Bad Stepdaughter Christmas

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Bad Stepdaughter Christmas Page 3

by Carrie Breeze

  “Hi, Santa, baby,” winking and smiling seductively. Can tell by his lustful look that he knows it’s me - even though it’s been years since last seeing each other. Can also tell by the toothy smile beaming underneath his fake white beard and mustache that he’s horny as a devil.

  “Ho ho ho, little girls. Come right on up and have a seat on Santa’s lap. That’s right, don’t be shy,” arms flung out wide. Chad doesn’t have the regulation Santa pot belly. But, he’s so huge and bulky that he pulls it off superbly - having played offensive guard on his college football team, I think he tops three hundred pounds easily. As we step up to him, his tremendous size is a little intimidating. His thighs are as big as park benches. I guide Nancy over and sit her down on his right leg and then park my own tiny ass on his left, draping my arm around his massive neck for support. It’s like sitting on a hippo, he’s so huge. I nudge Nancy’s foot, getting her to do the same with her left arm. Getting Santa’s attention, I hike up my skirt, giving him a discrete peek at my baldy.

  “Whew, it’s getting hot in here,” flipping the tail of his long white beard. “And, what can Santa bring you sweet young things for Christmas,” drool collecting on his white whiskers. Sexual longing creeps up my spine, making my hips squirm. I grind my ass down onto Santa’s leg. The friction heats up my pussy as it rubs against the smooth red velvet of his Santa pants. I hope I leave a stain.

  “Why don’t you go first, Nancy,” winking and mouthing the words, “Tell him you want a man.” She nods nervously and demurely looks at Santa.

  “Well, Santa,” she begins, sounding very thoughtful. “I don’t quite know how to put this delicately but, I have certain unfulfilled female needs that I think it’s time to take care of….”

  “O.M.G.” I lean over to Santa’s ear and purr, “What my friend is trying to say is that she’s desperately in need of a huge hunk of man meat to fill her needy pussy,” tonging his ear and scooting my hips further up along his thigh, grinding my shin into his crotch. I feel him grow stiff. He must be enormous - maybe even as big as my calf itself. I’m not sure he’ll fit inside Nancy. But, too late to back out now. “She needs it right now, right here. And, if you have enough manhood for two, I’m feeling a bit needy myself.”

  Also fresh from Carrie’s filthy little mind:


  “Come here, Sunshine. Got to show you something.” She timidly steps over to where I stand - in front of the grill. “Look at that,” pointing at the distributor.” She leans in over the engine. I inhale her essence - fresh as the morning dew. “Your distributor cap is cracked. You’re going to need a new one.” Uncomfortable with my closeness, she leans back out and steps away.

  “Well, is it safe to drive?” Biting her lower lip. God, she’s sexy. My cock is throbbing.

  “No, not really. You’re lucky you made it this far.”

  “But, I’ve got things to do,” stamping her foot. I almost come in my pants. “I’m getting married this weekend.” I’ll see to it that doesn’t happen. “My wedding dress has to be fitted and altered. And I have a rehearsal tonight, not to mention a ton of other stuff to do. Is there anything you can do to fix it?” She bats her lashes at me melting my heart.

  “Well, yeah. I could give it a try. Could put some bondo on it, might get you to the next town. Ain’t guaranteeing nothing, though. But that’s a lot of work and I’m loaded with shit to do.”

  “Can that guy out there do it?” looking out the garage door at Kevin over at the granary. Son of a bitch been spying on her the whole time. He sees her look and flashes that shit-eating grin, waving.

  “Fuck no. He’s got his own work to do. Tell you what,” turning her towards the back of the shop. “Step back here and lets discuss this.” She doesn’t object, so I lead her to a place that’s out of view from Kevin’s prying eyes. I stop her in front of a workbench that lines the back wall. It’s cluttered with tools, tractor parts and greasy rags.

  “If I’m going to do this I’ll need a little payment in advance.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t have any cash on me. All I carry is plastic,” fidgeting with her hair, tucking it behind her ear. I drink in her slender figure. What I wouldn’t give to look under her hood. “But, I can come back with the money on another day.”

