Wilson's Hard Lesson

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Wilson's Hard Lesson Page 41

by K. Anderson

  Chapter 10 – Because I Love You

  “Because I love you damn it. You stupid overgrown oaf. I’ve been in love with you since I can remember. But you never knew I was around.” She grabbed her clothes and headed for the bathroom but didn’t get there in time. She felt his arms grab her and turn her to face him.

  “I have loved you as well. I just thought I was never good enough for you. Didn’t you hear what I told you earlier? Yesterday when we were together?”

  “Yeah. You wanted me.”

  “Yes I want you but not just because of sex. It isn’t about that. I have always wanted you because of you. Because of who you are. Don’t’ egg me wrong the sex is great and I will continue to dip into that…” He groaned when her fist connected with his stomach.

  “You just ruined it.”

  “Hmmm. I can fix that.” His mouth lowered to hers and he kissed her deeply then. They both jumped when there was a banging from the door. Walking over he opened it to see both his sister and best friend sitting on the floor looking up at them.

  “We good now because I am quite hungry now?” Stacey looked at one then the other.

  “Yeah. Eat. We’re good.” He turned to smile over at Rebecca and see her returning the smile.

  It had been two months since Rebecca and James had started sleeping together and they were becoming closer and closer. She knew that they had to tell their parents. She let his hand drop from hers as they came to the door. It instantly swung open to reveal her mother standing there.

  “Hey, you two. It’s about time now isn’t it?”

  “Yeah sorry we’re late.” She looked over to see Stacey sitting on the couch next to their father. Beside her sat Cole. They had become inseparable since they met. She saw it as Stacey looked at him, though. Stacey was falling and falling hard. She had finally found the person she had been talking about that time they had talked. The person she could see herself falling for. The person she could see herself with for the rest of her life. She had never seemed so happy before to Rebecca. She smiled at her sister as she looked at her mom. “Uh, can we talk to you and dad for a minute mom?”

  “Sure come into the kitchen Ray they need to talk to us really quick.” She watched as her father stood and walked into the kitchen without a word.

  They followed them in and then she grew stiff. She didn’t know what to say then. She was thankful when James took over. “Mom and dad there is something we have to tell you, but first we want you to know that it doesn’t change anything with the family and all.” He looked over at Rebecca then.

  “Oh, good grief is this about the two of you being together?”

  Their heads came up then as their eyes grew wide. “Yeah.” They both choked out.

  “Oh dear. We know you two. We have for over a month now. I know you guys think it’s wrong but you are not related and you were adopted as teenagers so it's not like you grew up together. If you are happy that is all that matters. That is all I have ever wanted for you guys. The twins are the only blood-related family members in this family. I love you both and if you want to be together now that you are adults then that is fine.”

  “But we thought… When you adopted us there was this big thing about fraternizing. You guys drilled it into our heads.” Rebecca shook her head and looked at them with a frown. It didn’t make any sense.

  “Honey that is because it is a rule by the state. We would have had to send one of you back. Now that you are adults there is nothing to fear. You are fine.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at James then. He squeezed her hand and then she looked up to see her mother looking at her with a smile.

  “Oh, my dear girl come here. There is no need to cry everything is fine. Come here.” She felt her mother's arms wrap around her and then their parent’s went into the other room to give them a minute. She smiled up at James.

  “Thank goodness.”

  “Thank goodness for what?”

  “Now we can get married.”


  “Oh yeah, honey. I have waited so long for you that I am never letting you go again.” He held a box up to her and then she watched as he bent to a knee and grinned. She squealed causing everyone to run into the room and then she was nodding and in his arms where she would spend the rest of her life.

  Jake & Samantha,

  a Stepbrother Romance

  By: Kylie James

  Jake & Samantha,

  a Stepbrother Romance

  © Kylie James 2015 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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  This book contains graphic content intended for readers 18+ years old.

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  Chapter 1

  I have seen that in this world, we rarely get to pick the people we fall in love with and it is only occasionally that we pick someone who we lust over. My story had both a mixture of love and lust that ignited a fire in my chest. He only proved to be the gasoline and all it took was his first glance to set my insides ablaze with lust and passion for him. In all honesty, there was something mysterious in the way he looked at me and talked to me that got my pulse rate fast, my hands sweaty and my mouth dry. I wanted to say so much to him but had so little to say out loud.

  It all started when I was at the bar with my father, celebrating my college graduation. I had completed my bachelor degree, and Daddy had flown all the way to New York for my graduation. Being a single parent was tough, but then raising a child who had a rebellious soul as mine was even more troublesome. I had given Dad a very hard time in high school and during most of my college, indulging in activities that society deemed inappropriate. I couldn’t help it because the way I thought about it, writers are rebels who wear their hearts on their sleeves giving it to whomever they can just so that the other person can break it and we end up with a few good literary pieces of writing. I had a degree in creative writing, so all the trouble of college life was bound to happen and I was asking for it.

