Toxic (Venom Series) Book Three

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Toxic (Venom Series) Book Three Page 10

by Kristen Middleton

  Aiden grunted. “How pathetic.”

  “They are pathetic. Pathetic assholes,” said Melody.

  “Indeed,” said Aiden. “Look, I know that we’ve just met, but I want you girls to know that Liam and I are both on your side and that you’re safe in Rylan Castle. We won’t let any harm come to you.”

  “We appreciate that,” I said, smiling.

  “Yes. Thank you, Aiden,” said Melody. “You’ve been so kind to us.”

  “It’s been no bother at all.”

  Liam frowned and looked out the window. “It really pisses me off that Lucian charmed you like that, Chelsey. It’s a good thing that he’s gone, although I wouldn’t mind taking a few swipes at him myself.”

  “I still don’t believe that I was charmed,” I replied. “And to be honest, I still think that Talia was behind everything and that Lucian is just a caught in the middle.”

  Aiden leaned back and sighed. “Yeah. She was charmed.”

  WHEN WE ARRIVED at the restaurant, we were ushered to a large booth in the back, next to a warm, crackling fire. The lights were dim, there were candles burning on each of the tables, and the ambience was very relaxing.

  “It smells wonderful in here,” said Melody, watching as one of the servers walked by us with a large tray of steamy plates. Something was sizzling and the smell made my tummy growl.

  “That’s it. I’m getting the largest steak on the menu,” said Liam, licking his chops. “The thirty-two ouncer. Maybe two of them.”

  “Get three if you want,” said Aiden. “Don’t hold back because you’re trying to impress the girls.”

  “We’ve seen him eat. It would now take four of those steaks to really impress us,” said Melody. “He can really put it down.”

  “When you’re as hot as I am, you burn more calories so you have to keep shoveling it in,” said Liam, winking at us.

  Aiden grunted. “And you’ve mastered the art of shoveling.”

  “I wouldn’t talk, I’ve seen you eat,” said Liam. “And I’ve seen you shovel.”

  “Just get to ordering,” said Aiden, eyeing one of the waitresses.

  “Don’t mind if I do. I could go for some crab legs, too,” said Liam, opening up his menu. “I might order some on the side.”

  Aiden watched as the waitress turned and went toward the kitchen. “I wouldn’t mind a side of legs either. They certainly are excellent here.”

  “So, from what I gather, the steaks are good but the legs are what keep you coming back? Especially the ones serving the customers?” I asked, smiling.

  “Precisely,” said Aiden.

  “I knew there was a reason you chose this place,” said Liam, looking over his shoulder. “Wasn’t that Shannon?”

  “The waitress? Yeah,” he replied. “That was her.”

  “You think that’s a good idea?” asked Liam, lowering his voice. “She’s kind of a maniac, isn’t she?”

  “The girl is definitely a wild cat. That’s for sure. I need something to take my mind off of Talia and Lucian, though. Get rid of my adrenaline before I explode.”

  “Oh my God,” whispered Melody. “Are you talking about having sex with that waitress?”

  Aiden feigned a look of horror. “What? No. That never even crossed my mind. You need to take your mind out of the gutter, lass.”

  “Of course he is,” said Liam, smirking. “I told you before, he’s a horn-dog, like me. Only tonight, food is what I’m really hungry for,” he said as another server walked by with a platter full of food. “And lots of it.”

  “Shannon and I date. Occasionally,” admitted Aiden.

  “What he means is that they hook up,” said Liam.

  Aiden shrugged. “It’s all I really have time for and she’s fine with that.”

  “Okay, enough about hooking up,” pouted Melody. “It’s just too weird listening to you two talk about random sex.”

  “Why?” asked Liam. “It’s not like I haven’t heard you talking about it all day. And then there was the giant rubber purchase.”

  “What’s that?” asked Aiden, his eyebrows shooting up.

  “Let’s just say when you date Melody, she comes prepared,” said Liam, smirking.

  Melody flipped him off.

  “I’m not making fun of you. I’m just saying…” said Liam, staring at her from across the table. He grunted and then scowled at her. “Ouch, did you just kick me?!”

