Alien Indiscretions

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Alien Indiscretions Page 22

by Tracy St. John

  “Light?” Cissy flushed to hear how breathy her voice sounded.

  Wal glanced at Rolat, who nodded. The Nobek said, “Just enough to leave some pretty pink stripes on your back, ass, and thighs. Maybe while you wear a clit stimulator with a vibrating dildo shoved inside your pussy.”

  That sent a stab of pure want through her body. Cissy almost moaned at the idea.

  There were more objects to be trussed to, along with devices that would fuck a person in ways Cissy had never imagined. There was a basin which filled with a water-like liquid that Wal told her was safe to have sex in with no worries for bacteria or infection. A massage area. A corner of the room had balloon-like coverings that reminded Cissy of the bouncy-houses that used to be featured at kids’ parties on Earth. She giggled to think of bad, bad Rolat or snooty Diltan careening off the black walls and floor while trying to have sex. Did they have that kind of playfulness?

  Most of the room was dedicated to pleasures of the darker variety, however. Cissy had to admit it turned her on to think of being strapped to most of the apparatuses, made helpless while the men played with her.

  She snorted disbelieving laughter to think of where she’d come from to end up here. “Back on Earth, we were told sex was not for any reason but to produce children. It was a sin that could damn your soul to engage in it for pleasure’s sake.”

  Diltan made a face, showing Cissy what he thought of that line of reasoning. “Sex is more than breeding. It is discovery. Closeness. The opportunity to learn about each other physically and emotionally.”

  Cissy swatted a manacle hanging from a chain attached to the ceiling to set it swinging. So much of the stuff looked suited for a dungeon. “Yes, screaming in terror is an emotion,” she cracked.

  Rolat gave her a knowing half-smile. “You’re not afraid. Oh, I see some reluctance here and there, but mostly you’re excited.”

  “Says you.”

  “Says your scent.” The Nobek’s half-smile became the full item.

  Wal chuckled. “You are aroused, little one. It’s impossible to miss that aroma, especially since I grew so familiar with it last night.”

  Cissy squirmed. They could smell the honey seeping from her sex? As if she didn’t feel vulnerable enough.

  Diltan leaned up against a padded gadget that looked suspiciously like stocks. He folded his arms over his chest and gave her a smug look. “Aroused or not, I bet she doesn’t let us try the first thing in here.”

  Damn it, she hated it when he got that superior expression. “Sure I’ll try something. Or is that wishful thinking on your part? Maybe you’re the one who is intimidated by the idea of getting me in a compromising position.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. His attitude stated she should make a decision.

  Cissy snorted and looked around the room. Now that the time had come to choose something to try, the room looked an awful lot like a torture chamber again. Everything she considered was scarier than the last.

  Rolat wandered over to something close to the middle of the room. The toe of his boot nudged a huge cushion with handles. “Why not this? You seemed interested in it when we showed it to you.”

  Happy to turn her back to Diltan, Cissy went over to Rolat. The cushion was a red wedge-shaped device meant to drape one’s body over. The handles were perfect to hold onto if one needed to brace herself. It sat upon a mat that her boots sank into. The whole setup seemed soft, comfortable ... and without anything that suggested helplessness or pain. It looked harmless enough.

  Rolat gave her ass a light pat. “Not one bit threatening, is it? A good toy to start with. However, there are some rules that go along with its use.”

  “Like what?” Cissy asked.

  “Like you obey our every command. That you do whatever you are told without question.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Complete obedience? Without question? Are you serious?”

  Diltan’s voice slid silkily into her ear. “That’s the price of not being tied helpless, which this wedge doesn’t allow. You have to give up all control to us.”

  Cissy frowned, both because the Dramok’s too-kissable face was barely an inch from hers and because of what the men wanted if she agreed to play. Giving up all control would not be easy for her.

  “What if I hate what you’re doing or telling me to do? Don’t I get any say if it’s the most horrible thing ever?”

  Wal eyed the wedge with a smile playing about his lips. “Of course. You can end the whole thing at any time. All you have to do is say sholt.”

