Wilson's Hard Lesson

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Wilson's Hard Lesson Page 21

by K. Anderson

  “I have surprise for you,” he told her, reaching out to stroke her hair. In moments like this, they weren’t afraid to leave the door open and show affection. Cassie and Gerald, when and if they walked by, only thought that they were talking and hanging out, like normal siblings do.

  “Is it that that coffee is for me?” She asked, staring at the mug of joe she knew was flavored heavily with sugar and hazelnut creamer. It was one of the things she and Brandon had in common. They both enjoyed milky, sugary coffee.

  Chuckling, he handed her his mug and let her take a long sip of the caffeine.

  “Better?” He asked.

  Kylie let out a sigh of pleasure and nodded her head. “Much. So what’s up?”

  Brandon stretched backwards, showing off the muscles of his naked torso. Kylie couldn’t help but look as he stretched back to grab some papers off of his desk.

  “Like what you see?” He asked. He didn’t have to look to know that she was staring at him. He could feel her eyes, and he liked it. Very much.

  “That’s the issue,” Kylie sighed, taking another sip of her coffee.

  Brandon tossed the stack of papers on the bed in front of her. “Well here. Maybe this will help.”

  Kylie looked down at the brightly colored picture and read the first page of the packet.

  “Camping trip?” She asked surprised. “To Johnstown, PA?”

  “Yep,” Brandon told her, turning the page so she could read on. “Take a look. I rented us a cabin. Nothing fancy or modern. But it’s private, and has air conditioning. WE can hike, fish, swim, and”-

  “Anything we want,” Kylie murmured, realizing her plan.

  “Exactly,” Brandon agreed. “Lowering his voice. “I really want this with you, Kylie. A chance to spend some real time with you without the fear of being caught by anyone in our town. Please, will you come with me?”

  It took Kylie less than a second to agree. She was tired of the stress of being seen, and a getaway, even if it was only for four days, sounded like heaven to her.


  “Where are you two going again?” Cassie asked. She was in the kitchen making them turkey and cheddar sandwiches for the three- hour drive. “And why is it so far away?”

  Brandon put a bag of Chex mix in the box of food he was packing, and took a break to lean on the kitchen island. “I’m heading up there to visit an old Marine friend, mom. He has a sister too, and she asked that I invite Kylie along so that she’d have someone to hang out with.”

  Cassie put the sandwiches in zip lock bags and shook her head. “I just don’t understand why they can’t come here and camp out at the campgrounds a few miles away. We only get you for the summer and I feel like I barely get to see you.”

  Brandon wrapped his arms around the middle age woman. She may have been his step mom, but she had loved him like she’d birthed him herself from the very beginning. When he got back, would make it a point to spend more time with the entire family.

  “I know mom. But we’d be gone the same amount of days whether we’d stay close to home or go up to Pennsylvania.”

  Sighing, Cassie gently pushed at Brandon’s chest and returned to making sandwiches. “I guess you’re right. But I still don’t like it.”

  Gerald and Kylie came in a few minutes later, and the family hugged one another goodbye. Out of habit, Gerald pulled a few twenties out of his wallet and handed them to Kylie. “I know you both are grown now,” he said. “But you know, just in case of an emergency.”

  “Thanks dad,” Kylie whispered, wrapping her arms around the big black man one more time. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Princess,” Gerald whispered, smoothing his hand over her hair. “No you kids go, get out of here and enjoy the summer. Bring us back some fish if you can.”

  With that, Brandon and Kylie got in Kylie’s beat up baby blue old Volkswagen and drove off. In the back they had their supplies for camping, though they wouldn’t need it, and enough food to last them the entire four days.

  “Do you think we should get some other stuff when we get up there?” Kylie asked, not sure what else to talk about. “You know, maybe some chicken and steak and stuff.”

  Brandon reached across the center console and squeezed her hand. “Honey we can get whatever you want,” he promised. “We have four whole days. And as long as it’s just you and me, then I don’t care what we do.”

  A wicked though blossomed into Kylie’s mind, and a devilish grin spread across her face. “Anything, huh?” She asked.

