The Wizard Assassin

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The Wizard Assassin Page 6

by Whiskey Flowers

  “He is getting what he wanted” Bethany replied. “I am not stupid and I know he has had a crush on me since we reached our teenage years. In training he was always staring over at my table and his crush became obvious from conversations with you.”

  “With him?” Asher said then looked at Dax.

  “I don’t know what this bird is yapping about” Dax replied. “We never had a conversation concerning you.”

  “Sure we did” Bethany replied. “Every time I told you no one would ever think about marrying me that was worth anything. Your face always looked like you wanted to say something, I am guessing that something was that Asher was interested. Interested but far too shy to do anything about it so he started an exercise regimen. I am guessing it was to boost his confidence.”

  “You see that brother” Dax replied. “And you wonder why I have little time for women. A conniving bunch of foxes is what they are. My father was right when he told me to get to twenty-five before I started any kind of romancing. I hope you won't get too mad at me Asher but if this blood thirsty plot happens I hope you are made the crown prince.”

  “Why so you can ask for free stuff?” Ashley asked.

  “Pit no” Dax replied. “If he is the crown prince I can live my life free from that” Dax replied as he pointed at Dawn. “She is manipulative as the rest of you, right now you don’t even care about the king. The only thing you have cared about is snapping at me whenever you get the chance. You are three perfect peas in a pod and my poor brother has to deal with you all as long as this lasts.”

  “What do you mean be with me?” Dawn said angrily. “I am not wild about being with a bastard at all.”

  “Then we have the same line of thinking” Dax replied. “Personally when I do find a woman to settle down with, I want one with a full shirt and hips out to here. I can find one of those almost anywhere so it wouldn’t be too hard for me. Add in the fact that I am a wizard and will be taking over my father’s business means some woman will be more than happy to have me, especially if she has a kid already with no father.”

  “So you rather be with some loose harlot instead of someone that is untouched” Dawn replied sarcastically.

  “You bet your last roll of bread I would” Dax replied. “What in the pit would I need with a woman who doesn’t know what she doing? It would be nice to already have one well versed, we can't both be novices. At least this way at least one of us will have fun.”

  “Where are we?” Asher asked breaking up the conversation.

  “I cannot tell you that” Bethany replied. “Just know it won't do you any good to try and run Your Highness. You are someplace safe and even if you escaped this place there wouldn’t be anywhere to run to. You have been out longer than you think, your clothes had to be laundered a few times while you traveled. I can show you around this place if you want, just know if you are not agreeable you will wind up back here in these rooms.”

  “You think you can see it in your heart to give me back my sword?” Dax replied.

  “No!” the man holding a crossbow screamed. “Milady this one has the golden glove, he is a weaponmaster. Not only that but he is a commoner, he can more than blend in with the local populace and escape.”

  “And go where?” Bethany laughed. “But he was skilled at taking down our people, no bastard, I don’t think you will get your sword.”

  “His name is Dax” Asher growled. “Learn to use it.”

  “Don’t bother brother” Dax replied. “I don’t care enough about anyone here except for you, whatever they call me doesn’t hurt my feelings in the least.”

  “Well it hurts mine” Asher replied.

  “This too shall pass” Dax replied. “So I am guessing the rules have something to do with not escaping or trying to find out where we are. What else am I missing?”

  “You are taking this well” Bethany replied.

  “Well if you lot never came along I would be graduating in a month and then sent to stare at the Saul” Dax replied. “If you look at it from my perspective, you gave me a valid excuse not to get shot at by various archers, at least for a little while. With any luck this entire thing will drag on out for years, then I would have to start training all over. All the while my commitment to the kingdom is still passing by. I just haven't decided should I hate you yet or not. I have only met two nobles, three if you count Morgan that I can call a friend. The rest of you are a bunch of tossers and would have made the world a better place if you all died at childbirth or ended up a stain on a mattress somewhere. So Asher do we hate these two or not?”

