Wilson's Hard Lesson

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Wilson's Hard Lesson Page 68

by K. Anderson

  Then, as if to enflame the situation even more and cause her cheeks to turn a deeper shade of red, he placed his hand over his crotch and began to slowly touch himself through his pants, rubbing his palm over the outline of his length.

  “Is there anything you wouldn’t do to get this job, Alexis?” He asked breathily, his eyes half lidded as he stared across at her.

  “I…n-no,” she stammered.

  “Good girl…that’s the right answer,” he purred, leaning back in the chair a little more and sliding down, his legs spreading. He slowly undid the top button of his pants.

  Alexis couldn’t look away. It was as though the guy had some kind of hypnotic power over her that left her mesmerized.

  “Why don’t you stand up and come around here,” he whispered, clicking his fingers then patting his knee.

  Alexis swallowed then nodded, and slowly got up from her chair.

  Her legs felt like jelly as she walked around to the other side of his desk.

  “Get down on your knees…I wanna know how good you are with that pretty mouth of yours…”

  Chapter Four

  Alexis felt her eyes widening. If there was any doubt in her mind about Bradley’s intentions beforehand, there certainly weren’t anymore.

  She probably should have walked out at that point, or slapped him and told him she would never do something like that, but there was something about it that was just…hot. She’d never really considered herself a kinky person before but…the idea of getting on her knees in the office, of taking him into her mouth, when there were all those other people out there, just a few feet away. Anyone could hear, or walk in.

  Just as she’d had that very thought, and was simultaneously about to lower herself to her knees in between Bradley’s powerful thighs, the door to the office flung open unexpectedly and a man she could only assume to be Bradley’s brother stormed in. Very similar in build, height and looks, only a few years older, Brendan Briar was also extremely good looking, but he had a stormy expression in his eye when he glared at his younger brother that gave Alexis quite a fright, not to mention his sudden entrance that nearly scared her out of her wits. There she was, about to start giving his younger brother a blowjob, and suddenly the other one was in the room too. If he’d have arrived just a few minutes later, they would surely have been caught in the act.

  The thought of it brought the blush fresh to her cheeks again and her eyes widened as she took a few steps back away from Bradley as if to distance herself from him.

  “Bradley, get the hell out,” Brendan snapped at his brother and clicked his fingers before pointing to the door.

  Bradley glowered and leapt to his feet, stalking up to the elder sibling and almost squaring up to him. “Or what?”

  “Just leave. This wasn’t even supposed to be your interview.”

  “You were late.”

  “You were early. I wonder why.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You saw her picture.”

  “So did you. You said she was hot.”

  “Bradley! Get out!”

  The bickering had taken place right in front of Alexis and left her even more confused and embarrassed than previously. Had Brendan really discussed how hot she was with his brother? Were they both interested in her?

  Bradley, meanwhile, was rolling his eyes and pouting like a teenager before grabbing his briefcase and jacket and storming out the room with a huff, slamming the door behind him.

  “I’m sorry about that,” Brendan immediately apologized. “I hope he didn’t make you feel too…uncomfortable. Or try to make you do anything you didn’t want. Bradley has this knack of being able to…persuade people…it’s why he’s so good in business. And in other areas.” He smirked slightly out the corner of his mouth, a smirk that was eerily similar to his brother’s then walked around to sit down at the desk where Bradley had been sat. “Please, do take a seat. I’m Brendan, by the way.” He offered out his hand and smiled politely. “Nice to meet you.”

  Alexis managed to gather herself together enough to extend her own hand and shake the elder brother’s. “Nice to meet you too,” she said as she took the seat. “I’m Alexis.”

  “I know who you are, I’ve got all your details right here…now uh…I apologize once again for being a little late to the interview. I had some other business to attend to.”

  “It’s really no problem.”

  “My brother has probably already asked you a bunch of questions, I should imagine?”

  “Yes, quite a few.”

  “Well then, I’ll try and keep this as short as possible, but I’m afraid there’ll probably be some repetition.”

  “That’s all right.” She gave him a small smile and he began to ask her one or two things about why she wanted to work for the company. It was, as he had warned her, much the same as the questions his younger brother had asked her, but by this time she was starting to relax and having already had practice answering the questions the first time around, she honed her technique and gave much better, more concise yet fuller answers and, in her opinion, did much better this time. It helped that Brendan wasn’t roaming his eyes up and down her body all the time like Bradley had been, although he most definitely stared at her cleavage on more than one occasion and his eyes seemed to focus there for much longer than was necessary.

  That didn’t bother her too much though. At least he wasn’t insinuating she should give him a blowjob or any other kind of sexual favor, and he made her feel so relaxed that she soon started to forget about her earlier embarrassment at nearly getting caught in the act. Just as long as she kept her focus on answering the questions and not thinking about Brendan’s beautiful eyes or cheekbones, she would be fine.

