Wilson's Hard Lesson

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Wilson's Hard Lesson Page 38

by K. Anderson

  Chapter Eight

  Their last day of camping was filled with a lot of fun and adventure. The three of them spoke with each other and poked fun at each other. Today, Richard even decided to swim with the girls.

  “You’re not bad looking for an old man!” Alana called out as she splashed water at Richard, he dodged her with ease.

  “And you’re not bad looking either to have such a disrespectful mouth.”

  Elaina laughed at the two of them and started splashing water at both of them.

  “Whose side are you on?” Alana asked while trying to move away from Elaina. Elaina laughed continuing to splash them with water.

  “I’m on my own side.”

  Richard swam under the water and pulled Elaina down underneath it. Elaina struggled to get away from Richard, trying not to laugh under water and just when she thought she’d bust out laughing, Richard pushed her back to the surface.

  “I could’ve drowned.” Elaina said once her breathing calmed down. Richard grinned.

  “That’s what happens when you splash me.”

  Alana watched their transaction and began splashing both of them. Her movements came fast and Richard didn’t have enough time to dodge her.

  “Ha! Never turn away in a fight!” Alana laughed happily. Richard and Elaina held up their hands and laughed as well. After several more minutes of them playing around, Richard told them it was time for them to start packing away. The girls sighed, but they exited the lake.

  “I’m glad Dan didn’t come,” Richard said as he walked a little bit ahead of them.

  “I bet,” there was an edge to Alana’s voice and Richard looked over his shoulder at the twins and grinned.

  “Of course, for the reason that you’re thinking about but there’s another reason.”

  “What is it?” Elaina asked as she brought her hands up to her short bob and squeezed the water out of it.

  “Every time we go camping, we only fish, hike and drink. We never swam or anything. Then again it’ll be weird for two straight men to be swimming together.” Elaina laughed.

  “Yeah, dad’s not into swimming.”

  Even though Dan was just their stepfather, he’s been in their lives since they were three years old so they knew him inside and out.

  “Alana, help your sister take down your tent.”

  Alana sighed, but walked over to Elaina. “That’s what you’re here for.” Alana mumbled under her breath and Elaina lightly punched her side.

  “Don’t act like that.” Elaina said and Alana sighed again.

  “Fine you take that side and I’ll take this side.” Richard took down his tent with ease and went to help the twins when he noticed that they were struggling.

  “You girls are hopeless!” Richard sighed as he unhooked everything that the girls missed and brought the tent down. “What am I going to do with you too?”

  “Some of what you did last night would be nice.” Alana confidently said. Elaina blushed but she didn’t disagree with what her sister said. Richard smiled and shook his head.

  “I’d love to take you two again, but I’ve got to get you home. Your parents must be worried sick!”

  The girls sighed; their phones did not have a signal so they were unable to contact them. They could have went into town and called them, but they were having too much fun.

  “We’re not eating any fish tonight?” Alana said as she pulled her bags close to the fire pit. Richard shook his head.

  “We’ll pick up something on the way back.”

  “Good, because I was getting tired of eating fish,” Alana said. If she didn’t eat fish again for another year, she’d be fine with that. Elaina felt the same way; she could do without fish for a while. Richard thought otherwise.

  “Fish is one of the best things that you could possibly eat. Wherever we go I’m definitely going to order a fish sandwich.”

  Elaina smiled. “I’d be okay with chicken.” Alana nodded her head and picked up her bags.

  “Let’s hurry up and make this long trip back to the car.”

  Richard led the way like he normally did, it wasn’t quite dark yet but it was quickly approaching. He liked leaving the camping ground when the sun was starting to set because he got to enjoy looking up at the sky. The girls followed his stares in wonder. It was definitely beautiful to see and they knew that this, among other things, would be implanted in their memories for the years to come.

  Chapter Nine

  After driving for two and a half hours, Richard stopped at a rest stop because he was too tired. After the day’s festivities, he wouldn’t be able to drive the full four hours back to town. The twins were already fast asleep in the back seat with their heads resting on one another. He put the car in park, killed the engine, and leaned back in his chair. Many things ran through his mind, but only one thing stuck out in his mind, which was that he slept with both of Dan’s kids. He has to look at this man on a regular basis because they’re always fishing together when they didn’t have to work.

  “Sh**,” he mumbled under his breath. He hated when he started feeling guilty after he’d done something. He wished that he had those feelings before he fu**** them. He was confident enough to know that the girls wouldn’t tell their parents, but could he seriously look at them the same way when he violated their trust in him? Probably not; but what’s done is done. He couldn’t go back into the past and change what he did and he didn’t want to. They showed him the time of his life and he wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  * * * * *

  When Richard woke up several hours later, he wasn’t surprised to see that the girls were still asleep. He sat up in his seat and started the engine. It was still pretty dark outside, but he was starting to see a little light in the sky. When he started driving again. Elaina stirred.

