Erotic Classics II

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Erotic Classics II Page 193

by Various Authors

  ‘Our mouths together this time, darling, eh!’ whispered Connie with excitement. ‘Don’t stop kissing me, darling!’ she added tenderly as she responded to Alice’s movements under her and set to work to rub her cunt against Alice’s. Soon both girls were hard at work with their cunts squeezed against each other, slit to slit, clitoris against clitoris—Connie’s bottom and hips swaying and oscillating voluptuously while Alice jerked herself up madly. With mouths glued to each other they plunged, curveted, wriggled, squirmed, till the blissful ecstasy overtook them both simultaneously, when madly they bedewed each other with their love-juice to the accompaniment of the most exquisite quivering, utterly absorbed in rapture! With a deep-drawn sigh of intense satisfaction, Connie presently rose slowly off Alice and tenderly contemplated her as she lay—still fastened by her widely extended limbs—to the four corners of the couch, her closed eyes and her involuntary tremors indicating that she was still tasting bliss. Connie turned to me and whispered rapturously, ‘Oh, Jack, she is sweet!’ I kissed her lovingly and resting her on my knees, I sponged and dried her, then begged her to perform the same office to Alice, whose cunt was positively glistening with her own and Connie’s spendings. As soon as Alice felt the sponge at work, she dreamily opened her eyes, and, on recognizing me, she made as if to rise; but when she found herself checked by her fastenings and realized that she was now to be fucked by me, she smiled somewhat uneasily as our eyes met, for as often as she had tasted love’s ecstasy in my arms, she had invariably, after that first time, been free. Now she was tied down in such a way as to be absolutely helpless, and in this equivocal position, she had to accommodate herself to me and to satisfy my lustful passions and desires. But I smiled encouragingly back to her, seated myself by her side, and tenderly embracing her defenseless body, I whispered, ‘Darling, may I have you like this?’

  Her eyes beamed gratefully on me, full of love; she was now perfectly happy because I had left it to her to say whether or not she would be fucked while tied down in the most shamelessly abandoned attitude in which any girl could be placed in. So with love’s own light in her shining eyes and with pretty blushes on her cheeks, Alice whispered back tenderly, ‘Yes, darling, yes!’

  Promptly I got on her, took her in my arms, and gently drove my prick home up her cunt. ‘Do you like it like this, darling?’ I murmured softly. ‘Shall I go on?’ She nodded sweetly, our lips met, and I began to fuck her.

  Tied down as she was, she was simply delicious! I had had first Fanny and then Connie in precisely the same attitude, but voluptuous as was the act of fucking them so, the pleasure fell short of what I was now tasting! To a certain extent, both Fanny and Connie were unwilling recipients of my erotic favors.

  Fanny was really ravished and Connie practically so, and their movements under me were the outcome of fright, shame, and even pain; but Alice was yielding herself sweetly to my caprices and was doing her best to accommodate her captive body to my movements. Perhaps her little plump rounded figure suited the attitude better than the taller and more slender forms of Fanny and Connie—but whatever may have been the reason, the result was undeniable, and Alice, fucked as a helpless captive, was simply delicious. Her double spend under Connie made her usual quick response to love’s demands arrive more slowly than was customary with her, and as this was my fourth course that afternoon, our fucking was protracted to a delicious extent, and I adopted every method and variation known to me to intensify our exquisite pleasure.

  Commencing slowly, I fucked Alice with long strokes, drawing my prick nearly out of her cunt and then shoving it well home again, a procedure which always delighted her and which she welcomed with appreciative and warm kisses. I agitated myself more rapidly on her, shoving, pressing, thrusting, ramming, now fast, now slow, holding her so tightly clasped that her breasts were flattened against my chest while she, panting and gasping, plunged, wriggled, and heaved herself wildly under me in her loyal endeavors to cooperate with me to bring about love’s ecstasy. Presently she thrilled exquisitely under me! Fired by her delicious transports, I re-doubled my efforts, as did she also. I began to feel my seminal resources respond to my demand on them. Soon we both were overtaken by the tempestuous prelude to the blissful crisis, and then came the exquisite consummation of our wildly sexual desires! With a half-strangled, ‘Ah-h . . . Jack,’ Alice spent in rapturous convulsions just as I madly shot into her my boiling tribute!

