Heart of the Diamond

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Heart of the Diamond Page 26

by Carrie Brock

  “Are you attempting to steal my bride-to-be, Percy? Or merely scare her off with boring tales.” Blake came around Percival to stand next to Nicki.

  Percival's hazel eyes sparkled. “She’s worth stealing, but I think it would be an impossible venture on my part. Besides, I spoke only the truth.”

  Nicki met Blake's unreadable gaze for a long moment before he turned to his friend. “Good. I should hate to have to kill you in a duel.”

  “I shouldn't like that much either.”

  Nicki slipped her hand into the crook of Blake's arm. “Both of you are talking nonsense. I am not worth killing or dying for.”

  Percival and the earl shared a look and Blake arched a brow. “That is a matter of opinion, I suppose. By the bye, Perc, where is that brother of yours?”

  “Avoiding you, I should think. He lost £100 pounds to you at the whist tables this afternoon, I understand.”

  That response earned one of Blake's rare smiles. “I learned long ago that collecting a debt from Carl is like asking the moon to appear on a dark night. Sometimes it will—but it is generally a pleasant surprise when it does. If you see him, tell him I shall take my winnings in trade. That was a fine weapon he used in our fencing contest. It should just about cover his debt.”

  “I'll tell him. And now, if you will excuse me, I think Lady Nicole's sister owes me a dance.”

  Nicki watched Percival disappear into the crowd, then pulled Blake into the small alcove behind them. “I thought we should never get any time alone!”

  Blake bent his head closer to her ear. “We need to be much more alone before I can kiss you.”

  “You are hopeless!” She tried to snatch her hand away from his arm, but the earl anticipated her reaction and covered it with his.

  “I have heard that I am hopeless, but I thought you believed differently.”

  She grudgingly answered his tease with a smile as she wished he could be so carefree more often. “You know I do. But as nice as your kisses are, I had weightier things on my mind. Have you thought of a solution for Papa? I had the very devil of a time getting him to agree to put off leaving until day after tomorrow.”

  “That is not much time, but I believe it shall be sufficient.”

  With a quick glance to insure those nearby paid them no mind, Nicki clapped her hands together lightly. If she had thought it would go unnoticed she would have flung her arms about the earl's neck. “So you have a plan! I knew I could depend on you. What have you decided to do?”

  “That, my dear, is none of your affair. You will just have to trust me.”

  “Blake Dylan, I have proven my trust in you time and again. Now tell me how you are going to save us from ruin!”

  He tipped her chin up with one finger. “There you go again, lumping yourself in with your father, and it sounded for a moment as if you had added me to the pot as well. I am doing this for you and you alone. If you had not come to me, I would have let your father grovel at the feet of every person in England. Is that understood?”

  The swiftness of his anger caught her off guard. “But—”

  “There is no ‘but,’ Nicole! I will help your father this last time. I have already agreed to much more than I can readily stomach. If you should ask me anything more I will have to refuse you, no matter how much it would pain you.”

  Tears started in her eyes. “Why must you do this? Can you not forget the past?”

  His face stiffened into the hard mask she had come to dread. “What drives me is my own affair—and I will never forget the past, or forgive. Not even for you, Nicole. You had best accept that fact or you are destined to be disappointed time and again.”

  Desperately, she clung to her ideals, no matter how strongly Blake determined to strip them from her, though it became more difficult with each harsh word he uttered. He had come through for her in every regard thus far. If he wanted to believe he was the same person he had been before she entered his life, then he could do so. But it was he who would be disappointed. Because even as he spoke of never letting go of the past, Nicki felt him leave it behind a little bit each moment they spent together. And she hoped she had something to do with that.

  If she listened to him, she could lose faith in him, faith she knew in her heart to be justified. So she would not listen. She would trust in her heart, and soon Blake would, too.

  “You are not working up to making a scene?”

  Nicki raised her face to his and summoned her brightest smile. “I think I should like to dance, Lord Diamond. You know you are a glorious dancer.”

