A Billionaire BWWM Romance 6: The Wedding

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A Billionaire BWWM Romance 6: The Wedding Page 5

by J A Fielding

  “Then leave,” Julie stated. “Go to your cottage.”

  “No, the guys in the tents are taking refuge in the cottages. I’d be a fool to leave you here.”.

  “Then it looks like you will have to be the fool then,” Julie said. She waited for a long time but she could still hear Steven’s heavy breathing as he waited there. She felt bad for fighting with him but she didn’t understand why sex was so important for him. All she wanted was to have a great wedding weekend and something to look forward to for the wedding night. She was still sitting in the middle of her tent when she heard a loud strike of thunder that made her heart skip a beat.

  “Juelz, I know how much you hate the thunder,” Steven said. Julie crossed her arms and gasped quietly when she heard another loud strike. She unzipped her tent and looked at a soaking wet Steven.

  “You are going to get a chill, you idiot,” she said as she got out of the tent and marched up to his cabin. When she got there, she changed out of the wet clothes and put on a bathrobe before she made some tea. She looked at him as she poured two cups. “Get out of the wet clothes,” she ordered, handing him a bathrobe. He looked at her and then dried his hair before he stripped off his wet clothes. She held the two cups in both hands as she watched him put on the bathrobe. “Have this. It will warm you up,” she said as she handed him a cup before she walked to the couch. She looked outside at the rain that was now pouring harder than before. She was sure that she would have been scared stiff in her tent if she had chosen to stay there. Steven walked over to where she was and took a seat next to her.

  “I’m sorry,” he said in a low voice.

  “I really don’t want to talk about it,” she said.

  Steven put his cup on the table and then took her own cup and placed it on the table next to his before he looked at her.

  “I am sorry,” he said in a low voice. “I didn’t treat this with the respect that it needed.”

  “I’m tired, Steven. I just want to sleep,” she sighed.

  “Alright. Just come to bed then,” he said in a low voice.

  “I’m fine right here,” she said shaking her head as she patted the couch next to her.

  He looked at her and sighed. He knew he was fighting a losing battle.

  “Alright,” he nodded before he walked to the bed and grabbed a pillow. “Have the bed. I’ll have the couch. I know what couches do to your back,” he said as he walked back.

  “I will sleep here. I’m fine,” she said. She knew she was being stubborn, she could hear it in her voice but she didn’t care. She grabbed the pillow from him and put it down before she laid down. She looked at him for a short minute before she turned her back from him. She didn’t want to look at him, not one second more. “Good night,” she said loud enough for him to hear.

  Steven looked at his stubborn fiancé and sighed. Even when she was being a brat, he still loved her more than ever. He heard the loud sound of thunder outside as he walked to the bed and took the spare blanket before he made his way back to the couch. He gently laid the blanket on her and then tucked her in. He lowered his head and gently kissed her forehead.

  “I love you,” he said in a low voice.

  She felt a tear threaten to roll down her cheek. She was being an idiot. He was here. She was here. They were there together and while most people were complaining that their husbands never wanted to touch them, she was mad at him for wanting to make love to her? What was she? Stupid? The tear she had been fighting back was now rolling down her cheek. She wanted to look at him but her pride wouldn’t let her. She could hear the bed creak as he got in and at that moment, she wanted more than anything to be in his arms. He had reached out to her. And she had pushed him away. If she wanted to be in his arms, she was going to have to be the one to reach out.

  “I love you,” she said under her breath but she knew that Steven still heard it.

  As Steven lay in bed, he looked at her wondering when she would stop being so stubborn. He was still thinking about that when he realized that sleeping in a bathrobe was a bit too uncomfortable. He took off his robe and covered up still looking at Julie who had now turned around. He could see into her eyes thanks to the fire that was crackling in the furnace. She got up from the couch and walked up to the bed. She looked at him and undid the belt on the bathrobe before she let it fall to the ground. Steven looked at her as she climbed into bed next to him.