  “You seem like you have already made up your mind” Asher replied.

  “Pit no I haven't” Dax replied. “I can just appreciate a well thought out plan, I would rather hang around a pig sty than be anywhere near a noble girl. I just assumed that these two are not the masterminds in anything, they are pawns like you are. You though have opposite sides of the family fighting and I only have you.”

  “I am not leaving this room” Asher replied. “We are either prisoners or we are not. I have never sought any kind of power and I don’t plan on doing it now. If I am to be a prisoner then I am a prisoner, my grandfather and I will have words about the treatment I have received so far. And I give my word once this is all over no matter which side wins whoever has drawn a blade on me will die.”

  “You can't kill nobles” Dax replied. “No matter who you are others will get pissed about it.”

  “Nobles aren’t the ones with weapons right now, are they?” Asher replied looking at the four guards.

  “Stop being so dramatic” Bethany replied. “You can come out of this room and spend time getting to know me better.”

  “You heard the man, we hate you” Dax replied. “Now get your raggedy arse out of here and take the smelly one with you.”

  Dax saw the guard tense and threw up his shield just as a crossbow bolt slammed into it. The bolt broke through the shield but rapidly lost is velocity and aiming point and crashed to the ground at Dax’s feet. Dax stuck out his hand and a lightning bolt slammed into his attacker and left the man twitching on the ground.

  “Hey he started that” Dax replied. “I don’t plan on attacking anyone not attacking me.”

  “What about you Ashley, are you going to stay in here with the royal bastard?” Dawn asked. “Maybe catch up on family business?”

  “No” Ashley replied. “Will I get to be Duchess?”

  “Ashley!” Asher yelled.

  “Don’t you Ashley me” Ashley replied. “We were nobody and our other cousins on father’s side always let that be known. I can picture them all destitute begging for coin on the corner like common beggars while I pass by them in a grand carriage.”

  “Well leave then traitor” Asher said as he turned his back to Ashley.

  “Well I guess that is that” Dax replied.


  Dirty Deeds

  “It is almost time for her to come in here” Dax replied.

  “Why doesn’t she just take the hint and send someone else” Asher replied.

  “Why should she?” Dax asked. “She is winning, slowly, but she is still winning.”

  “She is not winning anything” Asher replied.

  “Yes she is” Dax replied. “First of all she is the only one that comes inside with the food and makes you sit at the table with her if you want any. She won't let me save you anything and eventually you started eating with her. Next she started small conversations with you, of course you ignored her at first but every time you give her any attention I have noticed that her blouses have been getting lower and lower and she makes a point of bending over and giggling slightly. Women aren’t fools, they watch for you to take a peek. Once they see that peek they know it is just a matter of time, why do you think she conveniently forgot a stone laundry basin here? She knows we lift the damn thing to work out and has started coming around whenever it is she knows we work out so she can have some eye candy as well.”

bsp; “If you knew this why didn’t you say anything?” Asher asked angrily.

  “I am not the bad guy” Dax replied. “I have been down here with you the entire time, however long that has been.”

  “I know you are not the bad guy but you are supposed to stop me from doing something stupid” Asher replied.

  “Impossible” Dax replied. “She is a woman with a mission. You know what I think about her and I have caught myself staring at her too. I think she sees you as some kind of game, I have caught her checking you out a few times despite any trap I set for her.”

  “Trap?” Asher replied.

  “Well I still have a bit more muscle than you do” Dax replied. “Especially since we can't work out the way you want and eat the things you need. I have tried to catch her eye but she is not stupid enough to look my way. Once she even waved a finger at me letting me know she figured out what I was up to. Whoever is coaching her is smarter than we are.”

