Wilson's Hard Lesson

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Wilson's Hard Lesson Page 30

by K. Anderson

  Kendall conversed with him as she tidied up the living room. She loved Adam’s enthusiasm for everything. He followed her around even when she went upstairs to clean their rooms. Eventually though, Adam’s attention was captured by something else, and he left her. Still, he always put her in a good mood.

  Kendall was almost finished making sure the house was in order. All she had left to do was clean Mr. Thomas’s bedroom and bathroom. On the whole, Mr. Thomas was a very organized man, but there were certain things he never did. Making the bed was one of those things. So, Kendall made the bed and quickly cleaned the rest of the room and the bathroom. Just as she was about to deem the job done, she noticed that his laundry basket was full. These were mainly workout clothes, as he always had his nicer clothing dry-cleaned.

  Kendall picked up the hamper, and she blushed as she caught a whiff of the clothes within. They strongly smelled of his own personal musk, and she blushed to find herself thinking of him running or lifting weights. Shaking her head quickly, she dismissed those thoughts and moved to start the laundry.

  Throughout the rest of the day, Kendall was able to finish all her schoolwork and Mr. Thomas’s laundry. That left her with plenty of time to help John with his schoolwork. John was homeschooled, and Adam would be, too, as soon as the next school year rolled around. Fortunately, Mr. Thomas trusted her to ensure that John completed his work. Kendall also enjoyed being able to help John with his work, and she viewed it as excellent preparation for when she would be a teacher one day.

  The day passed with very little activity. Kendall succumbed to Adam’s insistence that they go on a walk. The ever agreeable John did not protest, and Adam led them in an adventure around the neighborhood. Kendall waved to the few people she saw, and she was careful not to let Adam wander off the sidewalk and into the road. They reached the neighborhood park, and Kendall let loose to play a game of tag with the boys before they headed back to the house.

  They returned to the house, and Kendall made them a snack of carrots, celery, and peanut butter. They all sat down in the living room to watch a movie and unwind. Not long after, Kendall heard the door open. She smiled as the boys promptly leapt off the couch and ran to greet their father.

  “Hey!” Mr. Thomas laughed as his boys both gave him tight hugs around the waist. He dropped to his knees and hugged them back.

  Kendall smiled at the sight. The boys adored their father, and he adored them. He loved Allison every bit as much, and Kendall knew he missed her when she was away at school, even though he was very supportive of her.

  When his sons relinquished him, Mr. Thomas stood and looked up at Kendall. Kendall felt her throat go dry at his after-work appearance. His wardrobe, which he so meticulously arranged each morning, was in just the slightest state of disarray. He had taken off his jacket, and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, baring his muscular forearms. His tie was loosened, and the top button of his shirt was undone. His hair, which had been so neatly combed back, now fell forward into his face to rest on his brow. As usual, a dusting of stubble had accumulated on his jaw.

  Kendall’s eyes swept over him and then rested on his face. His blue eyes met hers immediately, and Kendall felt herself swallow dryly. Once again he had caught her looking him over, and he quirked an eyebrow up at her. Kendall, again, tried to recover by smiling kindly, but on the inside she wanted to bury herself in a hole.

  “I trust everything went all right,” he smiled down at her.

  “Of course,” Kendall nodded quickly. “I’ll just be going home now.”

  “Alright, drive safe,” he nodded. He walked her to the door and helped her with her jacket. The back of his hand brushed over her shoulders as he helped her into the garment, and she suppressed a shudder at the sensation. She hastily gathered up her bag and walked out the door as he opened it for her.

  Kendall moved down the driveway to her car and got into the driver’s seat. Mr. Thomas stood leaning in the doorframe, his harms crossed over his chest. He always watched her leave to make sure she got off all right, and she gave him a wave as she pulled out of his driveway.

  Chapter Three

  As the house disappeared from her rear view mirror, Kendall released a shaking breath. She shook her head and frowned. She scolded herself for her unprofessional demeanor. Fortunately, Mr. Thomas seemed more amused by her behavior than anything else, and she hoped this wouldn’t negatively affect their working relationship.

