Wilson's Hard Lesson

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Wilson's Hard Lesson Page 59

by K. Anderson

  “I’m not even sure what it is you really want,” Erik teased her, always running his tip against her wet slit.

  “I want you,” Lindsay said immediately. “I want your cock inside of me, please, I can’t wait anymore… oh please, please, please….”

  “You couldn’t even wait if I asked you to?” Erik posed the question, and Lindsay whimpered piteously.

  “Lindsay,” Erik said sharply. “If I told you to wait, would you do it?”

  Lindsay did not answer, but continued to whimper incoherent pleas as her arousal built around her.

  “Answer me,” Erik commanded.

  “Yes!” Lindsay sobbed out, knowing very well that this surely would not end well for her.

  “Very good,” Erik soothed her, calming her somewhat. “You seem pretty confident, now let’s put it to the test. You may not come until I say so. Ready? Good.”

  With that, Erik buried himself within her, and Lindsay released a long scream of satisfaction. She felt her pussy walls latch onto him as he filled her with his thickness, and she gasped every time his tip brushed against his g-spot. He took up a demanding tempo, and Lindsay had no choice but to hold on.

  Much to her dread, Lindsay felt her orgasm approaching. She tried hard to push it out of her mind, but the pleasure racking her body was far too great. She knew she was in danger of disappointing him, and she feared what the consequences would be.

  “Please…” Lindsay breathed into his ear. “I won’t make it… I’m going to come…”

  “You’d better not,” Erik bit out through clenched teeth as he maintained his incredible speed.

  “Please,” Lindsay shook her head. “I don’t know how to make it stop…”

  “If you don’t figure it out,” Erik uttered, his tone dark and foreboding. “I will ruin your orgasm- juts like Cassie.”

  Lindsay choked aloud as fear overwhelmed her. She bit her lip hard and tried everything in her power to regulate her breathing. She tried to think of things to stave off her orgasm. But no matter what she did, she seemed to stay on the very edge, only one mistake away from another ruined orgasm. Her breathing became ragged, and she gasped for air as she grappled for control.

  Erik seemed unaffected, and he kept up his unrelenting pace.

  “Erik!” Lindsay sobbed, real despair taking over as she felt her orgasm threatening to overtake her.

  “Lindsay…” he sighed in her ear, and she shuddered at his gentler tone. “Oh God you feel so good…”

  Lindsay felt a shudder run through her at his praise of her body, but it was promptly ruined as she felt her inner walls begin to flutter in climax. Lindsay moaned her defeat and felt hot tears build up behind her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry!” she gasped out. “I’m going to cummm, I can’t stop it anymore!”

  “Then cum for me,” Erik whispered lovingly into her ear.

  Just like that, Lindsay’s world unraveled as she was propelled into the best orgasm of her life. Her muscles jerked and twitched powerfully, and shockwaves seemed to shoot through her body. She was aware of a euphoria the likes of which she could have never imagined just before she passed out.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lindsay awoke to find herself untied, and Erik dabbing her head with a washcloth. She looked out the window to see that the sun had risen. She felt horribly embarrassed, and she immediately moved about the room to collect her clothes. Erik offered to make her breakfast but she refused. Her mind was swirling with confused thoughts, and she wanted to go to her own home to sort them out. Even so, before she left, Erik gave her his number, just in case she ever wanted to talk.

  Lindsay accepted it, and then quickly made for the door and out to her car.

  Once home, Lindsay took a shower and cleaned off the remnants of their shared pleasures. The hot water helped her to clear her head. The tiny red marks from the ropes on her wrist had already nearly faded to nothing. Soon, there would be no physical reminders of her wild night. She decided that she could easily chalk up the whole affair to intoxication. She decided that the absolute best course of action would be to treat the night as though it had never actually existed at all.

  What ended up happening, was that Lindsay merely suppressed her thoughts. Some part of her decided that it would be best to pretend that nothing had ever happened at all. And for a good few weeks that worked. Even when Cassie tried to bring up that night, Lindsay pushed her away. At first, it had been awkward to share a cubicle, having been sexually intimate with one another, and finally, Lindsay decided to clear the air.

  “Look,” Lindsay said gently. “We were all drunk. We’re all consenting adults. It was a lot of fun. And now it’s over, and we can all move on with our lives.”

  Cassie had accepted the words and taken them to heart. Lindsay suspected that Cassie was having similar feelings to her own.

  Lindsay also became an expert at avoiding Erik in the office. If she ever so much as saw him out of the corner of her eye, she would turn the exact opposite direction. She recognized that this behavior was childish, but she could not thing of another way to end their interactions with one another. And so, she soon fell into a routine of solitude that gave her mind some peace.

  Soon, though, the stresses of repressing memories seemed to be getting to her physically. She had started to feel sick in the mornings, and she would feel faint in the middle of activities that had once been easy. At first, she thought it was just a lack of sleep. She even went to a doctor, who prescribed her some medication to help her het to bed at night. But even after deliberate efforts to get more sleep, the problems persisted.

