she's fucking eating him."

  "We know!" Tyr snapped. "Should we stop her?"

  Rayna shook her head. "No."

  The rest of Devil Dogs gathered in groups of fives. Rayna warned each one, and Ferro's pallid face convinced them that waiting for the Black Blades was a good idea. When Pig arrived, he sat beside her.

  "So. This is the Blade's problem. Why are we here?"

  "Sal got some serious intel, sir. Their camp is also back there, and who knows how much is scattered around. I also didn't want regulars stumbling in here."

  "Yeah, I can see that. What do we do about this?" he asked.

  "Which this?"

  "The cannibalism," Pig said.

  Rayna chuckled. "It's not cannibalism, Pig. Completely different species. That's not any more disgusting than you eating a cow."

  "Oh yeah it is," Ferro whispered.

  "No, it's not. I'm sure the cows wouldn't be so impressed to sit next to you having a steak. I can feel it," Rayna said, tapping her head. "Come on, guys. How many of you have kids?" A few nodded their heads. "You know how your wife got cravings?"

  "Yeah," Lausk said. "She wanted like fish, all the time."

  Rayna nodded. "It's because they need something. A vitamin, or protein, or stuff. Happened to my sister. She was anemic and wanted rare beef a lot."

  "So?" Lausk asked. The sound of more men approaching nearly masking the simple question.

  Rayna tapped her head. "Sal's craving that shit. They want to eat it so bad, but they can't, so they need another kill, and well, they can't, so they fuck. Like it's their only way to ensure their survival." She shrugged. "That's all it is. Feed her and she'll stay off you."

  "She shouldn't eat them," Blaec growled, storming up the hill. His Blades followed behind him like shadows.

  "LT!" Rayna said. When he didn't look, she tried again, "Blaec!"

  His name stopped him. "She can't eat them," he said again.

  "Oh she can, and she is!" Rayna said climbing to her feet. He started to turn away, his intention to stop Sal clear on his face, but Rayna reached out, grabbing his wrist. "Leave her, damn it."

  Blaec's eyes rolled up, and he gasped, freezing in place.

  "Fuck," Arctic hissed, pushing beside him, "Don't let go. Just don't let go yet." He grabbed Blaec's shoulders and waited. With a sigh, Blaec staggered. "Ok, let go," Arctic told her.

  Rayna did, and Arctic supported him until Blaec had his feet under him. That's when Jase and Zep arrived. Jase rushed forward, the look in his eyes feral, and Zep let him. Rayna said nothing, knowing the scent would drive him on. The rest of the Blades gathered around Blaec. The situation was tense as if they were waiting for something important. Zep kept looking between Blaec and Rayna.

  "She's fine," Rayna said, and his entire body relaxed.

  "Thanks," Zep said softly. "Just give LT a second."

  Blaec blinked, and looked at Rayna. "You need to tell them," he said to he
r. Then he chuckled. "I don't want to give away the ending for you, but tell them. You've met him already, right?"

  Rayna couldn't keep up.

  "Ray," Zep said, "He saw the future. Yeah, LT. She knows. It's new."

  "K. It's important."

  "That's why she was out here with Sal, talking about it. Asking about how to tell them."

  Blaec sighed, massaging his temples. "Ok. If it's a secret, it doesn't work. Damn she hit me hard."

  "What else," Arctic asked.

  "I don't know," he said, sinking into the ground. "Zep, don't let go. Just trust her, and don't fucking let go."

  "Not gonna man," he said.

  "Arctic, it burns. You're the only one that can stop it from burning."

  Arctic nodded. "I'll remember."

  "Pig, watch the girl. She seems delicate, but if you push her until she cries, she finds it. Make sure she cries. You'll feel like an ass, but only until the next morning."

  "What the?" Pig asked.

  Arctic held up his hand, asking Pig to wait. "Any more, LT?"

  He chuckled and shook his head. "Tyr, just ask Brisa out. She loves sucking your dick. That's all I got. Was all that personal shit, or did I hit anything important?"

  "I don't know," Arctic admitted. "Nothing seemed like intel or mission related, though."

  Blaec leaned his head back and blinked a few more times. "Ok. What was I doing, man?"

  Rayna sighed, knowing this wouldn't just go away. "You're pissed because Sal is having a snack. Jase now, too, I think."

  "Fuck!" Blaec snarled, surging to his feet.

  Chapter 56

  "Just let them," Rayna snapped at him. She pointed at her head. "You may not need it, but they damned well do. There's something in us that they need. If you don't let them eat it, it just keeps driving them. They're dead, Blaec." Rayna threw up her arms. "Who the fuck cares if they decompose or end up a meal for you?"

  "We can't start eating humans," Blaec told her.

  "Why not?" Rayna asked, daring him to answer.

  He looked at her blankly. "They don't like it," he said for lack of anything better.


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