  “The word for stop,” Cissy remembered. “So just to be clear on this. I let you guys order me around and do whatever you like to me, but if it’s too much then I can say sholt and you’ll quit right away?”

  Diltan nodded. “That’s how the game is played. You give us the power we crave, but ultimately it still rests with you. It takes a certain amount of courage to play with Kalquorians, however. Experienced men, not the boys you’ve been carrying on with up until now. It’s nothing to feel bad about if you think you can’t handle us.”

  He baited Cissy, and she knew it. Even being aware that he goaded didn’t keep her from getting mad at the challenge.

  Cissy planted her hands on her hips, tossed her hair back, and glared at the Dramok. “I’ve handled a lot worse than you, Diltan.”

  He shrugged. “If you say so. Is that a yes, Cecilia?”

  She pretended her heart wasn’t hammering fit to bust out of her chest. “Sure. We’ll give this thing a shot.”

  Rolat rubbed his hands together. “Lovely. I have quite a few ideas after seeing your reactions to some of our toys.”

  “Which ones?” Spoken offhandedly, as if she didn’t care. However, her gaze flicked worriedly to the whip hanging on the far wall.

  Rolat grinned. “Why don’t I surprise you? Strip.”

  The order was so abrupt that Cissy stared at him. The Nobek’s smile faded, replaced by grim command.

  In a tone that said Rolat expected immediate compliance, he said, “Are you going to play with us or not? If you are, it starts now and you do what you’re told. If not, say sholt and we’ll take you back to your quarters.”

  Cissy thought she should bristle at his dictatorial attitude. Instead, her entire body flared hot. Every cell prickled with eagerness to know just how forceful the big man could be. Bending to his will felt like the only thing that mattered in that moment.

  Hell no, she did not want to go back to her apartment. Not with that huge, strong man demanding her acquiescence.

  It was only a lifetime of playing the tough gal that kept Cissy from dropping to her knees before Rolat. It was also that steel that made her sneer, “Fine, oh lords and masters. I’ll do what you want, no questions asked.”

  Diltan had his hatefully handsome smug face on again. “You know, I like the sound of that. You may call us ‘Master’ while we play.”

  Cissy’s jaw dropped. “Seriously?”

  “I insist. There will be no more of your smart mouthing either. Speak with respect, or be punished.”

  When Cissy stood there blinking in surprise, Rolat prodded her with the same commanding tone he’d used earlier. “How do you answer him, girl?”

  A small part of her brain remembered Diltan was a jerk not deserving the title of master. However, the majority of her consciousness looked up at the three delicious beasts of men who were eager to do things to her body she couldn’t contemplate ... and she wanted to know what those things were. Cissy could not pretend the situation didn’t excite her. She thought if she touched her pussy right at this moment, she’d explode with orgasm.

  What the hell, she could call a stop to this at any point. If it came to that, she could tell Diltan where to stuff his ‘master’ bit. In the meantime, she’d see how things would play out.

  Mindful of Diltan’s warning to not smart off, Cissy gave him her blandest look. “Yes, Master.”

  There was a quick succession of expressions that flew across the
Dramok’s face. They went so fast that Cissy would have missed them if she wasn’t staring right at him. First came the startled widening of eyes, as if Diltan hadn’t expected her to go through with it. Then the handsome features softened in a look of – gratitude?

  Really? Was he that pleased with her going along with this? Ridiculously handsome Diltan appreciated getting laid with rough and loud her?

  Before Cissy could contemplate that astonishing expression, Diltan’s mien smoothed, giving him that cocksure attitude with a hint of smugness again. “Very good. Clothes off.”

  Cissy stripped, keeping her emotions to herself. She frowned a little at the marks her jeans had left on her waist. Great, just great, she was putting on weight again. Suddenly she could not look at the men’s faces anymore. There they were, hot and muscled and physically perfect ... and still fully clothed ... while she stood there naked and chubby. Self-consciousness made an abrupt appearance.

  Got to lay off the booze and sweets, she told herself. A little fluff is fine, but I’m not buying clothes another size up! And I refuse to feel uncomfortable getting naked with these guys.

