Priest and Pariahs

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Priest and Pariahs Page 24

by J. Alan Veerkamp

  Arbor buckled his pants and slipped on his sandals, striding out of the locker room with an energized step. Walking down the hallway to his quarters, several crew members smiled and greeted him as he passed without shying away or giving a cursory nod. For the first time in so long, he felt welcome. It all began after the incident in the engine room and the return of Mr. Wiggles. The shift of attitude among the crew was subtle at first, but sowed itself, grew, and flourished.

  After a lifetime of chaos, Arbor felt confident, desirable, and part of a community—no longer an outcast.

  THE VAST NOTHING of space rarely looked so inviting.

  Priest sat back in the pilot’s chair with Arbor wedged between his thighs and pressed back against his chest. They were deep into the flight path, with little to do, and it felt right to have one arm belted around Arbor’s torso, holding him tight. He could still reach all the controls and steer the Santa Claus on the rare chance the sensors picked up anything.

  “How’s the view, Arbor?”

  Danverse stood at his bridge console watching over the pair. He seemed all right with them sharing the chair. When Arbor climbed in, Priest’s breath caught, anticipating the loud command to cease and desist. If anything, Danverse looked almost pleased. Priest would take it. There was no telling how long the captain’s approval could last.

  “It doesn’t get any better than this. Thank you for allowing me on the bridge, Captain.”

  Priest stage-whispered into Arbor’s ear. “Ass kisser.”

  “You could stand to take a few lessons from your man, Priest.”

  “And ruin my well-earned reputation, sir?”

  Danverse snorted, a genuine rumble of laughter rolling his words. “Just don’t crash us into anything.”

  Arbor squeezed the arm around him. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep a watch out.”

  A permanent grin blessed Priest's face. Arbor was right. It didn’t get any better than this.

  Priest looked down at the man who had settled into his chair and his life. The small patch of skin at his scalp was visible where the hair didn’t grow properly yet. Dr. Bosch said the newly regenerated skin would have to catch up to the rest. Arbor spent a lot of time trying to cover it up, and kept himself clean-shaven to hide the similar area on his jawline. When Priest told him, “Chicks dig scars,” Arbor punched him in the balls.

  Priest had to sleep alone that night. The scars were never brought up again, even though he liked them. They were proof Arbor was alive and Lady Luck smiled on him—on them both.

  The only unfair thing right now was the furrow of Arbor’s buttocks molding around his groin. It was still unfamiliar territory and he wanted to play there, but he didn’t pressure his man. The sensation, however, was a merciless tease. If Priest popped a chubby now—and he was already halfway there—there would be nothing he could do about it. How ironic Arbor would have to sit there to hide his hard-on, although he was the source of the problem.

  How much longer was it until his shift ended?

  Priest and Arbor both turned at the sound of the bridge main door sliding open.

  “Hey, Mac.” Arbor waved.

  Nodding to them both, Mac stepped in and approached Danverse at his station.

  “Hey, boy.”

  Mac pressed in, wedging himself so close Danverse was forced to turn away from his console. He shifted back a step, trying to read Mac's face. Staring down at his boy, Danverse waited patiently for Mac to speak.

  With his head lowered, Mac looked up through his lashes. “I’ve been bad, sir.”

  The confused expression dissolved into something stoic with an undertone of deviance. “You have, boy?”

  “Yes, sir.” Mac stood with his hands behind his back and his shoulders dropped in penitence.

  Danverse slid his hand over Mac’s neck and fingered the dark hairs at the base of his skull. “Are you asking to be properly disciplined?”

  “If you think it’s what I need, sir.”

  The hint of a lusty grin came over the captain as his chest swelled and his grip on Mac firmed. “Priest, I’m going to the Day Cabin for a while to discuss a situation with Mac. We don’t wish to be disturbed. For at least twenty minutes.” Licking his lips, Danverse’s gaze roamed over Mac. “Make it thirty.”

  Priest nearly rolled his eyes. It was like watching the opening for bad porn unfolding before him. “Sure thing, Captain.”

  “Arbor’s in charge of the bridge.”

  Arbor saluted. “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  “Wait a minute! Arbor’s not even a ranked officer!”