  Oblivious to absolutely everything except the delicious satisfaction of our overwrought feelings, we lay as if in a trance! We were roused by Connie’s gentle warning voice, ‘Alice! . . . Alice! . . . Alice, dear!’ as she set to work to undo Alice’s fastenings. Taking the hint, I rose after giving Alice a long lingering parting kiss. We helped her to get up and Connie tenderly took her off at once to the girl’s alcove, while I retired to mine, where Fanny deliciously attended to me, her eyes sparkling with gratified pleasure at the recollection of the voluptuous spectacle she had been permitted to witness through the peep-hole.

  As it was getting late. We all dressed ourselves, and after a tender parting, I put Connie and Alice into a taxi and started them off home. On returning to my room, I found Fanny ready to depart. She was full of delighted gratitude to me for having managed that she should see all that went on and also have a share in the afternoon’s proceedings, and when I slipped a couple of sovereigns into her hand, I had the greatest difficulty making her accept them. Finally she did so, saying shyly and with pretty blushes, ‘You’ve only got to call me, sir, and I will come.’ I kissed her tenderly, put her into a hansom and sent her home. I wended my way to my Club, where I drank to the three sweet cunts I, that afternoon, had enjoyed, and their delicious owners; Alice, Connie, and Fanny!

  Chapter VIII

  I did not see anything of Alice for some little time after the conversion of Connie, but I did not distress myself, for I knew she would be in the first flush of her newly developed Tribadic ardor and newly born passion for her own sex and would be hard put to satisfy Connie and Fanny, and I felt sure that she would, of her own volition, come to me before long. Meanwhile, another matter began to occupy my serious attention.

  A few months ago, I had made the acquaintance of Lady Betty Bashe at the house of a mutual friend. She was a consolable widow of something under forty and was busy introducing her daughter into Society, and for some perverse reason, she took it into her head that I would make an excellent son-in-law and proceeded to hunt me persistently, her daughter aiding and abetting her vigorously till they became a real nuisance.

  I had taken a dislike to both mother and daughter from our first meeting, although they both were decidedly attractive. Lady Betty was a tall, robust, buxom woman of under forty, after the type of Ruben’s fleshy females, but somewhat over-developed, and owed a good deal to her corseter. I guessed that without her stays she would be almost exuberant, but nevertheless a fine armful. Molly, her daughter, was a small and dainty edition of her mother, and with the added freshness and juiciness of her eighteen years, she was really a tidbit. But both mother and daughter were silly, affected, insincere, and unscrupulous, and Lady Betty’s juvenile airs and youthful affectations only tended to confirm my distaste for her.

  I had told Lady Betty plainly one day that I was not in the matrimonial market; but she nevertheless continued to pursue me pertinaciously till it became intolerable, and I determined I would stop her at any cost.

  Matters culminated at a dinner given by the same hostess whose kindly suggestion brought about the reconciliation of Alice and myself, as already related in the first chapter. She, of course, again gave me Alice as my dinner partner, an arrangement that did not commend itself to Lady Betty. I think she must have taken a little too much of our hostess’ champagne, but in the middle of dinner she called out in a tone that attracted everyone’s attention and checked the conversation, ‘Jack, we’re coming to lunch day after tomorrow; mind you’re in!’

  I was intensely an
noyed, first by the use of my Christian name and then by the intolerable air of proprietorship she assumed, but the look of distress on my dear little hostess’s face impelled me to face the music. I promptly responded with a smile, ‘That will be very nice of you, Lady Betty; you shall have some of my famous soufflé, and you will be the first to see my new curios!’ The conversation turned on my curios and soon became general, much to my hostess’s relief, and the rest of the dinner passed off pleasantly.

  As I was driving Alice home, she said sympathetically, ‘Poor Jack, what a bad time you’ll have day after tomorrow.’

  ‘Not at all, dear,’ I replied cheerily, ‘somebody else will have the bad time, for unless I am greatly mistaken, there will be a lot of squealing in the Snuggery on that afternoon. Her Ladyship will be made to remember the pleasures of married life, and there will be one virgin less in the world!’

  Alice started in surprise. ‘You don’t mean to say, Jack, that you mean to . . . to . . .’

  ‘I do!’ I said stoutly. ‘I’m sick of this annoyance and mean to stop it. Will you come and see the fun, dear?’

  ‘I will, gladly,’ Alice replied energetically. ‘But, Jack, do ask Connie also, for we both have a certain bone to pick with her Ladyship.’

