Crazy Twisted Love (Crazy Love Series Book 3)

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Crazy Twisted Love (Crazy Love Series Book 3) Page 3

by MF Isaacs

  Lost in my own world, I barely acknowledged the fact that Callie was using my knees to hold herself up as Will pounded into her from behind. If this had happened earlier it would have been the perfect opportunity for her to suck me off while getting fucked. Instead, I really was just a sturdy object that she could hold onto to prevent falling face first into the glass door. Will was already keyed up from sucking me off and watching it must have had Callie ready as well because both climaxed within minutes.

  Will stepped out first, quickly wrapping a towel around his waist, before handing Callie and me each a towel. I felt like I was higher than I’ve ever been in my life, yet I was stone ass sober. All of the nerves in my body were hyper sensitive from the multiple orgasms and the amazing ultra-soft towel Will handed me didn’t help the situation at all. Callie stood on her tippy toes before pulling my arm to get me to lower myself to her reach. Once I was there, she swiftly kissed my lips and told me she would grab me some clothes before walking away.

  When she returned, Will was gone and she stood before me in a flimsy tank top and sleep shorts that were short enough to be called underwear not shorts. She’d brought me a pair of boxers, athletic pants and a t-shirt. She stood off to the side as I got dressed in what were clearly high-quality apparel. Neither of us spoke until I was fully dressed, at which point she broke the ice, “I don’t know what you’re thinking. I don’t even know what Will is thinking. But I want you to know what I am thinking before we go out there. What happened in here is not something that has happened before.” I couldn’t help but scoff at what she was trying to sell me, there was no fucking way he hadn’t sucked someone off before. “I’m guessing by your reaction, you don’t believe me. Please hear me out...we have been together since we were 15. We have been through a lot together and moving in here has been eye opening for us. We’d never been around anyone like Marissa, Rich, and Jay until two months ago. Since we have gotten to know them, I have seen the way he looks at Jay. I know it’s been in the back of his mind wondering what it would be like. He and I have talked about it and he admitted it was something he wanted to try. I didn’t honestly think it was something he would actually do, so when I walked in and saw him with you I was shocked.”

  I sat there in complete silence taking in all that she was saying. I had no words. I imagine, where ever Will was, he’s lost in his own thoughts of what just happened. I risked making eye contact with Callie as I tried to come to terms with what I wanted to say. I don’t know what I expected in her eyes, but I know when I saw the affection and then continued attraction I was floored. “I don’t know what you want me to say. Everything that happened tonight has been different for me. My buddy and I used to share chicks before, but never like what happened tonight. I don’t know what you expect to have happen now, but I have to be honest and tell you I can’t commit to anything.”

  “I don’t, and I think I can speak for Will here, we don’t expect anything. From what we have talked about recently, everything that happened tonight fulfilled our hidden fantasies. But that doesn’t mean we want you to run off. Let’s go eat pizza and drink some beers. Our sectional is super comfortable so it’s likely one or all of us will crash after filling our stomachs.” Just like that she turned, with her ass hanging out of her tiny sleep shorts, and walked down the hall.

  I jumped into action when she started for the front door when the pizza delivery person knocked. “Do NOT answer that fucking door.” I didn’t mean to scare her or be too harsh, but there was no fucking way I was letting her answer the door while wearing what she had on. I could clearly see her nipples and seriously, the sleep shorts were not shorts. I still hadn’t seen Will since making my way out of the bathroom, which I took to mean he was still processing what happened. It also meant, in my mind, I was responsible for her.

  I paid and tipped the guy before taking the food into the kitchen. She just stood there frozen, I don’t know if it was fear or shock. Regardless, I didn’t like the thought of being the cause of either one. When I made my way back to her, she didn’t flinch or move to get away from me, which quite frankly I was thankful for. “I’m sorry if I scared you. I didn’t want the delivery guy to see you in what you have on. Seriously Callie, you can’t call these shorts Babe and I can totally see your nipples. That’s not something you should be displaying for everyone to see.”

