He Loves Secrets (Complete Box Set Parts 1-3) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

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He Loves Secrets (Complete Box Set Parts 1-3) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) Page 8

by Alexa Brookes

  “Is the baby okay, Ann?” Justin whispered through falling tears.

  “I don’t know yet. They just did an internal scan to check. The Doctor Klesh said he’ll tell me the results in an hour or two, once the images finish developing.” Ann began to squeeze Justin’s even harder as she began to cry again.

  “I’m so scared, Justin. I’m so angry. I’m so worried.”

  Justin nodded his head and laid down on the hospital bed, next to Ann. Placing his head down on her chest, he closed his eyes and tried to pretend like everything that was happening was a bad dream. Several minutes passed with a heavy silence hanging in the room. A knock on the door interrupted the silence between the two. Doctor Klesh walked back into the room, letting Justin know that he needed to leave the room with the look that was pasted on his face. Justin nodded his head and walked out of the room, sitting down on the bench that was in front of the room. Rubbing his hands together, he did his best to stay positive.

  “The baby is fine and Ann is going to be fine. Everything is going to be okay. I’m going to buy her a ring soon and she’s going to have the baby and we’re going to raise it to be a product member of society.” Justin did his best to raise his spirits, but he had a feeling deep down inside of his that everything wasn’t going to be okay. Spotting a vending machine, he pulled out his wallet and bought all of the food in the machine that he knew Ann loved; he filled his arms with cookies, chips, and a soda. Just as he finished loading his arms up with junk food, Doctor Klesh walked out of Ann’s room. Quickly walking back to Ann’s room, Justin kept his eyes to the ground, afraid of the look that he may find upon Ann’s face.

  Walking up to her bed, Justin dropped the stash of junk food on Ann’s bed. Slowly raising his head up to meet Ann’s face, he felt his heart sink all the way down to the bottom floor of the hospital; Ann’s eyes were empty and she was staring straight ahead of her at nothing.


  She continued to stare straight ahead of her, with her eyes showing no sort of emotion.

  “Ann? Please answer me.”

  Gently grabbing her chin, Justin moved Ann’s face to face him. Ann’s eyes didn’t meet his and Justin felt a deep, unsettled feeling settle throughout his body. Laying his head down on Ann’s stomach, he began to sob loudly.

  He felt Ann’s shallow breaths and he began to cry harder; he hated seeing her in such a state of shock. As he continued to sob louder, he felt Ann place her hand on top of his head. She gently stroked his hair as he continued to cry. Lifting his head up to meet Ann’s eyes, he was completely surprised to see her cheek’s dry.

  “Ann?” Justin’s voice was barely audible.

  “Justin, it’s done and over with. There’s no point in sitting around crying. Please, get up so I can get up.”

  Justin sat up abruptly, completely confused about how cold Ann was being. It was one thing for her not to remember being attacked and acting like everything was okay, but it was another thing to go through a complete tragedy and just be stone cold about it.

  Ann began getting dressed, taking off her hospital gown and throwing on the clothes she came into the hospital in. While she had her back turned towards Justin, he saw large bruises on her back. A small gasp escaped Justin’s mouth as he realized how severe the bruising on Ann was. He walked up behind Ann, sliding his hand down Ann’s back. She inhaled sharply as his hand passed by one of the most sensitive bruises. Justin hung his head down and Ann continued to get dressed.

  While she was completely devastated that she had lost her child, she didn’t want to be cloaked in sadness. After all, it wasn’t like she was the far into the pregnancy; she didn’t even have enough time to get emotionally attached to the baby. She was excited about being pregnancy, but she didn’t have the chance to plan her whole future with the baby. Looking back at Justin, she saw that he was completely devastated; she saw the drained look in his eyes.

  “Ann?” Justin whispered, rubbing his hand down her back again.


  “What are we going to do?” he almost whimpered, doing his best to maintain his composure.

  “There is nothing that we can do, Justin. We just have to keep trekking on. We can’t let this haunt us,” Ann explained, grabbing Justin’s hand and leading him to the hospital bed. “We can’t let this be a moment we always regret thinking about. Justin, everything happens for a reason. I know you are devastated. I am too. But, I can’t change the situation and neither can you. This is one of the things in life that you can’t control. Babe, please stop crying. I’m just as devastated about it or maybe even more so. I don’t want this moment to eat me up inside and I don’t want it to eat you up,” Ann placed Justin’s hand in her lap. She did her best to not let her eyes water up, but she was completely being honest; she truly was devastated. She thought back to the other night when she took the pregnancy test and found out she was pregnant; she was so elated. Never once did she ever expect something like this to happen; she felt partially guilty for putting Justin through this situation. However, it wasn’t her fault and there was nothing that she could do about it.

