Heart of the Diamond

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Heart of the Diamond Page 10

by Carrie Brock

  Had he traveled too far along the path of revenge and hatred to turn back? Could Nicole thaw the ice that encased his heart?

  No. He could not allow that to happen. He had come too far.

  “Sir, you have a caller,” Chester announced from the open doorway.

  Blake stood, blaming the sudden increase in his heart rate on the butler's sudden appearance. “Very well, Chester, show her in.”

  The tall, slender butler drew himself up slightly. His hands unconsciously tightened the belt of his red brocade dressing gown around the slightest paunch at his waist. “Your visitor is not a her, my lord. It is young Master Shelby of Langley Hall.”

  Blake's gaze shot to the clock over the mantel. “One would assume a lad his age should be abed at this hour.”

  “One also assumes most young ladies to be abed as well, my lord. Perhaps he shares his sister's penchant for late night conversation.”

  One corner of the earl's mouth twitched at the butler's sour comment. “Bring the boy in, Chester, before he goes to sleep in the hall. You may return to bed. I shall see the boy out.”

  “Of course, my lord.”

  Chester left, surrounded by injured dignity. Moments later Shelby peered around the door. He seemed about to flee as he caught sight of the earl.

  “Come in, Shelby. To what do I owe the honor of this visit?”

  Shelby swallowed and inched inside the room. “Nick—she asked me to bring you this.”

  Blake came forward and closed the door softly before taking the folded page. The fragrance of roses wafted upward and he had the insane urge to lift the letter to his nose. Instead he turned the note over. His gaze snapped to Shelby's crimson face.

  “Interesting. The seal seems to have been broken.”

  Shelby refused to look at the page. “I might've dropped it, I suppose.”

  “That must be what happened. I have the utmost confidence that you would never read a letter addressed to another.”

  The boy bit his lower lip. Blake saw Nicki in the gesture. “I suppose you'd be angry if I was to say that maybe I did . . . ”

  Blake thoughtfully tapped his chin with the missive and Shelby stared at the paper in horror. “No, not angry. If you were inclined to behave in such a manner, you most likely would have good reason.”

  “Oh, yes, sir! The very best reason. It's . . . it's Nick . . . ”

  Blake tensed. “She is well?”

  “She isn't sick—she just isn't herself. When she gave me the note, her voice was shivery, like she was cold, and her eyes were watery. It isn't like Nick. She isn't a goose—if you take my meaning.”

  “So you were worried by Nicole's demeanor?”

  Shelby nodded, heartfelt concern for his sister obvious in his blue eyes. “She says ‘Shelby take this straight away to the earl.’ Nick would never ask me to go out after my bedtime, unless something was wrong.”

  “Are you planning on arriving at your point any time soon?”

  “Well, she was acting so queer I decided to have a look at the note.”

  Blake nodded. “So you did.”

  Shelby raised his chin slightly. “And it was a good thing! Nick's got some notion in her head and it'll take no end of arguing to make her change her mind.”

  “That sounds dire indeed. Sit there by the fire whilst I have a look at this for myself.”

  The boy did as instructed, though he sat on the edge of the settee as though poised for immediate flight. “Nick doesn't mean it. She likes you. I know she does.”

  A sense of foreboding overwhelmed Blake at the boy's desperate words. “Sit still and let me read this in peace.”

  Blake moved behind the enormous claw footed desk and sat down. The leather of the tall-backed chair had grown cool, though he had only just left it, and he attributed his sudden chill to that fact. Without further ceremony, he unfolded the page.

  He read the note once, then a second time. The woman was completely insane.

  “Please don't be mad at her, sir. Nick isn't like most girls.”

  “I am finding that out for myself, thank you.”

  Shelby left the warmth of the fire, his small face set into lines of concern. “Maybe Mina would make a better countess. Trouble seems to follow Nick wherever she goes. Mina, she's a lady and all, but—please—don't let Nick chase you off.”

