A Change for the Good

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A Change for the Good Page 2

by Melanie Jayne

  As they entered the coffee house Tony asked, “What would you like? They have juices, soft drinks and coffee drinks. Plus, if you are hungry we can order some food. “

  “I think I will have a strawberry smoothie.”

  “One strawberry smoothie it is. Why don’t you grab a table and I’ll order?”

  Zoe selected a table on the opposite wall, and settled in. She watched as Tony waited in line. At first glance he appeared to be waiting patiently, although there was a hint of unease in his stance. It reminded her of a big cat, ready to move suddenly. She watched him scan the room to find where she was sitting and when their eyes met, she smiled and he gave her a chin lift. He held her eyes for a moment and then continued his scan.

  He delivered the drinks and took the seat across from her. Zoe could feel her nervousness increase. Taking a deep breath she started talking, “I like this place. This is my first time here.’

  “I stop in after my workouts almost every day. It’s convenient and the staff seems nice.”

  “I just moved here so I’m still getting my bearings. I haven’t had time to check out many places yet.”

  “So when did you move here?” His brown eyes were a warm brown now, like melted chocolate.

  “About six weeks ago on a bit of a whim.”

  “On purpose? To Columbus?” He let out a loud laugh.

  Zoe rolled her eyes. “Well it was the first impetuous thing that I’d done in years. I was going through a rough period and found myself without any ties to Denver, so I came up with a plan to move. One night, I was sitting at the computer desk so I spun in the chair three times, touched the map on my computer screen and hit on Columbus.” She gave a brief shrug and sat back in her chair. “Making a change, a new Zoe with a new life.”

  “Sounds like you were looking for an adventure.”

  “I think the three glasses of Merlot might have been a contributing factor. Once I started the process, I couldn’t stop myself.”

  “You are the first person that I’ve ever met that moved here on purpose, not for work or family.”

  “So far it seems like a good decision.” Zoe continued in her best news anchor voice, “I learned that Columbus, Indiana has a population forty-four thousand, not a metropolitan city to get lost in, but also not so small that your every move is noticed.” She paused for effect. “I was so excited that I spent several hours researching the area. Before I could think of all the reasons why it was a crazy idea, I had booked a flight to Indianapolis and a rental car to investigate my new city. I was going to be a Hoosier, whatever that is. I just kept making plans and never looked back. “ She ended with gulp of smoothie. Tony was right, the story did make her sound adventurous. She had never thought about it that way.

  She sat up a little taller in her chair, looking expectantly at him. “Your turn, tell me a little about yourself.”

  Tony shifted, placing both arms onto the table. “Well, I grew up here, went to school at Indiana University, just down the road. I will confess that I don’t know what the hell a Hoosier is but I guess I am one, born and bred. I moved away right after graduation, but then I was injured on the job out of town and needed to recuperate so I moved back.”

  “So that explains the brace on your leg,” Zoe interrupted.

  His expression closed down and his voice was chilly. “Yeah, it has been a long process. I was in bad shape for a while. The leg is healing and I only wear the brace during workouts.”

  She watched the change in Tony’s demeanor. She rushed to smooth things over, “I’m glad that you are going to be fine. I only noticed your leg because of the size of the brace.” She finished weakly, telling herself to shut up.

  “Thank you.” Tony gave her a little smile. “I think it will be gone in a few weeks.”

  She had to change the topic to get the haunted look out of his eyes. “So when you are done healing are you going back to your out of town job?”

  “No, that’s over. I need to start thinking about my future. My brother Geno owns a Private Investigation firm. He offered me a partnership and if I pass on that, then he has used his connections to get me a position with the Columbus Police Department.” Tony’s eyes took on a faraway look as he slowly shook his head. “I understand your feeling of need to make changes in your life. I’m not sure that law enforcement is still the job for me.” He shrugged and leaned back in his chair. “I’m not looking forward to disappointing family and their plans for me.”

