Alien Indiscretions

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Alien Indiscretions Page 24

by Tracy St. John

  Rolat moved close once more. “All right, Cissy. Let’s see if you can do better this time.”

  Cissy tried to assemble her thoughts and her will. She must not allow another orgasm. She was not going to give Diltan the satisfaction of punishing her.

  However, her libido had fully awakened. She’d been stopped before her climax had enjoyed its full expression. Plus her pussy was sensitive from the stuff Rolat had smeared all over it, and the vibrator neared her trembling flesh once more...

  Sensation blasted through her. Cissy didn’t feel it just in her pussy, but in her entire body. Vicious bliss shot straight up her spine and into her skull. Orgasm ripped through her once more, heralded by her shrieks.

  This time Rolat didn’t take the vibrator away. He ground it against her pussy, making her take the brutal excitement. Another lurch of ecstasy barreled through. Cissy writhed in the swing, trying to get away from the vibrator. She was unable to do so, and she rent the air with cries of release.

  Only then did her tormentor back off. Cissy sobbed in her binds, her whole body shaking in reaction.

  When she could see again, Diltan’s delighted leer was the first thing to come in view. “Two that time. I would love at least five, my Nobek.”

  Rolat nodded, looking obscenely happy. “I would be delighted to comply. Here it comes, Cissy.”

  She kicked and cried out as the humming machine closed in on her swollen pussy. Rolat took his time about touching her, prolonging the anticipation. Cissy steeled herself but knew the battle was already lost. She could not resist that thing. Diltan could threaten her with the paddle forever and a day and Cissy would not be able to keep from coming. She was too sensitive and the vibrator was too strong.

  The vibrator was on her again, shuddering against the tender flesh of her sex. Pleasure swelled, grew big, and then exploded. Cissy squalled as elation had its way with her once more.

  When Rolat relented, she hung limp, sobbing helplessly. The Nobek was a demon. Worse than a demon. Cissy had never known pleasure could be an instrument of torture.

  The Nobek sighed, his expression damned near joyful. “Lovely, lovely. I am enjoying our game, little girl. Obviously, you are too. What a beautiful mess you are with your body perspiring and your makeup running. So exciting.”

  He got her again, renewing her screams. “Oh yes. Stunning, my pet. You’re so wet. Wet and wide open for me. By the ancestors, it’s too much.”

  Rolat tossed the vibrator aside. Cissy felt like screaming again, but this time in relief. Yet her reprieve was all too brief. The Nobek opened his trousers, releasing his cocks. Nearly shaking in excitement, he grabbed her hips, simultaneously pulling her close and stepping forward to thrust inside.

  He took her hard and fast, just as she’d wanted Wal to do earlier. This time, however, Cissy was not seeking relief. She’d gotten her thrill and then some. Yet her pussy remained warm and aroused, no doubt from the hateful liquid. Rolat’s cocks stretched her with their combined girth, rubbing interior hotspots with ceaseless friction. His groin chafed her exposed and swollen clit.

  Climax yawned wide yet again to consume her. Cissy surrendered with a mournful groan, knowing she had no choice but to let it have its way.

  Rolat’s head fell back, and he yelled to the ceiling the moment before he let go. Veins stood out on his bare arms as he strained against her, filling her.

  “Fuck. Fuck,” he moaned as his cocks continued to jerk. “Fuck.”

  He was beyond any other words for at least two minutes. Cissy didn’t care if he never spoke again. She didn’t care if he never moved again. Her guts felt turned inside out.

  At last the Nobek revived. He kissed her lips, his body still shuddering in the aftermath. At least it wasn’t just her that had been so greatly affected.

  Wal pressed water to her lips as Rolat and Diltan freed her from the swing. Cissy was hydrated but nowhere near recovered as Diltan slung her over his shoulder and walked to another area of the playroom.

  Oh hell, she was due a paddling from the Dramok. Cissy had no strength to resist. She didn’t even have the strength to protest.

  She found the energy to whimper when he placed her in the stocks, however. First, the medieval-looking instrument was lowered so that she was forced to kneel to rest her head and wrists in the padded holes. Cissy wondered if Diltan positioned it out of consideration for her shaking legs or because it was such a subservient pose. Either way, the paddle was long enough for him to wear her out without having to bend the least little bit to reach.