  Lindsay vaguely worried if these were just incredibly strong signs of her period coming up. She had certainly been known to react strongly when it was her time of the month. So, she got out her calendar and checked. At first, she was disappointed, as she was not due for her period for two weeks. Then, she experienced a moment of cold dread as she realized something that had escaped her notice before.

  She had missed a period.

  At first, Lindsay was frantic. How had she not noticed? She was usually very well attuned to the things happening to her body.

  Then, she felt the true panic set in. If she missed her period, the most likely reason would be that she was pregnant. It had only been a few weeks since her night of debauchery with Cassie and Erik. She was positive that Erik had come inside of her, and they had not used any kind of protection.

  Needing to know for sure, Lindsay rushed over to the nearest pharmacy and picked up several pregnancy tests. She had made use of them promptly, pacing up and down her bathroom floor as she waited for the results. The results of each of the tests were unanimous- Positive.

  Lindsay was dismayed. How could she have ever been so stupid? Having sex with her boss was bad enough, but now she was pregnant, and it could only possibly be his baby. She had no idea what she could do in a situation like this one, so she did the only thing that seemed logical.

  She curled up in her bed and cried.

  Chapter Twelve

  After Lindsay had gotten her emotional response out of the way, she decided that she had to call Erik and tell him what was going on. She knew that this conversation was going to be very hard for both of them, but it was something she knew had to be done.

  So, Lindsay found the number that Erik had given her all those weeks ago and typed it into her phone. She took a deep breath, and then pressed the call button.

  The phone rang several times.

  “Erik Davis,” the answer finally came, and Lindsay couldn’t help but hesitate for a moment.

  “Hi,” she finally managed. “It’s Lindsay.”

  “Oh,” Erik said, and she could hear the shock in his voice. “Well, hey. It’s been a while. How are you?”

  Lindsay heard a genuine quality in his voice, and she suddenly had the urge to cry.

  “Not great, actually,” she laughed lightly, tears at the edge of her voice.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, a
nd she could clearly her how concerned he was.

  “It’s…” Lindsay started, but could not finish. “I don’t really feel right talking about it on the phone.”

  “Okay,” Erik said, his voice still firm with resolve. “Then let’s meet up, right now. I’ll buy you dinner.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to…” Lindsay protested.

  “Nonsense,” Erik cut her off. “Let me buy you a nice meal, and you can tell me what it is that’s bothering you. Okay?”

  Lindsay thought it over for a moment. It really wasn’t a bad idea, and it wasn’t like he couldn’t afford to but her dinner.

  “Okay,” she finally agreed.

  “Great,” he said. “Meet me at Frank’s in about fifteen?”

  “Sounds good,” Lindsay said. “See you soon.”

  With that, Lindsay hung up the phone. She gave herself a brief once over in the mirror. She was still dressed from work, and that would have to do. She gathered up the pregnancy tests and put them in a plastic bag, which she then put in her purse. She went outside and got in her car, then drove into the city to Frank’s, a classy restaurant that she usually only went to for the most special occasions.

  When she arrived, Erik was already outside waiting for her. He smiled warmly as she approached.

  “It’s good to see you again,” he said, but Lindsay kept her distance, her heart heavy with the news she was about to tell him.

  “You too,” she said, giving him a weak smile.

  “Let’s go inside,” he said, gesturing toward the entrance, and Lindsay obliged. A hostess led them to a secluded booth in the back.

  A waiter promptly came toward them, and Erik immediately turned to him.

  “We’ll both have the chef’s plate, water, and we’ll have a bottle of the house red,” Erik said simply. “Other than that, we wish to be left alone for the remainder of the evening.”

  “Of course,” the waiter smiled politely and nodded.

  “There,” Erik folded his hands on top of the table and smiled toward her. “Now nobody will be bothering us. We can talk about whatever you want. You sounded upset over the phone. Is everything alright?”

  Lindsay laughed bitterly. Everything was certainly not alright. Before she could answer, the waiter returned with their water and wine. Erik poured a glass and offered it to her, but she held up her hand to decline.

  “You really must try it,” Erik insisted. “It’s an incredible blend, one of my favorites.”

  “Well, I would love to try it,” Lindsay sighed, rubbing at her eyes. “But I can’t.”

  “Why ever not?” Erik frowned. “Have you stopped drinking?”

  “Yes,” Lindsay laughed once again, the sound not at all amused.

  “I’m sorry,” Erik leaned back, confused. “I don’t see what’s funny.”

  “Well, I have to tell you,” Lindsay sighed long and laboriously. “Is that the reason I’m not drinking, and the reason I’m upset… is because I’m pregnant.”

  Erik’s expression was one of well managed shock.

  “Pregnant?” he mused, mostly to himself. “Well, was this… intentional?”

  “Not at all,” Lindsay shook her head, feeling her stomach fill with dread.

  “How…” Erik frowned and seemed to search for words. “When did you find out?”

  “Just today,” Lindsay answered.

  “Are you absolutely certain?” Erik was more insistent.