  When Kendall pulled into the parking lot of her apartment, she resolved to act more professionally. For now, she put all thoughts of her boss behind her, and she fell into her usual evening routine. She went into her small apartment, changed into some sweatpants and an old t-shirt, and started her run. Her body quickly warmed up, and the chill in the air felt nice against her heated skin.

  When she made it back to her apartment, her skin glistened with a fine layer of sweat. Her heart was pumping hard, and she felt a sense of euphoria after the exertion. She took a few minutes to stretch her muscles out, and then stripped off her sweaty clothes and moved to take a shower. She felt calm and peaceful, and she allowed her embarrassment from earlier to be washed down the drain.

  When she finished her shower, she dried off and braided her hair for the night. She put on a pair of soft shorts and a tank top, feeling herself getting sleepy already. She crawled into bed and picked up her laptop, making sure that she had finished all her schoolwork from the day. When she was satisfied that she was done, she put down the computer and turned on her small television, allowing herself the luxury of mindless entertainment.

  Kendall couldn’t help her thoughts as they drifted back to her interactions with Mr. Thomas. She still felt horribly unprofessional and childish for so unabashedly staring at him, and then having him catch her in the act just put it over the top. Though she did have to admit to herself that she was attracted to him, that did not change the fact that he was her boss, and he deserved to be regarded with respect.

  Kendall resolved to be much more appropriate in her dealings with Mr. Thomas. With her mind set, Kendall turned off her television and covered up in her blankets. It did not take long for her to fall asleep.

  The next morning, Kendall eagerly dressed and gathered her belongings, eager to prove to herself that she was not some infatuated child. She was certain that she could maintain a professional demeanor. So feeling confident and assured, Kendall got in her car, and in no time she was at the house of her boss.

  Kendall wasted no time in ascending the steps of the porch and ringing the doorbell. She felt her heart beating a little harder as she waited for him to open the door, noting that it was taking a bit longer than usual. Soon she heard the doorknob turn, and the door opened.

  Kendall was taken aback as she saw her boss, or rather his state of dress. Rather than one of his many fine suits, he was dressed in a simple gray sweater and a pair of jeans with some brown loafers. He had not shaved, and his stubble was even more pronounced on his jaw. His wavy hair fell down into his eyes, and Kendall could not help but watch as he combed his fingers through it. He looked down at her with a quizzical expression, slight amusement dancing in his eyes.

  It was at that moment that Kendall realized that it was Saturday.

  “Good morning,” Mr. Thomas smiled at her in greeting. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “I’m so sorry,” Kendall stammered, absolutely mortified. “I completely forgot it was Saturday. I’m sorry to disturb you so early. I’ll just be going home.”

  “You’re not disturbing anyone,” Mr. Thomas chuckled. “Come on in. I was just about to have some tea.”

  “Oh, no thank you,” Kendall shook her head, wanting nothing more than to flee this situation.

  “I insist,” Mr. Thomas stepped aside for her to enter his home. “You’ve already driven out here. I’d hate for it to have been for nothing.”

  Kendall heard no room for argument in his tone, and she reluctantly stepped into the house. She took off her bag and hung h
er jacket on the coat rack, following Mr. Thomas into the kitchen. She sat down at the breakfast bar and watched patiently as he poured hot water over a teabag.

  “Have you had any breakfast?” Mr. Thomas asked her over his shoulder. “I was just about to make some toast.”

  “I’m fine, thank you,” Kendall answered. Her stomach was in knots, and she doubted she could have eaten anything, even toast.

  Kendall watched her tea steep as Mr. Thomas made his toast. She felt her heart beating in her throat. She dared to look up, and she immediately found her eyes drifting to Mr. Thomas’s strong back. She was entranced by the subtle movements of his shoulders and arms as he made his breakfast. He started to turn around, and Kendall quickly shifted her eyes back to her tea.

  “What’s on your mind?” Mr. Thomas asked, and Kendall looked up from her tea to answer him.

  “Nothing much,” Kendall shrugged, lifting the cup to her mouth to take a sip of her drink.

  “Are you sure?” Mr. Thomas raised an eyebrow. “You seem frazzled, and you did just come in to work on a Saturday.”

  “I just lost track of the week, I guess,” Kendall offered lamely.

