Ivy's Delta (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Delta Team Three Book 4)

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Ivy's Delta (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Delta Team Three Book 4) Page 8

by Elle James

  Her thumb hovered over the button and her breath caught in her throat.

  “And will you, Ivy?” Her mother was relentless.

  “He hasn’t asked,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “Mr. McCormick, do you intend to ask?”

  Ivy swallowed hard on a mortified groan.

  “I do, ma’am.”

  “Well then, what are you waiting for?” Elizabeth Fremont’s well-maintained eyebrow cocked.

  Duff’s hands came up around Ivy’s waist, out of her mother’s view. “Will you go out with me?”

  Heat burned through her where his arms wrapped around her middle. With him standing so close, she could barely breathe, much less concentrate on the conversation they were having with her mother, of all people. “Yes,” she said. She didn’t give a damn if her mother approved.

  “Good,” her mother said. “I’m glad to hear that. It’s good to know my daughter will be well-protected.”

  Duff’s arms tightened around Ivy. “Senator Fremont, should I be concerned about protection?”

  “I don’t think so, but just in case, it’s good to know she’ll have you around.”

  Ivy’s gut clenched. “Mother, what are you not telling me?”

  “Just that I’m concerned for my only daughter.”

  “Since when have you ever been concerned about me?” Ivy narrowed her eyes. “Other than to tell me how I should live my life.”

  “I told you. I’ve hired a better security company to protect me.”

  Ivy stiffened. “From what?”

  The senator’s eyes widened. “Didn’t I tell you?”

  Oh, no, she hadn’t. Ivy braced herself. “Tell me what?”

  “I’ve received several threatening messages. Nothing for you to worry about.”

  “If you’re concerned for your safety and now mine, I’m worried,” Ivy said.

  Her mother sighed. “So far, the messages have only been directed toward me.”

  “Why would someone threaten you?” Ivy asked.

  Her other hand brushed an imaginary hair away from her brow. “I’m leading a committee in charge of halting illegal gun sales to foreign governments. We think it has to do with the regulations I’m proposing to Congress.”

  Ivy shook her head. “New regulations are brought before Congress all the time. Since when do they come with threats? And by threats, I assume you mean death threats or threats to do bodily harm?”

  “Have they identified where those threats are coming from?” Duff asked.

  “Not yet. Just that I needed to beef up security and warn my family.”

  “Damn it, Mother, you never call and beat around the bushes. Why start now?”

  “I wasn’t sure if you would take it seriously.” Her mother’s brow furrowed, and all pretense left her senator face. “I’m worried about you, Ivy. We might not always see eye to eye, but you’re my only daughter, and I really do care about you. I don’t want anything to happen to you because of what I have to do for the country.”

  Ivy leaned back into the warmth and stability of Duff’s chest. “Is it that bad?”

  Her mother nodded. “It could be.”

  “Okay, I’ll keep my guard up.”

  “And your man, Magnus? You’ll keep him with you?”

  “Mother, he has his job, I have mine. I can’t rely on him to be around at all times. But I will watch my back and be sure to lock my doors and turn on my security system at night.”

  “I hope that will be enough. I was hoping you’d say Magnus was your lover and sleeping with you at night. My mind would be more at ease knowing you have a skilled combat soldier with you.”

  Ivy nearly choked on her shock and embarrassment. “Mother, please. Duff and I barely know each other.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Do you need me to hire some more men from the security firm I’ve gotten for myself to defend you?”

  “No, Mother. I don’t need anyone to defend me. I’ve got my conceal carry license. I’ll carry a gun. I can take care of myself.”

  Her mother nodded. “Good. But it would help to have someone watching your back. You can’t keep an eye out in all directions all the time. Perhaps you should close your shop for a couple of weeks until all of this settles down.”

  “I’m not closing my shop.” Ivy squared her shoulders. “I need to get ready for work. Stay safe, Mother. And let me know if you get any more threats. Otherwise, I’ll see you on Wednesday after I close the shop.”

