Erotic Classics II

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Erotic Classics II Page 165

by Various Authors

  But, although no real harm was done, yet a circumstance occurred which might have brought all this happiness to a disastrous end.

  Colonel Selwyn’s command comprised all the army, not only at Fackabad but also several other stations where there were detachments of troops. Amongst these was Rampur, some seventy miles off, and to be reached only by Dak Gharry.

  One evening early in October, that is just a year since I had first seen my darling’s cunt for the first time, and since Amy had been buggered, the Colonel electrified Fanny and rather astonished me, who had no notion of his intentions, by saying that he thought he would go, in a couple of days time, and commence his inspection of the troops at Rampur and that he would take Fanny with him.

  “Oh! Papa! but I would much rather not go!” cried poor Fanny, looking at me with an aggrieved and startled face, “could you not take Amy?”

  The Colonel, who had not yet drank enough brandy and soda to be fuddled, looked rather angrily at Fanny.

  “No!” I said you were to accompany me, Fanny! And I shall not take Amy! I don’t like to be dictated to by my daughters!”

  “I did not mean to dictate, Papa,” urged poor Fanny, who struggled visibly to restrain an outburst of temper, “but I should really be obliged if you would let me remain here and if you would take Amy or Mabel instead. Come, there’s a dear, good, kind papa. Do!”

  Now the Colonel was a weak man, and therefore obstinate. He was offended at Fanny’s outburst, and he had got into a sudden rage.

  He looked black as thunder and roared at Fanny, “Miss Fanny! I have said that you will go with me! Let me hear no more about it!”

  He turned his eyes to me, and for a moment I wondered had he any suspicions as to the very intimate terms Fanny and I were one. Yet how could he have discovered them so suddenly? I was mistaken however.

  “Miss Selwyn,” said I, seeing Fanny ready to cry with vexation, “Do you know I rather envy you? I hear that Rampur is a very pretty place, and that the road there takes you through some very lovely scenery though it is all plains. I only wish the Colonel would take me too, as his staff officers. ”

  “Well, Devereaux, so I would, but for that—confounded new order which requires special application to be made for permission to take a staff officer with one when on these irregular inspections. I am afraid you must wait a little longer. But I will take Fanny.”

  His voice had lost its angry tone and if by chance Fanny’s reluctance had brought his angry mind within a measurable distance of suspicion my little speech had turned the current of his thoughts in another direction. Fanny looked at me with expressions of dismay, but wisely held her tongue.

  Two hours afterwards, when she had assisted me in offering up that incense so sweet to our revered Goddess Venus, and so delicious to the Priest and Priestess, she poured forth her griefs in my bosom. She would be a week away from her adored Charlie, perhaps ten days. Fancy ten days, ten nights without even one solitary fuck! And her usual monthly “illness” would be due about the time she got back to Fackabad, and there would be a further put off of the sweetest pleasure she knew in the world. What would she do with herself at Rampur? Oh! no matter who was there, or how nice they might be, no one could make up for the absence of her Charlie, her own, own love, and lover! Poor little Fanny! She did indeed love me, and I did indeed love her. There was more than mere animal affection between us, though in truth her cunt and my prick and balls were extremely strong links in the sweet chain which bound us together. Well, had we been married, people would have said, “Oh! how they love!” But not being married, I expect good people who read this will say, “What disgusting animals!”

  There was living in the compound next to mine the Protestant Padre of Fackabad, one Mr. Corbett, a married man with a very amiable and young not too strait laced wife. These people were great friends of the Selwyn’s and Mrs. Corbett, who knew I was fond of Fanny, often joked me about her. I had even “confessed” to her that I admired Fanny so much that if there was no Mrs. Devereaux, I should be very much inclined to ask Fanny to become that lady. But long practice had made me a consummate actor, and Mrs. Corbett, without thinking me a saint, never suspected that the cunt she knew I must fuck (she was a woman of the world), whilst Louie’s was not available, lay between Fanny’s thighs of snow. No, she fancied that I relieved my necessities between some brown thighs, and more than hinted that Sugdaya owned them. I rather encouraged the idea, and if ever I had cause to mention Sugdaya, I spoke of her with that apparent consciousness that made Mrs. Corbett more certain than ever that I did fuck Sugdaya regularly. So we were both contented.

