Rust Creek Falls Cinderella

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Rust Creek Falls Cinderella Page 1

by Melissa Senate


  From her post in the kitchen at Maverick Manor, chef Lily Hunt feels like anything but a princess. But when lanky rancher Xander Crawford lopes into the restaurant, Lily suddenly finds herself wishing she had a magic wand. The wealthy cowboy loves her cooking but sees her as just a friend, until a makeover makes him appreciate her womanly side. Lily, however, wants a prince who loves her inside and out...

  What on earth was Xander doing here?

  And looking so incredibly gorgeous. She’d never seen him in his cowboy clothes. Dark jeans. Brown boots. A navy T-shirt. And a brown Stetson held against his stomach. Be still my silly heart, she thought.

  “Hi. I stopped by Maverick Manor to pay compliments to the chef, and your friend AnnaBeth said you’d finished your shift, so I thought I’d stop by and tell you. Something smells amazing,” he said, sniffing the air.

  “I’m working on some special tofu dishes for vegan options at Maverick Manor,” she explained.

  “If you could make tofu smell that good, I imagine I’d pay a million bucks for a Lily Hunt hamburger.”

  She laughed. “You’re going to give me a big head.”

  “You know, I could really use some cooking lessons. Even just the basics. I’ll pay you well for your time and expertise.”

  He named a figure that was more than she made a week. “Seriously?” she sputtered.

  “Seriously. Teach me how to make that French dip. Teach me how to make fettuccine carbonara, which I crave every other day. Teach me how to make a pizza from scratch without burning the crust.”

  Teach me how not to fall in love with you, she thought. She was practically a goner.

  * * *


  Six Brides for Six Brothers

  Dear Reader,

  With a very motivated wedding planner setting up dates for the hunky Crawford brothers (one down, five to go), twenty-three-year-old tomboy, cook and student Lily Hunt doesn’t expect to even be considered. But when she agrees to a blind date with one brother only to have another show up, the evening gets off to a mighty unexpected start.

  Turns out rancher Xander Crawford isn’t in the market for a wife. But Lily—the opposite of his usual type—has caught him by surprise. And when Lily becomes her own fairy godmother and Rust Creek Fall’s Cinderella, will Xander be there with the glass cowboy boot?

  I hope you enjoy Lily and Xander’s love story—there’s also lots of delicious food and two adorable senior dachshunds named Dobby and Harry! I love to hear from readers. You can find out more about me and my books at my website,, and write me at [email protected].

  Warm regards,

  Melissa Senate

  Rust Creek Falls Cinderella

  Melissa Senate

  Melissa Senate has written many novels for Harlequin and other publishers, including her debut, See Jane Date, which was made into a TV movie. She also wrote seven books for Harlequin’s Special Edition line under the pen name Meg Maxwell. Her novels have been published in over twenty-five countries. Melissa lives on the coast of Maine with her teenage son; their rescue shepherd mix, Flash; and a lap cat named Cleo. For more information, please visit her website,

  Books by Melissa Senate

  Harlequin Special Edition

  The Wyoming Multiples

  The Baby Switch!

  Detective Barelli’s Legendary Triplets

  Wyoming Christmas Surprise

  Hurley’s Homestyle Kitchen (as Meg Maxwell)

  A Cowboy in the Kitchen

  The Detective’s 8 lb, 10 oz Surprise

  The Cowboy’s Big Family Tree

  The Cook’s Secret Ingredient

  Charm School for Cowboys

  Santa’s Seven-Day Baby Tutorial

  Montana Mavericks: The Great Family Roundup (as Meg Maxwell)

  Mommy and the Maverick

  Montana Mavericks: The Lonelyhearts Ranch

  The Maverick’s Baby-in-Waiting

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  Dedicated to

  Marcia Book Adirim and Susan Litman.

