War for the Sundered Crown (The Sundered Crown Saga Book 2)

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War for the Sundered Crown (The Sundered Crown Saga Book 2) Page 7

by Olney, Matthew

  Luxon was outside and making his way back to his quarters when he saw a group of mages gathered in a group. They were all chatting excitedly. Curious, Luxon walked over to see what had caused all of the interest.

  The mages were huddled around a poster that had been nailed to a wall.

  The sound of marching feet prompted the crowd to part and scurry away in all directions. Luxon took the chance to step closer to the poster. Written in black ink were the words:

  Accadus, Baron of Retbit, offers all magic users sanctuary in his lands. The persecution of magic wielders must end. Join Accadus and live free of hatred and revulsion.

  Luxon stared at the words, his heart sinking. Angrily, he ripped the poster off the wall. He scrunched it up and tossed it onto the ground.

  The sound of marching feet grew closer. Welsly and two other Nightblades rounded the corner. Welsly stopped as he spotted Luxon. He picked up the paper, unfurled it and read the words.

  “Another one of those blasted posters,” he grumbled. “By the gods, who keeps putting these things up?”

  “How many have you seen?” Luxon asked. More and more mages were returning to Caldaria telling tales of abuse and persecution.

  “Too many. Things outside Caldaria are getting so bad that I’ve even heard rumours that some mages are considering taking up Accadus’s offer. If they join him then, he will have a force of magic users at his command.”

  “How can anyone trust Accadus?” Luxon said angrily. “He is a murderer. Hells, if the rumours are true he is in league with Danon himself.”

  Tiredness almost overwhelmed him. He said goodbye to Welsly and continued tiredly back to his room.

  * * *

  The nightmares came to him, as they often did. Luxon tossed and turned in his bed. His cries woke Yepert, whose bedroom adjoined that of his friend’s.

  In their training, they had been told that dreams were important to mages, but to a wizard like Luxon they could prove to be vital, even prophetic. Yepert lay awake and stared at the ceiling of his small room. The shouts and cries of his friend grew in volume. He resisted the urge to wake him.

  A scream made him flinch. Whatever Luxon was dreaming of must be awful.

  Slowly he got out of bed, put on his robe and made his way silently into his friend’s room. From the doorway he could see Luxon thrashing around. The sheets were strewn across the floor and soaked with sweat.

  * * *

  Fire consumed the land. Dead things moved and consumed the living. Luxon stood on a high wall of a mighty fortress overlooking a vast flat plain; at his side were his friends and warriors that he did not recognise. Soldiers of the King’s Legion manned the walls, their bows and catapults trained on the approaching foe. All were grim-faced, their weapons held tightly in their hands. In the distance was the shape of a city, its towers crumbling like dominoes. Winged creatures filled the sky and the earth was covered by shambling undead. Behind the zombies marched a black-armoured army. It numbered in its tens of thousands; glowing eyes glinted through the visors of helmets and from the shadows cast by hoods. He looked to his left. On the sea were hundreds of ships in battle and countless bodies drifting amongst the turbulent waves. Cries of the dying and the crashing of wood carried on the cold night air.

  Fire consumed the sea. He felt panic and fear. They would all be consumed by the horde. He could feel himself scream as the army parted and a man walked to the fore. He looked familiar, his hair was black, his face pale and twisted, his eyes red with hatred. The figure raised a hand and pointed straight at him. “Danon comes for you all,” a voice boomed. “Your doom is at hand”

  * * *

  Luxon’s eyes snapped open, his breaths coming fast and panicked. His body was clammy with sweat and his hands ached from where they had gripped the sheets too tightly. He looked around and sighed in relief as he realised he was safe. His bleary eyes focused on Yepert who was standing nearby. His friend’s face was covered in black soot.

  “Are you alright?” Yepert asked, taking a mug from a nearby shelf and filling it with water from a jug.

  Luxon accepted the drink gratefully and gulped down the cool liquid.

  “I’m fine. It was just a nightmare … are you alright?” he replied hesitantly, pointing to his friend’s blackened face.

  “I’m okay … you sort of set the curtains on fire. I managed to put it out with a spell.”