  ‘Why not include Fanny as well, dear?’ I asked mischievously.

  ‘Jack! That would be just lovely!’ Alice exclaimed with sparkling eyes. ‘Yes, Jack! Please let Fanny come! We’ll then be three couples, very convenient, sir, and we’ll be three couples in the undressing and the . . . the . . . sponging! Yes, Jack! Let’s have Fanny also. We can have a regular orgy with Lady Betty and Molly as the main attraction!’ she added, eagerly hugging me in her excitement while one hand wandered down to the fly of my trousers.

  I was hugely taken by her idea luscious woman and a voluptuous maiden on whom to exercise our lustful ingenuity! ‘A most excellent idea, darling,’ I replied. ‘You bring Connie with you, let Fanny follow and hide in my alcove till she’s wanted, as before, and we’ll give Lady Betty and Molly an afternoon entertainment they won’t easily forget, and also have a heavenly time ourselves!’

  Alice smiled delightedly. Cuddling up to me she whispered, ‘Now, Jack, I’m going to ask a favor. I’m longing to be fucked in my own little room in the middle of my own familiar things on my own bed! Come in tonight, darling, and do me!’

  ‘Yes! . . . Yes . . . Yes!’ I whispered passionately, punctuating my reply with kisses and noting with delight how she thrilled with sweet anticipation. Soon we arrived at her flat. Fanny, with pretty lashes, ushered me into Alice’s dainty bedroom and on her little bed in the quaint surroundings of her most intimate self, Alice, stark naked, received me in her arms and expired deliciously five times, while I twice madly spent into her. So excited was I by my voluptuous experience of fucking an unmarried girl in her bedroom, and on her own bed, that I began a third course, but Alice murmured, ‘No, Jack, darling! Not again! I’ve got to console Fanny presently, and she’ll be very excited!’ Whereupon I reluctantly rose off her, dressed, and after a hundred kisses (not confined to her mouth by any means) I went home, imagining on my way Fanny in her mistress’s arms, the cunts of both in sweet conjunction.

  The eventful afternoon came around. Lady Betty was disgusted at finding that she and Molly were not going to have me at their mercy by myself all the afternoon, and vented her spite on Alice and Connie more than once in her ill-bred way. But they knew their vengeance was at hand and they took her insulting impertinence with well-bred indifference. In due course we were all collected in the Snuggery, Fanny concealed in my alcove.

  ‘Jack, why don’t you have those nasty pulleys taken down; they are not pretty, they’re useless, and they’re horridly in the way!’ exclaimed Lady Betty after she narrowly escaped coming up against one.

  ‘Why, they form my gymnasium, your Ladyship!’ I replied. ‘I couldn’t do without them!’

  Molly now joined in eagerly. ‘How do you work them, Jack?’ she asked.

  ‘What’s the idea of the loops? I’m a dab at gymnastics but never saw this arrangement before.’

  ‘The loops are wristlets, Miss Molly,’ I replied. ‘You must fasten them ’round your wrists and then grasp the rope with your hand—thus you divide your weight between wrist and hand instead of it all coming on the fingers as in a trapeze.’

  Of course all this was nonsense and rubbish, yet this ‘dab in gymnastics’ believed it all solemnly; it was a fair sample of her ways.

  ‘Oh, how clever!’ Molly exclaimed in her affected fulsome way. ‘Let me try, Jack! Alice, please fasten me!’ Alice complied demurely with a sly glance at me.

  ‘I used to be the best girl at gymnastics in school,’ said Lady Betty complacently. ‘Molly takes after me.’ By this time, Alice had fastened the ropes to Molly’s wrists and the latter began to swing herself slowly and gently, backwards and forwards.

  ‘Oh, Mother, it is jolly!’ cried Molly. ‘Do try it!’

  Ever anxious to show herself to be a juvenile, Lady Betty rose briskly. ‘Will you fasten me, Jack?’ she said as she raised her arms for the purpose. ‘I’m afraid I’m too old and heavy for this sort of thing now! Will the ropes bear me, Jack?’

  ‘They carry me, Lady Betty,’ I replied as I fastened the wristlets to her arms.

  ‘Why malign yourself so cruelly?’

  Lady Betty glanced at me approvingly for my pretty speech, little dreaming that she and Molly were now our prisoners by their own actions. Alice and I exchanged exulting looks; we had our victims safe!

