Wilson's Hard Lesson

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Wilson's Hard Lesson Page 19

by K. Anderson

  “Take your pants off,” she commanded.

  Brandon let out a sigh of relief and quickly began to unbutton his jeans. Kylie, not able to just lie there and wait, sat up to help. Within seconds they had his jeans and briefs off, and Kylie gasped as she saw the size of Brandon’s cock. Not only was he long, but also his girth was at least that of two and a half two three inches. She wet her lips as her eyes roamed over him, excitement making her wet all over again.

  “Do you um, do you have anything?” she asked, not sure how she was able to think so clearly as to ask such a question.

  Brandon answered with a smirk, and reached down to pull a magnum out of his wallet. “Come here,” he whispered, moving on his knees towards her. Kylie immediately obeyed, lowering herself back onto the bed’s duvet as Brandon nestled himself between her legs. Like an expert he had rolled the condom on quickly and flawlessly, and the moment had finally come.

  “Don’t stop,” Kylie whispered. For Brandon, that was the only nudge he needed, and with a low exhale he surged forward and thrust himself deeply between the warm, wet folds of Kylie. Brandon growled at her tightness, and forced himself to go slow as he adjusted to her small size. Beneath him, Kylie’s cheeks had turned a crimson red, and she had begun to writhe him as her fingernails dug into the flesh of his back.

  Together they began to move, their bodies working as one as their hips came apart and surged together in a beautiful piece of machinery. Kylie had never felt anything so all-encompassing in her life. Her past lovers, though kind, were inexperienced and much, much smaller than Brandon. Still, he worked his hips in a heavenly manner, and soon he was taking them both to the precipice of the conjoined pleasure.

  “Tell me you want me,” Kylie moaned, her orgasm close.

  “I want you,” Brandon groaned, his own orgasm coiling tightly in his belly. “I’ve wanted you since I came home.”

  His words and actions were exactly what Kylie needed, and with a scream of passion she felt her second orgasm ripple through her like an uncontrollable tidal wave. Brandon quickly followed as soon as her felt her sensitive walls begin to grip and pulsate around his cock, creating an all-consuming massage that he just had to give in to.

  For several minutes, neither Kylie nor Brandon said anything, but simply caught their breath as they remained locked together in their lovemaking. They had both poured their all into the act, and with their previous state of inebriation, they were quickly falling into a beautiful, heady aftermath of euphoria.

  “That was amazing,” Kylie breathed as Brandon rained slow kisses over her cheeks and forehead.

  “Mmm,” Brandon moaned, slowly making his way down her face to kiss her mouth. “I want more.”

  Kylie giggled, and slapped him on the ass. “I need to rest first,” she teased.

  Brandon grinned, and slowly pulled himself out from Kylie. Looking down, he saw that his condom had blown broke. He opened his mouth to tell her, but then remembered walking in on her in the bathroom as she was taking her birth control. Deciding not to ruin the moment, Brandon pulled the latex off and threw it in the trash before wrapping around Kylie.


  It was the pounding in her head that woke her up. Not the kind between her legs that she so thoroughly enjoyed the night before, but one between her temples. Her hangover was being angry and loud, and was ruining a possibly sensual moment.

  “Ow,” Kylie said softly, her hand going to head. From behind her, she felt Brandon stir awake, and pull her closer to him. They had fallen asleep shortly after their aggressive lovemaking, and from what it felt like, remained in the exact same spots they fell unconscious in.

  Brandon yawned and slowly opened his eyes to look at Kylie. Her brilliant red hair was a sexy disarray, and she had her hand pressed up against her temple. He immediately felt bad for her, and leaned up to kiss the spot that she was massaging.

  “Hangover?” He asked.

  Kylie nodded her head, and accepted the bottle of water that Brandon offered her. She took a deep swig of it and immediately felt better. She hadn’t drunk so much in since her first experience with alcohol, and now she remembered why. Hangovers were a bitch.

