Celestial Crisis

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Celestial Crisis Page 27

by Leo E. Ndelle

  “Very correct!” Luciel said and laughed heartily.

  Her laughter was one of excitement but mostly relief. She had been worrying about convincing Zukael and trying to start a revolution, when a revolution was already underway. She laughed so hard that for a moment, Zukael thought she was not alright in the head.

  “Oh, my friend,” Luciel said as she calmed herself down. “You don’t know how much of a relief this brings.”

  Zukael relaxed. He no longer had to do anything rash, if it came to that.

  “We were unsure where your loyalty lies,” he continued. “The consensus was to bundle you up with Michael and proceed accordingly. But I convinced them to at least let me talk to you and find out for myself.”

  “And what is your conclusion, oh sweet friend of mine?” Luciel asked.

  Zukael laughed and pressed his forehead against hers. Luciel closed her eyes and relished the warmth of their friendship.

  “For the record, I’ve concluded you’re with us,” Zukael said.

  “For the record, I knew that already,” Luciel said and met Zukael’s gaze.

  “We will continue with recruitment until we attain a certain number,” Zukael said. “After that, we’ll proceed with peaceful negotiations, although we already know Michael won’t budge. That will leave us with one final option. I was going to be the leader of the rebellion. Anyway, I’m glad we’ll be on the same side.”

  Luciel kissed Zukael on the lips again and hugged him.

  “Me too, my friend,” she whispered in his ear before letting him go. “So, you mentioned that you were going to be the leader. Why did that change? Who is your new leader now? I mean, there’s none better than you are.”

  “You happened,” Zukael replied.

  Luciel opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Zukael erupted in laughter and Luciel punched him in the bicep.

  “But why…” Luciel started saying and realized the stupidity of her question. “Wait! Shouldn’t there be a vote? I mean, no offense, dear friend, but you can’t just decide like this for everyone, right? It doesn’t seem fair.”

  “There has been a vote already, dear friend,” Zukael replied with a grin.

  “So…” Luciel said but left her sentence hanging.

  “So, yes! I’ve been relaying our conversation to the rebellion,” Zukael said. “This was your recruitment. I trust you with my very existence, but I can’t say the same for everyone else. We had to make sure as a whole. And when you tried to talk me into starting a rebellion, it was a great relief to everyone, including me, to see that you shared in our vision. They are convinced you believe in our course and love to have you as our leader. What say you, dear friend?”.

  “Thank you for having such confidence in me,” Luciel replied. “On my very existence, I swear I will not disappoint you.”

  “If we had any doubts about your leadership, we would not have chosen you to be our leader in the first place,” Zukael replied with a half-smile.

  “I’m honored,” Luciel said. “Now, where do we stand on recruitment? I was thinking we need at least more than three-fifths of our brethren in order to at least assure victory by numbers. What do you think?”

  “I agree with your logic, but I don’t think numbers should be our greatest focus,” Zukael said. “Archangels are better at combat than angels are. So, I say we go for the archangels first before reaching for the angels and younglings.”

  “Great plan!” Luciel affirmed. “Facing Michael head-on might not fare well for anyone, including me, unfortunately. Our best chance would be an element of surprise. And if we can cut off the head, then maybe we won’t even need to clash weapons with our fellow brethren.”

  Zukael adjusted his frame on the bench.

  “I am listening,” Zukael said.

  “I’ll continue to stay close to Michael so that he does not suspect anything,” Luciel explained. “I’ll be our spy and keep us apprised if I learn anything new. When we’re ready, I’ll inform him of the possibility of a rebellion that’s about spill over. This will warrant his immediate reaction and, because of his trust in me, he won’t have the slightest suspicion that I’m part of the rebellion, let alone the leader. My strike will be swift and fatal. With the supreme leader gone, we’ll then come in with our demands; join us or face your end! What do you think?”

