Inseparable (Rise of the Iliri Book 4)

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Inseparable (Rise of the Iliri Book 4) Page 42

by Auryn Hadley

  Pig just shook his head. "Not all night, man. We'll split watch."

  "I'll take first watch if you're ok with that Zep?" Rayna offered.

  "Yeah, Ray. I can fill in where ever."

  "Give me dawn," Joevar said. "I told her I'd watch her back."

  "Thanks, men." Pig sighed. "I also need a few of you with strong stomachs to start piling up the dead. We need to check each body. Orders, maps, anything that looks important."

  A group of men stepped up and one woman. "Dead is dead, Major," Meia said.

  "The rest of you, bed down. If the first group can't get this shit cleaned up, I'll need a second. We don't have a lot of time to fuck around with Myrosica waiting on us, and we can't lose the intel."

  "We got this," a deep voice said walking toward them. Ilija looked around at the silent campsite and raised an eyebrow at Zep.

  "They fed," Zep explained, and Ilija nodded.

  "Wondered how long until that happened."

  Rayna chuckled and tapped Ilija's arm. "It makes them drunk."

  "Somehow I'm not surprised." He looked at Rayna, then turned his attention to Pig, refusing to show any sign that he recognized her.

  "I told them, Colonel," she said.

  A smile began to spread across his face. "Well that makes things easier," he chuckled. "Sir," he said to Pig, "I'm supposed to be finding an excuse to get Rayna." Ilija shrugged. "Dom's orders."

  "Go," Pig told her.

  "Can't. Ilija, tell Dom I have first watch on the Blades. They're all out cold. He can suffer for a bit."

  "Rayna, he knows you were out there, he's worried sick," Ilija said.

  "Then tell him I'm fine and I'm on duty." She grinned. "I'm also not at his beck and call, and he needs to figure that out."

  "You've been spoiling him." Ilija looked at Pig again, "You have an order of march?"

  "Fuck no, man. Point A to point B. They don't need forms to make them deadly."

  Ilija nodded. "Can I tell Dom you'll ride with him tomorrow to get him off my ass?"

  Zep and Pig just chuckled, and Rayna shrugged. "Fine. Shit, that means I need to clean my armor."

  "What else are you going to do on watch," Ilija pointed out. "Zep, they going to be fit to ride in the morning?"

  "I have no idea," Zep said. "They've never done this."

  "K. Just keep me informed? We leaving the kills to them now?"

  Zep just chuckled. "I don't know. You're good with this?"

  Ilija shrugged. "Grauori do it. We keep the army linked with them in battle. Just thought it was a guilt thing for the Blades, so never wanted to make them feel bad."

  "I think it is, but it's LT's guilt." Zep paused, his mind racing. "Sal doesn't feel guilt like that. Nor Cyno."

  "Nor Risk," Tilso said. "Causes some crazy fights sometimes."

  "Ok, then I'm confused," Ilija said, looking at Zep. "Why have they held off?"

  Zep glanced toward the silent tents. "Kaisor's orders. His word stops them in their tracks."

  "But it's their nature. I swear the converts have been doing it. Why hasn't he just let them?"

  Pig answered, "LT wants them to be respected and treated fairly. He's been hiding them from humans for a decade. He can't understand that you all just shrug it off." He gestured to his men behind him. "It's hard for us. They were human; then they weren't. Suddenly they're eating us. We're the only humans he's been around. Conglomerate soldiers. I keep having to remind myself that they," and he gestured at the quiet tents, "are still the same people. I just watched Zep and LT beat the shit out of each other, and the Blades locked onto that fight like their lives depended on the answer."

  "It did," Zep said softly. "No one's ever challenged LT before."

  "You challenged him?" Ilija gasped.

  "Yeah. He let me win, though, and we both know it. I was right, but his damned pride keeps getting in the way. I just challenged the order, not his rank. Pretty sure he couldn't figure out how to backtrack without it, and he knows I'll call him on his shit."

  Ilija sighed. "Ok. Good." He looked at Zep a long moment. "You fucking her?"

  Zep shrugged, meeting the Colonel's eyes calmly. "Lannar, not rornnar."

  "Damn," Ilija chuckled, proving he'd learned at least some Grauoran. "Mind if I ask how you lived through it?"

  Zep blushed, glancing away to scratch at his head. "There's a difference between knowing it hurts and not caring."