  “Do not disturb, Corporal.” Danverse placed an arm around Mac’s waist and ushered him toward the adjoining door which led to the Day Cabin. Before they entered, Priest caught Mac and Arbor sharing an identical smirk and glance. What the hell was that?

  The door slid shut and the lock engaged. Arbor settled back into the seat against Priest and let out a breath. “Do they do that very often?”

  “A little more often than I’d like in front of me, but it’s his ship.”

  “So they’ll be gone for thirty minutes at least.”


  Arbor hopped out of the seat and faced Priest. “Good.”

  Rubbing up the length of Priest’s thighs, the heat of Arbor's palms was making quick work of finishing the erection begging to be born. Kneading and squeezing the muscles of Priest’s legs, Arbor leaned forward, nuzzling his face against the trapped hardness straining the fabric underneath. With both hands, Priest held on to the welcome head in his lap.

  Grabbing Priest’s wrists, Arbor redirected them to the active pads on his armrests. “Keep your hands on the flight controls, Corporal Jones.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Quiet. You heard the captain. I’m in charge here.”

  Priest gave Arbor a compliant, yet dirty smirk. “If you say so, sir.”

  The look between Mac and Arbor: the two of them planned this. Mac distracts Danverse and Arbor gets to play on the bridge. Was there a reason to complain or call out the deception? Hell no. Priest was riding this game out to its conclusion.

  Arbor’s hands worked their way to the buttons of Priest’s fly and wasted no time releasing him into the air. The feel of those small but sturdy hands was magic. They glided over his shaft and cupped his balls as he sat back and enjoyed the attention. If Arbor wanted to service him, why would he object?

  It was difficult not to cry out when Arbor leaned forward and ran his thick wet tongue over every centimeter of Priest’s obscenely exposed organ. Holding himself still was a challenge, but he kept his hands in position and touched nothing he wasn’t supposed to. There would be no benefit if Arbor stopped because he didn’t follow orders.

  It was becoming hard to focus as the heat and lust blurred his senses. An observant lover, Arbor had wasted no time learning what kind of suction and friction made Priest a speechless idiot. When the wet heat stopped, he wanted to whimper at the loss.

  Holding firm to Priest’s cock with one hand, Arbor dismantled his own pants with the other and kicked them to the side. If it was possible, the sight made Priest’s aching pillar even harder. A small vial sat in the palm of Arbor’s free hand. With his thumb, he flipped it open and squeezed a fine line of clear liquid over the head of Priest’s cock. He nearly screamed when Arbor slid his hand over the rigid length, spreading the slick fluid.

  Arbor kept stroking, making Priest’s struggle to stay seated more and more difficult. He arched each time Arbor reached the base.

  With a twist of Arbor’s fist, a hard shiver bulleted to the tips of Priest’s every extremity, making him slam his head back against the seat. “Oh fuck, that’s so good.”

  “It gets better.”

  When Arbor stopped this time, he climbed up and straddled Priest’s hips.

  “What are you doing?” The gorgeous sight of Arbor’s leaking hardness was only matched by the soft brushing of his bare bottom against Priest’s swollen member.
Arbor reached back and planted the slippery glans between his silky cheeks.

  “Just shut up and pilot the ship, Corporal. Daddy’s working here.”

  Priest was afraid to move as he felt himself sliding inside. The grasping heat enveloped the head and swallowed down the shaft. He could feel the ring of muscle tightening and releasing as it worked. The sensation left Priest gasping for air.

  Arbor moved up and down, making the gradual descent. When the globes of his ass finally met Priest’s balls, both men let out their breaths.

  Air rushed out of Priest in a sweet rush. “Oh god, you’re tight.”

  “I’m sorry I waited so long.” Arbor was breathing hard and a sheen of sweat glossed his forehead. Priest worried he was hurting him, but one glance down at Arbor’s hard dick changed everything. A thread of slick arousal left its evidence from the exposed tip, over the foreskin, down to the base and beyond. Arbor was fine.

  Locking eyes with Priest, Arbor rose and settled back down again, eliciting a pleasured cry from both men. It wasn’t long before the slow, deliberate action became a desperate ride of craving.