  “Hmm,” Mr. Thomas gave a slow nod and took a bite of his toast, his blue eyes never leaving her. Kendall felt as though she needed to be honest with him.

  “I actually want to apologize,” Kendall said softly, her voice wavering slightly. “I feel like I’ve been unprofessional. I want you to know that I’m very grateful for this job, and I have the utmost respect for you.”

  “Ah, I understand,” Mr. Thomas smiled and nodded. “You’re embarrassed that you’re attracted to your boss.”

  Kendall said nothing, but she felt a deep blush spread over her face at having him say those words out loud.

  “I assure you, it’s nothing strange,” he explained. “There are plenty of women at the office not much older than you who make no effort to hide their attraction, much less apologize for it. It’s very flattering.”

  Kendall remained silent, still absolutely mortified to be having this conversation at all.

  “The thing is, I’m just not very interested in any of them,” Mr. Thomas went on, and his voice was softer. “They don’t know they don’t have a chance, and I won’t tell them. It wouldn’t make a difference. I’ve had my eye on someone much more interesting.”

  Kendall looked up at that. She hadn’t known that Mr. Thomas was seeing someone. This would be his first relationship since his wife had died five years before. She felt a spark of happiness for him, and she was eager to know more.

  “Really?” she asked. “Have you known her for very long?”

  “Yes, for several years now,” Mr. Thomas nodded. “She’s a very close friend of the family.”

  “Oh,” Kendall blinked. “Do I know her?”

  Mr. Thomas looked at her and smiled slowly.

  “Better than most,” he answered softly, a measure of amusement dancing in his eyes.

  Kendall could have sworn her heart stopped beating.

  “Oh,” she whispered, unable to think of anything else to say. She knew he was talking about her. Her mind reeled as she tried to process the information.

  Kendall flinched as Mr. Thomas placed his hand over hers on the table. She looked up into his face and searched his eyes. She was shaking violently, and she felt muscles deep inside of her clench as his blue eyes began to cloud over with a dark emotion.

  “What about John and Adam?” Kendall asked, her voice shaking.

  “They’re at my parent’s house for the weekend,” he answered as he stood and began to advance slowly around the bar toward her. Kendall felt frozen. She managed to turn so that her back was to the bar, and she was looking up at him as he towered over her.

  Kendall flinched as she felt his fingertips brush over her cheek and then move lower to gently trace over the outside of her arm. Her entire body shuddered, and she felt her stomach tying itself into knots. Her mouth went dry, and she could only look up at the man in front of her as her mind seemed to unravel.

  “You’ve grown into a beautiful young woman,” Mr. Thomas said, his voice low, as he placed a hand on her knee.

  “Isn’t this inappropriate?” Kendall asked, her eyes searching his desperately.

  “Only if this isn’t what you want,” he answered her, his hand trailing up the inside of her thigh. “But I can assure you; this is exactly what I want.”

  Kendal gasped as her boss suddenly cupped his hand over her sex through her jeans, and she couldn’t help her hips as they jumped off the chair to press harder against his hand. Kendall whimpered as Mr. Thomas gently caressed her most sensitive area.

  “Do you want this Kendall?” he asked her as he pressed harder, and Kendall arched against his touch. “Do you want me?”

  “Yes,” Kendall barely managed to get the words out before Mr. Thomas had caught her face between his hands and crushed his lips to hers.

  Chapter Four

  Kendall wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed. Her mind was racing, and her body felt like it was on fire. She could not believe that she was in this situation. She knew that there had to be consequences for this course of action, and she was half frantic to find some way out. But the insistent throbbing between her legs demanded that she respond to his kiss with equal fervor, and her mind began to fade away as sensation overtook her body.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom,” he whispered harshly into her ear as he roughly pulled away from their kiss. Kendall nodded hastily in agreement and released a cry of shock as Mr. Thomas quickly yanked her off the bar stool, giving her a swat on the rear end, encouraging her to move forward. Kendall blushed at the contact but headed straight up the stairs for his bedroom.