  “You won’t consider closing early?”

  “No, Mother. I have set hours so people will know when I’m opened and closed and plan accordingly. I was taught that punctuality is the bedrock of discipline and a good moral character.”

  Her mother chuckled softly. “Touché, daughter. Touché.”

  Ivy’s lips curved upward. “Later, Mother. Keep your bodyguards close and stay safe.”

  “You, too, Ivy. I might not tell you often enough, but I love you, and only want the best for you.”

  “I know, Mother. I love you, too.” Ivy ended the call and turned to Duff.

  For a long moment, they stared at each other.

  Ivy broke the silence first. “Do you think the guy who attacked me last night was someone who is trying to get to my mother?”

  Duff shrugged. “I don’t know. But it wouldn’t hurt to find out who’s threatening your mother and why.”

  “I’ll text her later today and see if she’s learned any more about the threats. For now, though, I need to get ready for work.” Still, she didn’t make a move to leave the kitchen.

  “For the record, you don’t have to ask me out, just because my mother wanted you to.” She lifted her chin. “I’m really not a charity case. I can get a date without my mother intervening.”

  Duff’s expression didn’t change.

  Ivy was having a hard time reading him.

  “I don’t say things out of convenience,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “So?”

  Ivy’s heart fluttered. “So, what?”

  “Go out with me?” he said.

  “Don’t let my mother guilt you into you taking me out.” Ivy rested her hands on his chest. “I told you, no expectations.”

  Duff cocked an eyebrow. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “You didn’t ask me out because you think I need protection, do you?”

  “Everything aside…this is me,” he covered her hands on his chest, “asking you.”

  The dour look he’d had on his face when she’d first met him had disappeared. He didn’t have a smile. But he didn’t look like he was mad or disappointed in the world.

  “I just want you to know that I do have my conceal carry license and I own a gun,” she said.

  At that point, his lips twitched into the resemblance of a smile. “Should I be afraid?”

  Her mouth quirked. “Maybe. I’m just letting you know that I can take care of myself.”

  “Got it,” he said. “You still haven’t answered my question.”

  She stared up into his eyes, looking for anything indicating her mother’s conversation had influenced his decision to ask her out. When she didn’t see anything, Ivy smiled. “Okay.”

  He nodded. “Should I pick you up at your shop?”

  Her eyes rounded. “Tonight?”

  “Did I not make myself clear?” he said. “Is tonight a problem?”

  She laughed. “No, not at all. But not at my shop, please. I’d like the chance to come home, wash the dust off my hands, and change.”

  “Would six o’clock give you enough time to do all that?” he asked.

  “Make it six-thirty,” she said. To shower, do her hair and makeup the way she’d want, it would take a little longer. And she wanted to look good for him.

  “Oh,” he said. “Wear jeans.”

  Her brow dipped. “Jeans?” She’d had a pretty skirt in mind.

  “I’ll be picking you up on my bike. Jeans won’t get caught in the wheels and the
y will provide a little protection from the elements. He cocked an eyebrow. “Have a problem with that?”

  “No. No. It sounds…” she paused, “exhilarating.”

  “Now that it’s settled, I’ll wash, you dry,” he said.

  “You cooked,” she said. “It’s only fair that I do dishes.”

  “I’m used to cleaning up after myself. Besides, it will be more fun if we do it together.”

  She laughed. “Yes, it will.”

  He cooked, he did dishes, and he insisted on foreplay. “You’re every woman’s dream man.”

  He straightened his shoulders. “I like to think so.”

  They spent the next few minutes washing and drying the dishes. A few kisses and snuggles were thrown in between passing a plate or a cup.

  When they were finished, they spent another thirty minutes in bed making love before she finally had to get up and get ready to go to the shop.

  Dressed and ready, they left the house, locking the door behind them.

  Duff pulled out of the driveway in Zip’s Corvette and waited for Ivy to back out of the garage.