  With both hands on Priest’s shoulders to steady himself, Arbor bounced at a wild pace. Grunting and snarling, he rode in a frenzy, finally giving Priest something he’d adamantly refused until now. Priest sat with a death grip on the armrest, holding back his wish to grab Arbor by the hips and start pounding like a beast. Each thrust was a sign of the trust placed into his hands. He let Arbor give in to his needs.

  If only he could last forever in this perfect moment of hedonism. But the pleasure was peaking and Priest couldn’t hold out as the tight channel wrung the orgasm out of him. His head slammed back as each pulse shot deep into his partner, his mouth wordless and frozen in ecstasy.

  Even as Priest’s body was suffering the aftershocks, Arbor continued his ride until he stood and shoved his thick cock into Priest’s open mouth. Holding onto each side of his head, Arbor started a reckless plunge in and out. Priest suckled as hard as he could for his reward.

  Arbor’s balls were pulled tight as the flesh swelled and surged, filling Priest’s mouth with his release. Sharp pains blossomed along his scalp as Arbor’s fists tightened, but he sucked and licked, refusing to stop until Arbor couldn’t take any more. Priest tried to follow as Arbor pried himself out from between Priest's lips. Cock shiny and softening, Arbor slumped down into Priest's lap.

  “That was fucking incredible.” Priest murmured his awe because speaking too loud seemed wrong in the sanctity of the moment. The sticky wetness cooling on his lips and chin was a mix of what escaped during Arbor’s finish, but he made no quick effort to clean himself. Anything he could do to prolong the event was worth it. Arbor leaned forward, wrapping himself around Priest, his chest heaving as they calmed.

  “I’ve been dying to do this.”

  “Does Danverse know you planned this?” Priest stroked Arbor’s hair with a gentle touch, trying to share the floating sensation.

  Arbor snorted and shook his head. “No. But Mac was happy to run interference. Everyone gets what they want, even the captain.”

  Priest raised Arbor’s head with his hand and peered deep into his eyes. “You didn’t have to do that for me.”

  “I know.”

  “But I’m really glad you did. It means a lot to me that you’re willing.” He placed a deep kiss on Arbor’s mouth, their tongues dancing along each other in lazy harmony. When Priest pulled back, both men were grinning like idiots. “I still expect you to fuck me regularly though.”

  Not having lost their lusty haze, Arbor shifted forward and ran his tongue over Priest’s chin, taking his time to clean the mess he’d left behind. With one hand, he tilted Priest’s head back to catch a line running down into the valley of his neck.

  “Oh, I will. You don’t ever have to worry. That ass of yours is too sweet to give up on.”

  Priest cupped Arbor’s bare bottom in his hands, the silky firmness sending new surges of heat into him. “I hate to say this, but we’d better get dressed. The captain’ll be in a good mood when he comes out, but he’ll only deal with so much.” Priest chuckled as he brushed his lips over Arbor’s. “But as soon as I’m off shift, it’s my turn.”

  PRIEST TRIED TO sound offended as they entered Arbor’s quarters. “What do you mean Dante hit on you?”

  While he wasn’t exactly worried, he wasn’t thrilled either. A possessiveness was welling up inside him over the idea of Arbor with other men. What a startling new development. Arbor’s over-the-top chiding wasn’t helping matters. Was it possible to be annoyed and entertained at the same time? The little snot was looking awfully pleased with himself.

  “I’m pretty sure he’ll challenge you to a duel if you don’t treat me right.”

  Chuckling, Priest knelt and placed a playful bite at the junction of Arbor’s neck and shoulder. “If I didn’t want to treat you right, do you think I would have gotten him to help me with all of this?”

  Arbor’s quarters had undergone a severe overhaul. The furniture had all been shortened to accommodate his stature. There would be no more awkward climbing into the chair to sit in front of the newly lowered desk. Mr. Wiggles sat proudly on one of the shelves, which had been relocated to the lower half of the walls. Only long-term storage rested on ledges out of reach, but since storage bays in the walls couldn’t be realistically altered, a series of movable ladders had been installed. The bed was surrounded by a two-tier platform, effectively creating a series of stairs. Everything in Arbor’s room was refitted to accommodate his size.