  "He's iliri," Rayna said. "Sal said he's iliri. She's adamant, and I think it matters."

  Ilija patted Zep's shoulder. "None of my business, either way. Just noticed you've been staying closer to her is all. Taunor?"

  "Yeah, I claimed it. She convinced me."

  Ilija grinned at Zep deviously. "Good. Jase always shows me up at those damned functions, and I don't think LT will be any better. Least with you around I won't look like I stick out." Then he looked at the cluster of soldiers around him and raised his voice. "We lost two tonight, guys. I've got clean-up going out at dawn." Ilija looked back at the tents. "Anything I need to know before then?"

  Pig nodded. "Death Vipers in the northeast corner. Twenty-seven dead, but they were at a camp. I've got Dogs looking through it for intel."

  "Good. That their buffet?"

  Pig nodded.

  "Let me know when you're ready for me to send some regulars over to pick up the mess they left. No need for you all to do it. Greens will learn or they'll resign. I just need to know where Terric's coming from so this doesn't happen again. We need a current map of their front line."

  "I think we're sitting on it," Zep said. "Zaqala is the farthest point east in Myrosica, and I think Terric probably pushed right across the tip."

  "Probably," Pig agreed. "Bastard likes to use groups of true Terran soldiers to direct masses of conquered conscripts at us. With Escea, we never had much luck convincing them to just surrender, but Gallicor?"

  "They weren't raised to abhor the idea of surrender," Zep finished. "Then there's Unav."

  Ilija narrowed his eyes. "What about Unav?"

  Zep's lips lifted enough to show the line of his teeth. "Iliri. Lots and lots of them. In the past, the place was a hotbed of iliri leadership. They could have two or three Kaisaes at a time, each one with her own backing of both purebreds and mongrels. Granted, that was before the Emperor killed them all."

  "Or why he did," Ilija added. "So that's why Sal's so interested in going there."

  "Yeah," Zep agreed. "That, and because she knows all about the rebels."

  Pig's head snapped around. "They're a myth!"

  "Nope. They're just running linked. You humans could never catch them passing information because you had no idea of what their kind can do." Zep tapped his head. "But we met them. I even know how to find them again, and if they see Sal?"

  "They'll come running," Ilija finished, catching on quickly.

  Pig rubbed at his mouth, darting a glance over to the closest tent. "What happens if she's not with us?"

  "Why wouldn't she be?" Zep asked.

  Pig just lifted a brow. "Because this is war, Valcor. Don't be dense. She can die as easily as the rest of us."

  Zep let his breath out in a rush. "Then we're fucked. Guys, she's the last Kaisae. The last one on the continent that Tseri could find. A decade ago, they used to have dozens - a few in each country easy. Now? It's her."

  "Why?" Pig asked. "Pretend like I know nothing about iliri. Why is she a kaisae?"

  Zep groaned under his breath. "Same reason you were born with a dick. Iliri come in three genders. Male, female, and Kaisae. Put another way - boys, girls, and leaders. She smells different to them. They don't even need to see her, they'll come to wherever she is with just a whiff of her scent. That is how we made them." He paused, sucking in a deep breath. "Those histories we got in Escea? Says humans put in a fail safe when the iliri were designed. They 'fixed' the beasts so that all it took was control of the leader and the owner controlled the entire pack, but it works both ways."

/>   "Wait." Ilija jerked his thumb back toward the south. "What about Tseri? Is she one?"

  "No," Zep admitted. "Which makes me think that these little shits are more adaptable than we give them credit for. Tseri Janoyc is a brilliant and strong-willed woman, but she most certainly is not a Kaisae. Rragri, however..."

  "Ok," Ilija said as if coming to a decision. "Then we make sure nothing happens to Sal. Pig, Devil Dogs top priority is keeping her breathing. Don't any of you let her do something stupid like this again. What the fuck was she thinking going out alone into the woods like that, anyway?"

  Rayna tapped his arm. "Hi. I'm standing right here, dumb-ass. Wanna pretend like I didn't just help her kick the shit out of an entire unit of Terran elites? Yeah, ok, thanks."

  "She had Rayna with her," Pig said as if the girl hadn't just bit the Colonel's head off. "And in my opinion, she's the best guard Sal can have who isn't in black." He caught her eye and pointed at his chest as if asking if that was good enough.

  Rayna chuckled. "Thanks, Pig."