  “Juelz…I’m naked,” he said in a low voice.

  “I know. I am too,” she said as she moved dangerously close to him.

  “The promise…the pact,” he said as she looked into his eyes.

  “What about it?” She smiled and shrugged.

  “I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to,” he said in a whisper. She leaned in and kissed him softly.

  “I want this.” She leaned in and kissed him softly. “And every time with you is special. I am an idiot for even thinking that.”

  Steven looked at her and kissed her again.

  “God Juelz. I love you so much.”

  She looked at him and smiled.

  “Show me.”

  He looked down at her and kissed her before he flipped her over to get her under him. She looked up at him and put an arm around his neck before she pulled him down to meet his lips in a long luxurious kiss. She loved the way he felt hard against her thigh. She closed her eyes as he pulled away from her lips and trailed kisses down her chin to her neck. She moaned softly as he kissed her clavicle, slowly working his way down to her breast. With one hand, he cupped her right breast while he claimed her left nipple with his mouth. She gasped loudly as he began sucking on her. She loved the way he was circling her nipple with his wet tongue, making her beg for more of him as he went on.

  He was soon sucking hard on her nipple as he caressed the other breast, enjoying the feel of her nipple pressing hard against the palm of his hand. He pulled away from her breast and took in the other one sucking and licking. He pulled away from her and looked at her face. Her eyes were still closed and her mouth slightly opened as she moaned. He went on kissing her making his way down her glorious body until he was completely under the covers, right at her center.

  She wanted to look at what he was doing at that moment but she knew better than to pull the covers off. She suddenly put her hand on her mouth and stifled a loud gasp as he claimed her pussy with his mouth. Soon he was licking, thrusting and kissing all in one, making her want to scream out loud. She moaned her pleasure as he thrust his tongue in and out of her, feeling her opening contracting and relaxing around his tongue. He pulled away and pulled himself up before he kissed her.

  Julie loved the taste of herself on his mouth and he wanted to be inside her so much. He pulled away and looked into her eyes as he pushed his cock into her depths. She gasped and held him tightly as she felt him slowly moving in and out of her. He was moving slower than usual but his reach was deeper than what she was used to. She felt another tear roll down the side of her face just as Steven opened his eyes to look at her. He suddenly stopped his in and out movements.

  “What? What’s wrong? Am I hurting you?” he asked in near panic.

  She held his face in her hands and shook her head.

  “No…I love this and I really love you…” she said in a low voice as she smiled at him. He smiled and kissed her before he started slowly thrusting into her again. She moaned and held a lock of his hair as he intensified his thrusts. She moaned and gasped as she felt herself erupting into a billion little fire balls. He held her tightly as he felt his body and energy marrying into her own when his orgasm started. She shrieked and he groaned as they both felt their strength draining…

  Chapter 6

  “Julie! Steven! Guys, you have to wake up!”

  That was the wakeup call that Steven and Julie got the next morning. Julie rolled in bed and patted Steven’s lap. She was surprised that he could sleep through all that noise that was Meg’s voice.

  “Julie! Steven!” Meg
called again.

  “We’re up,” Julie mumbled as she looked around for her bathrobe. She got off the bed and put on the bathrobe that was now on the floor. She looked at a still sleeping Steven and shook him gently. “Babe, get up. It’s like the world is ending outside,” she said in a groggy voice. Steven stirred in bed.

  “Julie!” Meg called again.

  “I’m up for Pete’s sake!” This time Julie couldn’t help but yell. She walked to the door and flung it open. “What?” She came face to face with a worried looking Meg on the other side of the door.

  “There was a storm last night,” Meg started.

  “Yes and I am getting married tomorrow. What are we, stating the obvious here?” Julie asked shrugging.

  “No, Juelz. The storm last night was really bad…really, really bad,” Meg said in a low voice.

  Julie raised an eyebrow.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” she asked.