  I had recently broken up with my boyfriend who had managed to stick with me for more than five months, which is a big deal because my relationships did not last that long to begin with. I was ranting to my father about the “hows” and “whys” of never being in a relationship because it only got me more depressed. Some people are not cut out for love, if you ask me, and I guess I’m one of the very few who are just not made to fall in love but rather write about it.

  “Well, darling! Your mother and I had the same issues. I got divorced because life seemed like a drag to me, but that has not stopped me from falling in love. I still mingle with the ladies with the charm of my boyhood,” said Dad.

  “I know; flirtation runs in the blood. I would not settle down for anything if it becomes a drag later on in life,” I replied.

  “You’re my little girl. You will fall in love multiple times before finding the right person and even then? You might realize that it is not love at all,” Dad said, which had my gut churning. I was not mentally prepared for love at all because it ended up losing its char
m after a couple of months. I hated life being a drag or anything at all for that matter.

  My phone rang and I went out to answer it because the jazz tune playing in the bar was messing with my tipsy state of mine, now. It was just another congratulatory call from a friend. My mother, who rarely gets in contact with me after my folks split up when I was seven years old, gave me a call which was very surprising. My grandparents sent their blessings all the way from Virginia and Granddad pitched some cash into my account as a gift.

  When I entered the bar, I saw a woman in her mid-30s sitting in my spot with my father, casually smoking away her cigarette and chatting. She had big eyes and a layered haircut which covered some of her bald spots. Her dress was short but the long sleeves and pinned up back gave her a much more classy appearance. She had her hair gathered towards a single side exposing her collarbones, not to mention she was wearing winged eyeliner and thick red lipstick. I inferred her to be single the moment I walked in the bar because her appearance gave it away.

  She was smoking and laughing. I thought to myself, Lucky chap! Scored another woman with his charms within moments and here I am.

  My father had the ability to woo any woman because he had a very chivalrous way of talking and acting in front of them. Women always liked to be treated with chivalry. I had picked up a thing or two from my father and his manners. No matter where he went, there was always a crowd of women laughing at his jokes and being mesmerized by his charm.

  I took a deep sigh and went to where the two were sitting and chatting.

  “Hello, I’m Karen,” I said.

  “Oh! Hello, Karen. I’m Samantha,” she replied.

  “Samantha, this is my daughter,” my father said, clearing his position. “She just graduated from college. She is the reason I am here right now.”

  “Congratulations! You must be very excited about the future ventures?” said Samantha.

  “I really do not have any future ventures. I’m still trying to carve a space for myself in this world,” I replied. Tipsy me had a style with words, and I guess that is the reason I always appeared to be very appealing to everyone while mildly drunk.

  My dad noticed that the tipsy state was turning into a more drunken one as alcohol began to take a toll on my brain. I always had low alcohol tolerance.

  “Come on, ladies! Let us get a booth and sit somewhere. The night is young and we are not getting any younger than this moment,” Dad said as he picked up his wallet and keys from the table to hush us in a nearby booth. I grabbed my cardigan as Samantha picked up her tiny clutch. She walked right beside my father as I walked behind them. My head was spinning and all I wanted was to go home and sleep it off, now.

  “So, Samantha, tell me about yourself,” I said, trying to appear as polite as possible.

  “Well, I am an accountant at a legal firm. I’ve spent all my life, here,” she replied.

  “I see, so no kids? No husband?” I inquired. I asked a lot of questions without realizing that there might be some boundaries I would be overstepping.

  “Ah! Well, I have a son. He is in the construction business. I’m not married but recently divorced,” she replied.

  My father sensed the tension between the two of us because I had clearly stepped over a boundary she wasn’t comfortable with, and to break the tension, he got us another round of beers.

  “Well, I’ve been divorced as well. It doesn’t matter because life is too short to be spent with someone who does not ignite a fire in your soul,” my father said. Cliché dialogue, I thought to myself because I’ve used pretty much the same thing or changed it a bit according to the scenario.

  She laughed and then took a sip from her glass. “You’re practically right about it. The marriage affair was just getting on my nerves. I think I prolonged the decision to get separated, otherwise, the love had died ages ago.” She was trying to take sides with my father.

  “Well, yes, you are right about it,” replied my father. I just kept quiet about the entire matter as both of them chatted away from one topic to another. Marriage, children, and hobbies, but later it turned into a flirtatious game. I kept observing both of them and sensed that Daddy had a thing for her by now. She was polite and sweet in her talk. I don’t think she would mean any sort of harm to anyone nor did this little encounter seem like a desperate attempt from a rebound. My dad was into her and the way he was being chivalrous gave it all away, so I had little to complain about. I did however, occasionally chip in a bit so that they would acknowledge my presence.