  Blake watched her suspiciously for several moments. “There you go complimenting me again. I think it is you who are hopeless, my dear.”

  She took his arm and pulled him toward the door. Blake quickly took control, his strength slowing her stride into a more sedate pace. “Yes, I suppose I am.” In love, she added silently.

  His smile was tentative; suspicion still hovered at the edges. Let him wonder. Someday, he would be ready to hear the words aloud, but not yet. No, not yet.

  . . .

  “I am the daughter of your father's second cousin's aunt!”

  The words were shouted over the sound of a duet being performed rather exuberantly on the pianoforte across the room. Nicki digested the information carefully, and silently wished she could poke Angelica with a pin for once again whisking Blake away. “You said your name is Cecilia?” she asked politely.

  “Yes!” The girl's blush deepened to an alarming purple as the music came to a halt. She swallowed and lowered her voice. “Yes. It is such a momentous pleasure to meet you. It gives me the shivers just thinking of your romance with the Earl of Diamond. Just like a Byron poem.”

  “I am amazed you and your family were able to travel from Scotland so quickly.” Nicki retrieved her fan, hung from a fragile cord at her wrist, and snapped it open.

  The candles, chandeliers, and fires combined with the volume of people had given the music room the humidity of a hothouse. The delicate fan, designed more for use in flirting, only managed to stir the humid, saturated air.

  “It just so happened that the Whites were having a large family gathering at your Aunt Josey's estate. When the invitation arrived, she insisted we all come with her to the wedding.”

  Nicki stifled a smile. That was just like Aunt Josey, not to give a thought to bringing a houseful of people to her brother's home. “I am glad you could come. We might never have met otherwise, with you living in Scotland.”

  Cecilia opened her own fan and wielded it with alarming ferocity. “We have a home in London also. It will be my third Season this year. My younger sister married just last year after her first Season. I am certain my youngest sister will be equally successful this year when she comes out. I envy you very much.”

  A flash of pity overwhelmed Nicki. She took in the girl's chestnut hair crimped into tight curls that bounced about her face in the breeze from the fan and resembled miniature sausages. The dress, though very similar to Nicki's in design, did not suit Cecilia's shorter, more robust figure. Blake's words came to mind. The Marriage Mart.

  She was suddenly relieved she did not have to go through the humiliation of attracting an appropriate suitor. “Perhaps the right man for you will appear just when you least expect him. After all, I had never expected to meet the earl.”

  “But you are so beautiful. He must have been swept off his feet the moment he saw you.”

  The memory of standing in the darkness of Blake's bedchamber clothed in trousers slipped into her mind's eye. “I do not believe it was my beauty, but I suppose he did lose his balance at our meeting. I am not quite certain he has yet recovered.”

  “There, you see? So romantic. It is every girl's dream that not only will she find the right man, but that he be handsome and noble of birth and character.”

  Nicki placed her hand on Cecilia's wrist, staying the frantic movement of the silk fan. “I am certainly no expert on the subject of husband catching, but perhaps you mig
ht try to be yourself. Blending in with the crowds of other girls in your position seems a futile effort when you obviously have a very strong presence of your own. Just look at that lovely bone structure, and you have such a long slender neck. My, Angelica has always said that a woman's hair compliments her face, but should never hide it. And colors are as important as breathing. Pastels may be fine and proper for some, but I think you have the natural vitality suited to more vibrant hues. The colors of fall, I should think.”

  “My mother and sisters are very fair, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Dutch heritage, you know. But I have my father's coloring. A Scot to the bone. I think Ma dresses me to suit her tastes, though she means no harm.”

  “Of course she means no harm. That is a magnificent gown.” Nicki folded her fan closed and tapped the lacquered frame against her lips thoughtfully. “You know, the last shipment of gowns Angelica ordered from London contained several that must have been included by mistake. Angelica had thought to return them, but it seemed a great deal of trouble since she had paid for them. She decided to attempt alterations, but I do not think she ever has. Tomorrow morning, meet me at my room and we will go up to the attic and have a look. I think the colors would suit you nicely.”