  Getting out of bed, Brandon went to use the bathroom and check his phone. It was nearly ten o’clock, which meant that if they didn’t check out in the next eight minutes, he’d be charged for an entire extra day. As he looked over Kylie’s gorgeous figure, he thought about how he wouldn’t mind an entire day to worship it. Still, her mother, and his dad would soon be calling them, asking if they were all right.

  “We’ve got to get going, sweets,” he said, pulling on his briefs.

  Knowing he was right, Kylie sat up in bed, and immediately wished she could lie back down. “Oh God,” she moaned, her head spinning.

  “I know baby,” Brandon soothed, kissing her forehead. “Come on, I’ll buy us some breakfast, it will make you feel better. Where’s your phone? I’ll text Cassie for you.”

  Kylie pointed to her jean shorts and Brandon fished it out. In less than five minutes they were out the door and handing in the keys to their room. As Brandon had predicted, both of their parents had freaked out when neither returned from the bar. He had to smile though, knowing that he was lucky enough to have to people that cared about him and Kylie enough to worry like that.

  Though it was a lie, he explained to them that they had crashed at Jake’s and were getting breakfast before coming home. It seemed to appease them, and he was finally able to turn his focus back to Kylie, who was being somberly silent. He tried to tell himself that it was merely from the hangover, but after reaching the diner and then ordering their coffee and orange juice, she still hadn’t said anything. Brandon began to worry that it was something else.

  “Tell me what you are thinking,” he asked, though he didn’t make it much of a question. He didn’t want to know, he needed to know.

  Kylie, who was holding her head up in one hand and stirring her coffee with a spoon with the other, looked up at Brandon with cloudy eyes. It was apparent that she still had a major headache, though she’d already drank through a bottle of water and chomped down two aspirin. No. It was more than that.

  “I’m confused,” she admitted, her voice soft.

  Brandon felt his heart go into overdrive. “Do you regret last night?” He asked, his tone steady.

  For a moment she was quiet, then slowly she shook her head no. “No. But that’s why I’m confused. I should be ashamed. Or feel dirty. But I don’t. If anything, I want to do it again and again.”

  Relief flooded through Brandon. That he could work with. “So tell me what’s going on.”


  Through breakfast they discussed their feelings and their own concerns about them. It was an unusual situation, for sure. But neither believed that it was necessarily bad either. They were each a consenting adult, each of respectable age, and they each had strong feelings for one another. Still, there was a certain stigma that was attached to what they were doing.

  “What are we going to tell mom and Gerald?” Kylie asked as she nibbled at her buttered toast; the only thing she could stomach at the moment.

  “Why do we have to tell them anything?” Brandon asked. “As long as they don’t catch us in the act, I don’t see any reason as to why they have to know.”

  Kylie felt her heart fill with sadness. “So this is just a sex thing for you then?” She asked.

  “No!” Brandon exclaimed a little too loudly. He ducked his head as he watched people stare at them. “No,” he said again in a whispered voice. “That’s not at all what I mean, Kylie. It’s just, you and are just trying to figure it out, so why put that confusion on other people until we have a better understanding of it ourselves.”

  It made sense, and with the aspirin finally kicking in, Kylie started to feel better in more ways than one. She liked Brandon, that much she knew. And she also knew that whatever it was that was going on between them, she didn’t want it to stop. Not yet at leas

  “So what do we do now?” She asked.

  Brandon’s shoulders seemed to relax, and he smiled across the table from her. “Now? We do whatever we want.”


  “You look different,” Cassie mused, looking over her daughter.

  Kylie felt her heart leap into her throat at her mother’s comment, and she turned away from peeling the potatoes for dinner. It had been over a week since she and Brandon had spent the night at the motel, and since then she and Brandon had been finding moments whenever they could to make physical contact, whether it was under the table footsie or brushing one another’s hands as they volunteered to do the dishes. It was torture, but one she found she enjoyed immensely.

  “Different? How so?” Kylie asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

  “I don’t know,” Cassie mused, shrugging her shoulder. “You have a little more pep in your step. I think having this break from your school and volunteer work is doing you some good.”