  Following Molly’s lead, Lady Betty swung herself gently to and fro a few times, then stopped, remarking, ‘I can’t say I like it, dear, but I’m not as young you are! Let me loose, Jack!’

  Instead of doing so, I passed my arms ’round her buxom waist, and drew her to me as I replied, ‘Not yet, dear Lady Betty. We’re going to have some fun with you and Miss Molly first!’

  Something significant in my voice or in my eyes told her of what was in store for her and her daughter! She flushed nervously, then paled, while Molly, startled, stopped swinging herself as Alice and Connie quietly took up positions, one on each side of her.

  For a moment there was dead silence, then Lady Betty said somewhat unsteadily, ‘I don’t follow you at all Jack. Loose us both at once please. I don’t mind a joke in the least, but you’re going too far, sir!’

  ‘Will this help you to understand our ideas, dear Lady Betty?’ I rejoined with a mischievous smile as I slipped my hand under her clothes and pulled them up till they rested on her fat thighs.

  ‘Oh!’ she screamed, utterly taken aback by the quickness of my action and its most unexpected nature. ‘How dare you, sir!’ she shrieked as she felt my hand forcing its way upwards and between her legs. ‘Stop! . . . Stop!’ she yelled, now furious with rage at such an outrage, while Molly screamed sympathetically, horror-stricken!

  I withdrew my hand. ‘You’re awfully nice and plump dear Lady!’ I remarked cruelly as I watched her flustered face and heaving bosom. ‘If the rest of you is like what I have just had the pleasure of feeling, you’ll give us even a more delicious time than we expected! We really must undress you to see. You won’t mind, will you?’

  ‘What!’ cried Lady Betty, staring wildly at me as if unable to believe her ears, while Molly shrieked hysterically, ‘No, no!’

  ‘Make Molly comfortable in that easy chair, dears, till we want her,’ I said quietly to Alice and Connie, who instantly pushed the Chair of Treachery up to Molly and gently forced her into it till the arms firmly held her prisoner.

  They took the ropes off her wrists, as she was sufficiently under control now, Molly, all the time struggling frantically, shrieking, ‘Oh, Mother! Help! Help!’ But Lady Betty had her own troubles to attend to, for to her bewilderment, Fanny suddenly appeared before her in response to my signal, and the sight of this trim smart lady’s maid
ready to commence to undress her was evidently an awful proof that we intended to carry out our intentions as to her and her daughter.

  ‘Undress Lady Betty, Fanny,’ I commanded quietly, and Fanny instantly began to do so!

  ‘I won’t have it! I won’t have it! Stop her Jack,’ screamed Lady Betty, now purple with wrathful indignation and the sense of her powerlessness, for her frantic tugs at the ropes availed her nothing. ‘Mother! Oh mother dear!’ yelled Molly in an agony of dismay as she saw Fanny deftly remove Lady Betty’s hat and proceed to unfasten her dress. Intent on going to her mother’s aid, she made desperate efforts to drag the heavy armchair after her, but Connie easily frustrated her attempts at rescue, and seeing that Molly was safe in Connie’s hands, I signaled to Alice to assist Fanny, which she was delighted to do. Between the three of us, Lady Betty’s clothes slipped off her in a way that must have been marvelous to her. By the time we had reduced her to her stays, bare-legged and bare armed, she evidently saw she was doomed, and in place of threats she began to plead for mercy. But we were deaf to her prayers and entreaties. Off came her stays, then her chemise and vest, leaving her standing with only her drawers on! ‘For God’s sake, Jack, don’t strip me naked!’ she shrieked in terrible distress, her face crimson with shame. I simply nodded to Alice. A twitch at the tape and down came the drawers leaving Lady Betty standing naked from head to foot!

  ‘Oh!’ she wailed as her agonized eyes instinctively sought Molly’s and read in her daughter’s face her horrible anguish at the sight of her naked mother.

  ‘Cover me up! For God’s sake, cover me up, Jack!’ she piteously pleaded as she involuntarily squeezed her legs together in a despairing attempt to shield her private parts from view. I touched the spring and made the ropes draw her off the ground, so that Alice and Fanny could remove the tumbled mass of her garments. ‘Oh-h-h!’ she shrieked as she found herself dangling by her wrists, her struggles to touch the ground exposing her person deliciously.


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