Last Man Alive: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

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Last Man Alive: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica) Page 9

by Anya Merchant

  Anna turned and walked towards him. Her bikini seemed as though it was working overtime to keep her breasts contained, and they bounced in an almost erotic fashion with every step.

  “I didn’t hear anything, Julius,” she whispered. “But I don’t think that’s the only reason why you came up here…”

  She pressed her chest against his, and Julius almost immediately became aroused. Anna took the lead, guiding his hands to the back of her bikini top. Julius untied it, and then was almost overwhelmed by the sight of her perfect, big boobs spilling out.

  “Just let me take care of you, Julius,” said Anna.

  She pushed him down on the bed. Julius moved to sit up, but Anna clearly wanted to be in control. She ran her hands across his body, and then began pulling his shorts down, leaving his hard lump straining against his boxers.

  “This is what you’ve been dreaming of, right Julius?” she whispered. “A girl that can give you exactly what you need…”

  She nuzzled her face against his cloth covered hard on, acting as though she was getting her own pleasure out of it. She felt warm, and Julius‘s cock began throbbing at the contact. Finally, Anna slipped his boxers down, and brought herself face to face with his hard erection.

  Anna pushed her lips up against the shaft as though she was kissing it, and then let her tongue flick out and draw circles against his cock. It felt unlike anything Julius had ever experienced before. She slowly drew her face up to the head of it, and then brought her mouth down over, taking his length in.

  “Oh god, Anna,” moaned Julius. “That feels-“

  One of her nails pinched into the flesh of his leg, as if letting him know that she had the power to make him feel both pleasure and pain. Anna then dropped down further, slurping on his cock, massaging it with her tongue, and then bringing as much of it as she could deep into her throat.

  It went beyond a simple blowjob. This woman was sucking the cum right out of him, pleasuring every inch of his cock in the process. It was like a human version of the machine that Dr. Andreas had.

  Anna pulled back until just the tip of his cock was still in his mouth, and then pushed all of the way forward, causing the warm, enveloping sensation to crash into him and then pull back out almost like a wave hitting against the beach.

  He was being pleasured. Anna was pleasuring Julius, plain and simple. This wasn’t sex, or an accident, or like anything else he had experienced in the past few days. This was a woman letting him know that she could give his cock exactly what it wanted, a good, solid bit of wet, sensual attention.

  Anna increased her pace, and Julius tried to focus on his breathing in order to hold out for longer. It seemed to be useless, however, and soon enough, he was tapping her on the back of the head to let her know that he was ready.

  She just kept right on going, and when Julius exploded into her mouth, she drank every drop of it. Then, Anna slowly pulled her mouth off his dick and then crossed her arms and looked at him.

  “That was just a taste, Julius,” she said. “I’m not done with you yet. Next time, I’m going to get you to fuck me.”

  “Anna…I’m not so sure-“

  “Oh, but you are,” she said, cutting him off. “You know that it’s me you want. I’ll take care of you, and let you use me however you see fit.”

  She leaned over him and pushed her breasts into his face for a moment, and then pulled back, walking away from him and towards the closet. She opened it and began picking out clothes, but that wasn’t what caught Julius’s attention. Instead, poking out from under a fallen shirt was something that immediately sent a chill down his spine.

  “Anna,” said Julius. “Why the fuck do you have a gun in your closet?”

  She turned and looked at him, and then bent down low and picked it up.

  “Oh, this,” she said. “I found it in the locker room when I was cleaning the other night.”

  There was a scary moment of silence. Julius slowly stood up, and took a step towards her.

  “Hey, chill out,” said Anna. “It’s not what you’re thinking. I found it before anybody knew about Allison, and the only reason I took it was because I thought something like this might happen with it around.”

  “So you took it and put it in your closet, instead of telling anybody?” he asked. “That makes no sense whatsoever.”

  “I didn’t tell anybody because It was late at night!” she cried. “And I didn’t bring it up after the murder because I knew things would go down like this.”

  Julius started towards her, but Anna turned, and faced him with a strange look in her eye.

  “Get out of my room, Julius,” she whispered. “Now…”

  “Anna, please, just tell me-“

  “Get out!”

  She moved as though to lift the gun up, and Julius took her threat seriously. He walked over to the door and stepped out, looking her in the eyes one last time as he went. Anna slammed the door shut behind him, and Julius began walking down the hallway, unable to quiet the rapid fire possibilities being shuffled through in his mind.


  Nothing was clear to him. Julius took the elevator down to the lobby and walked out of the hotel, lost in confusing thoughts and assumptions. He had no idea what had happened to Allison, and even his suspicions seemed to be hollow and empty.

  He walked on the path leading down to the beach, trying to clear his head. The sun had set, and Julius knew that he would need to come back for dinner shortly. He walked in an almost trancelike state, wracking his brain for any new possibility he had left yet unconsidered.

  It was hard for him to know if his gun, the gun that he had seen in Anna’s closet, was the smoking gun that he was looking for. She had been so casual about the fact that it was there, and it seemed to him that if it really had been the murder weapon, it would be at the bottom of the ocean right now.