  "Anytime. Ok. So what happens next?" He gestured at the campsite. "Half our leadership is out for the night. This little diplomatic entourage isn't nearly enough to stand against an organized push, and I'm really hoping that wasn't what this is."

  "Me too," Ilija said. "I just sent a call back to Anglia via Rragri. We're mobilizing the army. Rragri said Tseri is calling up the rest of her forward force too. We'll move the moment the ink is dry on that damned treaty. If we're sitting on top of them, we can't keep playing politics."

  "No," Pig agreed. "How long will it take for them to get here?"

  "From the day they leave?" Ilija asked. "Four weeks. I can get mounted here sooner, but that leaves infantry open."

  Pig chewed at his lip for a moment, then suggested, "Bring up mounted archers, a few units of heavy, and twice that of light. With the grauori, we can hold the line, but we need the mounted to stop a flank. Get those here and we can hold out until infantry arrives."

  Ilija nodded. "Nice." He paused for a moment. "I changed the orders. I'll send the mutts out to scout, too. Rragri's already gathering more. We've got about twenty thousand moving over the mountains right now, and another million closing up packs to prepare for a second wave."

  "Uh," Pig muttered. "You have to explain that."

  Ilija chuckled. "They can't leave the domestics alone. They merge their families, leaving a group of hunters to watch the domestics and pups. Most are the dams still nursing. The rest will be ready to head this way with a thought."

  "They move fast, too," Zep said.

  "How fast?"

  Ilija smiled and winked at Pig. "Two days after the ink is dry."

  "Terric is so fucked," Rayna whispered.

  Chapter 58

  The heavy velvet of the black dress was embroidered in shades of green. Sal shifted her shoulders and looked in the mirror. It hung too long, the hem trailing across the ground, but it was the closest thing she could find in Zaqala that would work for court attire, and Myrosica expected her to look like a ruler, not a common soldier. She turned to inspect the back, and a soft chuckle made her scowl.

  "You look amazing, demon," Zep said leaning in the doorway. "Ask Cyno if you don't believe me."

  "It's not that," Sal mumbled. "There's no place to put a weapon."

  Jase looked up from the couch. "We can put a knife in each of yer boots, kitten," he said.

  "We'll strap your scabbard to Cyno, and I can carry your knives. I'd say give him both, but I think that's his weight in steel," Zep teased wrapping his arms around her.

  "Fuck off," Jase said.

  "That's later," Sal joked. "No, it'll do, Zep." She kissed him, and he pulled her against his chest.

  "Ayati, Sal," he whispered against her lips. "You look amazing in a dress. How am I going to keep my hands off you for this whole meeting?"

  A cold edge touched his throat, and Zep laughed. "Ok, that works. How the fuck do you move that quiet, bro?"

  Jase put the knife away and patted Zep's shoulder. "I do na weigh much more than a pair of daggers? Means the floors do na creak."

  Zep punched his arm lightly - without letting go of Sal. "Fair enough, bro, I deserve that. Just remind me, or something, while I'm standing in there," Zep said gazing at Sal. "Damn, kid. I'm gonna be checking out that neckline every time you turn around."

  "Uh uh." She pulled away from him. "And no helms allowed in there to hide behind, either. We're only getting guards because of our 'strange' customs. Rayna's in for Dom. I get my three mates and Arrgro for Rragri. Tseri has her mates. Myrosica will have honor guards only. You are supposed to be - "

  The door swung open, and Blaec walked in. "Wow," he said looking at Sal. "Yeah, you're ready. Get weapons on, guys. We may be her husbands for this, but we're also rabid animals, so I want you all armed."

  He turned to leave but paused, chuckling to himself. Debating for only a moment, he closed the door again. Then he turned back to her.

  "Sorry love, I have to," Blaec whispered as he pushed Zep aside and pulled her against him. He caught her head in one hand and kissed her. Sal melted into it.

  "Nice," Jase said.

  "Man, I was gonna do that," Zep grumbled.

  "Too slow, big brother. Taking yer time only works if ya warn us."

  Blaec broke the kiss laughing. "They work, Sal," he told her, a smile on his face. Smiling, he raised his eyes to the men. "Come on. Stop acting so damned cute you three. We're the rulers of Anglia, remember?"

  "Jase, the scabbard for my swords is-" Sal said, but Jase was already shoving his arms into it. She sighed, giving up. Jase looked at her with those warm blue eyes of his and tossed her belt over to Zep.