  Blake carefully folded the note and tucked it inside the open journal before snapping the book shut. “We had best get you home before I have your father pounding on my door. I am beginning to understand the man's erratic personality the more I get to know his children.”

  “You won't pay any mind to Nick's letter, will you?”

  He grasped Shelby's arm and pulled the boy along with him to the hall, where he paused to throw a multi-layered cape over his own shoulders and assisted the boy on with his blue surcoat.

  “I have not yet decided what to do about your sister. I am used to gathering all facts at my disposal before making a decision.”

  At that, Shelby's face brightened. “That's good, especially when dealing with Nick.”

  Noting the absence of a horse in the yard, Blake turned toward the stables. He hoped he could maintain his principles where Nicole Langley was concerned. If he began acting on impulse, he might just end up strangling the girl.

  . . .

  Nicki focused her eyes on the page before her. This was one of her favorite books relating to the fundamentals of horse breeding, but tonight the pages lacked their usual fascination.

  Could Shelby's tardiness mean he had encountered problems with the earl? No. Blake had shown consideration and admirable patience with her sometimes taxing younger brother. She discarded the thought.

  Besides, there was nothing in her letter to cause the earl the slightest pause. The argument she offered was both logical and of economic advantage. Mina had beauty, poise, and a quiet charm perfectly suited to the earl's dignity. She possessed all the qualities Angelica had attempted to instill in Nicki—and failed miserably. Yes. Mina would make a perfect Countess of Diamond.

  A light tap on the window brought Nicki out of her reverie. She tossed the book aside and scrambled off the bed, anxious to hear about Shelby's encounter with the earl. She threw open the window, then stepped back in surprise.

  “My lord! I . . . I . . . thought you were Shelby!”

  Blake leaned his elbows on the window frame, his stance casual on the slight roof overhang five feet below. “I left him several trees over, I believe. I made sure he was safely tucked into a curious tent-like contraption resembling a bed.”

  Nicki bit back a smile. “It was kind of you to see him home.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  She waited for a moment, then touched the lace collar at her throat nervously. “Was there something you needed?”

  Blake studied her face and Nicki could not help but admire the dark coal of his lashes, a startling contrast to the silver of his eyes. “Your message was somewhat unsettling. I had believed our marital plans decided upon and under way.”

  Nicki swallowed as heat infused her cheeks. What weak stuff she was made of! One look, one charming phrase, and she could not take her eyes off him. “I . . . Upon further reflection I felt we had been too hasty.”

  “I see. Have I offended you in some manner?” His voice, low and mesmerizing, brought dimples to her skin.

  “Oh, no! Other than causing this entire disaster, you have been a pillar of patience.”

  He leaned further into the room, startling Nicki into stepping back to maintain a discreet distance. “Then your crying off on our engagement is no personal reflection on me.”

  She looked down at her hands and realized she twisted them together nervously, so she clenched them within the linen of her nightrail. “Of course not, else I would not offer you my sister in my stead.”

  Blake's brows drew together. “What about your threats to cast aspersions on my honor? I am required by the dictates of society to marry you—not your sister.�

  “I do not believe I actually threatened you. I am certain if you are wed to Mina anyone who has heard rumors would conclude they mistook the identity of the compromised sister.”

  He nodded, still watching her face closely. “It is obvious you have given this matter a great deal of thought.”

  Nicki stepped toward him. The wind drifted through the window, tousling his dark hair and carrying to her the pleasant scent of combined sandalwood and spice. “I have truly. I would not have sent the note otherwise.”

  “I see.”

  She wanted to ensure he believed that her decision came from her own feelings of inadequacy and not because she knew of his dreadful behavior. Yet, looking at him now, she had great difficulty hardening her heart.

  “I am not so certain you understand. If you did, you would realize that my concern is for you. I simply am not cut out to be the wife of an important man.”

  Blake's gaze narrowed and he stared at her. “You undercut your qualities, Nicole.”

  She shifted uneasily, crossing one bare foot over the other. “There, you see? You are being too nice!”