  Julius walked faster, and heard the sound of the waves as he stepped out onto the beach. The sky was overcast, and there wasn’t much starlight to see by, which caused the water to seem like a murky expanse of empty void.

  He sighed, and sat down on the sand. It was hard for him to understand how everything had flipped in such a short amount of time. Julius found himself thinking about everything he had lost in the last few days, and mentally adding the morale of his new friends and home to the list.


  Julius heard the click of a gun being cocked, and knew that it was trained on him. He slowly lifted his hands in the air and began to turn around. There was a strange woman, one that he had not seen before, with a weapon trained on him.

  “You know, this actually makes a lot of sense, all things considered,” he said. “Why did you kill her?”

  “Don’t move! I’m the one asking questions here!” The woman had a thick East Asian accent, and Julius could make out her form in the corner of his eye. She was tall, and equipped in much the same way that Dana and the rest of the commando women had been the other day. This also seemed to fit with the profile of a killer capable of taking down someone with extensive combat training, someone like Allison.

  “Hey, take it easy,” said Julius. “We can work things out here. There is no point in shedding any more blood.”

  “I don’t think you realize who is in control here, boy,” said the woman. One of the clouds in the sky shifted, letting the light of the moon streak across the ground, and Julius managed to get his first good look at his assailant.

  She had jet black hair, a thin, toned body, and a very serious look on her face. In her hand, she held a pistol, and Julius suspected that the bullets from it would likely match the one inside Allison’s head.

  “What do you want?” asked Julius. “Why have you come here and disturbed the peace?”

  The woman stepped closer to him, and said nothing at first. Finally, she grabbed onto his shoulder with her free hand and then broke the silence.

  “You know exactly why I’m here,” she said. “Just come with me peaceably
, and nobody else has to get hurt. Your friends, and your mother, they don’t have to die, but only if you come with me.”

  Julius just stared at her. He felt a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and the only thing that seemed to be comparable with it was the moment in which he found out that he was the last man standing. He sighed, and nodded to the woman, knowing exactly what he needed to do. The woman took her hand off him for a moment and clicked something on her vest, a radio that crackled into a connection.

  “This is Agent Lin, repeat, this is Agent Lin,” she said. “The target has been-“

  It was at that moment that Julius slammed his shoulder into her. She was about the same height as him, but fell backwards from the strength of his blow. She wasn’t fazed by the landing, and trained the pistol on Julius for a moment, and then hesitated.

  That was all of an opening he needed. Julius fell upon her and wrestled the gun out of her hand, trying to knock it into the water but coming short with his throw by a few feet. The woman twisted and then rolled, turning his weight against him and flipping him down into the sand.

  She wouldn’t risk killing him, Julius knew. That was not why she was here. Whoever she was working for clearly wanted him brought back safe and unharmed. Julius saw her reaching for something in her vest, and responded by grabbing the bottom edge of it and pulling it up and over the woman’s head.

  The two of them wrestled more, tangling their limbs together as the fought to pin the other into submission. Strangely, Julius felt himself getting a little excited, and even starting to enjoy it. The thrill was different from anything he had experienced, aggressive, and made only more potent by the fact that she was a woman.

  “Who is in control now?” laughed Julius. He managed to get a hold on her shirt, and ripped it open as he pulled down, exposing one of her breasts to the light of the stars. The woman let out and angry cry, and tried to leap onto him, but he flipped her around and grabbed her by her waist band this time, sliding her pants down slightly.

  “If you want to resist, go ahead,” yelled the woman. “But the price will be the lives of all the people you hold dear.”

  She tackled Julius, and he fell back into the sand with a thump. He tried to grab up at her in order to hold her back, but his hand missed, and came to rest on her exposed chest. Julius could feel her nipple under his hand, and was distracted from the fight for a moment. Apparently, so was the woman.

  “S-stop that!” she cried.

  “Hey, you are kind of the one instigating her,” said Julius. It was almost funny to him, and he decided to take it to the next level before she could build up her momentum again. The woman’s pants were still low on her waist, and it wasn’t hard for him to slide his hand down into them. His fingers brushed against her panty clad pussy, and he smiled.

  “What are you doing!” cried the woman. She was blushing bright red, and tried to cross her arms across her chest to hide her nudity. Julius just laughed, and pushed his fingers closer into her mound.

  “Oh, come on,” he said. “You must have at least considered the possibility of what could happen on a man hunt for the last man.”

  “I, I…” the woman started to say. Julius roughly flipped her down onto the sand and began tearing off the rest of her clothing. Strangely, she didn’t try too hard to stop him, putting up more of a token resistance effort than anything.

  She had a nice naked body, Julius realized. This was a fact that his cock already seemed to know, erect and pointed at her, ready for action. He pinned both of her arms and slid forward into her, feeling her wet cunt with the head of his dick and realizing that she was just as horny as he was.

  “F-fine,” whispered the woman. “Do it. But after this, you must come with me!”

  “Yeah, sure,” he said. He had no intention on following through with that promise, but the feeling of having his cock inside the woman, all warm and wet, was enough to make him say anything.

