Wilson's Hard Lesson

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Wilson's Hard Lesson Page 55

by K. Anderson

  “I think so,” Lindsay answered with a sigh. “I’m just going to stick around here and keep working until the meeting.”

  “That’s not a completely bad idea,” Cassie offered her an apologetic smile.

  “I’m just going to stay a little late and maybe that will help get me into his good graces,” Lindsay explained. “I feel like at this point anything would help.”

  “I guess you’re right,” Cassie laughed softly. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”

  “See you,” Lindsay said, and Cassie left her alone in the cubicle.

  More time passed, and Lindsay felt a headache building up, but she merely dealt with it. She was making a lot of good progress, and she knew that at the rate she was going, she could be back on track within the evening. So, she buckled down and focused on finishing her task.

  What she had not accounted for, though, was the fact that she was not alone in the office.

  “Miss Baker,” she heard a low, drawling voice from behind her, and she jumped up in surprise, spinning around to see who it was. She swallowed drily as she came face to face with Erik Davis.

  “Mr. Davis,” she said, feeling her stomach begin to clench. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here. I thought we had scheduled our meeting for seven- it’s only just now six.”

  “I stick around late sometimes,” he shrugged moving into her cubicle and making her even more nervous and tense. “And as long as I’m here, we can just go ahead with our meeting if you like. It seems like you’ve already done a lot of good work today.”

  “I’ve been working very hard to get back on track,” Lindsay admitted softly. “I’m just trying to get all caught up.”

  “Mind if I take a look at what you’re working on?” Erik asked, raising his eyebrow.

  “Sure,” Lindsay nodded.

  Erik moved to stand behind her and looked over her shoulder. Lindsay could feel how close he was behind her and she felt her heart rate quicken as she smelled the cologne rolling off is body. He reached over her to flip through some of the papers, and she shivered as his arm brushed against her shoulder.

  “These properties have given a lot of people trouble,” Erik said from behind her. “Don’t worry. I’m sure that you’ll be able to get them taken care of.”

  As he spoke, her rested his warm hand on her shoulder, and Lindsay stiffened.

  “You seem tense,” she heard him say, his voice lowered.

  “I’m fine,” Lindsay denied, shrugging her shoulders.

  “I know transitions like these can be stressful,” Erik said, his voice comforting. She felt his other hand come to rest on her other shoulder, and she couldn’t help the excitement that built up in her body at his touch. She sighed softly as he began to gently knead at her shoulders, slowly working out some of the tightness there.

  “If it helps,” he said, his voice slightly softer. “I think you’ve been doing a wonderful job.”

  Lindsay felt her heart rate quicken as his thumbs moved lower down her spine, massaging her gently. She couldn’t help but lean up in her seat to give him better access. She shivered and bit her lip to hold back a moan as he ran his fingers along her ribs.

  “Sorry,” he laughed lightly. “Are you ticklish?”

  “A little,” Lindsay laughed nervously and Erik continued to brush his fingertips up and down her sides. She had to work hard to fight the urge to squirm in her seat.

  After a few moments more, Lindsay could no longer take it, and she arched her back away from his tormenting fingertips. He laughed and she blushed as he moved back to massage either side of her spine. He began to move lower, and Lindsay flushed as she felt the unmistakable pull of desire low in her stomach.

  “Are you feeling better?” he asked darkly, and she felt her heart flutter at the sound of his voice.

  Erik’s hands moved lower still, and Lindsay nearly moaned as her worked at the knots in her lower back. His fingers dipped lower to trace along the top of her buttocks, and she couldn’t help but shiver. As he continued, Lindsay felt herself begin to throb between her legs, and she felt her heart pound in her chest.

  Erik’s hands moved from her back to her hips, and then once again traveled up her sides. Lindsay couldn’t help but gasp at the acutely pleasurable sensation of his palms brushing against the side of her breasts, and she couldn’t help the way her body jerked.

  “I’m sorry,” she said breathlessly, her blood pounding in her ears.