  Luciel was talking to Zukael but she was addressing the rebellion through Zukael. In proposing a strategy to personally end Michael, she hoped she had stamped her commitment to the rebellion. Michael was her mate and lover; but if she was that ready to end Michael for the greater good of Celestia, then only death could deter her from seeing her vision come to pass. She had definitively declared her dedication and pledged her patriotism to the cause of the rebellion. Now it was their turn and she doubted if any of the angels and archangels listening could do any better. Luciel watched Zukael and waited. She knew he was waiting for a reply from rebellion.

  “We love the simplicity of the plan,” Zukael said. “However, while most of us do believe in your commitment to the rebellion, there are those of us who still have our doubts.”

  Zukael adjusted himself on the bench. Luciel nodded slightly.

  “What proof do you have that you will deliver?” Zukael asked.

  “Nothing besides my word,” Luciel replied with a tinge of annoyance.

  How dare they question her loyalty? She thought.

  “And that’s just the problem-” Zukael relayed.

  “Be that as it may, you’ll either have to take me at my word or kick me out,” Luciel replied firmly. “Either way, I will have a rebellion, with or without your consent! It is best we work together than apart. Doubts are distractions we can’t afford if we are to bring about the revolution we so desire. So, you decide right now. Either you let me in fully or I’m out!”

  Zukael smiled and winked at Luciel as he waited for the rebellion to finish their deliberations.

  “You’re in,” Zukael said. “But we need a backup plan, just in case.”

  “It is only fair and wise,” Luciel replied. “Now, do I get to meet my brethren in rebellion?”

  “We would love that, Luciel!” Zukael replied.

  Uriel watched Zukael and Luciel teleport away. She had heard enough and not that she was surprised, but she felt an immediate sense of urgency. At first, she was not particularly stalking Luciel. It had been more like keeping a casual eye on Luciel than anything else. Staying out of sight, she had watched Luciel exit her domain and meet Zukael. Uriel had followed the two as they headed towards the Hall of Records until their sudden change in course. Something had warranted such an abrupt change in direction. Uriel began eavesdropping.

  Uriel immediately teleported to her room after Zukael and Luciel had left the scene. She tuned into the Shemsu frequency and called out to Lunok.

  “Luciel is turning to the darkness,” Uriel said without any room for pleasantries.

  “Are you sure, Uriel?” Lunok asked calmly, as if his suspicions about her had been wrong in the first place.

  Uriel heaved her shoulders to calm herself.

  “I overhead them myself, Lunok,” Uriel replied impatiently. “They are planning a rebellion as we speak. And yes, you heard correctly; I said ‘they’! While we were concentrating on Michael and Luciel, others had already started choosing sides.”

  “I see,” Lunok replied. “Regardless, Luciel is their leader, I presume, and if we can address the leader, then we address the entire group. We will continue to focus on Michael and Luciel, while we orchestrate another plan to address this rebellion in the making.”

  “So we are immediately enacting Phase Three then,” Uriel said firmly.

  “Yes!” Lunok agreed. “Begin Phase Three immediately. And we will not wait much longer before initiating Phase Four, the final phase.”

  Uriel closed her eyes and visualized the words in her mind. She infused them with some Shemsu energy, thanks to the training she had received from Lunok. Lun
ok had told her that he might not be readily available every moment she sought him. As such, she had to learn how to initiate the phases herself. After Uriel visualized the words, she then visualized Malichiel in her mind before she opened her eyes. Her eyes glowed with a bright whiteness before she spoke.

  “I am sorry, Malichiel,” she said.

  She felt the energy build in her essence right before she released it towards Malichiel. Phase Three of the plan had just been initiated.



  MALICHIEL HAD BEEN wrestling with his decisions about making the second prophecy known only to Michael. Michael had asked him to keep this prophecy a secret until the appropriate moment, sighting caution and wisdom regarding the situation. Malichiel had agreed with Michael, but deep down, he had started doubting Michael’s objectivity in leadership and judgement. As such, Malichiel had decided that if he had any other visions and/or prophecies, he would rather not share with Michael anymore; whether or not they both shared the same mark. But whom could he trust now?