  Thank you for inviting me to Rust Creek Falls,

  one of my favorite places to visit.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  Excerpt from One Night with the Cowboy by Brenda Harlen

  Excerpt from Love and the Laws of Motion by Amanda Weaver

  Chapter One

  Any minute now, Lily Hunt’s first blind date ever—one of the six gorgeous Crawford brothers—was going to walk through the door of the Maverick Manor hotel. Lily waited in a club chair in the lobby’s bar area by a massive vase of wildflowers, her gaze going from the window to the door every five seconds. She crossed and uncrossed her legs. Folded and unfolded her hands. Slouched and sat up straight, then slouched again. Tried for a pleasant smile.

  She also tried to get the better of her nerves, but she still worried that her date would take one look at her, pretend something suddenly came up, like a family emergency or a bad cough, and hightail it out of there.

  Oh, stop it, she ordered herself. Even though she really did fear he might do exactly that. Lily, part-time cook, part-time student, twenty-three-year-old tomboy who lived in jeans and sneakers and had more hoodies than most teenage boys, was not the kind of woman who made a man think, Ooh, I want to meet her. That was more her good friend Sarah, who was gorgeous and so nice Lily didn’t think it was fair. A month ago, Sarah had been the single mother of an adorable baby girl until she’d found herself falling for one of the Crawfords, ranchers from Texas who’d moved to Rust Creek Falls in July. Now she and Logan were married. And happily raising little Sophia together.

  The Crawford brother Lily was meeting tonight? Knox. Tall, dark and dreamy like his brothers. She’d met some of the Crawford clan last month when they’d come to the Maverick Manor for dinner. Sarah had introduced Lily, and one brother was so drop-dead gorgeous she couldn’t speak, which likely also contributed to why he hadn’t glanced twice at her.

  Confidence, girl! she pep-talked herself. Sarah had insisted on it earlier when she’d phoned to tell Lily to have a wonderful time and to call her after the date with every detail. And Vivienne Dalton, a wedding planner who’d been the one to fix up Lily with Knox, had also called to make sure she hadn’t chickened out. (Yes, Lily had taken some serious convincing to accept the date in the first place.) Lily had assured Viv she was getting dressed and would be right on time at 7:00 p.m., classic date hour at the Maverick Manor. Viv had said, Honey, I will give you only one piece of advice. Lily had held her breath, waiting. Viv was gorgeous herself and married to Cole Dalton and ran her own successful business—a walking example of making things happen.

  Be yourself, Viv had said.

  That old yarn? Being herself hadn’t exactly gotten Lily very far. Granted, she had a great job as a cook at the Maverick Manor, the
fanciest hotel in town. And people raved about her food, which had done more for her confidence than any appreciative glance from a guy ever could. Lily dreamed about having her own place—a small restaurant or a catering shop. Someday.

  Today—tonight—was about her love life.

  Two short-term relationships were all she had in that department.

  She eyed the door. It was 7:00 p.m. on the nose. Lily had been there for five minutes, unfashionably early. She’d changed for the date in the women’s locker room, stashing her work clothes in her locker and putting on her one good dress and one pair of heels and one pair of dangling earrings. She never wore makeup, but Sarah had suggested she try some tonight. So Lily had swiped on Maybelline mascara and sheer pinkish-red lipstick and felt like she was playing dress-up, but she supposed she was. She’d left her long red hair down instead of pulling it into a low ponytail the way she did every day.

  Now 7:05 p.m. Knox Crawford was now late. Bad sign? Her stomach gave a little flop. The date clearly wasn’t high enough on his priorities for him to be on time. Oh, cripes—now she sounded like her dad! Maybe she was getting antsy too early. Calm down. Go with the flow. Sip your white wine.

  She took a sip...7:09 p.m.

  Seven twelve. Humph.

  Lily might not be Ms. Confidence when it came to men, but she would never let anyone treat her disrespectfully, and being almost fifteen minutes late for a date was bordering on rude. Right? Her last date was six months ago (no interest on either side) so she wasn’t really up on date etiquette.