  He offered a wry grin. “I had not realized I was so unselfish.”

  Nicki touched his arm gently. “Now it is you who underrates one's self. I am touched by your consideration—but I cannot allow you to make such a grave mistake. That is why I must release you from your contract.”

  “Will you take responsibility for my unhappiness?” He covered her hand with his.

  Nicki took a deep breath. Her heart raced out of control, leaving her dizzy. “I . . . I have the utmost confidence that Mina will make you an exceptional wife.”

  He increased the pressure on her hand ever so slightly. “How can you know that I want a wife like Mina? Perhaps I would prefer a charming scapegrace with a tendency to do what I least expect?”

  Their faces were inches apart, so close she could see tiny black specks in the silver irises of his eyes. “Perhaps you are unaware of what is best for you!” She felt trapped, like a rabbit cornered by a very large, very dangerous wolf.

  His breath brushed her cheek. “I had a mother once, Nicole, I do not need another.”

  Instinctively, Nicki's eyes closed and she swayed forward ever so slightly. Her entire body grew taut as a bowstring in anticipation of—of what she did not know. Blake's lips brushed hers, feather soft at first, then with increasing the pressure. A shiver of pleasure surged from a place Nicki had heretofore never known existed inside her own body. Her lips parted and their breaths mingled, culminating in a soft moan that escaped her mouth, seemingly of its own volition. Startled by the sound, alarmed by her reaction to him, Nicki wrenched back a step.

  Blake continued to hold on to her hand as a slow, satisfied grin spread across his face.

  She hated herself for the treachery her body and emotions exacted on her mind. “You should not have done that!”

  He chuckled, a smug sound in Nicki's opinion. “Oh, I should have done more—but we have time.”

  With an outraged gasp, Nicki snatched her hand free. “Do you mean to tell me you will not release me from our contract?”

  He moved his shoulders back out the window and gripped the sill. “I have not yet decided. I shall come around tomorrow with my answer. Good night, my dear.”

  He was gone. Nicki touched her fingers to her lips, catching the scent of him where it remained on her hand. Emotions whirled and collided in her heart until she was breathless with the assault.

  Her first kiss. Somehow, she had always believed that Teddy would be the man to bestow that upon her. She searched her feelings for a hint of disappointment—of indignation—but found only an aching desire to have Blake return—to have him touch her again. The window seemed larger now, devoid of his presence—the room suddenly cold.

  Good heavens, she was nothing more than a weak-willed ninny. When she should have been arguing her case to him of the reasons they should not wed, she had allowed him to kiss her. She must withstand him. He had been unspeakably cruel to her family. He had tricked her. Yet she could not hate him. That admission hurt almost as much as the discovery that he detested her father so much he would go to extreme lengths to destroy him.

  Nicki stepped forward and closed the window. She turned and caught sight of her reflection in the dressing table mirror. Her face was flushed with excitement, her eyes glistened. Her gaze moved downward and she gasped in mortification.

  Silhouetted against the lamplight, her thin nightrail left little to the imagination—and she had stood conversing with Blake without the slightest notion. He had remained to talk with her as casually as if they were in a formal drawing room. The rascal!

  She brushed a stray strand of hair away from her face. If the earl was shocked, it served him right. What did he expect, crawling into a person's bedchamber in the middle of the night?

  Nicki furrowed her brow crankily. She had been armed with very good reasons when she climbed into Blake Dylan's room.

  She bit her lip. He would give his final decision in the morning. Nicki had no doubt he would choose Mina. She sighed. It was what she wanted, what had to be.

  Mina looked forward to marriage and children. Nicki dreaded the thought of being wed to a man she did not love. This solution was the best for both of them. She was certain of it.

  Chapter 6

  . . .

  “You did what?”

  Nicki shushed her sister as she risked a swift glance at the closed library door. “Do not be upset with me, Mina. It really is the only logical solution.”