  Fortunately, no one said anything about her padding. Instead, Rolat rumbled, “Lay over the wedge. Put that gorgeous ass in the air.”

  Her heart thudded as Cissy moved to obey. She draped over the wedge, her hips fitting over the rounded apex of the triangular cushion. At least it was comfortable. It had just enough give to hold her gently, allowing her to sink a little into it. It would have been wonderful except she felt so damned vulnerable.

  Wal’s tone was quiet but no less commanding than his clanmates’. “Hold onto the handles. Spread your legs wide. Then do not move from that position.”

  Cissy again complied. Damn it, had she felt exposed before? With her ass in the air, legs spread, pussy on full display, she had never felt so open or defenseless. Her fists, clutched around the padded handgrips on either side of the wedge, tightened until the knuckles turned white.

  Meanwhile, the three men went to the wall where the spanking implements hung. They muttered in their own language. Cissy had learned a little conversational Kalquorian, but the trio spoke too low for her to pick anything up. She strained up to see what they might decide to select from their treasure trove of torment, but the broad backs kept the view hidden. If one of them grabbed that damned whip, she was out of there.

  They turned, and Cissy put her head down to keep them from seeing that she’d attempted to spy. One set of footsteps approached, heavy and deliberate. Another set, lighter, went somewhere behind Cissy, and then headed her way. Was the third man hanging back?

  “Look at this lovely little girl, waiting patiently for her masters.” Diltan’s voice was all warmth, warmth that filled Cissy’s chest.

  “She is behaving quite well. You didn’t think she would,” Wal teased his Dramok.

  “Diltan has been known to be wrong,” Rolat chuckled.

  That was answered by a snort. Cissy rolled her eyes at herself, feeling the fool. Of course she’d only heard two men approaching her. Nobeks were trained to be silent. As big as he was, Rolat would have made no sound as he walked.

  He was silent, all right. When fingertips, raspy with callouses, stroked the inner lips of her pussy without warning, Cissy yelped and nearly flew off the wedge.

  A heavy hand clapped down on one ass cheek. “Wound up, are we?” Rolat said in an amused voice. “Stay still, naughty girl.”

  Her butt throbbed from the strike, but the rest of her body sang from both that and the sensual touches to her female parts. Cissy groaned and made herself settle. “You startled me.” At his silence, she belated added, “Master.”

  “I didn’t ask you to speak, girl.”

  Well, wasn’t that rude? Cissy glared at the padded mat beneath her. So you want me to wait for permission, do you? I’ll speak when I damned well want to, you goon. In fact, I’d make your ears burn right off your head if I hadn’t agreed to play along. If you weren’t making my undercarriage so damned happy right now. Aw man, that does feel good. Fuck. I wish he’d shove those fingers in me.

  Her temporary pique faded fast under the Nobek’s tender strokes. Trembling overcame her body as Rolat caressed. Juices ran hot over his fingers, and Cissy’s eyes rolled in her head. Dear heavens, it was all she could do to not kick the floor as passion surged through her gut.

  “Sensitive little girl. The right man, the right touch, and you fall apart.”

  He made it sound like praise, and Cissy couldn’t help the glow of pride she felt. That in turn made her feel ridiculous. Yeah, it’s all me. Your wonderful magic hand has nothing to do with it.

  When Rolat removed his fingers from her eager flesh, the loss was very real. Cissy moaned a note of grief. The Nobek chuckled and patted her rear.

  “Don’t worry, little one. Your masters have much more in store for you.”

  She sensed the men moving, getting ready for something. Cissy wanted to raise her head and look over her shoulder to see what they were up to. A sense of preservation and fear that the play would end kept her in the position they’d demanded. Rolat’s caresses had primed her for sexual delights.

  A low hum sounded, and Cissy went still. What was that? An instant later, something moved against her pussy again. More specifically, it moved against her clit. Gentle vibrations traveled through her most sensitive part, sending resounding pleasure through her body. She clutched the handles and groaned.