  Brandon raised an inquisitive eyebrow, and risked a glance over to her passenger side. “Within reason,” he said slowly.

  He felt Kylie’s fingertips dance on his hand and slowly up his arm, then down onto his lap. He wasn’t sure what she was thinking, but so far he like it. A lot.

  “Well then,” Kylie said, her voice sinful, “I think I’d like to taste you. While you’re driving.”

  The thought appealed to him on so many levels. He waited until they crossed the town lines before he agreed to her little exploration, and spread his legs wide so she’d have plenty of room to maneuver. If this was what a four- day vacation was going to start as, he thought, then he was really, really going to enjoy it.


  Brandon looked over the cabin. It looked much more worse for wear than it did in the pictures, and he felt a wave of regret wash over him. He could have sprung for a hotel in town. It would have at least had room service. Though there was no dust or cobwebs, and the bed looked clean, it was still extremely outdated. The plumbing was old and rusty, and the smell of earth was apparent in the air. For him, it would have been fine. But Kylie deserved better.

  “Hey listen, if you’re not comfortable here, we can”-

  “It’s perfect,” Kylie breathed head looking up into the old rafters. Twilight lights had been strung along the beams, and though it was still light out, Kylie plugged them in to test them. They illuminated the shadows of the ceiling, and wide smile spread across Kylie’s face.

  “This is so beautiful. Thank you so much for bringing me here, Brandon.”

  Brandon felt a surge of love fill his chest as he looked down at the happy Kylie. Already she was unloading the groceries in the kitchen and sticking a couple beers in the freezer to cool down. She may have looked like a delicate flower, but she had a bit of wild streak in her; and he loved that.

  Unable to help himself, Brandon strode into the kitchen and wrapped her up in his arms until her feet were no longer touching the ground. She laughed at him softly, and kissed the top of his head as she stayed contentedly suspended in the air. He loved how easily she fit in his arms; how perfect.

  “So, we finally made it,” Kylie said as Brandon sat her down on the kitchen counter. She still had her legs wrapped around his waist, and she was lightly massaging the front of his shoulders. “What do you want to do first?”

  “Anything you want,” Brandon answered quickly. “Hiking, fishing, the bedroom. You name it.”

  Kylie giggled and kissed his forehead. “I don’ know about you but I’m pretty sticky. How would you feel about swimming?”

  He liked the thought of seeing Kylie nearly naked and cooling off from the intense summer heat all at the same time, and quickly agreed. As Kylie changed into her bathing suit, Brandon packed his bag with towels, sunscreen, and water. The lake wasn’t too far, barely a mile walk on the dirt path through the trees. According to the map he had, there should be a small dock where they would be able to lay out and swim.

  “I had no idea you liked nature,” Brandon mentioned as they picked their way through the forest.

  Kylie laughed out loud and when Brandon asked what was so funny, she told him about her adventures.

  “The places I go are exotic, yes, but they’re also completely underdeveloped. I’ve been in jungles and forest much worse than this with much less equipment and a lot more danger. Trust me, this is cake.”

  Her admission to living in such places stru
ck a cord in Brandon. One he didn’t like.

  “Who watches over you?” He asked. They had reached the dock in no time, and luckily there were no other vacationers there.

  “What do you mean?” Kylie asked.

  “You know. Who protects you when you’re going to these dangerous places.”

  “Ourselves, mostly,” Kylie replied honestly. “We get a few native guides everywhere we go, but mostly we just look out for ourselves.”

  “Kylie that’s incredibly dangerous,” Brandon said, reaching out to touch her shoulder. “I don’t like it. You could get hurt.”

  Kylie laughed again, and this time it began to annoy Brandon.

  “As opposed to your job?” She asked. “You’re a marine. You go to the most dangerous places in the world to fight. I got to the most impoverished places in the world to feed, and provide healthcare. Your job is a lot riskier than mine,” she defended.

  “Yeah but I have military training, Kylie. I can protect myself, and others. They don’t train you at all in self-defense and I think that’s a major issue.”

