Wild Horses

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Wild Horses Page 4

by Ardent Rose

  Olivia grabbed the front of his shirt and buttons bounced on the wooden floor. She nuzzled her cheek against his chest and inhaled his scent. She pushed the tight sleeves down his arms and moaned at the sight of his upper body, tanned and toned from his work on the ranch. “Bear, you are quite magnificent yourself.”

  He backed her up against the mattress and gently laid her down. He tugged at her boots and tossed them aside. He bent down and kissed her belly button before sliding her jeans down. He dropped to his knees and kissed her inner thighs. He used his beard and caressed her silky skin.

  “My beautiful baby.” He hooked his fingers in the lacy waistband of her panties.

  His eager fingers spread her lips, she dripped with juices. He inhaled deeply, her scent flooded his senses. His cock twitched at the erotic sight in front of him. A beautiful auburn haired woman with her legs spread and her neatly shaven body displayed for him and him alone.

  Her body writhed against the quilt in anticipation of his touch. Garrett reached for her hands and placed them over her head. Her eyes glazed over waiting for him. He unhooked her bra and removed it. He licked his lips as her nipples puckered in the cool air. He started to lie down next to her but she stopped him.

  “Uh-uh-uh” she tutted at him. She grabbed his belt, “Skin on skin. I want to feel all of you.”

  He smirked and did as tasked. He kicked off his boots and his belt clanked when his jeans hit the floor. She grabbed his hands and pulled his body against hers. His body weight overwhelmed her senses.

  She bit into his shoulder and kissed her way up to his ear. Her hands scratched up and down his back and buttocks. He moaned into her ear and thrust his cock against her body.

  Garrett rolled onto his back taking Olivia with him. “I want to see you riding me, baby. Let me be your first horseback ride.”

  Olivia sat proudly atop Garrett’s hips and scrubbed against him. He raised up and took a nipple into his mouth. He chewed the stiff peak until she screamed. His beard added the perfect abrasion for pleasure.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and she entangled her fingers in his hair. Her hips moved of their own accord. Garrett sucked her nipple harder.

  “Garrett, I think I am going to come.” She cried out and flooded his lap with sticky juices. He quickly rolled her over and impaled his cock into her and thrust deeply. Her body convulsed around him and he groaned loudly, before he began to move. She was warm, snug and he didn’t want to move. “I could stay like this forever. You feel so good, beautiful.”

  His thumb found her hardened nub. Small insistent circles around it had her begging for a second release. He fully seated himself inside her with a strong rhythm for his own pending orgasm. “Ready baby?” he asked between gritted teeth.

  She cried out “yes, yes, yes… Oh, god yes.” As the third orgasm slammed her body and she curled inward around Garrett. His own release spurted deep within her. He collapsed on top of her and kissed every inch of her face.

  “That was heaven, beautiful. I could not dream a more perfect beginning.” His lips caught hers. He rolled them onto their sides facing each other. “I have roughed up your face with my beard. I will shave it if you want me to?”

  “No please don’t. I love the way it feels on my skin. It is part of you.” She ran her fingers over the soft hair of his beard. “Besides, I am sure it gives great orgasms.” A naughty twinkle was in her eye. He laughed with her.

  “You think so, do you? Let me grab some water and just maybe if you are a good girl, I will show you.” He waggled his eyebrows and strutted across the room to grab a robe. “You never know if Homer is around. Don’t go anywhere.”

  “Homer? Dear Lord, I better get dressed.”

  He turned toward the bed and darkness came over his face. He looked at Olivia. “Stop. You are to remain here naked until I return. Understood?”

  His authoritative tone caused her to sit up straight. She wondered if she should end her reply with sir? She nodded cautiously.

  Garrett replied. “Good Girl. That will do, this time. I will return momentarily.”

  Olivia tumbled back onto the bed and gasped. Her body tingled at the thought of being dominated. If earlier was only the beginning, she was in for an afternoon of remarkable sex.

  Chapter Seven

  Monday morning, Olivia stopped at the trading post to see Sarah. She could use her help at the ranch, with designing. Sarah excelled at her drawing capabilities. Olivia hoped to capitalize on them.

