Not Another Statistic (A Yuri Sorenson Mystery Book 1)

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Not Another Statistic (A Yuri Sorenson Mystery Book 1) Page 8

by J. M. Dabney

  "Diplomatic of you. What do you want for dinner?"

  "I'm not picky about food, but I'd love a burger and fries."

  "As you wish. I'm going to change into street clothes and run out for a few. Behave while I'm gone." I froze as he gave me a quick hug and then disappeared returning a moment later without a word to place his gun on the sink. “I want you to lock the door, okay?”

  I answered with a sharp nod as I glanced from him to the weapon. He seemed satisfied that I’d listen, and he backed out of the small room.

  "Take your shower," he ordered from the other room, and I stepped back enough to peek as he changed into a t-shirt and jeans. He lifted and turned his head. "I thought I said behave, little man."

  "I was going to close the door." I closed the door a little too forcefully, locking it and then finished stripping.

  I waited until I heard the room door slam before I turned on the shower and stepped inside. I didn't linger in the shower, quickly washing my hair and body. Yuri made me think about sex, and that was dangerous. Every man I'd known in my life would've taken advantage of being straddled and rubbed on, but not him. He was messing with my head, that's all it was. When everything was over, I'd move on and find something different, maybe a new city where no one knew who I was.

  I rolled my eyes as I turned off the water and stepped out into the steam-filled bathroom. I dried off and wrapped the thin fabric around my hips. When I stepped out into the main room, the door opened, and he was back.

  "Perfect timing. I called West. I'm meeting him tomorrow."

  "What about me?"

  "You'll stay here, where it's safe and be ready to run when I don't show back up."

  "You have to stop telling me to run. I'm safer with you."

  "No, you would've been safer staying with Arianna."

  That hurt and I hid my expression. "Then why didn't you leave me there?" I yelled as I strode to the bag to dig out pajamas.

  He grabbed my arm and spun me around, and the pissed-off expression was one I'd seen before. Without thought, I jerked my arms up to protect myself. He grabbed my jaw in his large hand and squeezed, forcing me to look at him.

  "I'm telling you right now, I won't ever touch you with the intent of hurting you, but I'll bend you over my knee. Look at me, Josh." He barked out the order. "It's my job to take care of you. To make sure you're safe. Now, while it would've been safer for you to stay with her, I promised you I'd take care of you. You won't question me again. You're going to stay here so that you can run to Arianna. I've already arranged for her to get you out of the country if needed."

  "I don't want to run."

  His grip loosened and he slipped his hand to the back of my neck, then he tugged me close. I felt his lips brush my wet hair, and he hugged me to his chest. I twisted my hands in the thick, fabric of his hoodie. I rested my forehead on him and took a deep breath. The longer he was silent, the more nervous I became.

  "Neither do I, but I need to talk to West, and I don't want you caught in the crossfire if something goes down. I don't trust West, but on the off-chance he's an ally, I need to know what he does."

  "You going to leave me the gun?" I pulled back far enough to give him the bratty fluttering lashes that seemed to make him roll his eyes but still laugh.

  "Yes, I'm not going to leave you completely unprotected. Now, are you ready to get in your pajamas and have dinner?"

  "I'm starving." I broke contact with him and bent to pick up my clothes from where they fell. I straightened then made my way back to the bathroom.

  "You're just going to use me as a body pillow later, why shy?"

  I lifted my hand to flip him off.

  "Baby boy, you don't want to do that."

  I quickly dropped it back to my side and went into the bathroom, changed into my t-shirt and pajama bottoms, realizing too late I was wearing his clothes instead. I couldn’t return for my mine since I’d made my dramatic exit. I hung up the towel and stepped back into the room.

  "Now, my clothes?" His voice was amused as he laid out the food from the greasy bag.

  "I'm already wearing them…you're not getting them back. I require food with fat content and the possibility of clogged arteries."

  "Good thing because the diner on the corner was the only place open."