  Ivy drove toward her shop in Copperas Cove. When she glanced into her rearview mirror, she noted that Duff followed. When she arrived at her shop’s parking lot, she got out and turned to him.

  She gave him a crooked smile. “You didn’t have to follow me.”

  “I’d like to check out your shop,” he said.

  Ivy opened and unlocked the door.

  Duff grabbed her arm. “Let me go first.”

  “You’re taking my mother seriously, aren’t you?” Ivy frowned.

  “Doesn’t hurt to be safe,” he said.

  Ivy unlocked the door and pushed it open. She waved her hand. “Have at it.” She liked that he was concerned, but she worried that he was taking her mother’s words too seriously.

  She watched as he wound his way through her little shop. His big body resembled the bull in the proverbial china shop. Ivy was sure he would knock something over and break it. She didn’t care.

  She liked watching him.

  It didn’t take him long to go through the small shop into the backroom office area. Then he returned. “All clear.”

  She patted his cheek and leaned in to kiss him. “My mother can be a little dramatic. I don’t think that it’s as serious as she thinks it is.”

  “Better safe than sorry.” He leaned close and crushed his mouth to hers in a kiss that left her toes tingling and her heart hammering. When she opened to him, his tongue found hers and caressed it in a long sexy glide.

  She was tempted to tell him that she could open an hour late. It was a really large desk in her office.

  “Want me to stay?” he asked.

  Oh, the temptation is strong. But she didn’t want to make him think that she was needy. “As much as I would like that, I need to get the store ready to open at noon.”

  He nodded and stepped back. “Six-thirty, then.”

  She stood at the door and watched as he drove away in the Corvette. Then she locked the door and leaned her back against it.

  “Wow.” What just happened?

  She’d just had the best sex of her life.

  She pushed away from the door and went to work. Six-thirty couldn’t arrive soon enough.

  Chapter 8

  On his way back to Killeen, Duff’s cellphone chirped. A quick glance at the caller ID indicated Zip was trying to reach him. He answered the phone and hit the speaker button. “Zip.”

  “Hey, dude,” Zip said. “Where are you?”

  “You at my house?”

  “I am,” Zip said. “Though I love your bike, I’m ready to have my ’Vette back.”

  “I’ll be there in five.” Duff pressed harder on the accelerator, increasing his speed to five miles an hour over the limit.

  When Duff pulled up to his driveway in Killeen, Zip was sitting on his bike with his cellphone to his ear.

  Duff got out of the Corvette.

  Zip grinned and continued his conversation. “Hey, Des, he’s here.” He glanced at Duff. “No, I don’t see a shit-eating grin, but he does have that afterglow. Yeah…I think he spent the night with Ivy.”

  Duff glared.

  Zip’s grin broadened. “Yup. Definitely. He slept with Ivy.” He pushed away from the motorcycle and handed Duff the key.

  “My sex life has nothing to do with you or anyone else on the team,” Duff growled.

  “So you admit it?” Zip asked.

  Duff had the urge to punch his friend in his smirking mouth. “I admit nothing. I could have been out for donuts and coffee.”

  Zip looked around Duff to his Corvette. “You didn’t bring me any donuts and coffee?”

  “I ate there,” Duff said, lying through his teeth.

  “Uh-huh.” Zip crossed his arms over his chest. “At Ivy’s house?”

  Duff tossed Zip’s keys to him. “I was going to ask if you wanted to go hit the dirt bike track with me, but never mind.”

  “I was hoping you’d suggest it,” Zip said, looking down at his attire. “I dressed for fun, just in case.”

  Duff opened the garage using the keypad and pushed his street bike into an empty space beside three dirt bikes.

  Zip walked to one with a bright new coat of orange paint. “This the one I helped you bring home from that barn auction?”

  Duff glanced over his shoulder. “Yep.”

  “Man, that thing was just a bunch of pieces. How’d you put it all back together?”

  “One piece at a time,” Duff murmured. He set his street bike on its stand and turned to Zip. “You want to ride it?”

  “You sure it’s not going to rattle apart?” Zip asked.