  “I still can’t believe you went to all this trouble.”

  Arbor leaned back into Priest, who wrapped his arm around him without thinking. Leaning his head against Priest, Arbor let out a contented sigh—the kind he only made when he was happy and smiling.

  Priest brushed a kiss along Arbor’s temple. “You deserve to finally have a home that fits you for a change. I kind of feel like a giant in here, but I like it.”

  “If I haven’t told you enough, I love it.”

  “Good. Although I’m starting to rethink having Dante help. Even if he is our best maintenance tech.”

  After he petitioned Danverse to modify Arbor’s quarters, Priest worried Dante wouldn’t be interested in helping. Now he understood why Dante was only too thrilled to be involved. Without him, it would have taken Priest weeks to figure out the best method to accomplish everything. Dante took every suggestion Priest had and even improved on it, making it all a reality in less than seven days. The look on Arbor’s face when it was finished was worth burning every free period he had for a week.

  Arbor swiveled his head to look Priest in the face. “You don’t think he’d actually try anything, do you?”

  “No. That’s not Dante’s style. He doesn’t play with the partnered crew members. For all his intensity, he’s way too honorable to be a home-wrecker.” Priest knew it was true, and had nothing to worry about the hulking tech, but it still itched at him.

  “Then why did he say something today?”

  Priest shrugged. “Probably to let you know you have friends you didn’t think you had and make sure you were good with me. He may be honorable, but my reputation ain’t nowhere near so clean.” A flash of doubt hit Priest and the question came out without thinking. “Unless you want to try him out.”

  Arbor turned with an odd look that quickly sobered. Climbing up the steps of his bed, he stood on the mattress and grabbed Priest’s collar, pulling him close. Priest couldn’t help but stare into those deep eyes, and what he saw there wasn’t the annoyed reaction expected when he said something stupid.

  “Your reputation is perfectly good with me.” The shine in Arbor’s eyes graced the buoyant smile on his lips. “And you don’t ever need to worry. I don’t want to share.”

  A laughing exhale of relief blew out of Priest. “Me neither.”

  Hearing those words meant so much. After so many years of bouncing from bed to bed and short-term partner
s, Priest had never heard such devotion in another man’s voice aimed his way. It made his world brighter and encouraged him to be a better man. Not a total nerdy chump, but better. The warmth he felt made him ignore Arbor’s impish smirk.

  “But if you fuck me over, I’m gonna have Dante kick your ass.”

  Priest pulled Arbor so close his breath puffed against his mouth. “Never. Gonna. Happen.”

  With radiant smiles, they shared a soft caress of lips filled with unspoken potential. It was short and potent, leaving Priest drifting on a sea of calm waters. Life was good.

  Arbor pulled back, his face growing serious. “Not that I want to break the moment, but I need to check the cargo.”

  The moment calmed and Priest nodded, making way for Arbor to step down and head for the tallest closet storage. Arbor typed his password into the adjoining keypad and Priest suppressed a cringe—like he always did—as the door opened.

  Inside stood the metal crate, untouched and unseen by anyone other than the two of them. Arbor checked the container’s edges for flaws or issues, but Priest believed opening it made Arbor equally uneasy. A few quick touches to the controls and the lid swung open, a mannequin named Poll its only inhabitant.

  The whole thing was eerie. It was like having a corpse hidden under the cupboards. Weeks ago, they managed to find a few pieces of clothing to make Poll decent. There was something unsettling about his state of undress, which neither one wanted to comment on.

  Priest couldn’t help but crack jokes to ease the tension. “See, this is why you can’t leave me. You’re an accomplice. A studly accomplice, but an accomplice. How’s he doing?”

  Arbor looked over the readout on his handheld. “Shut down, but all systems are green. No significant activity. Tell me again why he’s stashed in my closet?”

  “Because if someone sees the crate in mine, they’ll think I’m smuggling and start asking questions. With you, not so much.”

  “There better not be any smuggling in the future, Priest. I don’t want to lose you over a prison sentence. For either of us.”


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