  Before he went to work on her poor, defenseless ass, Diltan came around to kneel before her and look her in the face. His expression was forceful, his eyes intent with power. With a sense of resignation, Cissy felt her libido perk up yet again. Damn that beautiful man and his dynamic personality.

  Diltan’s smile was appreciative. “You are a beautiful mess. I’ve never had a woman who would allow her makeup to smear, to let herself look so well-used.”

  Hell, was she that wrecked? Some of her hair hung over her face in tangled clumps. Oh no. It was unfair that she should look anything less than her best around this gorgeous man. Already overwrought from all the intense emotions of the last hour, tears came readily to her eyes.

  Diltan brushed them away when they spilled over. “No, don’t cry. Don’t you know how sexy a well-loved woman looks? How exciting you are right now? Look at what you are doing to me.”

  He gestured to his crotch. His trousers strained to hold his arousal, the seam slightly unsealed. The fabric was dark too, telling Cissy that he lubricated freely.

  She was captured in the stocks, incapable of doing anything to the Dramok, and yet she felt a jolt of power. Cissy might be imprisoned, but somehow she was the one with a hold on the man before her.

  The moment her eyes turned off the waterworks, Diltan gave her his smug smile. “I believe I owe you five swats, my lovely. Plus, my cocks are eager to fill you. You may be ready to call it quits, however. Do you wish to say sholt? I understand if you cannot take anymore.”

  Cissy would have preferred to claw her own eyes out over coming yet again. Yet Diltan’s superior expression had its usual effect on her: she’d be even quicker to claw her eyes out than to lose to him. It didn’t matter that she knew he was being genuinely kind and not arrogant. Even his consideration was a challenge to her. She would meet it if it killed her.

  She arched a brow at him. “Absolutely not. Unless you’re the one ready to call it quits?”

  Diltan chuckled. “That just earned you an extra swat, my headstrong girl. Feel free to keep pushing me.”

  Oops, she hadn’t intended to get into more trouble. Eyeing the paddle Diltan held, Cissy’s retort died on her lips. She didn’t dare mouth off to the Dramok when he was on the brink of whacking her with it.

  Diltan looked behind her and jerked his head. Wal and Rolat stepped forward into her field of view.

  “Rolat and Wal will be right here to keep an eye on you. I know you’re tired and perhaps overwhelmed. The moment you need this to end, tell them.”

  Her gaze jerked from the monstrous paddle. Diltan’s eyes on her were searching, concerned. Caring.

  For a moment, Cissy was struck dumb by the Dramok’s expression. Where was the pompous jerk who pushed all her buttons? Who was this man, this gorgeous, warm creature watching her with compassion in his eyes?

  Somehow, she managed to choke out, “Yes, Master.” She told herself that she spoke with her heart in her voice because she didn’t want to give him a reason to spank her longer than what she was already in store for. Certainly it wasn’t because she’d do anything right this moment to keep that kind look Diltan gave her. The look that said he might feel affection for someone as rough around the edges as Cecilia Salter.

  Not possible. But Cissy felt warmth under what appeared to be genuine fond regard.

  Diltan gave her a nod. His smile ... a real smile, not the superior smirk that drove her nuts ... never faltered. His
gaze held Cissy’s as he moved towards and around her, their eyes staying locked until he disappeared behind the stocks that held her.

  Wal and Rolat knelt before her. Their expressions were as tender as Diltan’s had been as they both reached to stroke tangles of hair back from her face.

  “He will not be vicious,” Wal told her in a low voice. “This is, after all, about pleasurable pain. But you must speak up if it gets too much. We have been playing strenuously, after all.”

  Rolat added, “Do not let pride keep you from calling out. As much as you two lock horns, this is not a competition. Be responsible, Cissy.”

  Before she could respond, there was a loud and happy sigh behind her. “Gorgeous from all angles. I am going to enjoy wearing this ass out in so many different ways.”

  Cissy thought of that huge paddle he held and her mouth went dry. When Diltan gently patted her ass with a warm palm a moment later, she squealed. Her face flushed in embarrassment. She’d let herself get keyed up.

  His chuckle made her clench her fists. “All right, since you sound so impatient to begin. I won’t draw the anticipation out any longer, my dear. Relax. A tensed butt makes it hurt worse.”

  Fuck, Cissy thought. I don’t think I can relax.