  She just blinked up at me, I could see the tears coming and I was completely lost as to why she would be crying. I did what I had learned from Sierra, I opened my arms to hug her while allowing her to cry it out. Will walked in from the back deck to see us standing in a warm embrace. I didn’t have words to explain because, quiet frankly, I still had no clue as to why she was crying in the first place. When she turned her tear stained face toward him, I released her so she could go to him. He did exactly like I had done, opened his arms so she could fall into his embrace. I needed him to know I didn’t mean to scare her, “I’m sorry man. I don’t know exactly what happened. She started to answer the door wearing that and I told her not to answer the door. She froze while I answered the door, put the food in the kitchen and apologized for scaring her. As soon as I apologized the tears started and she hasn’t said a single word.”

  “Don’t sweat it man. It’s a long story, you didn’t do anything wrong. Trust me. Let’s eat some food, it will probably make her feel better. Do you mind grabbing the boxes from the kitchen? We can eat out here.” I followed his request of grabbing the pizza boxes and made myself at home by grabbing a few drinks from the fridge too. I didn’t drink the beer from earlier and at this point, I wasn’t going to. I wanted a clear head for the remainder of my time with them. I dropped the food and drinks before heading back to the kitchen for napkins. When I got back, I could see that Callie had stopped crying and was taking a drink of one of the sodas I’d brought out.

  We ate for a few minutes in complete silence. I couldn’t handle it, I know he said it was a long story and that I didn’t do anything wrong. But clearly, it was something I did so I was willing to walk away. I could take a cab back to the hotel my gang was staying at. As I finished my piece of pizza, I spoke up. “I am going to take off. We really aren’t far from the hotel. I am sorry I upset you Callie, it was never my intention. Thank you both...”

  I could see the panic start to set in on Will’s face. I could see the tears returning on Callie’s face. I was stuck, not really knowing what to do. Callie finally spoke, “Just tell him Will. It isn’t going to change anything, but clearly we’re freaking him out.”

  My gaze went back and forth between the two of them before Will finally spoke up and explained.

  “Callie and I have known each other since we were in first grade. We come from two totally different backgrounds but grew up going to the same school. We started dating in the 10th grade and as soon as my family found out, they made it very clear that they didn’t approve of our relationship. So, all through High School we kept our relationship a secret, my parents were so focused on themselves it was actually pretty easy to keep it hidden. With the help of a couple of our friends, we were able to fake relationships with others so my family wouldn’t suspect anything.

  “Our goal had always been to just make it to college, then they wouldn’t have as much control. The first year we managed just fine, we were forced to live in the dorms as a University rule. The second year we could live off campus, which is exactly what we did. I lied and we managed to keep it under the radar from my parents. They actually had no clue we were in a relationship, much less living together. That year everything worked according to our plan. It wasn’t until the middle of our third year that all hell broke loose.

  “My mom caught my dad cheating on her, which was a huge fucking mess considering he’s a fucking Baptist Preacher. She left him and he thought she came to stay by me. So, when he showed up at our apartment in the middle of the day, the last thing he expected to see was Callie answering the front door.

  In the blink of an eye the man lost his shit
. He nearly destroyed our whole apartment. The neighbor called the cops and my dad was arrested for assaulting Callie and destroying our property.

  “There are so many fucked up things that go along with the story. One: for the first two years, she never answered the door. She would always hide when there was a knock at the door. Two: after it was all said and done, my mom took my dad back. He was fucking the teenage neighbor girl and my mom took him back. Three: we, Callie and me, we are the bad guys here.

  “I haven’t spoken to either of my parents since the day my mom called to beg us to drop the charges. She offered me money, 10K to drop the charges. Maybe I’m a dick, but I told her if she doubled the money I would. Within an hour, I had twenty grand in my account and I made the phone call.