  "Oh," the big guy said, sliding the sheaths off it. "For my leg. How cute."

  "Fuck off." Sal rolled her eyes at his antics. "Just put those where I can reach them if I need to."

  As Zep buckled his belt back on with her weapons included, Blaec turned for the door. The three of them followed. Making their way through the marble halls of the Myrosican capitol building, soldiers saluted as they passed. The place was massive.

  The corridor was lined with columns so large Sal couldn't wrap her arms around them, and they were sized to match everything else. The Myrosican basilica was a long complex of halls and pillars. To the iliri, it was little more than hiding spots and traps, but to the Myrosicans it was a wonder of architecture, showcasing their judicially based government and the pillars it was founded on. She knew because the man who'd escorted her to the guest suite had made an ordeal of explaining the symbolism. It made Sal feel even smaller in comparison, but that was probably the point.

  In a few steps, Jase and Blaec had fallen to their places beside and just behind her with Zep at her back. Smells like humans everywhere, Sal thought to them.

  Just keep your eyes open, Blaec said. It's all we've got. This shouldn't take long, then we're out of here.

  The place echoes, too, Jase complained.

  It's meant to be impressive, Zep explained. My nose can't tell the difference and to my ears sounds ring out. Relax. We got this.

  Then Sal saw something that made her feel a little better. Anglians in shades of black, grey, and white clustered in groups acting a little too casual. Sal smiled when they glanced up as she walked past. Each face was carefully schooled. With the Black Blades, Devil Dogs, and Verdant Shields around every corner, it would take something impressive to ruin this meeting.

  You set guards? she asked.

  Yeah, Blaec said. Terric knows about this meeting. Better to be too cautious, than not cautious enough.

  Where are the greens?

  Outside. We called the elites military advisors and managed to convince the Myrosicans to let us all in. Tseri did something about the same, so she's got the south side.

  She turned the last corner, their destination in sight. Nice.

  A large pair of doors stood imposingly at the end of a short hall. Sal stopped, looking over the "gu
ards" who looked like they'd been chosen more for their appearance than their fighting ability, and her mates fell to an easy at-ease stance. Dominik walked up next to her, Rayna at his side in a delicate set of deep grey armor with the Anglian triad painted carefully across her heart. They said nothing. Rragri was the last to arrive, Arrgro and Harrgra beside her.

  Sorry, Arrgro had blood in his coat, the Orassae said as an apology.

  I thought you cooked your lunch, Dom said, clearly confused.

  Rayna and the Black Blades grinned, and Rragri rolled her eyes. They do, Sal told him.

  I'm lost, Dom admitted.

  She got laid, you ass, Rayna said bluntly. Grauori bite, too.


  Sal, Rayna, and Rragri all struggled not to laugh, and Dominik sighed. The pressure of Sal's mates' amusement wasn't making it easy to keep from laughing out loud. Somehow, they managed to control their faces as a man in black and yellow checker walked toward them.

  "May I announce you, um, Leaders?" he asked.

  "Please," Sal said politely.

  The large doors swung open, and the man walked ahead of them. "King Dominik Jens, and his consort Rayna Mel. Kaisae Salryc Luxx, Ahnor Jassant Cynortas, Dernor Blaec Doll, and Taunor Valcor Zepyr. Orassae Rragri, Ahnor Arrgro, and Dernor Vargwar Harrgra."

  He bowed, then stepped to the side, gesturing to an ornate table with two padded chairs and a reclining couch. Rragri's mouth spread wide. Nodding to the men at the dais above, she hopped onto it and shifted to a comfortable position. Sitting like that made her look even more like an iliri -except for the fur.

  A Myrosican guard carried a small table to her side, thick pens and a wide mug placed on it within easy reach. Sal and Dom took the chairs offered, and the Anglian consorts moved behind them. With a whisper of a thought, the soldiers fell to parade rest as Harrgra laid on the floor below Rragri. Arrgro sat casually on her other side. The whole thing actually looked impressive.

  The doors opened again and Tseri walked through, announced by another Myrosican. Her mates wore ivory armor, polished to a high shine and set with ornate gold filigree. Decorative handles stood above each shoulder proving they were armed. The Kaeen took the table across from Anglia and her own mates mimicked the posture of the Anglian guards.


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