  “The bridge…over the ravine…” Meg said. Immediately, Julie knew what she was about to say. She put on the pair of flats by her door and walked out of the cottage. “Julie…wait,” Meg called after her as she ran. Julie was running down the slippery hill towards the ravine. When she got there, some of her family members were already there as well as Steven’s side of the family. She sighed softly when she saw the rope bridge hanging down one side of the ravine. At the bottom, she could see a red speck. She shook her head and pointed at it.

  “Is that….my tent?” she asked as she looked around and realized that she had not seen her tent on the way down.

  “That looks like a tent alright,” Ellis said as he walked up to where Julie was. She turned around and looked at Ellis. “You okay? Are you hurt?” he asked.

  Julie shook her head a little confused with everything that was happening.

  “I spent the night in Steven’s cabin,” she said. “Our cabin,” she quickly corrected herself. He looked at her and smiled.

  “Thank God you were not out here when that happened,” he said. “Where’s Steven?”

  “I guess he is getting up now, or something,” she said as she looked around. Meg looked at her and frowned. “Where is Pamela? How are we going to get across the ravine?” she asked Meg.

  Meg shrugged and shook her head.

  “I saw her some time back but…” she started just as Pamela walked towards them.

  “Pamela, thank God. What is going on? What’s happening?” Julie asked in a panic.

  “Well, the storm was bigger than we expected. It took out the bridge and…” Pamela started before Julie shook her head.

  “I can see that the storm took out the damn bridge, Pamela. I just want to know what the way forward is,” Julie said trying not to sound angry.

  “Well, we are going to have to be airlifted out of here. But the chopper is at least five hours away…that means ten hours before we start getting people to the other side but that’s beside the point,” Pamela said.

  “Why is that beside the point?” Julie asked. Pamela frowned and shook her head before she pulled her aside. Julie shook her head confused. “What? What’s going on?” she pressed.

  “Before the communication lines went down…” Pamela started before Julie held her hands up. She couldn’t believe what she was about to hear.

  “The communication lines are down?” she asked. Pamela gave her a sad look and nodded.

  “But don’t worry. We have a satellite phone,” she said quickly. Julie took a long deep breath and readied herself for the worst news of the day. “Well, before the communication lines went down, I talked with some of the guys on the ground and they said that the storm was too much for the arch to handle,” she said.

  Julie shook her head and ran her fingers through her curly hair.

  “Are you telling me that I have no arch?” she asked. Pamela nodded. “No arch for my walkway, for my wedding?” she asked in a low voice.

  Pamela held her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

  “Don’t worry. I have a plan,” she said.

  “What would that be? Is there another place I can get married in?” she asked.

  Pamela nodded.

  “But I am not making any promises. I first have to make sure we have a way to get across the ravine,” she said.

  Julie’s eyes were now wet. She wanted to scream out. This was the worst thing that could have happened. She was supposed to be getting married in a few hours but now it looked like she might never see her wedding through.

  “You know what? Why don’t you go back to your cabin...” Pamela started before Julie shook her head.

  “I have no cabin, Pamela. All I had was a tent that is now lying at the bottom of the ravine.”

  “Go to Steven’s cabin then and fill the tub up and soak. I’ll come and get you if anything changes,” she said.

  Julie raised an eyebrow.

  “If?” she asked.

  Pamela took a long deep breath and shook her head.

  “Sorry about that. I meant when I know anything and that will be soon, I promise,” she said as she looked over her shoulder and signaled Meg to come over. She looked at Julie and smiled. “Every wedding has a bump and maybe…no, definitely, this is your bump and trust me, I’ve seen worse,” she said just as Meg approached them.

  “What could be worse than this?”

  “One bride had to get married in a completely new gown because on the night before her wedding, there was a fire that burned down her apartment with everything in it including her wedding gown,” Pamela said.

  “A new gown? But usually it takes at least three months to get a gown. And even then, it is near impossible unless you have certain friends in very high places,” she frowned.