  “Now that you know the whole story, please don’t sweat it. It wasn’t you telling her not to answer the door. It was a flash back of what happened when it all when down.”

  I couldn’t stop myself from pulling her into my arms, I just wanted to hold her for a minute. I just wanted her to feel my support. Plus, it felt amazing to have her in my lap. Before I released her, she whispered, “Please stay.” which was all I needed to hear. Callie was right when she mentioned how comfortable their couch was, the three of us passed out while watching a movie.

  At some point in the middle of the night, I woke up to the sounds of them having sex next to me. When they discovered I was awake, they changed positions. Callie on her hands and knees, between my legs, as Will thrust into her from behind. He and I weren’t touching, both of us taking our pleasure from Callie, but our eyes were locked and the connection was there. In those moments, I felt a glimpse of what I believe Jimmy felt when he looked at me. My heart stopped and I was forced to close my eyes, afraid to feel what I was feeling.

  All too soon, each of us climaxed and passed out. The following morning neither would allow me to take a cab back to the motor-home. They insisted on driving me back. When I offered to mail back Will’s clothes, Callie told me to hold onto them until next time. Will insisted I let him enter his contact information into my phone. I figured there was no harm in that, it didn’t mean I had to actually use it.

  Standing outside the motor-home, saying good bye to them was harder than I anticipated it would be after only one night. None the less, I could see the tears welling in Callie’s eyes to which I couldn’t refrain from poking fun at, “Fine, answer the damn door yourself.” I kissed her forehead before turning to Will. He pulled me in for an unexpected full body hug that lasted longer than most men would normally hug. And honestly, in the moment, I was totally okay with that.

  Winter 2016

  While my siblings were busy falling in love with the McMann siblings, I spent as much time as I could with Callie and Will. I couldn’t get enough of Callie physically, and Will was quickly becoming my best friend. Amy McMann insisted that I bring Callie and Will with me to celebrate Thanksgiving at their house. It was the first time everyone really got to see the three of us together. It was there that I admitted to everyone that I’d made the decision to transfer schools so I could be fully committed to the relationship with Callie and Will.

  So many things happened that weekend, Sierra and Cal got engaged. When Sierra discovered that Cal had given her our mom’s engagement ring, her emotions bubbled to the surface. While Steve and I helped Sierra prepared to let Cal all the way into her life, we learned that Steve planned to do the same with Hannah. Telling them about our financial situation was the final step in acknowledging their commitment. Talking about it, I was forced to acknowledge that I wasn’t there yet. I thought they would have some sort of reaction to the news that I wasn’t willing tell Callie and Will. Their lack of reaction made me question for the millionth time if I was making the right choice.

  Everything changed so quickly after that. We all traveled to Las Vegas for Sierra and Cal’s wedding. I was honored with the task of walking her down the aisle while Callie stood with her as a bridesmaid. Thankfully it was small ceremony, because I felt extremely exposed having all eyes on us as we walked down the aisle. Once my task of giving away my sister was completed, I sat quietly next to Will and watched in awe as my younger sister declared her love and commitment to Cal. As I watched Cal return the declaration, I acknowledged in the back of my mind that I want what they have. I want one person who is willing to stand before friends and family to declare their love and devotion to me.

  One fucking week later, I stood as my twin brother married the love of his life. It was clear to all of us who stood in their circle that their love was the forever kind. Two weekends in a row I was reminded that I wanted what they were getting. Their ceremony was original, Steve asked each of us to give words of wisdom or choose a quote from a handful he had printed. Callie picked one of the printed quotes about loving your spouse more than everything else. It wasn’t until later that night while lying in bed next to her and Will sleeping, that I really thought about the quote she chose. I questioned whether she included me or whether her thoughts automatically went to just Will. I like to think she was thinking of both Will and me in terms of loving us more than anything else, but I couldn’t help but to doubt it.