  “Lovely,” she heard Wal say through the roaring in her ears. “You like how that feels.”

  It wasn’t a question for her to respond to. Cissy wasn’t sure she could have formed words anyway. Profound bliss coursed through her. She caught herself straining back against the thrumming instrument Wal touched to her clit.

  “All right, my Imdiko,” Diltan said, his voice sounding a million miles away. “It’s our turn now.”

  The vibrator moved away. Cissy moaned and waited for whatever the men had in store for her next.

  It was not what she expected. Something slapped her left butt cheek. The initial contact felt light, but then a brand of pain erupted there. Cissy cried out and stared over her shoulder.

  High above her, Diltan grinned. He showed her the spanking instrument he held, the one that looked like a plastic spatula at the end of a crop. She thought she could feel the square imprint of it on her ass.

  “Shit,” she swore as sensation pulsed from the blow he’d landed.

  “Surprise number two,” said Rolat.

  A streak of stinging hurt fell across her rear, missing where Diltan had whacked her. Cissy sucked in air and blew it back out. She turned her head to see the Nobek holding a crop – one without that flat square head – over her.

  At least it’s not the whip, she thought.

  She’d no sooner had the notion when Diltan brought his instrument down on her right cheek. The smart made her gasp. Rolat followed that with his crop. Then another smack from Diltan. Another line of pain from Rolat.

  The humming vibrator nestled against Cissy’s clit, and the throbbing grief disappeared. All was heat and excitement in an instant. Now she cried out for an entirely different reason.

  As waves of pleasure filled her, something hard and slick pressed against her anus. A moment later something thick ... but not Kalquorian cock-thick ... popped inside her. With the heat of spanked flesh and the enthralling pulses of the vibrator, the invasion was pure nirvana.

  A small part of Cissy’s mind registered Wal had placed an anal plug inside her to help stretch the tight ring of muscles. Playing with Kalquorians these last few months had made the sensation almost routine. Routine, that was, until now. With everything else that was happening, the plug felt glorious.

  Pleasure arced higher and higher. Cissy ground back against the wide surface of whatever Wal used on her, reaching for realization. As soon as she did that, the Imdiko took the vibrator away.

  Diltan and Rolat peppered her rear with their spanking implements. This
time intensity sizzled where there had been pain before. It brought her no closer to orgasm, but overall passion increased, especially when Cissy thought of how she bowed to their punishment, as if she had no choice but to surrender to it. As if they were indeed her masters to be obeyed no matter the cost to her.

  Yours. I am yours. I belong to you, to be done with as you please. My will is yours. My body is yours. Yours.

  “Look at how she moves under discipline.” Rolat’s voice seemed to come from another planet. “Have you ever seen anything so perfect?”

  “Lifting her ass for every strike.” Diltan’s delighted tone sang through Cissy’s senses. “Even after last night, I never would have guessed she would give herself so well.”

  A few more strikes, and the vibrator returned. Cissy screamed as shattering pleasure poured through her, driving her right up to the edge of orgasm. The vibrator disappeared. The plug was eased out and then back into her ass. She sobbed, moving her hips to fuck the thing, hoping it would somehow finish her off. Wal moved it around and around, stretching her, readying her.

  Another quick touch of the vibrator. Cissy thought her head would blow clear off her shoulders, and then the excruciating pleasure backed off once more. Crop and spatula-crop pattered her ass. Another blast of ecstasy. More plug-fucking. More spanking.

  When the vibrator touched her clit momentarily once more, Cissy shrieked. “Please! You’re killing me! Please!”

  Everything paused. Wal’s voice was choked with humor. “She does ask nicely.”

  Rolat, just as amused: “Even if it is at a deafening volume.”

  Cissy sobbed. They would never let her come. Never.

  Then Diltan’s commanding tone silenced the tiny snickers of the other two. “She has served us without complaint. Now my Imdiko may serve her. Cecilia has earned her reward.”

  “Yes, my Dramok.”

  Heavy warmth lay over Cissy’s shuddering body. Wal was there, his lips touching her ear as he whispered, “Are you comfortable enough on the wedge?”


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