  “Well, that would be nice, Sunshine,” stepping closer, tracing the graceful outline of her skinny hip with my dirty forefinger. “But around here, at the hog ranch, we trade in flesh. Know what I mean?”

  Suddenly, a mighty uproar from a hundred screaming hungry sows blasts from the barn next door. The girl nearly jumps out of here panties.

  “Easy, easy, little girl. That’s just the sound of feeding time,” leaning toward her, placing my hands on the bench beside her hips, blocking her in. “If you scream, no one will hear you.”

  “What do you want?” Her large doe eyes well up with a hint of tears, softening my heart.

  “I just want to see what you got under that sweet dress.” She doesn’t say or do anything - just stares at me in disbelief.

  “How old are you?”


  Thank God.

  “Don’t want to hurt you. Like I said, just a look. I want you to lift your dress up for me.” She lowers her face, then looks up at me through her long wet eye lashes. So seductive.

  “I’ve never let a man see me naked before, not even my fiancee.”

  “Holy fuck, you’re a virgin?”

  She nods demurely.

  Free Book



  I shook the stars from my eyes. What The hell just happened?

  “Honey? Honey, you alright?”

  No answer. Got to get this fucking air bag down. It slowly lost pressure. I helped it along with my fist and then looked over to the passenger seat to where my wife… was not there. SHIT.

  “Honey! Honey!”

  The tree we impacted had caved in the front passenger section of the car, broke out the window and….

  “Oh God fuck no! No God fuck!”

  There, in the pale moon light, some twenty feet from the car, looking as surreal as something in a low budged horror film, sat my wife’s head on a pile of leaves. In the nearby bushes, the rest of her body had become a human pretzel. I screamed bloody hell.

  “Why? God Why?!”

  Bit by bit, the memories of what just happened came back. We were returning from my stepdaughter’s eighteenth birthday party. She was in the back seat, and having an argument with my wife. It was about her boyfriend. I had refused to let her ride back with him in his car. She accused me of being jealous. That’s when Kate unfastened her seatbelt reached back and slapped Jenny. Jenny slapped back and I lost control of the car. Jenny.

  “Jenny! Jenny! God, please tell me you’re okay.”

  No answer.

  I twisted my neck and looked back around the head rest. She wasn’t in her seat. O God. She was slumped over on the floor. In a mad rush to get to her, my fucking seat belt wouldn’t release. You’re panicking. Come on, calm down. There, got you, you bastard. Luckily, after throwing my weight against the door it flung open. The adrenaline was now pumping hard and fast. I nearly ripped the back door off its hinges. Reaching into the car I grabbed a hold of Jenny’s soft slender thighs. As I pulled her limp body out I noticed for the first time how tight her denim shorts were. She had a perfect camel toe. Stop it. Why am I looking at her pussy? I’m her stepfather, for god sake.

  I stretched Jenny out on the grass near the car and checked her vitals.

  Felt her jugular. Nothing.

  Put my cheek to her nose. Nothing.

  She was wearing one of those skin tight polyester print shirts that really highlight a girl’s curves. How could she breath in such a thing. I grabbed it just above her waist line exposing her sexy navel. It was pierced with a diamond stud. When did she get that? My cock came alive. What was happening here? This is my stepdaughter and she may be dead. I bit into the shirt,
started a small tare and ripped it all the way up her chest exposing her huge boobs. They were pushed up and clamped together by a lace lined bra. There was no way I could administer CPR through those two grapefruit-sized mounds of desire. So I reached under her back, unfastened the clasp and flung the bra into the car. Her tits fell to the sides of her chest jiggling like mounds of jelly. A thin line of drool leaked from the corner of my mouth at the sight of her pink nipples and silver dollar-sized areolas. My cock grew with desire. I mustered all my moral strength and courage to fight back the temptation to sink my lips around those luscious appetizers, my stepdaughter’s nipples. Stay focused, damn it. Save her. Save her. Placing the heals of my palms directly over her breast bone, I administered three quick and forceful thrusts to her heart. I then moved up to her face, tilted her lovely dark haired head back, pinched her nostrils closed and placed my lips over hers, tasting her bubblegum flavored lip gloss. I blew in deeply, watching her chest rise and her breasts wondrously expand. I then lifted my mouth and watched her tits sink back down. I repeated this lovely act three times before returning to her chest to give more breast massages…, I mean heart thrusts. Still no response from Jenny. Don’t panic. I returned to give more mouth-to-mouth. This time I got a response. While blowing into her mouth I felt her tongue move. It reached up and touched my tongue. My cock rose to full attention. She was alive and trying to cough.