  Lindsay nodded, and reached into her purse to withdraw the baggie of positive pregnancy tests. Erik’s brows furrowed as he examined all of them. He silently handed back the baggie to Lindsay, and she concealed it once more in her purse.

  “So…” Erik said softly. “Do you know who the father is?”

  Lindsay’s jaw clenched as she prepared to tell him the thing she most dreaded to.

  “Yes,” Lindsay answered, her voice shaky but resolute. “I have only been with one man in the past year- you.”

  Erik was silent, and he met her eyes full on across the table. She saw a host of emotions pass through his eyes, and eventually he released a long hiss of air from his nose. Silence stretched between them, and Lindsay could no longer handle it.

  “Look, this was a bad idea,” Lindsay laughed nervously. “This isn’t your problem, it’s mine. I should have never bothered you. I’m really sorry to have wasted your time and your money on this dinner. I’m going to go home and just figure something out, I won’t bother you again, don’t worry about anything…”

  “Lindsay, stop,” Erik said firmly.

  Lindsay immediately stopped talking and looked into her lap. She was ashamed and horrifically embarrassed.

  “Look at me,” he said, and Lindsay was helpless to refuse, even as tears trickled over her face.

  “Now you listen to me,” Erik said, his voice gentle but resolute. “You are not bothering me. You are not wasting my time. You are certainly not wasting my money. This was not a bad idea.”

  Erik was quiet for a moment as he let those words sink in.

  “I am so glad that you told me,” he went on, his voice clearly showing his emotion. “I have to say, this certainly wasn’t planned, but… somehow it just feels right.”

  Lindsay felt a prick of surprise.

  “I know that this seems frightening to you,” Erik said, reaching across the table to hold her hand. “It’s frightening to me as well. And I won’t pretend to be an expert in this area. But no matter what I promise that we are going to get through this together. I promise.”

  Lindsay felt tears pricking at her eyes, and a beaming smile of happiness and relief spread across her features. She began to sob quietly in the booth, and Erik scooted close to her, wrapping her up in his arms and slowly rocking her back and forth.

  “You’re alright, you’re alright,” he murmured again and again into her ear, pushing her hair out of her face and pressing soft kisses to her head.

  And as his words registered in her mind, Lindsay truly felt hope well up inside her in spite of her situation. Because when he told her she was alright, she couldn’t help but believe him.

  The Billionaire’s Sensual Masseuse

  By: Sandra Newton

  The Billionaire’s Sensual Masseuse

  © Sandra Newton, 2016 – All rights reserved

  Published by Steamy Reads4U

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  This book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return it to the seller and purchase a copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.


  This book contains explicit content intended for readers 18+ years old.

  If you are under 18 years old, or are not comfortable with adult content, please close this book now.

  Chapter 1

  Douglas ran his hands through his hair and released a heavy sigh. He looked at the papers in front of him, and the words all seemed to run together. It seemed as though he hadn’t slept in weeks, and he was having a hard time concentrating. He reached for his cup of black coffee and hoped that the caffeine would kick in soon enough and help him to get his work done.

  Douglas was extremely stressed. He was the CEO of a major real estate company worth billions of dollars. While he certainly enjoyed his riches, sometimes he wondered what it would be like to simply work for a company, rather than to run
one. It seemed that he never had time to himself, and that even when he did, he ended up working anyway because he couldn’t bring himself to relax.

  Naturally, his tendency to overwork himself put quite a strain on his life, and perhaps most notably in his marriage. He loved his wife, Anna, very dearly. They had met when Douglas was in business school, and she was studying literature, and he had immediately been taken by her sharp wit and good looks. As soon as they had both graduated, they had gotten married. They swore that they would be devoted to one another for the rest of their lives, no matter the circumstances.

  When they made those, vows, though, they were much younger, and had no idea what life would bring their way. When Doug’s real estate business had begun to take off, neither of them had really known what to do. Anna had been more than encouraging, and respectful of his need to nurture the company as it grew, while she attained more degrees, and eventually landed a teaching job at a nearby university. He knew it was hard on her when he had to spend extra hours at the office, but it truly seemed as though she really understood that that was just the price of success.

  Even as understanding as she was, though, a rift began to grow between them. It seemed that all Doug could ever really think about was his company. Conversation about other topics, like the topics of art and music and literature that so interested Anna, were all but pointless to him. Doug often zoned out every time she began to speak to him, knowing that the words she said likely did not really pertain to him.

  Every time he did this, Anna would simply trail off with a sigh, and pick up something else to do. This, of course, made Douglas feel very guilty, but he never knew what to do about it. So, after years of existing beside one another, and supporting one another, their marriage had reached a point that they rarely spoke.

  Intimacy had become out of the question. Douglas could remember a time that they had been very sexually connected, and that there was hardly a night that passed where they weren’t joined together in one another arms, moaning out their pleasure as they got lost in one another’s embrace. Gradually though, their couplings waned from happening every night to about once a week, and then once a month, and then to special occasions.


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