  He handed over my food and another milkshake. I bounced back to the bed and sat on the end, pulled my legs onto the bed and crossing them, sticking my milkshake between my thighs. He took the seat beside me and handed me the remote.

  "Only an hour of TV time and then bed."

  "Yes, sir." I found something to watch and slowly ate, paying more attention to him than whatever movie was on.

  Maybe it was sick of me, but I was going to miss us being trapped together. We hadn't spent more than an hour away from each other in weeks. It was meals together, seeking him out for comfort and I was looking forward to another night of waking up curled against him. I tried to warn myself not to become attached. I feared it was already too late. That wasn't the worst part. I was falling for the grumpy, older man and wondering if I was going to let years of history repeat itself. My appetite fled, but I forced myself to continue eating to keep him from becoming suspicious. I was fucked and not in a good way.



  I pulled my hood up to cover my face and searched the area from my seat on a bench. From this position, I could see West pull into the parking lot and make sure he arrived alone. I'd made sure Josh was awake, fed, and ready to run if needed. He'd looked so sweet when I'd gently nudged him until his eyes opened. In that lazy space between sleep and wakefulness, his expression appeared so free. He'd smiled up at me, and I'd fought my need to kiss him until the sweetness became something else. I'd slipped from the bed as quickly as I could without making my retreat feel like a rejection.

  There weren't any options for me but to keep him alive until I could claim him for mine. It was inappropriate—lines being crossed in the adrenaline of staying ahead of our enemies. I was too old for him. Too much of a bastard. Yet, I couldn't deny my brain agreed with my body. I craved him. And I didn't understand why. I'd protected hundreds of people and never lost my professionalism. I couldn't afford to lose my calm.

  I had to admit mistakes were always possible. Some things couldn't be accounted for, especially in these situations. Not all the players were identified. I could guarantee that the Cross family was at the top, but both had more money than brains. They could pay anyone to take care of their problems. I just didn't know who else we were fighting. What enemies we couldn't see that were hidden behind a smiling facade.

  Game time.

  West stepped out of a plain sedan. He was dressed in the cheapest suit I’d ever seen him wear with a few days’ growth of beard. Even from a distance, I could tell he didn't look like he'd slept in weeks. I didn't get up to approach him. I scanned the lot for vans or vehicles that stood out, but nothing really hit me. I was big with going with my gut. It had saved me from plenty of fucked-up operations in the past twenty years.

  I shifted and felt the comforting weight of my forty-five holstered at the small of my back. Stretching my arms along the backrest of the bench, I watched him sit down. He jerked as if his nerves were on edge—every man built on my scale wearing a hat or a hoodie earned extra scrutiny. I chuckled as I noticed him cursing beneath his breath.

  Easing from my seat, I headed in the opposite direction that he was focused on. I flopped down beside him.

  "Hello, West."

  "Goddammit, Sorenson. What the fuck is going on?"

  "Why don't you tell me? I don't like people trying to shoot my fuzzy ass off."

  "I got nothing. All I know is all hell is breaking loose. The defense is cocky as fuck, and the prosecution is fighting like hell for the postponement. All I could tell them was our main witness was in the hotel, there was a significant amount of blood in the stairwell leading to the garage. It disappeared where it looked like y’all got in a vehi
cle, and it could mean that Clarkson or you were dead somewhere."

  "Took two to the shoulder trying to get Josh out. We're laying low for now, but we can't hide forever."

  "Then fucking come in…both of you. We can set you both up in protective—"

  I laughed coldly at his suggestion that I put me and my boy out in the open. If they found us in protective custody the first time, they sure as hell would the second time around.

  "Who knew Josh was in my custody?"

  I'd rather keep my focus on him to read his face and body language, but I kept searching the area for signs of danger. Being out in the open like this had its advantages. No one could approach, and midday meant witnesses. Yet it was also dangerous too. I just had to hope that West was truthful and hadn't sold me out.

  "Me, the prosecution, no one else, I swear, man, I didn't burn you."

  "What did the room service guy say?"

  "He went MIA before the cops arrived. His boss said he never came back from delivering food to your room that night. He could be on some beach by now."