  “Oh,daddy. It really is you,” she whispered the words in my face, her chest heaving. As her blood pleasure climbed back to normal, I saw her nipples puff up and harden to mouth watering proportions. My balls tingled with desire and my cock grew to its fully engorged eleven inches. Christ, this can’t be happening, I’m her stepdad. I could not let this happen.

  “Sweetheart, I have something hard to tell you,” trying to find the right words, leaning over her still prone body, her head cradled in my arm, her moist Bambi eyes gazing deeply into mine. “We’ve had an accident….”

  “An accident?” groggily. “Daddy. I have had dreams of you a lot and now they’ve come true.” She raised her head up to mine, took my lips to hers and kissed me. Her tongue licked my lips, parted them and found my tongue. Our two tongues tangoed to a wet sensuous dance. We shared one breath. I fell upon her breasts, their bullet-hard nipples poking my chest. She spread her legs and drew me on top of her, still in her hot tight shorts and me in my jeans, my throbbing cock rubbing up and down all along the crevice of her tight pussy. This was so wrong but it felt so good.

  “Take me daddy,” breaking our kiss and panting into my ear.

  I wanted nothing more in the world

  “What’s burning? Smells like burning rubber.”

  “Oh my God, the car’s on fire.” We were on the ground about five feet from it and I could see the flicker of flames underneath the car.

  “Baby, we got to get out of her. Can you walk?”

  Jenny sat up and I helped her to her feet.

  “I don’t know, I feel weak.”

  “I’ll have to carry you.” I lifted her over my shoulder in a sort of fireman’s carry, my left hand firmly holding her soft legs and my lucky right hand pressing her heavenly tight ass, my fingers sinking into her crack. I turned and jogged into the woods away from the car.


  The surrounding trees lit up as the entire cab became engulfed in flames. I carried Jenny a couple hundred feet down through thick brush to a river bank. There we found some large rocks to sit on and rest while I tried to think of a way to get help.

  “Wait, where’s mom?” Jenny said. She had lost her shirt in the move and sat beside me bare breasted, nipples rock hard in the cool night air.

  “Here, honey, put this on,” unbuttoning my shirt, removing it and helping her into it. “I’m afraid I have some bad news…. Your mother died in the accident.”

  “Oh, no, no,” sobbing. I put my arm around her as she buried her head into my bare chest. I kissed the tangled hair on top of her head. It smelled fresh as the midnight rain. We just held each other until her tears stopped.

  “Daddy,” looking up into my eyes with the innocence of a fawn. “What do we do now?”

  “We’ve got to get help,” checking my pockets, no cell. It was on the console between the seats. “Honey, do you have your cell?” Checking her shorts pockets, “No, it must be in the car.”

  “I think there’s a country convenience store nearby. We should try to get to it. They’ll have a phone. But, now we should rest a bit.”


  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “I’m sorry about our argument. Wasn’t trying to be bad.”

  “Have you been bad? I mean with this friend of your’s”

  “I don’t know,” smiling demurely.

  “What do you mean by that? Your smile tells me something not good. Have you had sex with him?”

  “Are you crazy? Of course not. I’m saving that for the man I love,” resting her head upon my chest.

  “I hope you’re not lying,” petting her long straight hair. “You have a long life ahead of you and I’d hate for you to ruin it in one reckless night of passion.”