  Once the standard round of questions had finished however, he asked her something a little more unusual and something she wasn’t expecting.

  “How would you feel about business trips?”

  The question threw her slightly but she quickly recovered. “That wouldn’t be a problem, providing I had some notice so I could arrange things at home.”

  “Ah yes, of course. What is your home environment, by the way, just out of interest? Husband, kids? That kind of thing?” He narrowed his eyes slightly.

  “Oh no, nothing like that,” she shook her head.

  His shoulders relaxed and he seemed relieved, although Alexis told herself that was just her imagination.

  “It’s just me and my mother,” she continued. “But she’s not very well at the moment and needs someone to take care of her. We have an assistant who comes in sometimes. If I was going away on a business trip, I’d just have to make sure I made arrangements for her to visit, that’s all. But it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Ah, I see. Well, that’s certainly good news,” he smiled. “Some of these would be extended business trips, up to a week or two weeks long, and we would potentially be going all over the States and perhaps all over the world. How would you feel about occasionally having to share accommodation, things like that? Would it make you uncomfortable or…?”

  Alexis was a little confused at this point, as Brendan hadn’t really explained these business trips fully.

  “Er…when you say ‘we’…what do you uh…” She trailed off and Brendan thankfully picked up on what she was saying.

  “Oh, I beg your pardon. I mean, you and I…the two of us together.”

  “Oh.” She gasped slightly and sat upright. She most certainly hadn’t been expecting that. “You’re…looking for some kind of…personal assistant? I was under the impression it was just an office job…”

  “If that’s going to be a problem…”

  “No, no, it’s not a problem,” she quickly answered, not wanting to pass on the opportunity seeing as a PA job would probably involve more money. “It just wasn’t what I expected.”

  “Well, nothing’s set in stone yet.” He gave her a small smile. “I just wanted to know where the boundaries were and wheth
er it would be something you might be interested in in the future. I’m not looking for someone right this minute but…it’s been something I’ve had on my mind for a while. At some point, I will be looking to take someone on in that capacity if you feel it’s a role you’d be willing to take on.”

  “I…certainly wouldn’t have any objection,” she replied.

  “Good. And…with regard to sharing accommodation? I know some people might feel a little uncomfortable about that…”

  “No, no, it’s fine.”

  Just the fact that he had even asked her about that made her feel a lot more comfortable about it in the first place. She couldn’t imagine his younger brother being so polite as to ask. He would just assume that she wouldn’t refuse him which…to be fair, she probably wouldn’t. Still, Brendan seemed like a proper gentleman and that was just as hot as the rough and ready younger brother. She smiled to herself slightly as she thought about them…both hot in their own unique way.

  “Well, that’s excellent news. I’ll put you down on the list for potential PAs then,” he gave her another of his winning smiles.

  “That’s if I get the job, of course.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” He winked at her, then stood up and offered out his hand to her again. “Thanks very much for coming in.”

  “It’s no problem.” She stood up too and shook his hand. “Thanks for seeing me…thanks for giving me the opportunity.”

  “Someone will get back to you in a couple of days, hopefully.”

  “Thanks very much.”

  He showed her to the door then shook her hand once more and asked whether she needed someone to show her out. She told him she could remember how to get back down to the lobby and thanked him once again for the interview and his hospitality.

  She set off down the corridor, through the large office space where, once more, a couple of people glanced up and looked at her, perhaps wondering whether she’d be joining them in a few days’ time. She smiled at them cheerfully, feeling quite positive about how the interview had gone as she arrived at the elevator.

  She pressed the button to call it and waited.

  Then, all of a sudden, she felt a hand on her backside.

  A firm, dominant hand that promptly squeezed her butt cheeks before giving them a slap then chuckling and moving away.

  She tensed up and gasped, then spun around to find Bradley just behind her shoulder.

  He slid an arm around her waist and leaned in, pressing a kiss to her neck.

  Alexis was quite sure that if it had been anyone else, she would have squealed and slapped him, but as soon as she saw Bradley, she seemed to melt into his arms and even half closed her eyes a little, his gorgeous scent swamping her nostrils and taking over her senses the closer he got.

  “I hope I’ll be seeing more of you around here,” he purred into her ear. “Then maybe we can pick up where we left off.”

  Just then, the doors of the elevator pinged open and he quickly let her go as a couple of people stepped out.

  She looked behind her but he was already walking off back to the office, a confident swagger in his step.

  She shuddered slightly and hurried into the elevator, her cheeks flushed.

  She made her way back home, her head filled with thoughts of the two brothers, often turning to inappropriateness as she imagined them with no clothes on, thinking about their muscular, toned bodies and wondering how fit they looked underneath those tight button up shirts they both wore.

  Still, she tried not to get her hopes up that she would ever see either of them again, despite how the interview had gone, and by the time she got back home, she was starting to think that the interview hadn’t actually gone all that well at all. She tried to analyze it as she made some dinner for her mother, the kitchen awash with pleasant smells and the radio on in the background.