  “Sorry. I was trying to play footsie with your brother,” she said, her eyes wide.

  “I’m over here,” said Aiden, hitting Melody with his shoe. “The guy with the much bigger feet.”

  “Maybe we should have gotten those hefty bags for Aiden,” joked Melody. “He might need them tonight. With Shannon.”

  I laughed.

  Liam grunted.

  Just then our waitress, Jenny, approached our table and took our drink order. Aiden and Liam both ordered beer. Melody and I each ordered a glass of wine.

  “And who are these lovely ladies joining you, this evening, fellas?” she asked. “And, more importantly, are they of legal drinking age?”

  “They’re both eighteen,” said Aiden, before introducing us as Liam’s friends from the U.S.

  “Welcome to Dublin. Have you done much sightseeing?” she asked.

  “Not much. Just a little shopping. Hopefully we will get to explore some more of the city,” said Melody.

  “There definitely is a lot to see. You should check out the National Botanic Gardens and the Kilmainham Gaol. Those are two of my favorite places to visit.”

  “What is the Kilmainham Gaol?” I asked.

  “The Gaol was a famous prison that’s now a museum. There’s so much history there,” she said and then smiled when she noticed Aiden checking out Shannon again from across the room. “Would you like an appetizer, Aiden? I could send Shannon over?”

  Liam burst out laughing. “Everyone knows what kind of a letch you are, brother. What have you been doing while I’ve been in America? You’ve been hard at it?”

  Aiden winked. “Oh, I’ve been doin’ a bit.”

  “She gets off in another hour,” said Jenny. “If you’re wanting to do a bit more.”

  “Good to know,” he replied. “Uh, do you know if she’s angry with me?”

  Jenny put a hand on her hip. “Have you called her lately?”


  She smirked. “You’d better quit farting around then, shouldn’t ya?”

  Aiden smiled sheepishly. “I’d better make amends.”

  “Yeah. It might be a good idea. If you’re wanting dessert later.”

  “I hear you,” he answered.

  Jenny left to give us a few more minutes to look over the menu.

  “I think I’ll get a steak, too. So, they’re good?” asked Melody.

  “Good isn’t adequate enough to describe the steaks in this place,” said Aiden. “Every cut of meat is aged to perfection. It’s usually so succulent, you could cut into them with just your fork.”

  “Aged? Well, that’s a relief,” mused Melody.

  “Why is it a relief?” asked Liam.

  She lowered her voice. “That you prefer older meat. I think that means Chelsey and I are safe.”

  “You’re safe with us,” said Aiden, smiling in amusement. “If we do hunt, it’s for small game - like rabbit, squirrels, and an occasional raccoon. Although… I may have taken down a deer or two in my time.”

  “You eat that stuff raw, though, right?” asked Melody, grimacing.

  “Personally, I can only stomach it in my Lycan form,” said Aiden. “Otherwise I usually prefer my meat cooked.”

  “So, you’ve never eaten raw meat as you are right now?” she asked, looking relieved.

  “I’ve had sushi and steak tartare. That’s about it,” he answered. “Speaking of which, you two should probably figure out what you’re going to eat.”

  I opened up the menu and my eyes widened at the prices. “Wow. You’ve got to be kidding…

  “What is it?” asked Aiden.

  “This place is expensive. Fifty euros for a single steak?” I said. “That’s crazy.”

  “It’s actually not too bad,” said Liam. “I’ve paid as much as one-hundred-and-fifty dollars for a steak in New York. That was just for the meat and everything else was a la carte.”

  “It’s a good thing that you’re filthy rich,” said Melody.

  “It is a good thing,” said Aiden, smiling at her in amusement. “Although, sometimes having this amount of wealth can be a curse, especially when you have so many others trying to get their hands on it.”

  “Like Lucian,” said Liam.

  “Like Lucian,” agreed Aiden.

  I frowned. “I still can’t believe Lucian would-”

  “Oh my God, enough about Lucian,” moaned Melody. She looked at Aiden. “If only there was another vampire around to charm him out of her head.”