  Feeling a connection to him Zoe shared, “In Denver, I was in charge of a private school. I have a background in education but I don’t want to stay in that field. I’m not sure that I even chose that major, I think my father did. I’m trying to figure out what interests me. I saw a job posting for a part-time Circulation Desk Clerk at the library on 5th Street and interviewed. I love to read so I thought it would be a good fit for now. Let me tell you, I was grilled about why I would ‘settle’ for a lowly job when I have a Doctorate. I admitted to a case of burn-out ….”

  “A Ph.D. I’m impressed.”

  She waived her hand. “I loved school and I’ve come to the conclusion that I continued for the advanced degrees because I didn’t want to teach. I know it’s twisted, I just didn’t want to confront or disappoint my family.” She blushed, realizing that she was confiding a part of her that she had only shared with her therapist.

  “So did you get the library job?” He seemed interested.

  “No, in fact I did not.” She frowned and shrugged her shoulders. “They offered me a position as storyteller in the children’s section. So I accepted in hopes that I can transfer soon. I’ve had some training on how to check items in and out but I’m still working with kids.”

  “Damned by being over-qualified,” he said softly.

  “And by not meeting their expectations. I’m hoping that once they get to know me and my work that I can transfer when a position on the adult side opens up. I like to stay busy and I thought it would be a good way to meet people.”

  “I hope that works out for you.”

  His deep voice sent a tingle of excitement down her spine. She was enjoying his interest in her life way too much. “Do you have an idea about what you would like to do outside of law enforcement?”

  Tony’s eyes narrowed as if he were measuring her intent. “Since I have spent so much time in physical therapy, I’ve learned to respect what they do. My therapist has been great and I could see myself doing that.”

  “I think that’s wonderful. I mean, you have done a job that seems to run in your family and now you should focus on something new that you want to do.”

  “You are the first person to ask what I want to do.” His shoulders relaxed.

  “The bottom line is, it’s your life to live.”

  “It would mean going back to school and then I would have to get accepted into a highly competitive program.”

  “I believe that with your background, you must have focus and a strong drive. Use that and I’m sure that you can succeed.” She didn’t know Tony, yet somehow she knew these words were true. “You seem like you get what you want.”

  “It’s just a thought right now.” He looked sheepish and started to shred his napkin.

  She fought the urge to reach across the table and still his hand. “I get it. Changes don’t come easily and it’s stressful. I wasn’t going to call you tomorrow to see if you were applying on college admissions websites. It’s just that it’s nice to meet someone that is also going through the same thing or,” here she used finger quotes, “transitioning. Some days I am excited and others I am scared because I think this plan is risky and I will fail miserably.”

  “Now that I understand. My brother mentions at least once a day about my future and the opportunities that he has set up for me. I know it will hurt him if I change careers, and I doubt that it has occurred to him that I would consider it.”

  “The ins and outs of pleasing family members.” Zoe shook her head. “That’s something that
I have a lot of experience with. But that is a story for another day. I need to head out.”

  As she started to gather her things, Tony reached across the table and caught her hand. He stroked the back of it lightly. “This has been nice. I’d like to talk some more. Can I get your number?” He let go of her hand and began tapping his phone and looked expectantly into Zoe’s eyes.

  “Well, okay, 8287421.” She could hear her phone ring and she started rummaging in her bag to find it.

  “That’s me. So you can store my number.”

  “Sure, fine.” Zoe admired how smoothly he handled that. I bet he has had a lot of practice exchanging numbers with women.

  She stood and Tony whisked their trash away, as they walked out the door he placed his hand in the center of her back. She could feel the heat through the knit fabric of her dress. Her nipples hardened as her body reacted to his touch. She tried to tell herself that it was a result of the cool fall breeze. She knew that it was a poor lie, she liked Tony and found him very attractive. He walked her to her SUV.

  “Thanks for coming with me, Zoe. I enjoyed getting to know you.”

  “Same here.”

  “You were nervous at the start.”