  “Oh, yeah definitely,” she agreed, thankful that was what her mother suggested. She felt her hands on her shoulders and her mother’s head resting there.

  “You’re a good girl, Kylie,” she told her daughter. “But I think sometimes you work yourself a little too hard. You have to give yourself some time to recoup, you know? Do something outside of normal bounds.”

  Kylie raised her eyebrows in surprise. Her mother had no idea just out of bounds she was taking her freedom at all. “You think so?” She asked. “You wouldn’t be disappointed?”

  Cassie laughed and turned back to husking the corn. “No honey. Kids need to be wild every now and then. Just don’t do anything that will land you too much jail time. We only have so much cash to bail you out you know.”

  “Mom!” Kylie exclaimed as her mother erupted into a fit of giggles.

  “What’s going on out here?” Brandon asked as he and Gerald came through the sliding doors of the back patio.

  “Kylie’s going to jail,” Cassie teased, wrapping an arm around her husband as he came over to grab the husked ears of corn. Brandon looked over at Kylie in surprise, his face completely serious.

  “You are? Why? What you do?”

  Gerald rolled his eyes and clapped his son on the back. “Relax boy, she’s just messing with you and Kylie. Geez, you two have been so tense lately. You guys need to relax, go have some fun.”

  Brandon and Kylie spared a glance at one another as their parents laughed at one another’s taunting. If only they really knew how much fun they were having with one another. Before Kylie or Brandon could retort, a knock sounded at the door, and Brandon went to answer it.

  “Jake?” Brandon asked with surprise. He caught himself and quickly changed his tone. “I mean, hey buddy. What’s up?”

  Jake let himself into the house. “Hey man. I’m actually here to see Kylie if that’s okay.”

  Brandon opened his mouth to tell him to go away, but as he did so Cassie came around the corner to see who was at the door.

  “Why Jake Gilbert! I haven’t seen you since your high school graduation!”

  Jake smiled widely and took off his old navy blue baseball cap. “Hello ma’am,” he greeted. “Nice to see you again.”

  “You boys going to run off before supper?” Cassie asked. “Why don’t you stay and have a plate with us? It’s just about ready.”

  Jake smoothed a hand down his simple white V-neck t-shirt and moved towards Cassie to shake her hand. “Actually I was here to call on Kylie. But yes ma’am, I’d love to stay for dinner. That barbeque sure smells good. You can smell it a clear mile down the road.”

  Brandon gave Jake a dirty look as he continued to move into the house and greet his dad and Cassie. Looking over at Kylie, he saw that she looked mortified at Jake being there. A part of him, the cave man part, felt happy to know that she wanted him there just about as much as he did. He watched as she stammered a hello and gave him the lightest of hugs. He wanted so badly to grab Jake by scruff of his neck and haul him out of the house; teach him a thing or two that he learned in combat as a marine, but he would never disrespect his father’s house by doing so. Instead, he pushed a large white ceramic platter into Kylie’s hands and asked her to come with him to get some of the chicken off the spit.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Kylie hissed as soon the back patio door slid shut.

  “Beats the hell out of me,” Brandon replied, trying not to look too suspicious. He focused on the pit, opening the giant lid and turning the chicken and ribs over with the giant tongs. “Maybe he’s wondering why you didn’t call him.”

  Kylie rolled her eyes and relaxed a little. She was used to dealing with boys who couldn’t take the hint that she wasn’t interested. “I’ll talk to him after dinner. Get it across that he hasn’t a chance.”

  Brandon softened, and took the platter out of her hands. “Are you okay?” He asked, his voice soft. “I mean, are things still okay between us?”

  Kylie could feel the dampening of her panties just from the change of tone in his voice, going from casual to sensual. “Yes,” she rasped. Turning around, she looked to make sure that no one was at the window watching her. “I miss you.”