  “Don’t be,” Erik purred, nuzzling his face against the back of her head.

  “Should we get back on with the meeting?” Lindsay said, her voice breathy and shaky.

  “Is that what you’d like?” Erik asked even as his hands moved to caress her hips.

  Lindsay could not answer. She suddenly found herself incapable of speech as Erik’s hands moved to gently run over her stomach. He moved them higher and higher, and she gasped as he cupped each of her breasts and began to massage them. She arched up her back into his touch and couldn’t help but let her eyes drift closed.

  “You’re a very beautiful woman, Lindsay,” Erik whispered into his ear, and she shivered as she felt his lips tickle at the shell of her ear.

  “Thank you,” she managed to utter as she shakily exhaled.

  Lindsay could not help the way her body responded to his touch. She had only been with one guy before, in high school, and those experiences had been absolutely nothing like this one. Erik knew how to play with and tease her body. She could feel her heart pounding, and her brain felt like it was humming. Her enter throbbed, and she wanted dearly for him to lower his hand and touch her there.

  At the same time, though, she knew that this was highly inappropriate. She knew he must be used to getting what he wanted from people, and especially from women. A part of her wanted to scold him and rebuke him, even if it meant losing her job. She knew that he would likely not have to pay any consequences for his behavior, as rich as he was. Still, if she stopped this now, she could still leave retaining her dignity.

  Unfortunately, though, she did not want him to stop. Weeks of teasing had left her body in a state of almost constant desire for him, and now that she had a chance to obtain relief, she wasn’t just going to let it pass her by. So, she allowed herself to relax into his touch, and she gasped as she felt him tweak at her nipples.

  “Do you like when I touch you?” he murmured into her ear, and Lindsay nodded with a breathless sigh.

  Lindsay felt his hand sink lower over her stomach. She shivered and stiffened as she felt him run his fingertips over her center through the material of her skirt. She couldn’t help but rock her hips into his hand, already feeling delirious from pleasure. Still, though, this simple touch was not quite enough to alleviate the pressure she felt building inside of her. A frustrated whimper escaped her lips.

  “What’s wrong?” she heard Erik’s voice in her ear, low and teasing.

  “Please,” Lindsay breathed. “I need more.”

  “Hm,” Erik acknowledged her words. She felt him begin to gather up the material of her skirt, and she lifted up her hips, allowing him to gather up the garment at her waist. She spread her legs a little, giving him better access to her aching need.

  She felt Erik move from behind her, and he looked down into her eyes, making her shiver. She felt incredibly exposed, sitting before him with her legs spread, eagerly awaiting hos touch. Instead of being embarrassed, though, she found that this position only served to turn her on more. The way Erik’s eyes were sweeping over her were escalating her arousal as well.

  At last, Erik knelt down in front of her, and she felt him run his finger up the inside of her thighs, making her shiver. He diverted his path just seconds before he would have grazed against her aching core, and instead took hold of the waistband of her panties. Lindsay put her legs together for a moment as he slowly dragged the material down her legs to expose her. When he had completely removed them, Lindsay allowed him to slowly slide her legs open.

ay could barely breathe as she saw his eyes widen to behold her dripping slit. She could feel her juices beginning to drip down to pool in her chair, and she took a moment to be grateful that it was an easily cleanable material. For now, though, all she could truly focus on was the feeling of Erik’s fingers lightly tracing along the insides of her thighs, and then lightly brushing against her outer folds. She sucked in a breath of air, and allowed her head to fall back against the back of her chair as he teased at her.

  “You’re so wet,” Erik murmured, and Lindsay gasped as he lightly ran his finger along her slit, gathering up her wetness. She watched lustily as he raised his finger to her mouth. Without hesitation, she wrapped her lips around the digit and cleaned her essence off him. Tasting herself on his finger was entirely erotic, and she felt her stomach clench.