  Yepert gestured to the still smouldering curtains. “That was the worst one I’ve ever heard you have, Lux, and you’ve had a fair few over the years. What was it about?”

  Luxon ran a hand through his sweat-soaked hair and sighed in exasperation.

  “It was nothing …” he muttered.


  “Let me tell you of the Sarpi,” Thanos began solemnly.

  Luxon, Yepert, Ferran and the newly arrived Sophia and Kaiden were sat in the arch mage’s study. In the week that had passed, Luxon had improved his skills in transmutation to such an extent that he could transform objects nearly at will. Turning himself into another creature, however, still eluded him.

  Sophia and Kaiden had arrived in Caldaria the previous night, and the news that they had brought with them had spurred Thanos into accelerating his plans.

  Preparations were underway to equip Luxon and the others for the long journey south to the Watchers, and beyond to the Great Plains and the city of Stormglade.

  “Once, long ago, there were four great empires of man. The Tulin, Yundol, Nivonian and Sarpi. Each of these empires ruled their respective continents, with the Nivonian ruling what we today call Delfinnia. These empires came under threat in the Second Age when a disciple of Danon created the N’gist cult – a group of mages perverted by dark magic and necromancy. The leader, as we know from the tales of Estran, was called Necron. Within a few years, the N’gist’s influence corrupted the empires of the Tulin, Sarpi and Yundols. Their emperors submitted to the will of Necron and his army of N’gist followers. The war that followed saw the Nivonian Empire battle the others, but they too were bested. Danon returned and his first Dark Age began.”

  Ferran yawned loudly, eliciting an annoyed look from Thanos. Sophia leant over and slapped her husband playfully on the arm.

  “Sorry, Thanos, but we’ve heard this tale a thousand times,” Ferran said sarcastically.

  Thanos crossed his arms, unimpressed. The arch mage stared at the Nightblade until Ferran looked away and mumbled an apology.

  “As I was saying,” Thanos continued, “the Dark Age was ended by Zahnia the Great. In his struggle to liberate the peoples of Esperia from Danon and the N’gist, he travelled to the four empires. The Tulin and Yundol joined him in his war against evil, but the Sarpi refused, for they had embraced the ways of the N’gist fully. Danon was their god, and the N’gist their new, foul religion. Zahnia left the Sarpi, but after his victory and the banishment of Danon to the Void, he returned with a fleet to Sarpia’s shores. As punishment for their wicked ways and devotion to evil, Zahnia cursed the Sarpi Empire.

  “‘If they loved darkness so much then they can live in it forever,’ Zahnia proclaimed. Using his powers, he made it so that the sun would never again cast its warmth and light upon Sarpia. He moved a rock drifting in the blackness of space and made it so that it would always blot out the sun over the landmass of Sarpia.”

  Luxon whistled in awe. To be able to do such a thing would require more power than he could imagine.

  “We do not know what happened after that, as the Golden Empire avoided Sarpia and after the Magic Wars, contact with the outside world was mostly lost. I surmise that Sarpi mages must have come up with a way to allow the Sarpi people to survive in the perpetual darkness. Perhaps that is why their eyes glow,” Thanos finished.

  A silence fell over the room as its occupants reflected on the story.

  Kaiden broke the quiet.

  “I do not care what they are,” he said, his voice cracking with emotion. “They took my wife and daughter. I will do whatever it
takes to get them back.” He rose from his seat and stood before his friends. “We went through hell and back at Eclin. Now I beg you to no doubt do the same in the south. If we can best Danon once, we can do it again, Sarpi army or not.”

  Ferran leaned back in his chair and drummed his chin with his fingertips.

  “I suppose I’m in.”

  Sophia nodded.

  “You don’t even have to ask. I will help you,” she said.

  A look of determination was on Yepert’s face.

  “Last time, I was just a terrified boy. Now I am a man and I am still petrified, but I cannot let my friends walk into danger without being by their side. Count me in.”

  They all turned to look at Luxon, who was looking at his hands.