  “Justin, life is life. You can’t change the outcome of this situate and neither can I. I love you and I know you love me the same as you did before.”

  Justin continued to nod his head throughout the time that Ann talked. He wanted to believe her that everything was going to be okay, but he couldn’t stop the pain from building up inside. The past few weeks that he had been through had been incredibly tough and he never expected them to get as bad as they were right now. He held Ann’s hand in his lap and tried to stop crying.

  Ann stood up to leave and Justin followed her. As they walked out to Justin’s car, Justin stared down at his shoes, feeling a bit of relief run through his body as he realized how grateful he was for Ann to be okay.

  “How bad was the accident?” he asked, attempting to change the subject and get the miscarriage off of his mind.

  “Like I said earlier, I totaled the car.”

  Justin nodded his head and looked up at Ann.

  “I like your hair today.” He said with a cheesy smile on his face, doing his best to cheer Ann up.

  Looking over at Justin, she rolled her eyes and flashed a cheesy grin at Justin, pushing him away from her in a joking manner.

  “I love you, Ann. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  Ann smiled and nodded her head at Justin.

  “Can we go get some burgers?” Ann asked, rubbing her stomach. “I’m absolutely famished.”

  Justin nodded his head and opened the car door up for Ann. She slid into his car and leaned her head back on the car seat. Justin hopped into the car and drove out of the hospital parking lot, grateful to be able to get out of the dreadful situation with Ann sitting by his side.

  After driving several minutes on the search for a suiting burger joint for Ann, the couple sat in silence. Justin felt uncomfortable sitting in silence; he felt like Ann was still angry about everything she had been through that day.

  “I don’t know if it makes a difference, but I’m not mad AT YOU. I don’t know if you think I am, but I’m not.”

  Ann turned her head to look at Justin, trying to read his facial expression.

  “No, I never once thought that you would be mad at me. Why would you be mad at me?”

  Justin shrugged his shoulders as he made a turn into a restaurant.

  “I just thought that maybe you thought that.”

  Ann shook her head and stepped out of the car.

  “I hope you brought your wallet. I left mine at the house. And I’m so hungry, I may even eat myself out of house and home.”

  Justin chuckled and opened the door for Ann to walk through. She smiled and walked through, waiting for Justin on the other side of the door.

  “You know, it’s been a long time since we’ve been on a date.”

  Ann nodded her head and smiled.

  “You’re right, it has been. We have just been so busy recentl
y, neither of us have really had the time.”

  Justin nodded his head and pulled Ann in close for a hug. Resting his chin on head, Justin gave Ann a little squeeze. Ann grimaced and pushed Justin away.

  “That was nice baby, but even that hurt; I’m really sore from the accident.”

  A flash of sadness passed through Justin’s eyes, but a server came up and interrupted his train of thought. After Justin and Ann were seated, Justin reached across the table to hold Ann’s hand.

  “Move your hand, you’re getting in the way of me ordering food,” Ann stated with a huge smile on her face, chuckling.

  “Why are you acting so happy?” Justin asked, a concerned look spreading across his face.

  “Today has been a really shitty day. I don’t want to be stuck in sadness and be miserable all day or even all month. If I act happy, I’ll feel happy, and I’ll be able to push everything bad from my mind.”

  Justin nodded his head and watched as Ann flagged a waitress to come over to their table. As Ann began to order her food, the smile across Justin’s face began to grow larger.

  “I know you are hungry babe, but I think your eyes may be bigger than your stomach.”

  “Just you wait, I’m going to eat all of it. It’s only two meals and some sides. I’ll be able to kill it all in like five minutes,” she explained, with a wink and a smile.

  Reaching for Ann’s hands again, Justin pulled her fingers up to his lips.

  “I’m so glad you are okay, babe. I’m so happy. I got all of your phone calls and I’m so sorry I didn’t pick up,” a ping of guilt filled his stomach. “I was in a meeting and it ran over. I had my phone turned on silent and didn’t get any of your calls, until I checked my phone and saw all of your calls. I kept calling you back, but you didn’t pick up. Your friend, Emily, called me and told me that you were at the hospital. I rushed over, as fast as I could. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me, Ann.” Staring down at the table, Justin forced himself not to cry.

  He could feel Ann squeezing his hands, providing him with a bit of emotional support.