  Erik withdrew his fingers from her mouth, and returned it to between her legs, and Lindsay’s hips jerked as he lightly circled it around her sensitive, swollen clit. Lindsay could not hold back a moan as he began a steady rhythm, building up the pressure in her core. She couldn’t help but rock her hips into his touch as he teased over her sensitive bud, and she blushed as she heard him chuckle.

  “Oh please…” Lindsay moaned softly, feeling her orgasm slowly but steadily building up inside of her. As if he could sense it, Erik held back, keeping her approaching the edge, but making sure she would not be able to come.

  Lindsay found it absolutely torturous. She squirmed and shifted in her seat, but found that nothing she did got her any closer to that coveted peak. She began to pant and whimper softly, and again Erik Chuckled at her. He only slowed his pace, and Lindsay groaned.

  “You’re so needy,” he purred into her ear, suddenly pressing hard against her clit. Lindsay gasped and arched her hips into his touch.

  “Please!” Lindsay sobbed out. Her whole body shook with the force of her arousal, and her clit ached and throbbed under his fingertips.

  “Please what?” he teased her, flicking at her engorged nub.

  “I need…” Lindsay’s mind swirled as she tried to articulate what it was that she wanted. “I need to come… please…”

  She begged breathlessly, her core dripping and her hips mindlessly grinding, hoping to get enough friction to get herself off. She felt Erik move his free hand to hold her hips, and he kept her from moving in his strong grasp. Lindsay groaned in frustration and she moved her hands to her breasts, where she began to massage her aching nipples, granting herself a small measure of relief at least in that area.

  “How long has it been since you came?” Erik asked her as he nuzzled his face against her inner thigh. He had stopped teasing at her clit, only to run his fingertips teasingly up and down her outer folds.

  “I don’t know…” Lindsay answered. Her mind was foggy, but even if it had been clear, she couldn’t have answered his question. She did know, though, that it had been quite some time. And at this particular moment, she felt that it had been far too long.

  “Then I suppose you won’t mind waiting just a little bit longer…” Erik said, and she heard the darkness in his tone. Lindsay bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut, increasing the fervency with which she fondled her breasts.

  Erik held her hips firm, and began to trace a fingertip slowly up and down her slit. Lindsay yearned for him to sink his digit deep within her, but he seemed content to drive her crazy with longing, and the most satisfying thing he ever really did was swirl his finger around her clitoris. Lindsay panted heavily, and she felt all her muscles tense up. A light sweat broke out over her and she began to tremble violently.

  Lindsay could feel her orgasm building up inside f her. She wanted him to do just one thing different. One flick, one swirl, and she would go over that blissful edge. But he seemed to be an expert at teasing, and he kept her right on the edge. Her need was so acute it was painful, and she was desperate to find her release.

  “Erik please!” she cried out, tears pricking at her eyes. “Please, I need to come! Please let me!”

  Lindsay heard him laugh, and she let out a long keening moan, certain that he intended to deny her even more. Suddenly though, he bit her hard on the inner thigh, and she let out a harsh shriek from the pain. At the same time, he pressed down hard against her clit and rubbed at it in maddening circles.

  It only took a second for Lindsay to come.

  Lindsay opened her mouth in a breathless scream as her orgasm washed over her. Her muscles clamped down and fluttered all over her body, causing her to nearly jerk out of her chair. Erik massaged her gently as she came, and he caught her up in his arms as she helplessly slid out of the chair, holding her close as she came down from her peak. As her breathing steadied, Lindsay felt Erik gently stroking her hair.

  He took her shoulders and pulled her back so he could look down into her face. His blue eyes shone with concern.

  “Are you alright?” he asked her, searching her face.

  “I’m…” she pondered her state of being for a moment. “Incredible.”

  Erik heaved a sigh, and Lindsay thought she detected relief.

  “Good,” he said simply. “Here, let’s get you cleaned up.”

  Chapter Four

  Erik stood, and then helped Lindsay to her feet. He held her hand and led her through the main office and into his private one. Lindsay was struck by the size of it, and by all the luxuries that it afforded, such as a set of couches and a large, flat-screen TV. She did not have long to dwell on it though, as Erik led her to his bathroom.