  Dax heard the door rattle and knew Bethany was on her way inside the room. Dax and Asher stepped to the side and was surprised to see the visitor was not Bethany at all. It was a thin athletic looking man with ash blond hair and pale blue eyes. Dax thought the man looked to be in his late twenties but knew he was past thirty. He looked enough like Dax that people could have mistaken him for an older brother. Dax crossed his arms and stared at the man.

  “Looks like your old man showed up Asher” Dax replied. “I’ll step outside and let you both get caught up.”

  Dax took his eyes off the man and made towards the door, the prince stood in his way as he went to move by him.

  “If you want to keep your pretty smile I suggest you move the fuck out of my way” Dax replied. “I don’t give a shit if you are the prince or the king, smacking the shit out of you is more than worth any punishment I might get.”

  “I came to see my sons” Prince Jordan said.

  “I only see one of them in here” Dax replied. “I am the son of Linus Davary.”

  “Herschel, I know you have reason to hate me” Prince Jordan began.

  “I don’t hate you” Dax replied. “Hate takes up way too much energy. The correct phrase is that I don’t fuck with you. I have no need to get to know you, it would be a slap in the face of the man who actually raised me.”

  “Herschel, I was a boy following my cock” Prince Jordan pleaded.

  “You haven't been a boy for the last ten years” Dax replied. “I don’t fuck with you and I don’t want you trying to fuck with me. I want no parts of your fucked-up family outside of Asher.”

  “Let him go father” Asher replied. “I have a lot of questions for you and he is right, Dax has no reason to want to get to know you.”

  “Dax?” Prince Jordan replied.

  “I will tell you about it later” Asher replied as Prince Jordan stood to the side.

  Dax walked out of the room and saw the hallway for the first time. There were guards posted at the end and Dax could tell he was in some kind of dungeon. Dax had never been inside one before but the stories he had read and heard talked about solid stone hallways in a big basement like structure. Since Dax hadn’t seen the sun in gods knows how long he assumed he was underground. Dax walked over to the two armed guards at the end of the hallway.

  “I need to get someplace that is not here” Dax replied. “You can bring me someplace else or I can go through you.”

  “Follow me” one of the guards said as he looked over Dax.

  Dax was in a thin cotton outfit that Bethany had brought him and Asher. Three of them were brought in everyday and Dax made sure the outfits would need a good washing. Dax was so sweaty right now the cotton clung to his frame and made it see through. Dax probably looked like someone the guards didn’t want to tangle with, while he had no sword he practiced the staff using the mop as a stand in and Dax was sure his status as a weaponmaster had gotten out. Dax walked up the stairs and out of the door where two more guards were standing watch. One he recognized from when he first got there as the man with the crossbow, his foe looked at him shocked but said nothing as Dax was led around what looked like some fine manor. Dax was way too angry to enjoy it though as he was led up two more levels of stairs and brought to a simple room. Dax walked inside and sat at a chair that was inside and fumed. Minutes later the door opened and a metal tub was hauled in by four guards followed by a couple of servants who started filling the tub up with water. Dax only half paid attention to them or Dawn when she came inside holding a staff and started heating the tub up with a fire spell.

  “I think it is ready bastard” Dawn replied. “I was wondering how long you both would stay down there.”

  Dax ignored her as she said something else he did not catch, he was still angry at Prince Jordan and started taking off his top. Dax was soon naked and stepped into the tub despite the gasps Dawn gave and settled down and closed his eyes. The water was nice and hot and seemed to melt away his anger, in the dungeon as he liked to call it, there was no tub. They were just given a wash basin of cold water which Dax had to heat up. Dax closed his eyes and was so angry he couldn’t even enjoy the sun on his face as he closed his eyes and went to sleep. Dax had no idea the exact time he was sleep for but knew it had to be long as the sun was no longer shining on him and the sky was noticeably darker. The only reason he woke up was because Ashley was standing over him with her arms crossed.

  “What the fuck do you want” Dax snapped.

  “I wanted to know how my brother was” Ashley replied.