  It was certainly the most unusual interview she’d ever attended, but what if Bradley essentially asking her to give him a blowjob had been some sort of test? What if the two brothers always used that tactic in interviews, to suss out who was the most responsible and unaffected candidate? What if they actually wanted someone who got offended, said no, and stormed out of the office? What if they were just really good actors and had made up that whole argument they’d had as part of the interview process? So many questions swam through her head and made her dizzy.

  And even if that weren’t true, she still began to doubt that she had answered the questions to the best of her ability. As she ran through them, remembering them, she suddenly thought of a whole bunch of other things she could have said to add to her answers or make them sound more professional.

  By the time she was taking the food up to her mom, she had all but convinced herself that she hadn’t got the job.

  Of course, her mom asked her about it and wanted to know all the details.

  She told her as much as she dared, whilst making sure that she ate the majority of her dinner, then gave her some more painkillers and helped her to the bathroom.

  She mentioned the questions that she’d been asked, but left out the part about Bradley heavily flirting with her and then the two brothers arguing right in front of her.

  She did mention the possibility of some personal assistant work in the future though, and her mother seemed over the moon at the idea.

  “You see, I told you…I knew you’d do well…”

  “We don’t know if I’ve got the job yet, Mom.”

  “Oh sweetheart, I’m sure you have. Sounds like you did everything right. They really like you, these brothers.”

  Alexis felt herself blush. “I…I hope so.”

  “I bet you’ll hear back from them within the week. Your mother’s always right, dear.” She chuckled weakly and Alexis smiled too, helping her back into bed.

  On this occasion though, her mother was right.

  Before the week was out, she had a phone call.

  The number flashed up on her phone as withheld and she initially wasn’t going to answer, assuming it was some spam caller hoping to sell her something.

  In the end, she wasn’t sure why she did answer it, but she just seemed to get a weird feeling out of nowhere that urged her to pick up the call and she was glad that she did.


  The voice on the other end seemed familiar, but she couldn’t place it immediately.


  “It’s Brendan. Brendan Briar.”

  Her heart skipped a beat.


  “Hi there.” She could hear him smiling on the other end of the line. “How are you?”

  “I’m…I’m fine…how are you?”

  Her hands were trembling by this point and she could barely hold the phone with her nerves and excitement. Surely he wouldn’t be ringing her to tell her she hadn’t got the job? It had to be good news at this point.

  “I’m very good thanks,” he answered, then chuckled. “Anyway, I’ll just cut to the chase, shall I? Bradley and I have been chatting about you. We both really enjoyed your interview the other day…we thought you performed well and we feel you’d be a good fit here at Briar Finance.”

  Alexis almost jumped up and down she was so excited, and happy.

  “So, we’d like to offer you the job,” he continued. “If you haven’t found somewhere better already, that is.”

  “There’s nowhere better than Briar Finance,” she gushed.

  “That’s definitely the right answer!” He chuckled. “I take it that’s a yes then?”

  “Yes, yes, of course,” she replied immediately, no longer bothering to hide how happy she sounded.

  Brendan seemed to delight in that anyway and she heard him laugh again quietly. “That’s great. Would you be able to start this coming Monday?”

  “Yes, of course,” she said again.

  “Brilliant. Just come into the office for a 9am start. Your immediate boss will be Jack Penderton. I’ll introduce you to him, then h
e’ll get you set up and sorted and tell you what work you need to be getting on with.”

  Alexis grabbed a pen and paper and took down the details, including her new boss’s name so that she wouldn’t forget, before once again profusely thanking Brendan for the opportunity and promising him that she wouldn’t let them down.

  “I’m sure you won’t,” he said warmly before bidding her goodbye and hanging up.

  She immediately dashed up the stairs to tell her mother the good news and that night the two of them celebrated in their own small way, by having a glass of wine each, her mother still propped up in bed by a couple of pillows, her condition no better or no worse. Perhaps now though, now she had a job, she would be able to afford to send her for more tests, to find out what was really wrong with her and to finally get her the care and attention she needed.

  She also made that important phone call to Maria, arranging for her to come in on Monday and all the following week, to make sure her mom got something to eat and offer assistance if she needed help going to the bathroom.

  The kindly middle aged widow accepted the job on the promise of pay at the end of the month, once Alexis explained that she was working now and would be bringing home a decently sized pay check.

  With everything sorted and the things in her life finally beginning to take shape, Alexis went to bed that night feeling relieved and happy, the tension lifted off her shoulders for the first time in months.

  Chapter Five

  That Monday morning, she was up bright and early and debating over what to wear for her first day at work. She didn’t exactly have that many suitable clothes, but she didn’t want to wear the same thing she had on at her interview. That would make it look like she only had one smart outfit in her closet – which was near enough true.


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