  Zoe considered denying his statement but instead spoke the truth. “Well I don’t know you and I wasn’t sure what we would talk about. I pictured uncomfortable silences until one of us could leave.”

  “It wasn’t so bad. I think we found we have several things in common.”

  “You’re right. Thanks for the smoothie and the conversation.” She had enjoyed talking to him. He was smart and forthcoming plus it was no hardship to stare into his brown eyes. She opened her door and got in before she said something stupid.

  Preparing to drive off, she glanced to her side and Tony was still there.

  He motioned for her to lower her window. “Zoe, when I call, you will answer, won’t you?” He again was giving her that intense stare that caused her heart to pound.

  Caught in his gaze, she paused to consider before answering. “Yes, Tony, I believe I will.”

  He smiled that dazzling smile as she pulled away and headed home to laundry and maybe a nap.

  The thud of her thick hardback book hitting the floor caused Zoe to jerk awake. She quickly glanced at the clock on the shelf and was shocked to see that it was 6:08. I wonder if this is a sign of aging, needing a long nap after a workout. I must be in terrible shape. She stretched to work the kinds from her neck and shoulders then looked for her shoes. A trip to the grocery store was on the agenda.

  Who am I kidding? I’m trying to avoid dissecting what that last part in the parking lot with Tony meant. For a moment there, I felt like I was agreeing to more than a phone call. He seems like a nice guy who might be a bit lonely. I know I am at times and it would be good to have a friend. Shit, this starting over stuff is hard. I thought that it would be exciting to have all of these changes going on, but there are times that I feel overwhelmed and a little bit frightened by being so alone.

  She walked to the hall closet to grab a jacket, gathered her purse and walked out the front door and turned to lock the deadbolt. I’m spending too much time reflecting on the past and it is affecting my mood, I need to focus on the now and the future. Seeing that the guy yesterday has played with my head. Who would expect to glance at the car stopped next to you at a light and the man look exactly like the ex you left behind in Denver? It totally freaked me out. Why would my ex-husband be in Columbus? It was a silly coincidence. They say everybody has a twin, maybe Nate’s lives around here.

  Driving home from the grocery store, Zoe kept looking in her rear view mirror. It began with an uneasy feeling that someone was watching her while loading groceries into the SUV. There was no moon tonight and it seemed to be extra dark in the parking lot. She returned the cart to the corral and hustled back to the SUV. Locking the doors, she tried to still her beating heart. Looking around, everything appeared normal.

  “Stop scaring yourself,” she said aloud. The fifteen minute drive seemed to take double the amount of time to make it to the apartment complex entrance. There had been a car behind her since she left the grocery store lot. It was still there and it seemed to be going to the same destination. “That isn’t so strange, plenty of people shop there and go home. CALM DOWN!” She tried to bolster her courage by talking out loud to herself.

  Her apartment complex was located off one of the main streets, so this feeling of unease at being followed was just crazy. When the trailing car pulled into the entrance behind her, Zoe’s heart began pumping wildly. As a safety precaution, she pulled into the entrance to a group of buildings that was not hers and parked, clutching her phone in her hand she sat statue still, waiting, watching for the car in question. After a few minutes and no car, Zoe pulled out of the parking place and headed to her building.

  The Willows Apartments did not offer garages or covered areas for parking. It was one of the older complexes in the area and had a common parking lot bordered on three sides by buildings of twelve units. Zoe chose a two story, two bedroom unit for its generous size. Tonight, she cursed her choice. The entrance seemed to be hidden in the shadows. She didn’t notice anything out of order, nevertheless she still had the uneasy feeling. “I have watched too many victim movies and read too many mysteries lately, I am scaring myself.” Once safely inside her home, she checked that the deadbolt was in place on her front door.

  Chapter Three

  Two weeks had passed with Tony and Zoe calling and texting daily. Sometimes it was just a funny comment and other times they had talked for an hour. Tony sensed that Zoe was becoming more comfortable with his presence and he was finding that he really liked her quick wit and ability to empathize. It was apparent that Zoe had been hurt in the past and she was slow to trust. He vowed to chip away at her walls.