  Realizing that she was gravitating towards him, Kylie took a step backwards, catching her heel on an uprooted flagstone. With a rush of air, she felt her body going backwards, her head going straight for the stone steps. A cry left her lips just as Brandon’s arms wrapped around her and saved her from cracking her skull open on the flagstone. For a moment, she stayed suspended in Brandon’s arms, forgetting that her family and an unwanted guest were just on the other side of the glass doors.

  “I miss you too,” Brandon murmured, his eyes locked on hers. “I want to see you. Tonight.”


  Kylie had never sat through a more awkward dinner in her life. Brandon had studied Jake like a hawk, and would often cut him off midsentence as he was holding a conversation with Gerald or Cassie. Kylie herself tried to focus only on her food, claiming that she had skipped breakfast and lunch due to a good book and that she was starving. Throughout the meal, Cassie kept nudging her daughter under the table, encouraging her to talk to the handsome suitor. Try as she might though, Kylie couldn’t find a footing on a conversation and sat in silence for most of the meal.

  When it was over, Gerald offered to take everyone down to the ice cream parlor and treat them all to cones. Jake was all for it, but Kylie and Brandon both said that they were too full from dinner. Cassie, thinking that her daughter wanted some alone time with Jake, winked at her and suggested that she and Gerald walk to the parlor, three miles away, instead of driving, to work off the meal and to ‘give the kids some privacy.’ Jake quickly agreed and while Brandon cleaned up after meal, took her to the back patio to talk.

  “So you never called,” Jake said, as soon as the doors were shut. He led her over to two of the lawn beds, and sat down in one. He tried to pull Kylie down onto the bed with him, but she slipped through his hand and took a seat on the opposite bed.

  “Jake, listen. You’re really sweet and all. And if I was living back home, or even made trips back here on my breaks, I would have definitely considered giving you a call. But the truth is, this summer is a one-time thing. I volunteer over my breaks and focus entirely on my school work during the semester.” She tugged at her lilac maxi dress uncomfortably, wishing she wasn’t wearing something so revealing. It was making her uncomfortable how often Jake’s eyes roamed from her eyes to her chest.

  “Yeah, but you graduate next year, right? We could enjoy a summer fling, then when you come back home we could”-

  Kylie started to feel irritated. Jake wasn’t listening to her, and she hated when guys did that.

  “No, Jake. You’re not getting it. “I’ll be done with my undergrad, yes. But then I’m going to go immediately into my master’s program, and from there into something like the World Help Organization. I’m not coming home.”


  “She said no, dude,” Brandon butted in. Kylie had been getting so riled up that she hadn’t even seen him open and close the patio door to come outside.

  Jake stood up, holding out his hand. “Listen brother, I know you’re just being protective, but you haven’t been home in a long time. I’ve grown up. Your sister grew up. We’re adults now and we’re interested in each other.”

  Brandon felt anger lace through his veins and locked his jaw and squeezed his fist. He wanted badly to punch the guy in the face, even though he knew it wasn’t the answer.

  “She said no, Jake,” Brandon said through clenched teeth.

  Kylie, sensing the tension, stepped in between the two testosterone filled men.

  “That’s right,” she added. “I said no. I mean no. I’m flattered that you stopped by, Jake. But I am not, and will not be interested. Understand?”

  Jake looked from Kylie’s face to Brandon’s, both of them wearing apparent anger. Finally, he stepped away and held his hands up in surrender. The point was finally made clear to him.

  “Fine. Fine. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way, Kylie,” Jake apologized.

  The tension slowly eased out of Kylie’s body, and she gave the man a small smile. “It’s okay,” she soothed. “But in the future maybe try to take a woman’s first no as is, all right?”

  “Let me walk you out,” Brandon said, still full of hostility. Jake didn’t disagree, but instead let the marine walk him through the house and to the front door. Before he let Brandon close it however, he held open the door and looked the man square in the eye.

  “I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but it’s sick,” Jake spat.

  “Excuse me?” Brandon asked, feeling the anger rise up and beat against his rib cage, begging to be let out.


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