  No sooner had Kendall stepped through the door than Mr. Thomas pushed her back onto his bed. She moaned as he lowered his body over hers and kissed her deeply. His hands found her hips, and he gripped them tightly. Kendall gasped as she felt him grind his erection against her stomach through their layers of clothing. He moved his mouth away from hers and began kissing down her neck, and Kendall felt a wave of uncertainty course through her body.

  “Are … are you sure?” Kendall stammered and whimpered as her boss gently nibbled at the side of her neck. “Are you sure this is right … for, for us to be doing this?”

  Mr. Thomas pulled back and looked her in the eyes.

  “Kendall,” he said softly. “I am a grown man, and you are a grown woman. As long as we have each other’s consent, we can do anything we please. But we don’t have to do anything that you’re uncomfortable with. If this is too much for you, we can stop.”

  Kendall looked up into his blue eyes, and she felt her mind calm even as her body felt even more inflamed with need.

  “Is this what you really want?” he asked her, and he rocked his erection against her stomach.

  “Yes,” Kendall gasped, and arched her hips, desperate for friction against her aching sex.

  Without a word, he captured her mouth in a kiss, and she felt his hands at the hemline of her shirt. She arched her back up off the bed to help him remove it, and she raised her arms over her head so that he could pull it off completely. Shivers ran over her body to be so exposed, and she released a shaking breath as he ran his fingertips over her stomach.

  “Mr. Thomas.…” Kendall sighed and writhed underneath him.

  “Mark,” he corrected his voice low and dark with his own desire.

  Kendall blushed with embarrassment, but she was soon distracted by the sensation of her breasts as they were covered by his large hands over her bra. He gently kneaded them, and Kendall moaned at the deeply satisfying feeling. She arched her back and allowed Mark to slip his hand beneath her to undo the clasp of the bra. He easily pulled it off her.

  Her breasts naked, she watched as he lowered his head to one of them. She whimpered as he ran his tongue around her nipple, never quite touching it. Her nipples were achingly hard, and she cried out as he pinched one of t
hem between his thumb and forefinger, twisting it. His tongue still danced around the other, and Kendall was a squirming, whimpering mess as the sensations assaulted her body.

  Suddenly, Mark withdrew from her, leaving her mind in a whirl. He leaned back and hastily pulled off his sweater. A throb of hot desire coursed through Kendall’s body as she saw his muscular torso. His shoulders were broad and well defined, as were the muscles of his chest and abdomen. Dark hair dusted his chest and led all the way down to disappear beneath the waistline of his pants. He looked down at her, his mouth parted and his eyes hazy with lust as his hands moved to his belt.

  Kendall watched, enraptured, and mimicked his motions, beginning to remove her jeans as well. Still her fingers fumbled, as she could not tear her eyes away from his fingers as they easily undid the clasp of his belt, as well as the button, and then pulled down the zipper. He moved off the bed to stand, but instead of removing his pants, he took the waistband of her jeans in his hand. Kendall gasped as he yanked them down. Kendall hurriedly kicked off her shoes and the jeans with them.

  Then, Mark’s hands returned to his own jeans, and he shoved them down past his hips. Kendall’s eyes were locked on his impressive erection as he stepped out of his loafers and the jeans. It bobbed as he moved, and Kendall felt a sharp jolt of need shock her center. Mark moved back over her body, and Kendall moaned as she felt the tip of his erection trace over the skin of her thigh.

  Mark kissed her once again, and she ran her hands down his muscular back. She felt his hot, thick length resting on her thigh, and she squirmed in an attempt to get it to rub against her hot core. Mark lowered his kiss from her mouth to her neck, and Kendall struggled to maintain her breathing as he moved even lower. Her heart beat frantically as Mark nibbled at her pelvic bones, and she buried her hands in the sheets beneath her as he kissed and licked his way to her mound.

  Kendall couldn’t help the tiny thrusts of her hips as she silently pleaded for Mark to touch her. She groaned and shook as she felt the tip of his tongue trace lightly from the bottom of her slit to the top, and then lightly circle her clit. Kendall writhed from the pleasurable, teasing sensation, and Mark held her hips steady as he licked at her. When he slipped a finger inside of her tightness, Kendall let out a sharp cry. He began to slowly insert it and remove it at a maddeningly slow tempo. Kendall bucked her hips and urged him to go faster, and he complied.


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