  Cecilia's brown eyes glowed, then she sighed. “I dare not impose on your kindness.”

  “Nonsense. And when we have you dressed in the appropriate colors, I shall have my Lucy take control of your hair. She is truly a wizard. It takes a great deal of skill to tame my curls, I assure you.”

  The two shared laughter, and it surprised Nicki at the feeling of easy companionship she felt toward this girl. “You are just being kind. Your hair is like spun moonlight! The earl must truly feel he is blessed.”

  Nicki nibbled at her lower lip. She did not know how the earl felt because he was too good at hiding his every emotion. “I—”

  “Did someone say I was cursed?”

  Cecilia let out a gasp, and Nicki turned from the girl's horrified face to glare at Blake. “I think the word was blessed, my lord. Blake Dylan, may I present Cecilia White, my cousin. Cecilia, my fiancé, the Earl of Diamond.”

  Blake took the girl's limp hand lightly and bent in a courtly bow. “Miss White.”

  “Lord Diamond . . . I . . . I was just saying how happy you must be . . . to have a girl a . . . as lovely and sweet as Nicole.”

  He slanted a glance at Nicki, his pale eyes sparking with suppressed deviltry. “Lady Nicole is truly a prize of inestimable value.”

  “Cecilia's family will be in London this Season. I did not have a chance to tell her that we shall be there as well, for Mina's first Season.”

  Some of the dark color faded from the girl's cheeks at Nicki's words. “Then I shall have something to look forward to this year.”

  “As the Countess of Diamond, Nicole shall be very busy . . . ”

  “But I shall have more than enough time to spend with my sister and cousin. And we will have grand times together. I have never spent a Season in London, and I look forward to the experience.”

  Blake's glance lost its fire, turning cold and unreadable. “As a married woman, your obligations shall be quite different from those of an unmarried girl.”

  “Of course. I shall be their chaperon.”

  “And who will chaperon you, my dear?”

  Nicki struggled to maintain her composure, but the heat of anger rose up her neck despite her valiant efforts. “I am quite capable of managing myself, my lord, and I refuse to be coddled and fussed over and . . . and bullied!”

  “It astounds the imagination when I think of the trouble you could find if left to your own devices in London. You will not leave our home without a suitable escort . . . ”

  “Uh, oh my . . . uh, look . . . its my mother motioning for me. It was a pleasure to meet you both.”

  Nicki turned to Cecilia in surprise. “Do not forget our meeting in the morning. I am so looking forward to it.”

  “I am, too.” Cecilia's eyes appeared to have widened to twice their normal size. She dropped into a brief curtsy, or her legs buckled, Nicki could not quite be certain. “My lord.”

  As the girl rushed into the crowd, Nicki returned to Blake. “How dare you behave so boorishly in front of my best friend!”

  “I thought she was your cousin.”

  “I do not care if she was the Prince of Wales, I think you should apologize to me for your behavior.”

  Blake's color seemed much darker than normal. “If you think for one moment that I did not mean every word I said, you are mistaken!”

  “This grows extremely tiresome.” Nicki and Blake turned in unison to Angelica's icy intonation.

  “Angelica. What a pleasure. I believe I have seen more of you tonight than I have since returning to England,” Blake offered dryly.

  Though her eyes glittered, Angelica maintained a deceptively conversational mien. “I grow weary of making excuses for the two of you, when what I really should be saying is that you are both completely insane! What on earth did you say to send that poor girl off in such a state?”

  Nicki snapped her mouth shut mutinously. Let Blake explain away. She would never have introduced him to poor Cecilia if she had known he would behave so high-handedly. Whatever was the matter with him?

  “Please accept my apologies, Angelica. My nerves have been somewhat on edge. I usually have more self-control. As for Nicole . . . ” He glanced at Nicki, his silver eyes dancing wickedly. “She is hopelessly insane.”