  Lindsay stood awkwardly as Erik proceeded to open up the closet and take out two dark green wash cloths. One of them, he dampened with warm water and handed to her, and the other he left on the sink.

  “I’ll leave you alone for a moment,” he said. “And here.”

  With that, Lindsay blushed as he reached into his pocket and withdrew her panties, and also laid them out on the sink.

  “I’ll be right outside,” he gave her a small smile and left the room.

  Lindsay stared blankly at the warm washcloth in her hand. She had to admit that she was a bit of a mess between her legs. So, she tentatively lifted up her skirt and lowered the material to her dripping entrance. She shuddered a little at the sensation of the warm terry-cloth on her over sensitized center. She hastened to clean up, then she used the dry washcloth to dry herself off before she slipped her panties back on.

  Lindsay looked at herself in the mirror. Her mind seemed to be numb, and she tried to process what she had just done. She shook her head and eventually decided that she would need to spend more time in thought than she could reasonably spend in this bathroom. So, she washed her hands and stepped out of the room. As soon as she did, she saw Erik leaning against his desk.

  “Are you all cleaned up?” he asked, a mischievous smile spread across his face.

  “Yes, thank you,” Lindsay murmured. She glanced down, and blushed to see that his erection was prominently outlined against one of his thighs.

  Wordlessly, Lindsay crossed over to him. He raised an eyebrow at her, but she barely noticed. Instead, she swallowed drily, and lowered her hand between his legs, running her fingertips over his hardness.

  “Whoa there,” he chuckled at her as he seized her wrists up in his hands. Lindsay looked up at him, confused.

  “You don’t want to…” she said, and looked down into his lap.

  “Maybe some other time,” he laughed lightly, smiling down at her warmly. “In fact, I’ll be sure to hold you to it. But for now, I think both of us should head home.”

  “Oh,” Lindsay blinked. She was partly relieved by his refusal of her attentions, but she was also somewhat disappointed.

  “Shall we?” Erik gestured toward the door, and Lindsay nodded. She allowed him to lead her out of his private office, and back toward her desk. He waited patiently as she began to gather up her belongings, and then he politely walked her out of the door of the office and into the parking garage.

  Instead of parting ways there, as L
indsay thought they would, he walked beside her as she headed to her car.

  “Did you park over here?” she asked, somewhat confused by his continued presence.

  “Oh no,” he shook his head. “I have a spot right by the door.”

  Lindsay turned to the direction he indicated. Sure enough, just by the door was parked a black Jaguar.

  “I just thought I would walk you to your car,” he said with a shrug. “It’s a little later than usual, and I would hate for you to take any chances with your safety.”

  “Oh,” Lindsay said, somewhat flattered and a little embarrassed by his concern. “Well, thank you.”

  “You’re most welcome,” he said, his voice dancing with concealed laughter. “I take the wellbeing of my employees very seriously.”

  Lindsay couldn’t help but blush at the subtle reminder of his power over her. She shuddered as she also experienced a brief flush of arousal pass through her as she remembered the considerably less professional power he also held over her.

  The two arrived at her car, and Lindsay fumbled with her keys for a moment before she finally managed to get the driver door open. When she had deposited her belongings in the car, she turned back to face Erik. Much to her surprise, as soon as she was facing him, he took her face between his hands and held her still as he placed a soft, though fervent kiss to her lips. Her mind spun, and she barely had time to respond to his kiss before he pulled back.

  Their eyes locked for a moment, and she saw a flurry of emotions pass through his blue eyes.

  “I had a wonderful time tonight, Lindsay,” he said softly.

  “Me too,” Lindsay said, the words passing her lips before she could really decide on whether or not she actually wanted to say them.

  “Goodnight,” he said, his tone seeming somewhat strained. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Lindsay couldn’t help but blush at the knowledge that the very next day, they would both have to act as though nothing untoward had happened between them. Lindsay knew that it would be hard to convince Cassie that nothing had happened, but she knew she would have to at least try.


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