  “Good morning, is Sarah around?” Olivia asked approached the older version of Sarah. She stood behind the counter with her darker blonde hair in a braid but she wore jeans, too. “I am Olivia Hughes, I was hoping I could whisk her away for the afternoon.”

  “She mentioned you had been into the store. I am Georgia, her mother. Pleased to meet you.” She extended her hand in greeting.

  “Did I hear someone mention my name?” Sarah popped around the corner.

  “You certainly did. Ms. Hughes was asking after you.”

  “Please call me Olivia.” She addressed Georgia, and turned to her daughter. “Sarah, I am going to work on the Thomas ranch today measuring and working on some design plans. I was hoping you would come with me as my protégé?”

  Sarah nearly knocked her down with a hug. “Yes, I would love to go with you, if mother can spare me for the afternoon.”

  Georgia’s expression turned somber. “Sarah, we have talked about your career choices. I am not sure your father would agree, but I can see Ms. Hughes is a lovely woman and if it’s for Mr. Thomas, I won’t stand in your way, this time.”

  Sarah gave her mother a hug. “Thanks for understanding Momma. I really want to try. Besides Olivia liked my designs and is showing them to somebody for a second opinion.”

  Georgia raised an eyebrow. “Really?” She addressed Olivia. “You believe she may have real talent?”

  Olivia beamed. “Yes ma’am. She has natural abilities that I would like to nurture and mentor if you give your permission, of course.”

  Georgia kissed her daughter’s forehead and brushed her hair from her eyes. “Ok Sarah, go and help Ms. Hughes. I am sure she has many good things to teach you.”

  Sarah grinned broadly. “Thank you, Momma. Olivia, wait her while I change, I’ll be right back.” She raced up the stairs and was back in a flash.

  Garrett had loaned Olivia a truck for the day. It would make travel back and forth to the ranch easier. She and Sarah chatted about colors and contemporary trends. Sarah scribbled down copious notes as they drove.

  Olivia also expressed the possibility of staying on and opening a design firm in Tomitown.

  “Would you be interested in being my protégé on a more permanent basis? That includes salary and classes.”

  Sarah fought with her emotions. “The opportunity is beyond incredible, but I’m not sure my parents will agree.”

  “I understand. Let’s not dwell on that today. I want to show you the ropes and maybe we can work something out with your parents. Don’t despair sweetness.”

  The day went by in a too quickly. Sarah had drawn some incredible mock ups for several spaces in the house. She was not only talented but quick and accurate. The back door popped open and Garrett strolled through.

  He paused to greet the ladies, Olivia with a kiss of course. “How is it going?”

  “Look for yourself, Sarah is remarkable.” Olivia beamed at how resourceful Sarah was.

  “These are fantastic Sarah. I had no idea you had this kind of talent. You two together will have this place looking like a real home in no time.”

  “Which reminds me, where can I set up that office you mentioned? We need internet access and a place to take in samples and order from.” Olivia slipped her arm around his waist and hugged him.

  “When you ladies are ready, I will take you back to town and we can look at a couple locations and you can choose. Sarah, may be familiar with one of them. It is next door to the trading post.”
r />   Sarah expressed excitement immediately.

  “Olivia, that is the one. It is an amazing open floor plan and a room in back and I believe it has a loft above. You could probably live up there.”

  “Ok, I am sold. Let’s do it.”

  Sarah was right about the space, Olivia loved it. “Garrett, who do I see about renting this space?” The tell-tale grin on his face told her everything she needed to know.

  He moved beside her with a deep voice, “We can negotiate the details later at home.” He punctuated his sentence with a long kiss on her neck. She moaned and suddenly remembered Sarah was there. She smirked at him.

  Olivia heard her name being called from the loft. “You have to see this space up here, it is wonderful. Come on.”

  “You, Mr. Thomas, escaped embarrassment by a mere floor, but don’t ever stop doing it.”

  She smoothed his beard and kissed his lips with a promise of more. Olivia called after Sarah. “We are on our way up.”