  "That was a professional team. Not some group of street thugs. They had military training. They were aiming to fucking kill, and if I hadn't moved as quickly as I had, you'd have found my corpse somewhere. How much time do I have?"

  "Two weeks. Yesterday there was a meeting in the judge's chambers, they have fourteen days to produce the witness, or he's ruling it a mistrial. And we both know what that means."

  "It's over, and Josh won't survive. I need information, West, and I don't want any of your bullshit."

  "Whatever you need, it's yours."

  I shot him a suspicious glare, and he held up his hands.

  "Man, we're cool. Whatever you need. I feel my days are numbered. You know my record isn't pristine…they're just waiting for an excuse. Clarkson was my responsibility, and taking down the Cross family would be a coup to the higher-ups."

  I reached into the pocket of my hoodie to slip the list of names and information I needed. I required addresses and case files. Pretty much I needed everything on the case. I handed it over, and West opened it.

  "You'll have to give me a few days."

  "I'll contact you again then to set up a drop."

  "Do you need anything? More cash?"

  "I'm still on the clock, remember?"


  I roughly laughed as I pushed to my feet and left without another word. I pushed my hands into my pockets and kept my head down as I took the long way around to the bus stop to take me to the first transfer. I had an hour to get back to my boy before he was supposed to leave. The cellphone was with him so that he could make the calls he needed to get Arianna to pick him up.

  If needed, I'd hunt him down, but I knew he'd wait until the last second before he left me. The heaviness of exhaustion began to weigh me down. I'd stayed awake to watch him sleep for longer than I should have. Knowing that things could go tits up in a heartbeat, I loved that my boy found comfort in my presence. He reached for me in his sleep if I even moved an inch away.

  I turned right out of the northern exit of the park and circled around to the bus shelter. The next one would arrive within minutes. I blended into the crowd as I waited, and as soon as the doors opened, I entered and passed over exact change for the fare. I found a seat in the back and settled in for the fifteen-minute ride and then I'd walk the rest of the way. Which hopefully would have me arriving right on time. I'd told him two hours.

  He was beautiful, and I wanted to make sure that he made it out the other side safe and happy. Even if that was somewhere unknown to me. I'd never had permanence or known what it was like to sleep with an adorable boy in my arms. Maybe I was getting spoiled with the newness of that. He was a gift that any Dominant would crave. Naturally submissive, but he fought his nature because the men in his past had abused the blessing that he was.

  Yes, I was hired to protect him—to keep him safe, but before this was over, I wanted the boy to know his worth and what he should demand of the Dom he chose. The touch and praise, then gentleness and spoiling was a plan. Behavioral correction that would leave him stronger and more willing to demand what he needed from the man who claimed him.

  And while the thought of another Dominant touching my baby boy infuriated me, I knew it was a lesson I could tenderly give him. Every good Dom read their sub's needs. He was in the infancy of his transformation, but the potential I saw in him already took my breath away.

  I almost missed my stop and jogged off the bus before the doors closed. He made it so easy to get lost in my thoughts, and that wasn't something I could afford when I was away from him. He depended on me. I'd earned his trust. I wouldn't betray that for anything. The walk cleared my head and allowed me to check for anyone keeping too close of an eye—maybe following. I went one block farther and then circled back around. Checking the time, I knew I was ahead of schedule, so I ducked into a corner store to grab my boy a couple cans of the espresso he liked.

  Quickly I was making my way up to the room. I knocked on the door to signal it was me, and I entered. My boy's expression was bright and happy, completely open and trusting for me.

  "Hey, baby boy."

  "How did it go?"

  "We'll have the information in a few days and some more cash. I have enough to keep us going, but I told West I was still on the clock."

  He giggled as I passed and he took the paper bag I held out to him. I caught his happy dance as he peeked inside, and then I was stripping my hoodie over my head. Without thinking. I placed my weapon on the nightstand, moved to the end of the bed crawling onto it and wrapped my arm around my boy's waist pulling him with me. I tucked him to my side and kissed the top of his head, as I only half-watched what was on the television.