  “Believe me, daddy, I know what I’m doing. I’m saving myself for the right man. Right now, I’m just glad I’m with you tonight. You saved my life”

  “I want to talk about what just happed between us back up there by the car. We were in a life or death situation. I thought I had lost you, sweetheart, and I had to do anything I could to try to bring you back. In such extreme moments a man’s passions take over his body and force him to do things that he would not ordinarily do.”

  “You mean like when you dry humped me, daddy?”

  “Well, yes, to put it bluntly, yes, when I did that. And I apologize for that, it was wrong, I am your father ….”

  “Shhh, daddy,” she looked up into my eyes and put her index finger over my lips. “You did what was needed. And, I hope you don’t mind me saying that… that I liked it. I am your little girl and it will always be that way.”

  My cock came alive again. I kissed her forehead and she moved for my lips but I stopped her.

  “No, no, no, darling. That is enough. Now, I think we should see if we can find our way to that convenience store. I think it’s over in this direction,” standing and facing her, I extended my hands to help her up.

  “OMG, daddy, do you have a hard-on?”

  True, I was fully engorged, the vertical log running up the fly of my jeans was blatantly visible in the bright moon light.

  “Darling, I’m sorry, It’s not what you think. I think it’s just the result of all the adrenaline pumping through me. You see in stressful situations . . . .”

  “My god, can I see it?”

  “Baby, that’s not right.”

  “Please, daddy, I’m curious,” reaching for my fly and unzipping me. “I’ve never seen one in person before… and you don’t want my friend Bob teaching me, do you?”

  It all happened so fast and took me so much by surprise that I was momentarily paralyzed with amazement. Before I knew what happed my thick rod was kissing the cool night air.

  “Do you?”

  “You’re right, sweetheart, of course I don’t want some inexperienced kid teaching you the facts of life,” letting her lower my jeans and boxers, giving her a full and complete view of my massive, erect tool and its accompanying set of bull balls.”

  “OMG, it’s huge,” her eyes popping and her jaw dropping in wonder. “Can I touch it?” Too eager to wait for my consent, she tapped the tip of my penis with her index finger, testing its strength. She giggled and then tested its hardness by flicking her finger nail against the shaft producing a loud wooden sound. This amazed her and made my dick even harder. Sperm was building pressure in my balls. I couldn’t take much more. But this was an educational opportunity for my stepdaughter and so, I tried to exercise a little restraint. She explored my balls by tapping them back and forth like little punching bags and giggling as they swung in wide arcs.
I wondered how much more of this I could take before shooting all over her. A little seepage surfaced at the top of my cock. She saw it catch the moonlight.

  “Daddy, is that cum?”

  “No, dear, that is pre-cum. It means my testicles are preparing for an orgasm.”

  “Oh, really? So, what does cum look like?”

  “Well, I suppose, that is something you should know.”

  “Will you cum for me so I can see?”

  “Well, who better than dear old dad, right? Watch out, this could get messy,” stepping out of my jeans and boxers, I tossed then over onto some rocks.

  She nodded eagerly with a rapid fluttering of her eye lashes.

  “Here, let me show you what to do and then you’ll get to see some real cum. First, spit into your hands.” She did so, but not much. “Do it a couple times, you’ll need a lot.” She gathered a lot of saliva in her cheeks and then spat it into her cupped palms until long strings of spit dripped through her fingers. “Okay, good honey, now wrap your hands around my penis like this.” I guided her hands around my pulsating shaft. “Now squeeze your hands tightly and move them up and down. You see how your spit helps lubricate my penis?” She nodded, looked up to see my pleasure, she smiled ear to ear, joy written all over her face. I was about ready to shoot when, without asking, she lowered her head and kissed the tip of my cock. “That’s right, sweetie, you can increase a man’s pleasure by sucking on his cock head. She wrapped her cherry red lips around my tool while continuing to stroke me. “Now use your tongue to tickle it. That’s it, Ohhh, Fuck! Use swirling motions with your tongue…. That’s it…. Watch out, baby, I’m cumming.” I pulled out of her mouth just as hot white jets of sperm splashed her cheeks, nose, forehead and hair. Five long blasts and I was drained. “God, that was great, sweetie, Ohhh, man.”


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