  With the Corbetts then Colonel Selwyn arranged to leave his children during his absence with Fanny at Rampur. Their house was large enough to accommodate them easily, and no country in the world makes such temporary movements more easy to be performed than India. All that was—required was that a few bedsteads should be carried over, and the thing was done.

  The last night had to be a very short one for Fanny and me. Her father intended starting at four in the morning, and Fanny had to leave me at half past two. She was ravenous. In the few hours she still had to enjoy my prick she lost not a moment, and the interludes between act and act only lasted just so long as it took the pretty hands to operate the resurrection of my prick, a thing extremely easily performed, I am glad to say. I may tell my fair readers here that as a little boy, when I first began to understand why I bad a little prick and girls had little cunts, I had marveled at the story of Hercules and wondered how he had taken fifty maidenheads and put fifty virgins in the family way in one night, could be considered labor.” Well, I had had no practical experience then, but later I learnt from women of all classes whom I fucked, that I was more abundantly blessed than any man they had ever met in having an unconquerable prick, and a pair of balls which never ran completely dry. I do not mention this to boast, but only to say how thankful I am that such has been my lot. So poor Fanny left me with her sweet cunt throbbing with pleasure, and her heart grieved to think that it would be perhaps nearly a fortnight before it would throb again from being well fucked by me.

  For my part I was as grieved as Fanny. I loved that girl.

  She was a second edition of Louie. I never could have enough of her, by day or night. I was certain that her absence would be as grievous to me as my parting with Louie was. It took me a long time to feel desire again after I had left Louie, as the readers of my first series will remember, and I felt very nearly the same now that Fanny was gone. There was this difference, however, when I left my Louie I had an idea it might be years before I should again know the glorious pleasure of fucking her, and fucking her meant in my mind, then, fucking at all. I really and truly thought that I had done with women, i.e., all other women than my Louie. My readers may remember the soft influence of Mademoiselle de Maupin, and the realization of that beauteous power in the person of the lovely and delicious and really lascivious Lizzie Wilson. Her cunt proved its power, and the far distant one, between poor Louie’s thighs, no longer traumatized over my, till then, moral prick and modest balls. Well, then, I did look forward this time to some more luscious fucking, at no very remote day, for Fanny’s dearest little cunt would surely again be mine within a fortnight, to caress, to kiss, to fuck to my heart’s content. Still it was a grievous annoyance to lose it, even for that short time.

  The day passed wearily, far more so than I anticipated it would. My thoughts were all with Fanny. I knew she went away grieving, and all my sympathies were with her. I went to bed early, hoping to get some sleep, and so pass away as many hours in an unconscious state as possible.

  I don’t know how long I had been thus sleeping, when I woke, feeling my nose gently pinched, and—there was Sugdaya!

  The first idea that came into my mind was that Sugdaya, mindful of my little speech to her on the first night that I fucked Fanny, had taken advantage of my words lit
erally and that Fanny having left Fackabad, though only temporarily, she had come to be fucked herself. The dear reader will remember that I had proposed to Sugdaya to fuck her whenever Fanny went away. I meant for good, and now I imagined that Sugdaya wanted to take my words literally.

  “Well, Sugdaya, what is it?”

  “Sahib I Miss Fanny Baba wants me to ask you to come over to her. She is in bed and wants master!”

  “Good God! Has any accident then happened, Sugdaya? What made the Colonel come back? I hope no one is hurt I How is Miss Fanny Baba?”

  “There has been no accident, sahib!” said Sugdaya laughing, “no one has been hurt. Miss Fanny Baba is quite well but her cunt is hungry for this,” and she took possession of my prick. I did not repel her. I never repel a pretty woman when she takes hold of me there.

  “I’ll come at once, Sugdaya! But tell me, why did the Colonel come back?”