  Seven fifteen.

  “Lily!” came a female voice. “How lovely you look! Job interview here at the Manor? Front desk?”

  Trying not to sigh as she smiled up at Maren, a woman she’d gone to high school with, Lily glanced down at her royal blue boat-neck, cap-sleeve shift dress, a cotton cardigan tied around her shoulders, and sandals with two-inch stacked heels. It worked for church and weddings, so she figured it would work for tonight.

  “Actually, I have a date,” Lily said, taking another sip of wine. Waiter, bring the bottle!

  Maren eyed her up and down. “Oh. Well, have fun!” she said, tottering on her sexy high heels to the main dining room.

  Lily looked around the swanky lobby’s bar area at the women sitting with dates or out for drinks and appetizers with girlfriends. Skinny jeans and strappy high-heeled sandals. Form-fitting dresses. Slinky skirts. Everyone looked great and evening-ready. And here she was in her Sunday best.

  Oh, Lily, get a clue already!

  Seven eighteen. Her stomach flopped again, her heart heading south. She was being stood up. First time she actually “put herself out there,” like her mom always told her to do, and whammo: humiliated.

  She could be plopped on her couch at home with Dobby and Harry, her adorable dachshunds, eating leftover linguini carbonara and garlic bread, and instead, she was about to burst into tears. Whatever, she told herself. She’d just go home, work on a recipe, watch a movie, play with Dobby and Harry.

  Just as her pep talk started making her feel better, her cell phone rang.

  She didn’t recognize the number but she was sure it was her date—or lack thereof. “Hello?”

  “Lily, this is Knox Crawford. I’m so sorry I’m not there.” There was some weird background noise as if he was covering the phone with his hand and talking to someone else beside him or something. Double humph. “Look, um, something came up and—”

  Oh, did it? Suuure.

  “And I’m really sorry but I can’t make it,” Knox said. “I—”

  More weird background noise. Weird ocean-roar in the phone as if someone was definitely holding a hand over the speaker. Maybe he had his own female version of Davy Jones there with him. Selena Gomez or Charlize Theron, maybe.

  “Hello?” a different male voice said. “Lily? This is Xander Crawford. My brother can’t make it tonight, but I happen to be free for dinner and I’ll be taking his place. See you in five minutes.”

  Uh, what?

  “No, that’s okay,” she said, hoping her voice didn’t sound as clogged to him as it did to her. I am not a charity case! The famed ire of the angry redhead? She was about to blow, people! “No worries. Bye!” She clicked End Call and stuffed her phone in her stupid little purse—she hated purses!—stood up, took another long sip of her wine, and stalked back into the kitchen, wondering how a person could feel angry and so sad at the same time.

  Xander Crawford. Please. She’d seen him up close and personal and he was too good-looking, too sexy—with a Texas drawl, to boot. She’d clam up and stammer or mumble or ramble, especially because of how weird this all was. And what was she? Someone to pity? The poor stood-up date? No thank you!

  She was grateful her fellow cooks and her friend AnnaBeth, a waitress, were all so busy they didn’t see her slip back into the break room. She opened her locker, and a photo of her dogs, one of her beautiful mother, and a restaurant review from the Rust Creek Falls Gazette that had raved about her filet mignon in mushroom peppercorn sauce with roasted rosemary potatoes and sautéed garlic-buttered asparagus reminded her who she was. Lily Hunt. She was meant to be creating magical recipes and figuring out how to get where she wanted to be in a year or two. Not trying to be something she wasn’t: a woman who dated gorgeous, wealthy ranchers the entire town was vying for.

  Yes, vying for. There were five Crawford brothers left and, according to Viv, their dad wanted to see them married and settled down, so he’d put the wedding planner on the case to find them the right women. All the single ladies in town had put their names in the hat, and hell, why not Lily, tomboy and all? She was flattered Viv had even asked.