  “None of your fucking business, now fuck off” Dax replied as he stood up and walked towards the bed where he could see someone laid out a towel and another pair of cotton clothes.

  “Don’t you have any shame?” Ashley said with a gasp.

  “Fuck you and fuck your shame” Dax snapped. “Didn’t I tell you to fuck off?”

  “Listen hear bastard” Ashley snapped as Dax got right up in her face and let out a low growl.

  “Go ahead and finish that fucking sentence bitch” Dax snapped. “I will toss your ass right out that fucking window.”

  “Enough of this” Dax heard a male’s voice behind him followed by the clank of armor and the sound of swords being drawn. Dax turned around and could see a man with brown hair streaked with gray. Dax had never met Duke Bartlett before but Bethany looked enough like him that he didn’t need to.

  “Why would you want to have children with this shrew is beyond me” Dax said as he broke contact with Ashley and could still see the fear that welled up in her eyes.

  “Put on some clothes, you are indecent” Duke Bartlett said as Dax began drying himself off. “Ashley might I have a moment with this man.”

  Dax watched as Ashley walked out of the room still stunned from Dax’s outburst. Duke Bartlett looked at his guards who also sheathed their weapons and left the room. Duke Bartlett then closed the door behind them and looked over at Dax who had just finished dressing.

  “I take it your reunion with your father did not go well” Duke Bartlett began. “Bethany led me to believe that you don’t really mind being here and the only reason you have stayed down in that dreary place is because you and prince Asher have become close.”

  “I can't leave my own brother to rot in some hole Your Grace” Dax replied. “At least not alone.”

  “Then Bethany has been telling me the truth” Duke Bartlett replied. “Was she also correct, in saying you don’t really care who is on the throne or in power?”

  “I don’t give one shit about the king or any of his relatives” Dax replied. “I don’t wish ill on no one but they had flesh and blood they all abandoned, because of who my mother was and the fact I was not a mage.”

  “Your real parents have been secured” the Duke replied. “They are no longer in the capital and instead they are on the other side of the kingdom in Live Oak. They know a bit about what is going on and if they are smart they will shut their mouth until this is all over. They know your role in all of this and also know the royalists
would kill them if given a chance. They have enough to survive as commoners and I have a man check in on them. The gold they had stashed is put away for safe keeping, if they went flashing it about it might make someone take a closer look.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace” Dax replied. “No one has told me if they were aware that I was not dead.”

  “I have come to offer you a position” Duke Bartlett replied.

  “Your Grace do I look like a fool?” Dax asked. “Any time someone like you asks someone like me anything they really mean it as an order.”

  “Very well” Duke Bartlett said nodding his head. “I am not sure if you are aware of the death of the king and the exile of many of the former royal family. Right now my main opposition is Prince Jason, the second son of King Jared. Another war though has broken out, it has taken them some time to get ready but the Saul have begun to mass their troops and have began marching over the border to take advantage of our internal strife. I want to send you over there to rally the troops.”

  “What in the pit could I do over there?” Dax asked.

  “You will be my envoy” Duke Bartlett replied. “While you don’t have reason to celebrate the civil war, a lot of other commoners do. Did you know that in some places a landed noble had to give their consent before two people could get married? And that the noble would only do so if he got to test out the bride before hand? That is a reality a lot of commoners have had to live with, sometimes outright rape could happen and a commoner would have no way to fight the noble. I aim to end that and many of the men on the frontlines know myself and Duke Nettleton have their best interest at heart.”

  “But why would someone be so excited to see a bastard?” Dax asked.

  “I have formally recognized you as my adopted son” Duke Bartlett began. “Although you will not be line for the Duchy you will be recognized from this point on as Lord Bartlett. You don’t mind getting your hands dirty and the common soldier will appreciate that. Right now, only the men of my allies are on the front lines, my men are with Duke Nettleton’s men fighting off the royal army. I have to send someone and you are it. I have no doubt we will eventually win.”


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