  “I love you, Justin. You did nothing wrong. I called you because I was scared and I was panicking; I just needed someone there to support me. Please, don’t beat yourself up about this. I’m not mad at you and we’re going to be okay. Everything is going to work out in the end. And while I was super excited to be pregnant, I don’t think that we were ready for the baby. While everything was set for life financially, I don’t think that we were at that point in our relationship to have a child. I mean, we’re not even engaged. Don’t get me wrong, Justin. I do love you, but I didn’t want to marry you out of wedlock.”

  Justin nodded his head in understanding and smiled.

  “I’m just glad you are okay. I’m going to do anything I can to help you feel better, babe, I promise.”

  Ann smiled and she looked behind Justin at the waitress coming behind him; Justin smiled as he watched Ann’s eyes widen at the amount of food that was coming in her direction. After all of the plates had been set on the table, Ann began to indulge herself on several different meals.

  “I think I may be stress eating,” she mumbled with food in her mouth.

  Justin smiled as he watched Ann continue to eat.

  “What are you stressing about, babe?” Justin inquired.

  Ann rolled her eyes at Justin’s question.

  “Well, obviously the whole situation I just went through today. I completely totaled your car and now we’re going to have to find you a new one. I feel really guilty about that. While I may be acting happy, I extremely distraught about the baby. I’m trying to get my mind off of it, but I just can’t see to do so,” Ann filled her mouth with another bite of food.

  “Is that all that’s bothering you, babe?” Justin prodded again, concerned that she was possibly getting her memory back from the attack she went through.

  Ann put down her fork and stared out of the window. Justin wasn’t expecting Ann to react like that to his question. He leaned forward a bit, showing Ann that he was going to be listening to every single word that she said.

  “Ann, what is it?”

  She shook her head and continued to eat.

  “It’s nothing, babe. I don’t want to talk about it now. Today has been such a horrible mess and I just want us to be happy.”

  Justin nodded his head and continued to sip on his soda. The knot that was in his stomach continued to grow, as he felt increasingly worried about Ann’s secret.

  Ann reached over and patted Justin’s hand.

  “I promise; you don’t need to worry. There’s nothing bad going to come of it. I just have some things that I still need to figure out.”

  “Ann, please tell me. I hate secrets, they stress me out. I never had a surprise birthday party because stuff like that stresses me out so much.”

  Ann smiled at Justin and nodded her head. “I will tell you when we get in the car.”

  Taking a deep breath, Ann stared down at the massive amount of food that was still laying in front of her.

  “I think you’re right,” she smiled, staring at Justin. “I think my eyes are way bigger than my stomach! However, this burger,” Ann said, taking another bite, is the best one I’ve ever had in my entire life.”

  Justin stared at Ann and the amount of food left in front of her.

  “You’re such a tiny little thing! How did you eat all that much? I think you may have eaten more than I could be able to.” Justin stated, with a smile spreading across his face.

  Justin flagged the waitress down and paid for the bill. Leaving the dinner, Ann ran back to the car and sat down in the front seat.

  “I’m so full. Why did you let me eat so much?” A twinkle spread across her eye and Ann patted Justin’s lap.

  “Can we go on a drive, babe? I don’t want to go home. I want to clear my head of this city and today.”

  Nodding his head, he grabbed Ann’s hand to hold while he drove.

  “Is there anywhere specific that you want to go, sunshine?”

  Ann shook her head and looked at Justin.

  “Just get me out of this city. I need my head to breathe.”

  While Justin drove Ann towards the country side, the couple sat in silence. As she rolled down the windows in the car, Ann leaned her head back and closed her eyes, enjoying the fresh air blowing across her face.

  Grabbing Justin’s hand, Ann prepared herself for the situation she was about to create.

  “Life is short. I don’t want to spend my life working somewhere where I’m not happy,” she began, breaking the silence between the two.

  Nodding his head, Justin continued to listen to Ann.

  “I’m quitting my job.”

  To Be Continued…

  **Want More? Read The KINGS Room Complete Boxset Series.

  No Cliffhangers on special for 0.99 cents! Get Your Copy Today (Click Here)**

  More Books From Alexa Brookes

  Alexa Brookes Books Will Always Be On Sale and Free in Kindle Unlimited As A Thank You For Being A Reader:

  The Other Secret Complete Box Set

  Why He SINS Complete Box Set Parts 1-5

  The QUEENS Room Ten Complete Box Set

  The KINGS Room Complete Thirteen Box Set

  The PRINCES Room Complete Eight Box Set

  About The Author

  Alexa Brookes is a bestselling author who has been writing fiction books since she dropped out of college her sophomore year to pursue her dreams of writing sexy romance books full-time.

  Since then Alexa has traveled the world and now resides in Jamaica where she writes full-time.

  Alexa uses her experiences to create exciting stories for avid readers.

  You can connect with Alexa on Facebook

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