  A fallen one would rise into rebellion. Many will fall and sorrow, suffering, loss and ending of existences will plague and haunt the Realm of Celestia for cycles to come, for in her lust for power and dominion, the fallen one will stop at nothing to see her desires through.

  Precise and concise! This prophecy spoke unquestionably about Luciel. The prophecy indicated she was going to be responsible for trials and tribulations to come and, yet, Michael had bid him to stay silent on this. But why? Malichiel still could not wrap his wings around Michael’s request and, to make matters worse, Luciel had come to him a few moments ago and pitched unwelcome propaganda in his ears. Malichiel had erred on the side of caution and politely told Luciel that he would give her request some thought. He thought about informing Michael but decided against the idea.

  Malichiel ached to share his burden with a fellow brother or sister but whom could he trust? He ruled out Uriel, for fear his personal sentiments towards her may cloud his judgement. Luciel was not on his list for obvious reasons. Just when he was under the impression that the situation had been resolved, he had received a third prophecy and he certainly could not keep this prophecy to himself even if he wanted to.


  These are the words of The Logos; heed to our admonishments!

  It shall come to pass that one shall be spawned in the lowly ranks.

  This lowly one will seek nothing more than to remain in humility and service, but predestination holds a far greater destiny for this lowly one.

  It shall come to pass that the lowly one will hear The Voice and answer it.

  It shall come to pass that this lowly one will be the strongest of your kind and the eyes of Kundalini shall be upon them.

  Yet, in all their strength, they will fall. But in their fall, they shall not be influenced by any entity beyond the dimension of their fall; woe to those who do not heed to this warning.

  Alas, they shall rise again to the highest rank of your kind.

  And in their rise, they will pave a path to salvation or perdition for Celestia like Celestia has never known before.

  Celestia, you have been warned!

  The meaning was clear! Michael’s tenure as archangel supreme would end with the spawning of this ‘lowly one’. Whoever that successor would be, he or she would be greater than Michael was, and this was something that ought to be taken very seriously. With that in mind, Malichiel hastened to Michael’s domain and shared the vision with Michael. He witnessed the look of shock on his friend’s face, as well as something new; a sense of powerlessness.

  “No one has to know about this yet, Malichiel,” Michael had said.

  “As you wish, Michael,” Malichiel had replied. “No one will know.”

  “For now, my friend,” Michael asserted. “For now.”

  “Yes, Michael,” Malichiel replied and stood up.

  “I will research some more and keep you apprised,” Malichiel offered.

  “Thank you,” Michael’s reply was hollow and distant.

  Malichiel concluded thence that Michael was unfit to lead Celestia. Michael’s request had damaged the last shred of trust and loyalty Malichiel had in him. Michael had shown weakness. Michael had lost his objectivity in judgement and, most of all, Michael was a sham! Malichiel was furious at the situation and for still believing in Michael before now, despite the mounting evidence of his bad leadership all around him. Luciel was right. Celestia needed new leadership. And even though it was prophesied that Luciel would be responsible for great trials and tribulations to come, it would be most likely because of the path she would have to take to make Celestia whole again. As such, Malichiel made his decision.

  “I will join your cause, Luciel,” Malichiel told Luciel later. “You were right. Celestia needs new leadership. Michael has been heavily compromised.”

  “This pleases me exceedingly, brother,” Luciel said and took Malichiel in her arms. “We now have the good fortune of having the transcriber to The Logos on our side.”

  Luciel retreated and took Malichiel’s face in her hands.

  “There will be no stopping us, Malichiel,” Luciel promised. “Victory shall be ours. Celestia will be reborn.”

  The feel of Luciel’s hands on his face made Malichiel want to dismiss his garments and sprawl on Luciel’s bed. He wanted her to do with his body as she wished. Alas, his fantasies were just that… fantasies.

  “Victory will be ours,” Malichiel echoed.

  “Come now, brother,” Luciel stood up and extended her right hand.