  Slade’s image popped into my brain and my heart felt heavy. If only someone charm him out of my heart.

  ALTHOUGH I LEFT Chelsey in Dublin, she was still with me. All I could think about was the night we’d shared in her bed chamber and how upset she must be at the moment. If she didn’t already, I knew she was going to end up hating me and that was maddening.

  “Are you okay?” asked Mira, when she found me sitting in my living room, with the lights out and the blinds drawn. It was just past seven o’clock in the evening, and I’d been frozen there for the past few hours.

  “I’m fine,” I replied, surprised that I hadn’t noticed her arrival. I reached over and turned on the lamp.

  “Thank you. I know that you can see in the dark but these old eyes can barely see with the lights on,” she said with a light-hearted laugh.

  “Sometimes it’s better not to see what’s out there,” I mumbled.

  Mira’s smile fell. “I thought you were staying at Liam’s for a while?” she asked, removing her fur-lined leather gloves.

  I stood up. “I was, but then I remember that I had too much to do around here.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Too much to do? Like what?”

  “I was thinking about having the condo remodeled again,” I said.

  “You just did,” she said staring at me in shock. “Why would you want to do it all over again?”

  I looked around my living room, which was very modern and white. Too white. Even the fireplace was a blinding shade of white. “Truth is, I’m not sure if I like it. It’s not really very warm or inviting.”

  Mira looked around and shrugged. “It’s not supposed to be. It’s elegant and formal. Anyway, how much time do you really spend here? Slade, if you keep remodeling on a whim, you’ll regret it.”

  “I already regret it. Anyway, I’m going to be spending more time here,” I said, grabbing my leather jacket. “So, I’d like to be comfortable.”

  “Yes, well, you should be. So, where are you off to?” she asked, watching me.

  “I’m going for a ride. Have you seen the key to my Honda?”

  “For the Blackbird? It’s in the kitchen,” she said. “It’s a little chilly out there, isn’t it? For a bike ride?”

  “You forget who you’re talking to. As long as there’s no snow on the ground, I’m good to go.”

  “Oh, of course,” she said, following me into the kitchen. “Be careful on that thing. I saw something on television about that Blackbird. It’s almost too powerful.”

  “Nothing is too powerful for a vampire,” I reminded her.

  She smiled sheepishly. “Right again. I’m sorry. I just can’t help worrying about you. Are you sure you’re okay? You look a little… out of sorts.”

  I grabbed the key to my bike and shoved it into the front pocket of my blue jeans. “Don’t worry about me, Mira. I’m doing fine.”

  She walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a package of blood. “Here. Have something before you leave.”

  “I’m good,” I said. “Besides, I’m heading over to Kincaid’s.”

  Her eyes widened. “There? Why?”

  Kincaid’s was a private club. One that specifically catered to immortals. It was owned by a husband and wife team - Shawna, who was a vampire, and Brandon, her Lycan partner. They employed mortals who voluntarily offered warm blood to customers who were willing to pay highly for it. It usually wasn’t my thing, but I needed a way to get my mind off of Chelsey.

  “To be honest, I don’t really know exactly,” I lied, not wanting to confide in her about my sins. She didn’t need to know that I’d seduced a vulnerable, young woman into sex. I didn’t think I could handle Mira’s disappointment in me. Seeing the disapproval in her eyes, I knew I shouldn’t have even mentioned the club.

  Her lips pursed together. “Now I know there’s something wrong, Slade. This definitely isn’t you.”

  She knew me well. Right now, the club sounded like a way to take my mind off of Chelsey, however. At least the donor would be a warm and willing body and I didn’t have to feel guilty for seducing a young innocent.

  “You should stay away from that vile, wicked place. You’ve got all the blood that you need here and I can always get more. You don’t have to resort to feeding directly from humans,” she scolded.

  “They offer it freely, there,” I reminded her. We’d spoken about the place before and her son, who’d been a vampire, had used it quite often, to her dismay. The place was definitely scandalous, and had the goods to quench even the most wickedest of cravings, for the right price.