  “He has only come back for the night, sahib!” said Sugdaya, sitting on the edge of the bed and gently moving her hand, in the most delicious manner, up and down my prick; I lay on my back and let her. It was so pleasant and I wanted to hear particulars. “They got as far as Dharra, that is the first stage, you know, sahib!—Ah! What a handsome, grand prick you have, sahib!—No wonder Miss Fanny Baba loves it I And grand balls too! Someday, you know, sahib, you must fuck me, you know you promised!”

  “So I will, surely, Sugdaya. But take care. Don’t make me spend.”

  “No, sahib!” said poor Sugdaya with a sigh, “Miss Fanny Baba’s cunt must make it do that! I’ll play with your balls only,” and she began those caresses with the fingertips, so exquisitely delicious.

  “All right, Sugdaya. That is very nice. Now tell me, what did they do at Dharra?”

  “Oh! Sahib! There were no fresh horses ready. The Colonel Sahib wanted to go on with those which had come with him from Fackabad, but the hairy man would not.

  Then they found it would not be possible for them to leave Dharra that day, and the Colonel Sahib waited, and when the horses were rested came back slowly to Fackabad. He and Miss Fanny Baba will try again tomorrow morning now! Come sahib. Poor Miss Fanny Baba wants you badly.”

  I jumped up, fastened my pajamas, felt Sugdaya’s nice little brown cunt and bubbies, kissed her, sham fucked her a little, and saw plainly that I had only to say, “I’ll fuck you instead, Sugdaya!” and she would gladly have taken Fanny’s place in my bed; but although all this sporting was dangerous, I had no idea of being unfaithful to Fanny, and with steps as noiseless and swift as possible, Sugdaya and I went, hand in hand, over to the Colonel’s bungalow.

  Before Sugdaya let me in by the bath room door she said, in a low tone, “Don’t speak to Miss Fanny Baba, sahib. The Colonel Sahib is not sleeping well, and he might hear you. For that reason, too, Miss Fanny Baba has only a small light in her room. Just go in—get right into bed with her, and fuck her quietly and nicely.”

  This was the very first time I had ever been in the Colonel’s bungalow to fuck Fanny in her own bed. I had fucked her in the compound and, on one or two occasions which I have not mentioned, I had fucked her in the drawing room, taking her on my knees, but I had never fucked her in her own bed, and the idea seemed delicious to me. Though no longer a virgin herself, her bed was virgin, and she seemed to me like taking her maidenhead a second time. I went into her room then, palpitating with desire, and with my prick as vigorous as if the long week or ten days had passed during which I had expected to be a widower.

  The room was all but pitch dark. There was a light indeed, but so covered that not even its miserable feeble rays could fall on the bed which I dimly saw, and on which I could just discern the figure of a girl, who looked naked. I could not distinguish any features, only general forms, but Fanny’s bush struck me as looking much darker in this darkness than usual. Sugdaya led me still by the hand, and when at the bedside whispered in lowest tones:

  “Don’t make any noise, sahib. I will go and lie at the Colonel Sahib’s door.”

  And she left me and glided out into the pitch darkness of the other room.

  Delighted to be with Fanny again, so much sooner than I expected, I gently got into her bed, fearing to make it creak, but it was firm, now at any rate, for it made no sound. A gentle but nervously hurried hand took possession of my prick, whilst I drew honey from her warm lips and pressed the lively bubbies I found one after the other. I longed to speak, but the first attempt I made was met with a warning “hush!” from her, whilst a gentle little pull at my burning prick told me what the darling girl wanted it to block, in silence, to the equally burning little cunt, of which the soft lips were already moistened in anticipation of the delight it expected. Carefully making no creak occur from the bedstead, I gently turned over on to the dear girl, whom I could feel panting with hot desire, and taking my place between her exquisite thighs I drew my quivering prick against that throbbing and excited cunt, enraptured at the idea that I was now at last fucking her in her bed. Fanny kissed me as though in an ecstasy, my prick glided in, doffing his cap as he did so, and then to my complete surprise was met by a complete denial of further ingress.