  He was working on his arms when Zoe entered the gym. To an observer it would seem that he was lost in his workout, concentrating on getting the maximum out of his muscles but he tracked every move that Zoe made. He caught her glancing in his direction a few times as she made her circuit around the room. He hoped that she looked forward to their talks as much as he did. He tried to go easy with the flirting. He didn’t want to scare her off but he was getting impatient.

  His body was coated in sweat, his sleeveless, Led Zepplin t-shirt sticking to his chest and back while sweat ran down his arms. Tony had always used his time in the gym focusing on his workout, not socializing. There were opportunities to meet women but he wasn’t interested until the day he saw Zoe.

  She brought that up last night during their phone call. “You know that you don’t have to stop your workout to talk to me. I don’t want to interrupt your focus.”

  “Talking to you is never a problem, Zoe. I look forward to it.”

  “I couldn’t help noticing that that blonde, Lisa, kept trying to talk to you and you ignored her.”

  Lisa was in her early twenties, with obviously fake breasts that didn’t match her petite frame. She followed him around the gym trying to capture his attention. When she climbed onto the treadmill next to his, he pointedly turned his off and stalked off to find Zoe. He stood to the side, drinking his sports drink, and chatted with her until she was ready to cool down. “She doesn’t have anything I’m interested in.”

  “Right. A size two body with big breasts doesn’t hold your interest. You should have talked to her, Tony. She seemed sweet, you might like her.”

  “Zoe, I know that women don’t like to hear this because Hollywood and magazines tell you differently, but not all men like skinny women, or skinny little girls.”

  “Sure.” Her sarcasm radiated through his phone.

  She clearly didn’t believe him. Time to push the point. “When I was younger, hell yeah, I would have gone for her. However, I don’t find a bag of bones with obviously fake breasts sexy. I prefer a woman with curves.”

  She interrupted. “On behalf of women everywhere, I thank you and will make sur
e that you get credit for your declaration.”

  “I will tell you a few other things that I like. Be prepared, because I might shock you by sharing from The Man Code.” He hoped she wouldn’t hang up on him. “I want a woman who won’t agree with everything I say, who challenges me intellectually. I like the feel of breasts that I can cup and mold with my hands. I want a woman’s body that I can sink into after I’ve made love to her. I want an ass with meat on it so that as I pound into it, I am not afraid of breaking her. So you see Zoe, that blonde has nothing that interests me.”

  There was a long pause then a whispered, “Okay. I get it.”

  He knew that she didn’t, but he planned on showing her.

  Zoe was close to completing her circuit. Today was stretching and core, with a burst of cardio at the end. He stalled by extending his time on the treadmill as Zoe attacked her last machine. As she approached, slightly out of breath, she selected the machine next to Tony, making eye contact when he glanced over.

  “How are you doing today?”

  “Doing good,” he said, winking.

  She turned her focus to her MP3 player, giving it a frustrated sigh as she continued to run her finger over its face.


  “It’s dead. I must have forgotten to charge it.”

  Tony started detangling his earphones from his player and handed it to Zoe.

  “Oh, I couldn’t.”

  “Take it, it helps. Tell you what, I have some errands to run, so meet me at Minor’s Restaurant on Second Street for lunch. Be there in about an hour.” Tony sauntered to the locker room feeling very pleased.

  At the locker room door he glanced back, Zoe was staring at the player in her hand. She then shrugged and plugged her ear buds into the borrowed player.

  Tony made sure that he arrived at the diner first, he wanted to watch Zoe walk in so he could gauge her mood. He was feeling smug for taking advantage of the opportunity, forcing her to meet him. His other attempts to ask her out had been shot down by her claims of her work schedule or other mundane excuses. She was comfortable texting and talking on the phone, but he wanted more.


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