  “Our paths lie in the same place. Kaiden. I will go with you beyond the Watchers and the plains, but my quest differs from yours. I go to find my mother, but if it means saving Alira and your daughter in the process, than I shall.”

  Kaiden bowed to his wizard friend.

  “There are no better friends a man can find than you.”

  * * *

  The following day passed in a blur as final preparations for the journey south were made. Horses were shod, supplies packed, weapons sharpened and Luxon was put through his paces by Master Kvar and Thanos.

  Thanos had set up an obstacle course that filled the whole training level of the college. Climbing ropes, gymnastic horses and other equipment were laid out. A crowd of students sat to one side, all eager to watch Luxon’s challenge.

  “A magic user’s biggest weakness is their reliance on their powers,” Thanos preached to the students. “What do you do if you are incapacitated, if your powers are drained, or your concentration is lacking? To survive, you must also hone your body as well as your mind. Skills with mundane things such as swords and bows could save your life in such situations.”

  Yepert stood to one side next to his friend.

  “You ready for this?” he asked Luxon, who was taking off his shirt and limbering up his arms and legs. He punched the air in rapid succession.

  “Yeah, I think so. I’ve been working on my fitness, remember? I just wish Thanos hadn’t invited the whole college to watch me make a tit of myself.”

  Thanos finished his speech and waved to Luxon. Taking a deep breath, Luxon rolled his shoulders and stepped up to the starting line.

  “Watch this wizard tackle the course,” Thanos said. “He will soon depart on a dangerous mission and all of his skills will be put to the test, both magical and physical. Learn from him, for one day each of you must pass the same course if you wish to be anointed full mages.”

  Luxon went into a sprinter’s position and waited for the arch mage’s signal. Thanos raised his arm; Luxon’s heart was pounding in his ears.

  The arm dropped and Luxon shot forward at a sprint. The first obstacle was a set of monkey bars which he attacked with vigour. His strong arms bore him across with ease and he leapt to the ground and rolled. Instantly he rose to his feet and ran forward. The next obstacle was a narrow beam placed over a pit built into the hall’s floor. Using magic, Thanos had set sacks filled with sand swinging across the beam. Luxon slowed and crouched, his eyes watching the bags. He tensed as he waited for his chance to advance. The pace of the bags swings increased in speed. Luxon sat back on his heels and tossed Thanos a look of annoyance. The arch mage smirked playfully.

  Taking a deep breath, Luxon closed his eyes and channelled the magic within him. He felt power flood into his body. When he reopened his eyes, the room around him looked different. Everything now moved in slow motion. The enhancement spell had worked a treat. The bags swung out of the way slowly and Luxon made his move. Spreading his arms out to his sides to keep his balance, he moved as fast he could across the beam. He dispelled the enhancement and the room returned to normal. Behind him, the bags continued to swing at their rapid pace.

  A chorus of gasps came from the on looking students as they spotted Luxon on the other side of the beam. Yepert clapped his friend eagerly. Luxon flashed Thanos an arrogant smile and saluted sarcastically, eliciting a laugh from his mentor. He ran forward and leapt over a trap door that snapped open beneath him.

  The next obstacle was a high pillar with no visible way of reaching the top. He narrowed his eyes and spotted the tiny holes etched into the pillars surface.

  Slowly, he placed his hands into the lower holes and hauled himself upwards. The climb was tough, and sweat poured from him as his muscles strained. He was glad he had joined the Nightblades in their training after Eclin; the tough physical training they did had aided him well.

  His sweaty hands slipped, almost causing him to fall, and creating more gasps from the watching students. Swearing under his breath, he stretched for the hole he had missed. With a grunt, his fingertips made contact and he pulled himself higher. His arms shook with tiredness and his legs felt like lead as he reached the top of the pole. There was no time to relax, however, as the next task was to get back down. He could jump or he could use magic. He thought over what Thanos had said to the pupils, and heeded his words; he had to learn to do things without always relying on his powers. Slowly and painfully he opted to climb back down rather than leap and use levitation to ease him gently to the ground. At the back of his mind, he knew that in real life and if he was in danger he would take the magical option.