  For a moment, her crotch was directly in Malichiel’s line of sight. He wanted to burn her garments away and bury his face in her nether region so badly. Alas, it was going to be another unfulfilled fantasy. Malichiel reluctantly stood up and took Luciel’s extended, right hand.

  “Let us meet the rebellion,” Luciel said and teleported both of them away.

  Malichiel was introduced to the rest of the rebellion and he was given a warm welcome. However, he still did not share any piece of information about the other two prophecies with the rest of the rebellion yet. He would err on the side of caution for now.


  Uriel waited, thinking Michael would either come to her or summon her. Nothing! She saw Malichiel enter Michael’s domain, stay for a short while and then leave. Still, Michael had not contacted her. Something was amiss and she could not lay a wing on it.

  “I’ll wait a little longer,” Uriel said to herself.

  After a while, there was still no sign of Michael.

  “Come on, Michael! What are you waiting for?”

  Finally, Uriel could wait no longer. She contacted Lunok. A progress report was due anyway.

  “How did it go?” Lunok asked.

  “Not as I thought it would,” Uriel replied with frustration. “I have not heard from Michael yet! Something is very wrong, but I do not know what it is just yet.”

  She was pacing back and forth in her domain as she spoke.

  “The only thing that seems to be wrong is the way we assumed Michael would react,” Lunok said. “Based on what has been provided and the results we have obtained, it is clear to me that Michael may as well be very susceptible to the darkness-”

  “No! He has not fallen into the darkness!” Uriel barked telepathically. “I know his still has not! He is still the same, if not better!”

  “Do you trust him that much?” Lunok asked a question he already knew the answer to.

  So Uriel assumed he was trying to prove a different point. Yet, she decided to indulge him anyway with an answer.

  “Yes, I do!” Uriel replied curtly.

  “Then how come he never told you about the second prophecy?” Lunok asked.

  Lunok could feel Uriel’s surprise across the dimensions.

  “What are you talking about, Lunok?” Uriel asked as she stopped pacing back and forth in her domain. “You gave Mali
chiel one vision and I gave him one. So what do you mean by a second prophecy?”

  “You are very correct, Uriel,” Lunok agreed. “I did give Malichiel one vision and you gave him one vision. But whoever said there were only two prophecies?”

  Uriel’s knees buckled and she sank into her bed. How could she have missed that? How could Lunok have tricked her thus? Why had Lunok even done that in the first place? And why, in Celestia, had Michael not told her about the other prophecy? She remembered during the meeting, Malichiel had only talked about a prophecy; ONE prophecy. Malichiel had not revealed anything else was amiss. Perhaps she was the one who was overconfident and even arrogant to think that she could predict every possible outcome, as if she were some superior being! However, in her wisdom she had been so foolish.

  Uriel buried her face in her hands. Pride gave way to shame. Wisdom gave way to a sense of foolishness. Arrogance gave way to a feeling of stupidity. She heaved her shoulders, summoned her wings and flapped them several times. Lunok had just made a very strong and valuable point, which would nullify any counter argument she may have. He had seized control over the operation, until she could prove objectivity in judgement. As the rehabilitation washed over her, she gently nodded her acceptance on her shortcomings.

  “Why Lunok?” Uriel asked weakly. “Do you not trust me anymore?”

  “If that were the case, I would not have taught you the art of giving visions,” Lunok replied with a tone that reminded Uriel who was in charge of the operation.

  “I am grateful for your trust,” Uriel replied humbly.

  “You lost your focus and objectivity,” Lunok continued, ignoring Uriel. “When it comes to something as serious as determining the course of an entire species and even a dimension, one’s sense of objectivity is the last thing one should ever lose. Your blind trust in Michael is noble, but very misplaced. We have not yet determined whether he has aligned with the darkness yet or not. Until it is absolutely certain which side Michael is on, you will not lose focus and your sense of objectivity. Is that something you think you can handle, Uriel? I have to know now.”


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