  “Only to pay for their own filthy habits,” she scoffed. “You’re just lucky that the drugs those people use don’t affect you.”

  I bit back a smile as she chastised me. It was good having someone who cared. Mira was definitely the next best thing I had to a mother. “Fine, I’ll think about what you said while I take a ride.”

  Thinking that she’d talked me out of it, she sighed in relief. “Good. Have fun.”

  I walked over to her and kissed Mira on the cheek. “I will. Don’t wait up, though. I’m planning on being gone for a few hours.”

  She nodded.

  I SPENT THE next hour, racing around the countryside on the motorcycle. Although I enjoyed flying, I found even more pleasure on my bike, especially when it was able to go at such amazing speeds. Pushing the needle over one-hundred and forty, on some of the straight roads, gave me a rush that I could feel all the way to my crotch. Feeling my jeans tighten, I turned the bike toward Kincaid’s, determined to do something before I returned to Castle Rylan and made another stupid move.

  THE CLUB WAS located in the basement of The Babcock Hotel, which mostly catered to Club Kincaid’s clients. When I pulled into the underground garage, the attendant directed me to a private entrance to the club, picking up right away that I was a vampire.

  “Enjoy yourself,” he said, after I tipped him.


  I parked my bike and went to the entrance, which brought me to a long hallway and another door. When I reached it, the music was pulsating on the other side and the floor seemed to vibrate underneath me. Finding the door locked, I knocked on it loudly. It opened right away and a bouncer stood on the other side.

  “Yeah?’ he asked, eyeing me shrewdly.

  I said the words needed to gain entrance. “I’m a guest of Shawna’s and I wish to partake.”

  The bouncer’s eyes lit up and he smiled. “And so you shall, Slade from Venom.”

  “You recognize me?” I replied, as he moved out of my way.

  “You could say that. Around here, you’re quite popular,” he said.

  I glanced into the busy night club. The dance floor was filled with undulating bodies many of them grinding against each other under the strobe lights. On the other side of the room, there was a long bar, which unlike a typical club, was void of liquor bottles and customers. “That’s funny, considering I’ve never been here before.”

  “Doesn’t matter. It’s no secret that you live somewhere in the city. You
have a following. They come here just for the chance to meet you.”

  “What kind of a following? Fans of Venom?”

  “Some. Others are just fellow vampires who you’ve inspired.”

  “Huh, that’s flattering and all, but to be honest, I’d like to keep it quiet that I’m here,” I said, slipping him some euros.

  “My lips are sealed,” he said, smiling at me. “Although, your face gives you away.”

  I frowned. “Maybe this was a mistake.”

  “No worries. Stay,” he replied quickly. “I’ll have Amanda walk you to room thirteen. It’s reserved for those who prefer to remain… more discreet.”


  “No problem,” he said, snapping his fingers at an attractive blonde vampire who was sitting near the bar. She stood up and walked over to us.

  “Show him to ‘thirteen’ and let Shawna know we have a special guest.”

  Amanda’s eyes met mine and she smiled. “Of course. This way.”

  I followed her through the busy club, keeping my head down, to try and remain as inconspicuous as possible. The music was loud and the scent of flesh, sweat, and perfume permeated all around us, making my head swim.

  “Don’t get lost, now!” hollered Amanda with a smile as we made our way through a group of sexy, young, mortal women - all scantily dressed. One of them grabbed my ass as I passed, another leaned into me and purred, “I’m yours for the night if you want, vampire. It’ll cost you less and you’ll get so much more.”

  “Hands off, whore,” growled Amanda, pulling me away from them.

  “Whore?” I asked her when we were out of earshot. I turned and looked back at the girl and noticed she was still watching me. She smiled and blew me a kiss.

  “Yeah. They sneak in here sometimes and try to steal Shawna’s business.”

  “Shawna must not like that.”

  “Not at all. She’ll be dealt with accordingly.”

  She led me to the back and we walked down a long corridor, stopping when we reached a room labeled ‘Thirteen’.

  “Make yourself at home,” she said, opening the door for me.


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