  “I’ve already taken it to the track. It held together just fine. But if you want, you can take the red one.”

  “No. I’d like to try this one. I feel like I have a stake in it.”

  “Let’s load up.”

  Duff backed his truck out of the garage and around to his backyard where he kept his motorcycle trailer parked. After he hooked up the trailer, he drove around to the garage.

  Between him and Zip, they loaded the two bikes, secured them, and hooked up the trailer lights. Duff went inside for his leathers and the boots he used while riding his dirt bike. He grabbed his helmet and an extra leather jacket and helmet for Zip.

  When he emerged from the house, he gave Zip a chin lift. “Ready?”

  “I am.”

  Duff tossed him the helmet and jacket and climbed into his truck.

  On the drive to the track, Zip kept glancing over at Duff.

  “What?” Duff finally asked.

  “Nothing. Just enjoying the fact you’re not as cranky as usual.”

  “I’m not cranky,” Duff said. He noted that his voice did sound gruff, even when he wasn’t in a bad mood.

  “Ivy must be good for you. I’m glad you two met.” He chuckled. “And to think, if she hadn’t been mugged, you might not have spent the night with her.” His smile faded. “It’s a good thing you were there when you were.”

  Duff had been thinking the same thing. “You think it was more than a mugging?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You think she’d been targeted?” Duff asked.

  “Why would she be targeted?” Zip’s brow furrowed. “Unless you know something I don’t.”

  Duff told him about the conversation they’d had with Ivy’s mother.

  Zip’s eyes widened. “Ivy’s mother is Senator Fremont?”

  Duff nodded, his lips twitching at the senator’s approval of him as her daughter’s lover.

  “What could a senator have gotten into that would make her a target?”

  “Something about shutting down illegal arms sales over the border.” Duff turned the truck and trailer out onto the highway.

  “You think some of the manufacturers are supplying the drug dealers with arms?”

  Duff snorted. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

bsp; “And the good senator is putting a stop to it.” Zip shook his head. “I could see how that would make them mad enough to want to hurt her.”

  Duff’s jaw hardened. “And what better way than to hurt her only daughter?” He was beginning to think he should turn around and head back to Copperas Cove and Ivy’s little knickknack shop.

  “Think she needs a bodyguard?” Zip asked.

  “Not sure. She didn’t want me hanging around all day. Said she had a gun, but she didn’t say where.”

  Zip glanced his way, his head tilted. “You’re worried about her, aren’t you?”

  “That guy nearly got away with her last night.” Duff slammed his palm against the steering wheel. “Damn right, I’m worried about her.”

  “You really like her, don’t you?” Zip chuckled. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Duff muttered.

  “We can go back to Copperas Cove and hang out in her parking lot all day,” Zip suggested.

  Duff shook his head. “She wouldn’t appreciate me scaring away her customers.”

  Zip nodded. “Good point.”

  “Besides, I’ll see her tonight.”

  “You have a second date?” Zip whooped.

  Duff frowned. “First date. Wouldn’t call last night a real date.”

  “But you spent a night in the Palace of Pleasure with her,” Zip argued. “That counts.”

  “I didn’t say I slept with her,” Duff growled. “And don’t you go giving Ivy a hard time about it.”

  “Why would I? You’re much more fun to rib. It’s like poking a bear.” Zip started to poke his finger at Duff.

  Duff glared hard at him until he dropped his hand.

  “Yup,” Zip said, turning his smile toward the road ahead. “Like poking a bear. A bear who got laid last night.”

  If Duff hadn’t been driving, he’d have punched Zip. But by then, they had pulled off the highway and down a back road. A few minutes later, they were at the track, unloading the dirt bikes.

  Duff took off on the red bike. It was his favorite. It was lean and fast. He felt his best the faster he could go and the more dirt he could sling up in his face.

  He raced around the track, jumping the dirt mounts, launching himself and his bike high into the air.

  Zip followed at a much slower pace, unused to the speed and intensity of the dirt bike track.


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