  “Good morning,” Richard said looking at her through the rearview mirror.

  “Morning” she responded rubbing at her eyes. Alana was still soundly asleep.

  “Did you sleep well?” Richard asked returning his attention back to the road.

  “Yeah, did we stop?”

  Richard nodded his head. “For a few hours, you two wore me out.”

  Elaina grinned and looked out of the window. “How long we got left?”

  “About two hours depending on how traffic is.”

  Elaina was still slightly tired, but she wanted to watch the sun rise completely. She also wasn’t used to sleeping sitting up for an extended period of time. Alana on the other hand could sleep through anything. If they ever experienced an earthquake when they were sleeping, Alana would sleep straight through the vibrations. When the sun began rising in the air, Elaina was blown away because of how beautiful it was. Just like the sunset the sunrise was able to take her breath away.

  “I’m really glad we were able to go on this trip with you.” Elaina said happily. She kept her voice down so that she wouldn’t wake her sister.

  “Me too,” Richard said sincerely and they drove the rest of the way home in silence.

  * * * * *

  When they arrived in front of their house at 8:30 p.m., Alana stirred and woke up.

  “We’re back already? It just felt like I went to sleep.”

  Richard and Elaina laughed and Richard turned around in his seat.

  “Kiss me,” he said quietly and the twins took turns kissing his dry lips. “Our little secret,” he said once they pulled away from them.

  “Of course,” Elaina said and Richard grinned.

  “Well let’s get this stuff in the house.”

  Alana groaned talking about how weak she was because she was still tired. Richard scolded her playfully and told her he’s never taking her camping again. The three of them laughed as they began taking things out of the car.

  They each had a great time and the girls learned so much; they learned how to fish, how to put up and take down a tent, and Richard learned something as well – the beauty of a threesome with young teenage twin sisters.
  IRRESISTIBLE, A Stepbrother Romance

  By: Kylie James

  IRRESISTIBLE, A Stepbrother Romance

  © Kylie James, 2015 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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  This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

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  Chapter 1 – Coming Home

  Rebecca looked over at her sister. At least she was her sister for the last 6 years. Rebecca and her sister Ashley were part of a group. There were a total of four of them, and they had all been adopted at the same time by the same parents. They had grown up together as siblings, but they knew they wasn’t any blood relation between any of them. The oldest was Sierra who had moved away when she turned 18. The other member of their makeshift family was James. He was only two years older than her and Ashley. Now at 23, the girls waited on the couch for him to arrive.

  James enlisted in the military fresh out of high school and had been deployed four years ago. Now he was on his way home. Rebecca moved her gaze to the huge sign that their new siblings had made for him. Steven and Sierra were 15. They were twins and had been found abused and abandoned on the side of the road at 10 years old. They didn’t talk about their life before they came there, but she could tell that they had some bad memories.

  Rebecca turned her attention back to the front door again. She waited for James to arrive. She knew he would be surprised when he saw her. She hadn’t seen him in four years. He hadn’t seen any pictures of her either. She had lost 55 pounds and her hair no longer came to her chin but rather down her back. Ashley had always been the prettier one and had been completely straightforward in her desire to have James. Rebecca kept quiet about her desire for their stepbrother. She didn’t want anyone to know but deep down she felt attracted towards him.

  The door opened slowly and she watched as everyone cheered. Ashley was the first one up around his neck hugging him tightly. She watched as he hugged her mother and father and the twins as well. Then his eyes met hers. She made her way forward. It was like she was walking in slow motion it seemed to take forever to get there. When she was in front of him he smiled and wrapped his arms around her and then pulled her close. She felt the warmth of his hands wrap around her and they seemed to burn into her skin. She sucked in a breath and felt his warm breath against her ear as he whispered down to her.

  “Hello, little sister. It’s been too long. You grew up so fast.”

  She almost choked on her own saliva when she felt his hand squeeze her tight and the tip of his tongue peek out to lick her ear. She knew, by the way, he held his head that nobody had seen what he had done, but she had felt it. She felt the Goosebumps break out on her skin and the shiver of desire course through her body.

  “I see I’m not the only one affected.”

  She pushed back from him then and painted a smile onto her face. When she was out of reach she looked up and smiled at him. “It is good to see you home brother. It has been too long.” She cocked her head to the side as she looked at him.

  “Yes, it has. I hope you will let me take you to dinner to catch up. I would like to see all of my family and I know you are very busy with the shop and all.”

  “Yes, I’m always busy.”

  “And she is making dinner for us tonight too. I can’t wait. She is making pasta. The one with the white creamy and cheesy sauce.”