  “Logical? Logical! This is too much, even for you, Nicki! I distinctly recall saying I did not wish to marry the Earl of Diamond.”

  Nicki pushed her sister toward the parlor. “You really are overreacting, Mina. He is a handsome, charming man.”

  “Exactly the opinion a girl should have of her future husband. I, on the other hand, find him forbidding and severe. How could you do this to me?”

  Nicki could deal comfortably with her sister in a temper, but the onset of tears was more than she had bargained for. “Please, Mina, no crying. I truly believe Blake will make you a fine husband.”

  Mina collapsed into a wing chair and dropped her face into her hands. “You're certain he seemed inclined to accept this ridiculous proposal?”

  “He . . . Well, he said he was undecided.”

  Mina's face brightened. “Then there is hope. You cannot possibly think he will forget his arrangement to marry you and wed me instead.”

  “He seemed quite impressed with my argument.”

  She wiped at her tears. “You must go into the library at once and tell your earl that you made a mistake, and that you will be happy to marry him. This is impossible, Nicki! I am not ready to be anyone's wife.”

  “I am older than you and I know what is best. Just you wait and see.”

  At those words, Mina jumped to her feet. Though Nicki backed away, her sister grabbed her wrist and dragged her toward the door. “You have to talk to him at once!”

  Nicki tugged ineffectually against the tenacious grip. “I will not!”

  Seemingly oblivious to Nicki's words, Mina dragged Nicki out the door and into the hallway before pausing for breath. “You are the most stubborn person I've ever known!” A bright crimson flush stained her porcelain cheeks.

  The library door opened. Both girls turned in unison, Mina still holding Nicki's wrist. Their father ushered Blake through the door. Both men paused as they saw the girls.

  “Nicki, Mina, I'm pleased you're both here. Where's your mother?”

  As Mina appeared paralyzed, Nicki volunteered a reply. “She went into the village today, Papa.”

  He nodded. “Ah, yes. Well, she shall hear the news upon her return, I suppose.”

  Mina's hand tightened on Nicki's arm with alarming ferocity and Nicki schooled her features to hide the pain.

  “And what news is that, Papa?” Nicki's voice held only the faintest evidence of a quiver.

  “Blake has informed me that due to business reasons, the wedding should be held immediately—possibly in the next two weeks. I think it a splendid idea.”

  “That is absolutely impossible!” Mina shrilled. “I . . . I should like to get to know the earl a little better before the wedding takes place.” All eyes turned as her nervous voice echoed through the hall.

  Her father frowned. “I don't think that's necessary, Mina . . . ”

  “It's absolutely imperative! I scarcely know the earl save an introduction and a few words of conversation. Perhaps a wedding in the spring.”

  Blake, one dark brow rising slightly, looked from Nicki to Mina. “I do not wish to wait until the spring. A messenger arrived last night with a message from my solicitor in America. It may be necessary for me to leave for America within the month. If that happens, I shall not be returning to England for quite some time. The wedding must take place before I leave.”

  Mina shook her head adamantly. “A lengthy engagement would be just the thing.”

  “I do not see that it is any of your affair how long the engagement is,” Blake returned.

  Nicki swiftly interjected herself between her sister and the earl. “You are being extremely insensitive, Blake! It is perfectly appropriate for Mina to show some reticence at such a whirlwind courtship!”

  Now her father stepped forward to place himself between Nicki and the earl. “See here, girls, don't be jumping at Diamond like a couple of snarling whelps!”

  Angelica's entrance coincided with her father's exasperated speech. She glanced from one face to the next as she casually removed her muff and cloak. Nicki saw her look about for a servant, and when one showed no inclination to enter the foyer, she placed the items on the side table. Her husband went forward to greet her, most likely certain he had just gained a counterpart. One daunting look from Angelica's emerald eyes froze him in his tracks.

  She turned her gaze on Nicki. “Perhaps the parlor would be a better place to carry on with this discussion. Jonathon, would you ring for tea and cakes? The fresh air has heightened my appetite.”


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