  The loft was a gorgeous area with a small bathroom and bedroom on the far end and a kitchenette living space at the end to the stairs.

  “I will have Valerie send my things from Carlton.” She imagined her belongings decorating the room.

  “What do your things look like? What style are they?” Sarah questioned with curiosity.

  “Tell you what. I will show you pictures of some of my things and you decorate this area for me. It will be your first official storyboard.”

  Sarah jumped into Olivia’s arms and hugged her tightly. “No one has ever given me so much confidence. I don’t know how to thank you?”

  Olivia chuckled at her remark. “Believe me you will get a chance to with all the challenging work it is going to take to get this studio up and running. Not to mention getting the ranch done.”

  Sarah grabbed her sketch book and started her drawings immediately.

  Garret nudged Olivia. “We will you leave you to your work. We’ll see you downstairs.”

  He led her over toward the doorway, Sarah waved them off too excited and busy to say anything.

  Chapter Eight

  Several weeks had gone by, the remodel at the ranch was going smoothly. Olivia had struck a bargain with Sarah’s parents, she purchased some things through the store in exchange could mentor Sarah.

  The renovations were coming along at the loft as well. Olivia measured the work space for drafting tables and her phone rang.

  “Hey Val, how’s the big city?” Olivia sang into the receiver.

  “Can’t complain. How are you fairing in the wild west?” Valerie barely contained her snarky laughter.

  Olivia sparred back. “It is wild… and I am loving every minute of it. You should see my loft and office space. We are bringing western chic to Tomitown. So, what’s up? You didn’t call in the middle of a work day to chat.”

  Valerie sounded bleak. “You know me too well. Do you remember the Johnson remodel you were working on and so many of her things were backordered?’

  “Ugh, who could forget. Everything she wanted was made overseas and took forever to get here. Don’t tell me? My shipment came in and she wants me to oversee the installation?”

  “Ding. Ding. Ding, we have a winner. Your prize will be one ticket to Carlton and one week with the lovely Mrs. Johnson.”

  Olivia’s face fell. When she returned to Carlton, Phillip was bound to catch wind she was back even if only for a week. “I am not looking forward to running into ‘you-know-who’.”

  Valerie commiserated with her. “I know but if we are lucky he’s out of town on business. Maybe I can bribe his boss.”

  Olivia laughed. “No, I can handle him. Nothing is going to change my mind. I love it here and I am falling for a wild horse rancher. He has roped my heart and saddled me up for keeps.”

  Valerie was stunned. “I didn’t expect to hear that, but I am happy for you. You deserve some happiness after all those years of misery with ‘him’. You know I have never been his fan.”

  “I remember. And with all his stunts of the past and this last one took it over the top. Sending a car and demanding I return. I hope he has moved on.”

  “Don’t bet on it, Livie. From what I have seen he hasn’t changed a bit.”

  Olivia sighed deeply. “I will deal with him when and if I have to. Expect me first thing Monday. I will get things settled here and let you know when I will arrive. Spare room ready?”

  Valerie snorted. “Do you have to ask? What about your little protégé? Are you bringing her along? I cannot believe her talent. She is welcome too, of course.”

  “That is a wonderful idea. She has never been out of Tomitown. I think we should take one day and show her the city and go shopping.”

  Valerie become animated. “Oh, I can feel the plastic warming up as we speak. Yes, we must. Can’t wait for you two to visit now.”

  They finished their goodbyes and Olivia struggled with how she was going to tell Garrett.

  Chapter Nine

  Garrett stopped at the office to pick up Olivia for dinner. “Hey beautiful” He stooped down to kiss her.

  Olivia was hard at work on making traveling arrangements for herself and Sarah. She smiled broadly when he kissed her. Her hands automatically wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer. “Hello yourself.” She kissed him back and with the toe of her shoe drug a chair up for him to take a seat. “Can we talk before we go to dinner?”

  He sat down and took both her hands in his. “Of course, what is it that has you so concerned, beautiful?”