  “Then she must have had friends in very, very high places,” Meg said.

  “Actually, it was just luck I guess that one of her closest friends was a designer. She had a show gown for her shop that she had to customize in two hours,” Pamela said.

  “That brings me to the very important question. Is my gown safe?” she asked.

  Pamela smiled and nodded.

  “Safer than a bank in Zurich,” she said. Meg put an arm around Julie’s shoulders. “I’ll go make some calls. Meg, you take her back to her…Steven’s cabin. She needs to relax.”

  “Thanks Pam. I don’t know…” Julie started saying before she felt a tear roll down one cheek.

  “Hey…don’t do that. I have just the thing to get your mind off everything,” Meg said as she led Julie away from the ravine.

  “I know what you’re trying to do Meg and I appreciate it but I want to be sober for my wedding,” Julie said.

  “Oh you are going to have a lot of juice as I tell you about my night…more like morning,” she smiled. Julie brushed off a tear and shook her head. “Plus I still have to be the loyal and awesome maid of honor and get our facials done,” she added as she rubbed Julie’s shoulder.

  “Where are we going to have facials way up here? Shouldn’t we be down there?”

  “I planned everything and one of the main things I have to care of is the fact that Steven is not supposed to see you until the point where you are walking down the aisle to meet him,” Meg said just as Ellis walked towards them.

  “Hey you,” he said in a low voice when he saw them.

  “Hey yourself,” Meg said smiling. Julie noticed that her smile was a little broader than usual. The look between them was a little strange to say the least. They were acting as if she was not even there.

  “I’ve been trying to reach you all morning. You know, ever since…” his words trailed off.

  “Communication lines are down. I think the storm took out the tower,” Meg said as she looked dreamily into his eyes.

  Julie knew that look in Meg’s eyes a little too well. She cleared her throat loudly and broke the two out of their trance.

  “Juelz, hey,” he said looking at Julie. “Feeling a little jittery yet?”

  “Jittery is not the word. The day is
proving to be one from hell and it’s only seven.”

  “It will get better. I’ll make a call to a friend of mine. He’ll know what to do,” he smiled.

  “I’m sorry. Did you miss the part where I said that the storm must have taken out the tower?” Meg asked.

  “I have a satellite phone. I’ll be okay,” he said.

  Julie smiled and shook her head.

  “Does everyone have a satellite phone?” she asked.

  “Yes. Your fiancé also had one last time I checked,” Ellis said. Julie smiled. “Speaking of fiancé…” he said as he looked around.

  “Well, that is where you come in. I am taking my girl for a well-deserved pampering session this side of the ravine and you take the man somewhere…away,” Meg said.

  “Best man on duty,” he said before he looked into Meg’s eyes. “I guess I’ll see you at the wedding.”

  “If there’s even a wedding,” Julie said in a low voice as another tear rolled down her cheek.

  Meg looked at her and rolled her eyes.

  “Oh there will be a wedding,” Meg said as she looked at Julie before she turned to look at Ellis. “How else are you going to see me in that perfect little black dress?”

  Julie brushed away a tear and looked at the two of them.

  “Is there something I need to know?” she asked. Ellis and Meg smiled and Ellis quickly kissed her cheek before he walked away. “Meg?” she asked again as they made their way up the path. But Meg was just smiling, almost uncontrollably. “You slept with him didn’t you?” Julie asked in a low voice. Meg looked at her and shrugged as they walked on towards the spa cabin. Julie smiled and shook her head. At least she was not the only one who got down and dirty in the storm.


  Ellis softly knocked on Steven’s cabin door before he walked in.

  “Hello?” he called out as he walked in. He slowly made his way to the bedroom and sighed when he saw his best friend still in bed. “Seriously man?” he asked as he pulled down the covers. But as soon as the covers were off, he quickly dumped them back on Steven and turned around. “Whoa! What the hell…” he said before he sat on the edge of the bed. Steven stirred and pulled the covers up.


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