  Eventually, his feet touched the cold floor of the training room. His breathing was ragged and every sinew of his body ached. He continued forward to the final obstacle and stopped in bemusement. A large block of wood barred his path. It was too high to climb, and its only noticeable feature was a tiny hole at its base. Master Kvar was stood nearby, a smile on his face.

  Luxon moaned as he realised that this was Kvar’s final test of his transmutation skills. He walked over the hole and knelt down in front of it. Only a tiny creature would be able to squeeze through such a space. Closing his eyes, he focused. He imagined a tiny field mouse scurrying about his feet, and channelled his power into the thought. Weariness flooded his body and his head ached as pain spiked within it. A strange sensation filled him as he felt himself get smaller and smaller. A wave of excitement passed over him as the spell took effect. He felt his trousers fall to the floor in a heap.

  He opened his eyes and saw darkness. He felt panic as he realised that something was pressing down on his body. He moved forward and headed towards a sliver of light. His limbs felt different, but apart from that he felt fine. He crawled under the object and into the bright light. He cried out as the wooden block towered over him like a mountain. He jumped as the cry came out as a squeak. The tiny gap now looked a chasm and he scurried into it. The tunnel felt miles long, but eventually he emerged out of the other side to be met with a chorus of cheers and applause. A massive hand reached down and scooped him up off of the floor.

  Master Kvar chuckled as he stroked the squeaking mouse in his palm.

  “Well done Luxon, well done indeed,” he praised.

  Carefully, he placed the mouse onto the ground and gently placed a robe on top of it. A light began to shine from underneath the material, and the robe began to rise from the ground as Luxon reverted back to his original form.

  Panting, Luxon covered himself and gratefully took the trousers offered to him by Yepert, who had snatched up his clothes after his transformation.

  “That was the weirdest sensation I think I have ever felt,” Luxon said happily. He wiggled his fingers and toes after putting on the robe to cover his modesty.

  “I do believe that you are ready for what is to come,” Thanos declared.

  * * *

  Luxon crossed his arms in annoyance. Upon returning to his chambers, he had found Hannah waiting for him. He was surprised to see that she was dressed for travel, a brown bag hung over her shoulder. In her left hand was a silver staff which was plain along its shaft, save for the healer’s emblem etched into the weighted head.

  “Thanos said that it is okay for me
to go with you,” she explained hotly. “I let you go last time and you vanished for months. Hells, you ended up in the Void!”

  The two had been arguing for a good while.

  “I can look after myself,’ Hannah added as she continued ticking off points with her fingers. “Master Erin says that I am one of the best pole staff users in his class. I am a skilled healer, which, from what you told me of your last adventure, would have come in handy and … well … you need all the help you can get. The Great Plain is full of dangers; having me along will make things easier.”

  When she had finished, she planted her hands on her hips, her blue eyes staring at Luxon defiantly.

  All of her points were valid. She was smart enough to know the perils of the journey, and having a healer in the group would come in handy.

  “I’m not a bad healer myself …” Luxon grumbled lamely. He knew when he was beaten.

  Hannah’s expression softened. She walked over to him and hugged him tightly.

  “You do not have to worry,” she whispered into his ear before nibbling it gently. Luxon groaned as the hairs on his neck stood up. He started to laugh and pushed her gently away.

  “Damn it, woman, you always know how to wear me down,” he laughed. “C’mon, we’d better finish packing; we have to meet the others at the stables by noon.”


  Barony of Retbit

  The Legion soldiers were kneeled in a line, their armour stripped off their bodies. The rain was pouring, turning the battlefield into a mass of foul-smelling mud. All around came the screams of dying men and horses. In the distance, catapults thundered as they unleashed a volley of deadly missiles at the legion fort on the opposing shore of the Zulus River.

  Pacing in front of the captured legionaries was Accadus, the rebel baron of Retbit. He had murdered his father and brother five years previously to claim the mantle of baron. He had refused to pledge allegiance to King Alderlade, and so a long bloody war had raged on Retbit’s borders. Neither side had been able to overpower the other, but now things had changed. Accadus’s master, Danon, had sent him reinforcements from Sarpia, and with those extra troops he had been able to drive the legion back across the Zulus River.


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