  “I’m not untrained,” Kylie replied with a simple shrug of her shoulder. As if they weren’t talking about anything too important, she jumped into the lake, completely submerged in the cool water.

  “Ahh!” She gasped as she resurfaced, pushing her hair out of her face. “This feels perfect, come on in!”

  “Wait, what do you mean you’re not untrained?” Brandon asked, not wanting to derail from the conversation. “You take a few classes at the Y or something?”

  “No, I box. I even compete sometimes. I’m actually pretty good.”

  “That is so…hot,” Brandon laughed, pulling off his shirt. He jumped into the water beside her, dragging her under with him. Like a fish she squirmed in his arms and swam a few yards away from him to resurface.

  “You’re a little badass aren’t you?” He asked, trying to swim towards her.

  “Yeah,” she laughed, enjoying the chase. “Maybe a little.”


  Brandon adjusted the log on the fireplace, loving the way it sounded as it crackled and popped in the stone fireplace. They’d had an amazing evening, swimming in the lake. Though they had waved hello to a couple canoes and speedboat or two, no one had come to the dock to interrupt them. With the water being perfect, they had ended up staying nearly three hours in the water, just playing and having a good time.

  By the time they had finally left, they were both starving and exhausted. Thanks to his military survival skills, he’d whipped them up something quick in the old school microwave, and now Kylie was wrapped happily in a blanket on the large, sprawling sofa in front of the fireplace. It was quite possibly the most perfect moment Brandon had ever experienced.

  Turning away from the fire, he looked up at Kylie and had to smile. Her hair was still a little damp from swimming, and she looked incredibly small wrapped in the huge quilt. She looked perfect.

  “What are you smiling at?” Kylie whispered, a small grin on her face.

  Brandon walked up to the couch and scooped her up, placing her in his lap. His lips naturally found hers, and he drew her into an intoxicating kiss. He loved the way her lips immediately parted for his tongue; letting him draw her taste out as fully as possible.

  “About how lucky I am to be here with you,” Brandon asked, exposing his feelings in a way he had never done before. He pulled away from her mouth, just far enough so that he could look into her eyes. “I’m so happy we’re here. Truly. For the next four days, I’m not thinking about the military or combat or other people’s opinions. I’m focusing completely on you.”

  Kylie moaned as her lips sealed over his again. Parting the blanket, his hands found the cool, naked flesh of Kylie’s breasts, and was happy to discover that beneath the large quilt, she was already naked. Kylie giggled as she kissed him when she heard him groan, and knew that he enjoyed the surprise.

  On the couch, Brandon shifted her off of his lap until she was lying on her back on the cushions. He broke their kiss only to turn her around so that her face was in the pillows. Immediately she gripped the soft cushion and closed her eyes as Brandon’s teeth scraped teasingly over her shoulder blade.

  “I want you inside me,” Kylie whispered, raising her backside up so that it would brush up against his zipper.

  Chuckling, Brandon shook his head. “No yet, baby. “I finally have the time to explore you, and I plan on taking my time.” For emphasis he slapped her ass, making her moan and gyrate into the couch. He liked that she liked things a little rough- so did he.

  With excruciating slowness, Brandon’s teeth, tongue, and lips grazed and nibbled from one shoulder to the other, and then down the beautiful dip of her spine. He paid attention to each time she gyrated a little extra, every time she moaned or gasped. He kept a log in his head, storing it away for future use. Studying her body had become his knew favorite subject, and he suddenly felt excited to study.

  By the time he reached her pert buttocks, Kylie was writhing and moaning into the pillow, her teeth biting down on the rough fabric so she could focus herself. He loved the way the flesh of her cheek bounced when he kissed or bit it. It was hypnotizing to see, and soon he found himself biting her there more for his pleasure than hers.

  “What’s this?” Brandon asked, his voice low and thick with arousal. He was looking at her legs, which had slowly been parting further and further as his lips had explored her back. Leaning down, he dipped his tongue between her legs, running it from the bottom of her lips, all the way to the top of her clitoris. Kylie gasped and moaned loudly as she felt his tongue, and begged him for more. It was a plea Brandon couldn’t refuse. He loved the way her juices felt, on his lips and tasted on his tongue.