  She began to moan as Julius fucked her. It was such an unexpected turn of events that it took him a moment to really get into it, but once he did, he began pumping his cock into the woman with power. His crotch slapped into her hips, and he felt his mind fogging over as he began to fuck on autopilot.

  “Oh yeah,” he said. “You might be a special operative wherever you’re from, but right here and right now, you’re just my slut.”

  “No!” cried the woman. “I, I’m not!”

  “Yes you are, and from the sounds of it, you love every second of it!”

  She cried out in pleasure, and began to tense up. Julius really started to put in work, pumping the entire length of his cock in and out of the woman’s tight pussy. It felt so good, and as he reached his own peak and began to release inside of her, he began to feel a little bit of empathy for her and what she was there to do.

  Julius collapsed onto the sand, taking a moment to catch his breath. It was a moment that he apparently could not afford. The woman had her gun back in her hand and a syringe against his throat, taken from one of the pockets of her vest.

  “Now, it’s time for you to keep your word,” she said. “If you won’t come willingly, I will drug you and drag you to my-“

  A gunshot cracked through the air, and it wasn’t aimed at Julius. The woman was knocked back onto the sand, still naked, but now with blood streaming out of her shoulder. Julius turned towards the path and saw Anna, pointing the pistol at the two of them.

  “I think we have our killer,” she said, her face contorted into a smile that seemed a little too happy for the circumstances.


  The woman was still naked and unconscious when they brought her back to the hotel. Everyone except for Anna and Julius was sitting down in the dining room for dinner. The two of them shouted as they burst into the lobby, drawing everyone’s attention.

  “We need bandages, and antiseptic!” called Julius. “Where is Dr. Andreas?”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” asked Anna. “We need to put another bullet in her and dump her back into the ocean.”

  “You are out of your mind, Anna,” he said. “She’s been shot, she needs medical care.”

  “Bring her down into the basement,” said the doctor. “And somebody run upstairs and get my personal med kit out of my room!”

  Everyone moved into action. Julius could only glance at his mom, Maya, and Dana, doing the best that he could to tell them with his eyes that everything was okay.

  It took about an hour, but they finally managed to get the girl stabilized. She was still unconscious, but her breathing and heart rate dropped back to normal. All of them stood watching her in the basement laboratory, nobody speaking at first.

  “We absolutely cannot kill her,” said Julius.

  “You want to explain to me why not?” asked Anna.

  “Yeah, I’m not so sure about this, Jewels,” said Dana. “I mean, I’m not saying that we kill her, but…there are only a couple of us on the island. It’s not like we can turn her over to the police.”

  “Look, whoever she is, and wherever she’s from, it’s still a mystery to us,” he said. “We need to know more about what is going on, who sent her, how many more are out there, and anything else we can find out, before we take any drastic action.”

  Nobody seemed to have a good objection to that. Laura walked over to her son and leaned against his shoulder.

  “I agree with you, Julius,” she said. “Even if she is a murderer…that doesn’t mean we should sink down to that level.”

  “Alright, that settles it,” said Dr. Andreas. “Dana, do you have a pair of handcuffs that I can use on her?”

  “We actually have one better,” said Maya. “There is a small animal shed hidden by the jungle in the backyard. It has a couple of cages that are large enough for people.”

  “That doesn’t seem like the most humane long term option, but it will do for now,” said Julius.

  “Long term?” cried Anna. “You are fucking nuts…”

  “Right ba
ck at you,” he replied.

  Julius, Maya, and Dr. Andreas pushed the girl out to the shed on a gurney. The cage turned out to be more of an animal cell/pen, more than big enough for a human to use and move around in. It was colder than he would have liked inside it, and he ended up doubling back to the hotel for some blankets to put over her.

  “I have two keys for the cages in here,” said Maya. “I’m going to give one to Jess. Julius…do you want the other?”

  He nodded, and she handed it to him. After double checking that the cell was locked, all of them began walking back to the hotel.

  “That’s all we can do for tonight,” said Julius. “Let’s talk about where to go from here during breakfast tomorrow.”

  “Alright,” said Maya. Dr. Andreas headed back down to the basement, and the two of them had a moment in which neither of them spoke.

  “Julius?” said Maya.


  “I think you’re doing the right thing.”

  She leaned in towards him and kissed him on the cheek, and then walked off towards the kitchen. Julius sighed, considered his options for a moment, and then took the elevator upstairs.

  His mom was waiting for him in his room, just like she had been the previous night. He had been angry then, but this time, it was somehow comforting. She was wearing her thin nightgown with nothing on underneath, and wrapped him into a hug as he walked in.

  “Oh honey, I was so worried about you,” she said. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah mom, it’s fine.” He could feel her breasts pushing up against him, and wanted nothing more than to feel them, and to kiss them. “I just got a little shaken up, that’s all.”

  “Sit down honey, mommy’s going to do something special for you tonight.”

  Laura led her son by the hand over to his bed and helped him down onto it. She slowly dropped down in front of him, running her hands across his cheek and body, before finally pulling down his shorts.

  “Just relax baby,” she whispered. “Mommy loves you. It’s okay.”


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