  She stared into his amber gold eyes. “I could be making a bigger deal of this than it is but here goes.” She breathed deeply. “Valerie called today and I have a job to finish in Carlton. I had forgotten about it because most of the furniture was backordered into oblivion. Long story, short, the customer insists I finish the job. I need to be in Carlton by Monday.”

  Garrett studied her face. He knew it wasn’t easy for her to tell him this. “I see… well okay, how long will you be gone?” He shuffled in his seat, but never dropped her hands.

  “A week to ten days.” She whispered.

  “Actually, I had something I was going to tell you over dinner.”

  Olivia tried to pull her hands away, but he shook his head.

  “I have to take Obsidian over to be stud for few days next week and I would be away. This might be a good thing.” He puffed out a sigh of relief.

  They both laughed and Olivia moved over and sat in his lap. “Well, Bear, I guess we both have jobs to do. Will you be finished by week’s end? You could come down and pick us up and meet my friends.” She kissed over to his ear. “I will be so hungry for you by the end of the week.” She bit his earlobe and he growled.

  “I guess we better fill you up before you go.” He pressed his lips against hers and plunged his tongue inside for a long taste of pleasure.

  He stopped abruptly. “Wait a minute… you said ‘we’? Don’t tell me? You’re taking Sarah?”

  “I was planning on it. Her parents have softened to the idea over the last few weeks. It will be a wonderful experience for her. And Valerie has contacts to use her mentorship with me as credit for her own education, when she decides to go to school.”

  “I love you Olivia Hughes. Such the optimist.” He brushed her hair behind her ear. “Now where was I?”

  “Bear, I love you too. You were just about here…” Olivia returned to passionately inhaling her man. The taste of him, the scent of him spiked her right at her core. She was insatiable when it came to this bear of a man.

  Garrett scooped Olivia into his arms and started up the stairs. Midway she flailed her arms. “The door needs to be locked.”

  He leaned into her cheek. “I did it when I came in, my beauty. You are mine and we are alone.”


  The next morning Olivia stopped over at the Trading Post. “Georgia, can we talk a minute?”

  Georgia poured coffee from a blue metal pot. “Of cours
e, what is it? Coffee?” She offered her a cup.

  “Thanks, I would love one.” Georgia placed the tray of sweetener and creamer on the counter.

  Olivia nervously stirred her coffee. “I came to see you, to ask your permission. I don’t want to mention this to Sarah without speaking to you first.”

  Georgia hopped up on a stool. “Ok, sounds ominous. What’s on your mind?”

  “Ok, I will just come out with it then. I must return to Carlton for a week to finish a job I started months ago, I believe Sarah will benefit from the experience. Also, my friend Mrs. Buchanan has arranged for an interview with a design advisor from the institute. The school is willing to offer her a scholarship and use her mentorship with my firm as credit toward her degree.”

  Tears fell down Georgia’s worn face. The years of sun and working hard had taken their toll on what was surely once a beautiful woman. “I knew this day would come. My husband and I feel its providence your coming to our town.”

  She brushed tears from her eyes. “She may go with our blessing. We have gotten to know you, Olivia. Sarah could not have been chosen by a more special person. Thank you for all you’ve done.”

  Olivia cried too. Her tears were not of sorrow but joy and gratitude that Georgia entrusted her with her precious daughter. She raced around the counter and hugged Georgia tight and comforted her.

  About a half hour later, the two new friends laughed and ate donuts with their coffee when Sarah stumbled down the stairs ready for the day.

  Sarah was taken back to see her mother and Olivia enjoying each other’s company like old friends. “Good Morning.” She kissed her mother’s cheek and smiled at Olivia before pouring a cup of coffee for herself.

  Sarah looked between the two women, who snickered with an inside joke. “Ok, I’ll bite. What are you two up to?”

  Georgia cleared her throat and spoke firmly. “Ms. Hughes and I have been having a long talk about your future young lady. Between us, we have made some decisions.”

  Sarah’s eyes turned into saucers. She was thinking ‘oh no here it comes the speech’. She whispered the next question, then gulped her coffee to hide her disappointment. “And what have you two decided about my future?”


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