  "I'm going to miss this," he said as he nuzzled me.

  "What's that?"

  "Sleeping with you. I feel safe, and I shouldn't."

  "Josh, I want you to feel safe. If you don't, then that means I'm not doing my job right."

  He drew circles on my chest, and that simple, innocent touch did more for me than any man in my past.

  "Is that all I am…a job?"

  I pinched his chin and drew his gaze to mine. "You are more than a job, even when I was trying to be a professional hard ass, you got under my skin, baby boy. But that's a conversation for another time. I need a nap. You're very distracting when you sleep."

  At his shy smile, I resisted the lure of his lips and instead brushed my mouth to his forehead. He turned away from me to hug my arm to his chest and rest his head on my bicep. I bit back a groan at his rubbing and let out a gruff, relieved sigh as he settled in. As I started to drift off, I fisted my hand in the cotton over his ribs to make sure he couldn't sneak away. Our time was running out, and if things didn't work out as I hoped, I wanted a few memories to keep.



  I covered my smile by shoveling another spoonful of yogurt in as he snapped the paper and growled from his seat in the cheaply upholstered red velvet chair. Sneakily, I pulled the remote from under my thigh and kicked the volume up another two notches on my cartoons. The rumbling from the other side of the room grew louder and the paper crinkled in his fists.

  That morning he'd said that we needed to hide out, it was going to take a few days for Moffett and West to get us the information for the next phase. I was bored. An odd brattiness began to transform my skittish nature into something different. It was a freedom I never experienced in my life, and while I'd fought it, I was coming to savor the idea of safety—more as a concept than a reality. Maybe delusion was a better word for it.

  Shooting another glance at him, I started to reach for the remote again, and the newspaper hit the floor.

  "You touch that button again, little man, we're going to have some issues."

  "What issues?"

  "You're going to end up with a sore, red ass."

  "You wouldn't."

  I realized I shouldn't have said anything be
cause he was out of the chair and stalking toward the bed. To evade him, I rolled off the opposite side and set my yogurt cup on the nightstand.

  "Yuri, um, I'm sorry."

  "You had your chance for regret about three previous volume increases ago. I believe three times is more than enough for you to think about your decisions. Now it's time for correction."

  "I didn't do anything."

  I jumped back a few steps as he made his way around the bed, but stopped at the foot of it. He calmly sat on the edge.

  "Push your pants and underwear over your hips to mid-thigh, then lay across my lap."

  I backed away and used my hands to cover my ass. His expression left me no way to argue with him—the hardness of his features. Fear tightened my chest, but he didn’t appear enraged, just irritated with me. As if I’d broken some unknown rule. Would the pain make me regress? Would I become the thing I was before I’d met Yuri?

  “Use your words, baby boy.”

  “What if I go back?”

  I knew I didn’t have to explain what I meant. It was there in his eyes when he watched me. He understood me better than anyone else, not even Arianna who knew all my secrets. It was another experience with him, though. He'd only known me a matter of weeks, knew nothing more than what was in my file, but he knew me.

  “Correction is different from abuse. Correction isn’t always about physical punishment. Sometimes it’s sitting in a corner to think about your actions. Rules are to keep you safe and happy. I don’t want to destroy your brattiness, Josh. It’s a part of you that was suppressed due to the violence in your past. With that said, I believe I gave you an order that you need to obey.”

  I nibbled nervously on my bottom lip. I lowered my pajama bottoms and underwear but kept my crotch covered. I didn't want him to see.

  "I know what you're hiding, and there's no shame here."

  "Can I please stay covered?"

  "Yes, you can."

  His voice was so calm and soothing, and I wanted to hate him for that. I was envious of his coolness—of his strength. I approached him slowly and stretched out over his thighs, the comforter soft on my thighs and calves, my knees sinking into the mattress. He didn't touch or force me to comply. I fisted my hands in the quilted fabric. I jerked as the roughened pads of his fingers and palm spread out over my lower back.


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