  He turned to look at her. “Well I don’t think I’ve had that one have I. It seems we have all learned some new things since I’ve been gone.”

  “I have a shoot tomorrow James. Maybe you could stop by.” Ashley interrupted. She smiled at him and Rebecca knew that she was instantly forgotten. He turned back and looked at her then.

  “I’d love to Ash. Maybe we can do lunch.”

  “Ok, you all leave your brother alone for a bit. He can start making plans with you all tomorrow. He just got home.” Her mother looked at them all sternly as she took James in her arms again. “I’m just so glad you are home now. It has not been the same without my son.”

  “I know mom and I hope you don’t mind, but I invited someone for Thanksgiving.

  Chapter 2 – A New Friend

  Rebecca and Ashley’s eyes met when they wondered what woman he was bringing home. Had he met someone? Were they coming there? He smirked at Rebecca and then laughed. “Who is it son?” He heard his mother’s voice break through his thoughts.

  “Just one of the guys in my squad. He doesn’t have any family or anything and nowhere to go for the holidays so I told him that I was sure you wouldn’t mind. He had some things to tidy up back at home so he won’t be here until next month.”

  “Ok. That’s wonderful son. I get to meet someone close to you.”

  “Yeah, mom. He is. So I’m gonna take a shower and stuff. I’ll be back. I am so glad to be home.”

  “We are glad you are back son.”

  * * * * *

  Rebecca made her way into the shop later that afternoon. Her head was spinning with thoughts that she shouldn’t be having. She had just shut and locked the door behind her and made her way into the back when her phone rang. There was nobody else in the building because she was closed. She looked at the counter where her icing sat in the tray. Sighing she answered the phone without even looking at who it was.


  “Hello, little sister.”

  “Hello, James.”

  “Open the front door. I want to see where you work at.”

  “Oh ok. I’ll be right there.”

  Rebecca made her way to the front of the store and looked through it. There he stood in jeans and a T-shirt. Her older brother. But the feelings that were coursing through her body were anything but brotherly. She felt her body heat to extreme measures as she stood there and looked at him. He was remarkable. Built in all the right places and extremely confident in his appearance. He had a cocky grin that told her he knew exactly what she was thinking. She had on a dress that day. It came to right above her knees. The sleeves were short and fit to her arms as well as the waist. It came in to show off her slender and flat stomach. She smiled before opening up the door. She watched as his eyes moved over her body from the top of her head down to her toes and back again. After a few minutes, his face split into the same grin again. “Looking good.”

  “Thank you. You too. It is so good to have you home.” She turned and locked the door behind them. “I was in the back about to work on a cake. Come on.”

  “Lean the way, honey.”

  She turned and began walking. She knew he was staring at her behind and felt herself stiffen with the thought of it. As they made their way into the back she began talking again. “Mom is so glad you are here. You don’t know how happy you made her.”

  “And what about you little sister? Are you glad I’m here too?”

  She felt her body flush again. “Why of course.” His body was warm behind her. She could feel the heat radiating from him and seeping into her skin. She had never felt like this. This powerful, all-consuming need
for him. But it was there and it was real. Very, very real.

  “Really?” His voice was a whisper by her ear again as he came closer. His hands wrapped themselves around her hips and brought her back against him. “Then why is it that every time I am near or that every time I touch you that you get jittery or jumpy and move away. Is there something you want to tell me?”

  She felt his body pressing into hers and almost groaned out loud with the pure pleasure of it. How easy would it be to turn around and kiss him? How easy would it be to have her way with him? He apparently was willing, but she couldn’t do that. It wasn’t right. What would their parents think?

  “No James not that I know of. Is there something you want to say then?”

  His hands wrapped themselves around to the front of her stomach and he ground his hips into her at the same time she was brought back against him. “You know what I want Rebecca. I have made no secret about it. The question is: are you willing to go for what you want? Will you let go and have fun for once. I have been trying to get you since we were teenagers and you always turned up your nose at me. Are you going to do that now too?”

  She turned in his arms to look at him then. “You are so full of shit. You were too worried about chasing the fast girls to even know I was alive. Furthermore, the answer is no. I don’t have time for your little games. I have a business to run. You can’t just come around after all these years and then just try to get in my parents. Besides we are family.”

  He grinned at her and chuckled then. “Don’t give me that shit of how I’m your brother and stuff. You damn well know were not real siblings.”

  Chapter 3 – The Green Eyed Monster

  “Yeah is that what you told Stacey too?” She looked away fast knowing she had just put her foot in her mouth. She knew herself that she had sounded jealous. She was jealous. She knew as well as anyone that something had happened between the two of them. The problem wasn’t that he had done something with someone but rather who he did it with. Everyone knew Stacey was the prettier one. She had the gorgeous skin and face and a knock out body. Always had. That’s how she got away with everything. Her looks.


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