  At his leisure Brandon ran his tongue over her most sacred place, licking her back and forth to procure more and more moans. When he felt her juices begin to spill over onto the couch, he dipped her fingers inside of her, coating them in her honey thoroughly before pulling out. Gently he began to massage the outskirts of her anus, slipping the tip of his finger inside a little bit at a time.

  Above, Kylie was gripping the pillow for dear life, and telling her body to relax as much as she could. She had never been explored in such a way before, but she found that she was enjoying it very much. Still, despite the pleasure, there was a bit of pain. Brandon was being as gentle as he could, which only turned her on even further. She wanted to do this for him, to give him this little first. Slowly the pain began to fade, and as Brandon continued to lick and tease her, he slid inside her anus even further until he was inside of her up to his knuckle.

  “Ohhh,” Kylie moaned deeply, unused to such a sensation. As she did so, Brandon slipped a finger between her lips, and simultaneously began moving his fingers as he licked her clitoris.

  “Brandon,” she pleaded, not even sure what she wanted. She felt deliciously full. An orgasm, stronger than ever before, was building inside of her, and the only thing she could do was hang on to her pillow and stay as relaxed as possible.

  “Yes, baby, yes,” Brandon groaned, moving a little faster. “I can feel you getting ready to come. Come for me, baby.”

  As if she could control such a thing, Kylie’s body exploded in an earth shattering orgasm. Kylie’s eyes rolled up into her head and her body rose off of the couch as she felt shock after shock of pleasure. It seemed like forever before she finally was able to catch her breath, and by the time she was finally able to Brandon had her in his arms, cradled to his chest as he rained kisses over her face and hair.

  “More,” she whispered, wrapping her fingers around his already stiff cock. “Please, give me more.”

  Not wanting to argue, Brandon stood up with her in his arms and brought her to the high arm of the couch. As they kissed they finished removing his clothes, and without the thought of protection, Brandon surged inside of her as he held her up on the arm of the couch. Brandon growled as he felt her hot wetness close tightly around him, and he began
to thrust wildly into her. Her breasts bounced happily as he did so, and he couldn’t help but clamp his mouth over one nipple, then the other as they made love.


  Kylie woke up to the sound of Brandon’s heartbeat in her ear. She’d fallen asleep again, just like the two nights before. The sun streamed happily into the window, as if it had no idea that the day brought a sadness over the cabin. It was their last day at the cabin, and within four hours they would be driving back home, where they would once again have to pretend that they were simply stepbrother and sister.

  A fat tear slipped out of Kylie’s left eye, and slid down to land on Brandon’s hard chest. She loved sleeping curled up beside him with her head on his chest. To her, it was the most comfortable thing in the world, and she didn’t want to give it up. Unfortunately, though, she had to.

  Careful not to wake Brandon, Kylie slipped out of the bed and tiptoed to the bedroom door. From the hook she pulled her light blue silk robe and wrapped it around herself. In the kitchen, she busied herself with making coffee in the old fashioned percolator. She had destroyed the first pot of coffee when they’d first got there, but now she was quite adept to using the machine. She poured the black goodness into a hand-sculpted mug, and then added her usual heavy amount of cream and sugar to the mix. When she was done, she creaked open the front door of the cabin, and went to sit at the hand made picnic table.

  From her seat she could see the forest was full of wildlife. Birds, rabbits, squirrels, and even a few deer seemed to make the forest move and come alive. In the trees, she saw a mama bird feed her chicks, and through the thickets on the forest floor she saw a mama deer with her many spotted fawn, grazing through the floors brush to find something suitable to eat.

  They all seemed to have children, except for her. They reminded her of some of the women she met in college that were there solely for the purpose of finding a husband. Quite a few of them had dropped out before their junior year to get married and start their careers as housewives. She wondered if any of them had children by now, and the possibility startled her.


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