  “You arrogant, conceited—”

  “Nicole! If you care nothing for your own reputation, at least think of your father. These people are his friends and family. I, for one, believe he has suffered enough humiliation to last him a lifetime.”

  She was doing it again, that inexorable power of will that no one could resist. “I am sorry, too.” Nicki glared at Blake.

  “For a couple about to be wed in a few days, you behave a good deal like spoiled children.”

  “And this particular brat owes me two dances. I have come to collect the debt,” interposed Teddy's voice, filled with suppressed laughter.

  “I was just thinking the same thing, Teddy.” With a pointed glance at Blake and a sweet smile for Angelica, Nicki took Teddy's hand and allowed herself to be lead onto the dance floor.

  . . .

  “I was curious about something.”

  Nicki hooked her arm in Teddy's and they turned once, then reversed. “What is it?”

  Teddy's answer waited as they backed away from each other and the lead couple danced down the aisle created by the dancers. When they came together again he leaned close to her ear. “How you can allow this engagement to continue after what Dylan has done.”

  Alarm at the force of his sudden anger stiffened her movements. “And what, pray tell, has he done?”

  “Good God, girl, are you so blind? He killed your horses. You heard Andrew. The earl's man was the only stranger about the place.”

  “You are mistaken.” Nicki struggled to concentrate on the turns. “Blake had nothing to do with that gruesome incident.”

  Teddy glanced about before dancing her through several lines of couples and toward the open balcony doors. Moments later, they moved hand-in-hand down the steps of the veranda to the graveled path leading through the stark winter garden.

  At the small summerhouse not far from the Hall, Teddy stopped and took Nicki's shoulders in his hands. She shivered, not certain if it was from the chill in the air or the fury that added a bitter hardness to Teddy's features even the incandescent glow of the moon could not disguise.

  “What hold does he have over you that you should defend him even in this?”

  Nicki tried to pull away, but his hold was too strong. “I know him, Teddy, and he is not capable of such actions.”

  As though with a supreme act of will, Teddy softened. “If not he, then who? Who else has any motive for destroying your father's animals? There is no one else, Nicki. You must accept what he is and demand y
our freedom.”

  “No! I have no clue who is the guilty party, but I am positive it was not Blake.”

  “Did he tell you he did not do it?”

  Nicki jerked her arms away to wrap them about her body. It was a defensive gesture. She wished she could say that Blake had denied everything, had justified his actions and reassured her of his innocence. But he had not, and she could not lie. She shook her head.

  Teddy reached for her again, but Nicki flinched away. He sighed. “Your blind faith is commendable, but undeserved where this man is concerned. He'll use you to destroy your father. What will you do then? I know you. In using you as his instrument of destruction, he'll crush you as well. Will you allow that to happen?”

  Nicki spun from the words, staring miserably into the darkness. Neither the soft chirping of a night bird nor muffled strains of orchestra music drifting hauntingly through the night could lighten her heart. “If I thought he was hurting Papa in any way I would not stand by and allow it to happen.”

  “How will you stop him? You could not prevent what has already happened.”

  Cool air turned the tears on her cheeks to ice water, and she wiped at them impatiently. “I could not prevent it because it was not Blake. I will find out who is responsible, and they will pay for what they have done.”

  Teddy took her upper arm and pulled her around to face him. “This foolish adulation must cease! You know there is no one else who would wish to hurt your father. Only Dylan. Somehow he has charmed you into believing he is something he's not.”

  “I want to help him. He has been hurt so badly—that was the reason for his actions in the past. With my support, he can overcome his anger.” Nicki glanced back toward the lights, longing to return to the warmth and comfort of the house. “You do not know him as I do.”

  “Still so naive! He has no intention of forgiving or forgetting. His anger won't be appeased until he's ruined every last one of us.”

  Her shivering halted and Nicki looked up at Teddy sharply. “Us? Whatever is this absurd mystery? Blake says I must ask Papa. Papa says I must ask Blake. And now you hint that you are aware of whatever it is Blake must avenge, and are somehow involved. Please tell me!”


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