  The morning after Steve and Hannah’s wedding, Sierra and Cal announced that they are having a baby. The emotions I was already struggling with couldn’t be contained, everything was changing with this being the biggest change of them all. My little sister is going to be a mom, she’s going to be an amazing mom just like ours was. I quickly realized that I wanted it too. I also realized it was something I may never get if I continued in my current relationship.

  Will and I took turns driving back to the apartment. When I was driving, I focused on the road ahead. When I wasn’t driving, I took the backseat where I pretended to sleep. I struggled to process what I was doing, what I wanted, and how I was going to get there. If I were Sierra, I would be in desperate need of a long hard run; unfortunately running didn’t always work for me. In the past when I felt like this, I was surrounded by Steve and Sierra which helped. Now they were moving on, building their own lives.

  Will and Callie had a week left of classes before finals, which left me as the odd man out. The two of them had their studying and school routine, I just didn’t feel like I belonged. Monday while they were on campus, I spent a couple hours at the gym then found myself grocery shopping; buying everything I needed to make them the only meal I knew how to cook. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes; it’s my favorite so Grandma Rose made sure I knew how to make it. When neither Callie or Will bothered to let me know they wouldn’t be home until after 9, I knew I wasn’t where I wanted to be.

  I think I could’ve handled it if they had been at the library or someplace studying. They weren’t, a group of them had gone for drinks after their final. That wasn’t really the issue either, it was that neither of them thought of me. That’s really what it came down to. I was an afterthought. Staying where I was, I would be settling for less than what I really wanted. So, while I waited for them to come home, I made plans to leave the next day. I didn’t know exactly where I was going, but I knew I couldn’t stay.

  When I announced that I was leaving the next day, I could feel the tension whoosh out of the room. I wasn’t angry. I knew I was making the right decision, but I couldn’t help the fact that my feelings were hurt. In the back of my mind, I felt like they let me walk away from Western State and everything I had there, knowing that this was mainly physical for them. I wouldn’t say that I was in love with either of them, but it was more than just physical for me. That night I opted to fall asleep on the couch because I wasn’t willing to go back there physically.

  In the middle of the night, it was Callie who crawled under the blanket with me. Her warm naked body next to mine felt amazing, but it was her words that made my heart race. “I am sorry it’s ending this way. I know we are making the right decision, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. Curtis, when it’s real you’ll know, you won’t be confused about it. Honestly,
we’ve all been confused with how things have been going. I don’t know if Will and I will survive the fallout from this, but I will never be sorry for having you in my life.” I couldn’t see the tears, but I could feel their wetness as they rolled down my bare chest.

  At first, I didn’t respond with words because everything she said was true. After a few minutes of cuddling, I became acutely aware of her naked body as it was pressed against mine. My brain may have understood that the relationship was over, but my cock only understood that a naked body was near. Neither of us could ignore the physical reaction I was having. Slowly, her hand moved from it’s place under her cheek on my chest, down my abs past the waistband of my boxers. With her soft touch, she slowly outlined my straining erection while her tongue lightly traced my nipple. I had slept on the couch trying to avoid anything physical, but I couldn’t deny the burning desire I had to be inside her. Her body fit mine unlike anyone I had ever been with before. So, I did nothing to stop her when she pulled my cock free of my boxers. I did nothing to stop her from covering it with a condom from the drawer in the coffee table. I did nothing to stop her as she slowly straddled me. I did nothing to stop her from lining me up with her warm, wet slit. I did nothing to stop her from slowly lowering herself onto my cock. I did nothing to stop her. I let her ride me, taking what I could give her one last time. I could feel her climax coming; the pulsing of her pussy increased and when it hit, I was flooded by her arousal. It took everything I had to hold back my own release. I sat up before dislodging her and the condom before setting her on the floor between my legs. With her naked tits at the perfect height, she wrapped them tightly around my eager cock. Within seconds, I gave her myself for the last time.


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