  And now some stand-in Crawford was showing up, probably only to save the family name since they were new in town and didn’t want their dating reps to be ruined. Yeah, no thanks.

  “Well, Mama,” Lily said, looking at Naomi Hunt’s photo, her red hair all she’d inherited from her sophisticated mother. “I did put myself out there, but it didn’t work this time. Maybe next.” Not that she’d agree to another date anytime soon.

  She changed back into her jeans and sneakers with a relieved ahhh, put on her T-shirt and tied her hoodie around her waist. She wiped off the lipstick and put her hair in a low ponytail, closed her locker and headed out the swinging door into the lobby.

  Right into the muscular chest of Xander Crawford.

  * * *

  “I’m so sorry,” Xander said to the young redhead he’d just barreled into. He’d been in such a hurry to catch Lily Hunt that he hadn’t considered that the door into the kitchen might have someone coming through it from the other side. Luckily it hadn’t been a waiter with a tray of entrées. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she said, but her eyes were like saucers and her cheeks were flushed.

  Maybe it was hot in the kitchen? “I’m looking for Lily Hunt. Do you know her? She works here as a cook. Is she still around?”

  The redhead stared at him, and for a moment he swore she was shooting daggers out of those flashing green eyes. “I’m Lily Hunt. We met last month in the dining room. I was with my friend Sarah, who’s married to your brother Logan.”

  Oh hell. Awkward.

  “I’m bad with faces,” he said, which was true. “I’ve met so many people since we moved to Montana that my head’s still spinning.”

  Not to mention all the women who’d introduced themselves to him over the past month. Everywhere he went there seemed to be a smiling woman, offering her card—some of which smelled like perfume—and letting him know she’d “just love to have coffee or a drink or dinner anytime, hon.” At first he’d wondered if women were that friendly in every town in the state of Montana. Until he’d realized why women were coming at him in droves. They were coming at all the single Crawfords—thanks to his dad. Maximilian Crawford had made a deal with a local wedding planner to
get him them all hitched, and that wedding planner had apparently spoken to every single woman in Rust Creek Falls.

  Why was that wedding planner so raring to go? Finding all the eligible women in town who might be interested in being set up with a Crawford brother?

  Because Max had offered Viv Dalton one million bucks to get them all married.

  One. Million. Dollars.

  If he and his brother Logan hadn’t witnessed the exchange with their own eyes and ears, Xander never would have believed it.

  Anyway, Xander had a drawer full of scented cards and had not made a single call. His father shook his head a lot over it.

  Still, he was surprised he didn’t remember meeting Lily. She had the determined face of a young woman who was going places. He liked it. She had freckles, too. He’d always liked freckles.

  He was aware he had a smile plastered on his face. Now she did, too.

  “Uh, so,” she said, “like I said on the phone, no worries. Let’s just forget this ever happened, okay?”

  He tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

  “Your brother got cold feet about our blind date and canceled. You felt bad for whatever reason and took his place. You know who I don’t want to be? The woman sitting across from the guy who gave up his evening to ‘do the right thing.’”

  “I always try to do the right thing,” he said. “But trust me, dinner with a lovely woman is hardly a chore, Lily. I’d love to take you out to dinner if you’re up for it.”

  Her expression changed from wary and pissed to surprised. She lifted her chin. “Well, when you put it like that.” She flashed him a smile, a genuine smile that lit up her entire face. For a moment he couldn’t pull his gaze off her.

  “You’re probably wondering why I’m wearing a hoodie and sneakers on a date,” she said. “I just changed back into my work clothes. I could put the dress on again if you want to wait a few minutes.”

  “You look incredibly comfortable,” he said, tugging at the collar of his button-down shirt. “Trust me, I’ll take jeans and a T-shirt over a button-down and tie any day. Luckily, as a rancher, I’m not often forced into a tie.”


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