  At first I imagined that Fanny was practicing on me. r had taught her how to imitate a virgin bride, and by straightening her legs stiffly, raising her belly as high as possible, and withdrawing her cunt from the invading prick, as well as by taking a slightly crooked position sideways, she could make it difficult for her husband, when she had one, to get into her. But on putting my hand to feel how her thighs were placed, I found her knees were bent. I could not detect any willful upraising of the belly, nor any refusal of her. darling cunt. I tried again. No go. There was a real obstruction. What could it be from? I tried again. There was the same result. I began to feel hot with shame, and wondered could my prick possibly be failing me. Oh! no! It was as stiff as when I first had Fanny. As stiff as it always had been when between the delicious thighs of a girl! I quietly and suddenly slipped away, and off of Fanny, and put an enquiring finger up her cunt. I imagined that she might have manufactured a savior sponge, for Sugdaya had not asked me to bring mine, and I had forgotten entirely to do so, and that this caused the obstruction. Fanny let me feel her without making the least objection and—I felt—a maidenhead! Oh! There was no doubt about it. In a moment the idea flashed upon me that it was not Fanny, but Mabel. I strained my eyes, but could not make out the face, so close to me, but yet so hidden by the darkness.

  “It is not Fanny!” I said in my lowest tones. “Is it you—Mabel ?”

  My question was answered by a peal of loud, merry laughter, which considering that I still believed the Colonel to be in the house, and just across the drawing room, astonished me for two reasons—first, it was not Fanny’s laughter, nor Mabel’s—but Amy’s—and secondly it was so noisy!

  Sugdaya came running in. When she saw me with my finger in Amy’s cunt, which she easily saw by the lamp she carried, and my look of astonishment, and Amy writhing in uncontrollable laughter, she joined in and rolled about in excessive merriment!

  “Ah! Sahib! Sahib! What a lucky man you are, that all the Misses Baba think that there is only one sahib that can fuck, and that one Captain Devereaux Sahib. Well, Miss Amy Baba. Did he fuck you nicely?”

  “No,” cried Amy, “he can’t do it.”

  “Can’t do it,” cried I in anger, for I felt I had been most cruelly deceived, “can’t do it, Miss Amy. I’ll show you that I can do it and well, too!”

  And so saying, I again plumped on top of her, inserted my indignant prick, and stretching Amy in such a manner that she could not possibly escape me, I forced my excited weapon as hard as I could against the rash maidenhead, which had by the voice of its owner sneered at me.

  “Oh-h-h-h! Captain Dev-er-eaux! Oh-h-h-h, for God’s sake! Oh! You are killing me—you—are—killing me! Ah-h-h-h! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh-h-h!”

  It was a
tough job. Amy’s maidenhead was thrice as strong as Fanny’s, and much more unyielding than the majority of those it has been my excellent good fortune to take. And I did not feel tender minded toward her. I am afraid I was more rough than I should have been but oh! Had she not deceived me and robbed her sister? So without mercy I went on plunging and plunging, ruthlessly grinding and tearing my way up, until that really sweet little cunt was filled, and stretched, to the uttermost, and my balls rattled against her bottom, just at the exact spot where the Afghan’s had first had that pre-eminent happiness.

  But Amy, though she said I hurt her dreadfully forcing my prick in so roughly, was by nature voluptuous like Fanny. Her “Ah! Now that’s nice. Ah! Do that again. Oh my! Oh! Captain Devereaux! How you tickle!” told me that fuck, and, my temper having been satisfied by my first burst of anger, I fucked her as sweetly as I could, and was rewarded by her spending copiously, and ravishingly, at the exact moment that I inundated her cunt with the first boiling torrent which had ever been poured by man into it.

  Sugdaya stood by, holding the lamp, and watching, with keen and voluptuous interest, the real combat between my prick and Amy’s cunt, and when she perceived by the cessation of my movements, and the way in which Amy was holding her breath, that I was inundating the shrine, she gave vent to the prolonged “oh-h-h-h!” as though she envied the girl who was getting such delight.


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