  It was past midnight and the bar seemed to be getting empty by the minute. The music in the background had almost faded away.

  “Dad! Shouldn’t we leave now?” I asked because my brain had stopped functioning and all it wanted now was to go home. I wanted to sleep the tiresome day off.

  “Oh yes! It is late. I know you must have had a very tiring day, honey,” Samantha said.

  “Yes, excruciatingly tiring,” I replied and looked over to my father who had the look on his face that gave it all away. He wanted to stay but did not want to disappoint his daughter by leaving her for a woman he just met at the bar. He made the whole puppy dog-eyed look, the one he makes when asked to do something that he really does not want to do.

  “Hey, Samantha, would you like to join us for lunch tomorrow?” I asked.

  “Yes, that would be delightful,” Dad pitched in.

  “Sure! I would love to have lunch. It was so interesting meeting you and your father,” she replied. She had a very shrill and squeaky voice that when excited sounded like a fourteen year old.

  “Okay! Great then, can I have your number so that we’ll plan something out in the morning,” I said. This was my way of asking for her number so that Daddy could use it. We exchanged numbers and then the three of us picked up our stuff, and made our way out of the bar.

  On our way out, my dad commented, “Smooth move,” and I smirked back at him.

  Dad hailed a cab for her and Samantha got in. “You sure that you will get home, okay?” he asked her.

  “Yes, I will be perfectly fine. I hope to see you tomorrow as well,” she replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “I will see you then. Goodbye,” Dad replied and the cab began to move away; she waved goodbye from the window and smiled. My father hailed another cab and we got in to go to my apartment.

  “She seems like a swell lady,” I said, trying to be cheeky with him.

  “She sure is. I love the chirpy kind, and all this time, my heart skipped a beat whenever she smiled,” he replied.

  “So you’re into her, now?” I asked.

  “I do not know. It was a first encounter by fate. We cannot make suppositions just on first encounter, love,” he replied.

  “But all the great poets did,” I replied.

  “And I am no poet but just a common man,” he said, which provided me with the answers that I needed. Dad was not going to rush things with her, and in fact, for the first time in ages, I had seen him so happy, so there was going to be planned moves. He did not want to screw this over by being impulsive at all, which was written all over his face.

  We went inside and I fixed his bed in the other room. “You can crash here. If you need anything, I will be in the other room,” I said, and then heard him say from behind, “Do you think this will work?”

  “Will what work?” I asked.

  “You think this whole deal with Samantha? I just cannot stop thinking about how amazing she is. It has been years that some woman actually did a number on me so well,” he replied.

  “I really do not know but you should sleep for now. I don’t know if it is the booze talking or the real sanity. Sleep it off and we can talk about it later,” I replied and went out. Men are like babies, I swear. Once they want something then it becomes a chase till the end of time. I went to my room and changed into comfortable clothes. Graduation party was over and it was time to sleep it off. My head was thudding more loudly so I popped two sleeping pills and kn
ocked myself out.

  Chapter 2

  I woke up to another call. It was almost afternoon and my head felt like it was bearing the weight of mother earth. I was nauseated, but my eyelids refused to open up and my legs did not feel like getting out of bed. I tossed in bed for a while but then checked my cell phone. It was Samantha. I went to the bathroom in an attempt to freshen up a bit and come to my senses enough to have an actual conversation with the woman. I heard Dad in the living room watching television.

  I ended up puking and then took a hot shower to calm my nerves down. My back and legs were killing me and I regretted having invited Samantha to lunch, but if I backed out now then that would break my father’s heart and likely hers as well.

  I decided to not go but send dad on a lunch date with her instead. I dialed her number and sat on the bed naked with water drenching the sheets.

  “Hello, Samantha? This is Karen,” I said in a hurry as soon as she picked up.

  “Hi, I was calling you to ask about the lunch plan,” she said. “Yes! I’m sorry the alcohol got me for a little while. Anyways, I will not be able to make it,” I said trying to sound as apologetic as possible.

  “I’m just a bit under the weather that is all, but Dad would surely love to join you for lunch,” I replied and Samantha’s excitedly squeaky voice was back on the line.

  “Sure! It would be really good. You can rest and I will show David around the city a bit as well,” she replied, and this clearly implied that as much as my father was into her, she was proportionally into him as well.

  “Sounds like an awesome plan. He’ll meet you at ‘The Dine’ in about two hours,” I said. ‘The Dine’ was a fancy little restaurant in the heart of the city. It was perfect for conversational intimacy. I put on another set of pajamas and went to the living room.

  “Get up, old chap! You’ve got a single date,” I said, fixing myself some coffee.


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