  The first swat from the paddle was anti-climatic. It made a soft thud against her butt. Cissy drew a sharp breath at the contact, but there was only a light tingle of pain and generous heat from the strike. She looked at Wal with surprise.

  The Imdiko burst out laughing. “I think she believed you would knock her across the floor, my Dramok! You two need to develop better understanding.”

  “Hmmph,” Diltan grunted. “She deserves a real walloping for assuming I was out to hurt her.”

  Cissy scowled. She didn’t miss that she was a little mad that it hadn’t hurt more than it did. She’d psyched herself out for nothing!

  “Don’t worry,” Rolat grinned. “This is one of those things that builds in pain as it goes on.”

  He was right. Diltan continued to paddle her ass with light strikes. By the time he reached the fourth strike, Cissy’s butt felt blistered and her skin sizzled with hurt. She especially felt it where he and Rolat had already striped her ass. She panted as she readied for the next blow. By that time, she blessed the extra fluff she’d put on her body that cushioned the paddle.

  Number Five burned like fire. Cissy yelped on that one, and her body instinctively tucked in an effort to shield herself from the final spank. However, there was nowhere to go. She was stuck and at Diltan’s mercy. As usual, the situation had her excited as well as suffering. She cursed her libido and wished she didn’t like discipline so much.

  She could hear the laughter in the Dramok’s tone. “One more, my precious servant. No hiding, now. Stick it out there for me like a good little slave. Take your punishment, bad girl.”

  Cissy ground her teeth together to keep from telling Diltan where he could shove his paddle. She didn’t need to be giving him any ideas that might rebound on her, after all. It was one more swat. Just one more. It meant pain, but it also meant pleasure. She could handle it.

  Even with psyching herself up, it still took a lot of fortitude to obey Diltan. Tilting her butt up, inviting that final swat, made her wince with anticipation. It also made another kind of heat roil in her gut. Cissy had no choice but to admit she liked being under the Dramok’s control.

  Instead of that expected whack, her ass was caressed by the man’s hand. She groaned at the contact, which sent thrilling sparks of hurt through her flesh. Cissy pressed back into the painful petting.

  “Sweet girl,” Diltan said. The approval made Cissy smile. Then two of his fingers shoved deep into her pussy, making her squeal. “Very sweet girl. So wet for your master.”

  He pumped in and out, flicking his thumb over her clit until Cissy moaned in continuous bliss. Her hips rocked in tandem with the thrusts, welcoming effervescent delight to the fore.

  “Pretty little Cecilia,” Diltan sighed. “I think you want to come for me, don’t you?”

  “Uh huh,” she breathed, feeling the first delicious spark that heralded release. “Master.”

  His thumb ceased flicking and stroked a thought-stealing circle over her straining nub. “That’s right. Closer and closer. It feels so good to give yourself to Master.”

  “Aahhh.” Cissy’s whimper was a high note, almost like singing. A stronger spasm shot through her pussy, choking the sound off. Her sex seemed to gather itself, readying to explode.

  “That’s it. Almost there now. Let it go.”

  Cissy arrived right on the verge, only seconds away. Her pussy tightened around the driving fingers, drawing on them.

  “Here you are. Excellent.”

  Diltan’s fingers disappeared. Barely a second later, the paddle cracked against Cissy’s ass.

  She detonated. Taken right to the peak by the Dramok’s teasing thumb, fingers, and words, the blast of hot ecstatic pain provided the final push into orgasm. Cissy’s pussy seized, carrying her into rapture.

  The first swell of passion had barely ebbed when Diltan’s thick cock pressed into her. He took her in one smooth thrust, filling her pussy with his primary dick while the second rubbed hard against her clit. Another bolt of elation shot through her body, taking her far from conscious thought.

  Cissy was vaguely aware of being fucked hard and fast by the Dramok. Some part of her knew that was why the seizures of desire rampaged over and over, leaving her screaming. It was an eternity of vicious delight before the body behind hers stilled, but for the shudders that accompanied the sensation of the interloper within her twitching.

  In the wake of the intense climax, Cissy’s mind drifted. Everything turned floaty and dreamlike. Hands drifted down to release her from the stocks, arms gathered her close to a strong chest, and she was swept from the playroom. The corridor drifted past. She was borne to another room, an immense washroom where a bathtub the size of a small pool waited filled with water.

  In her fuzzy state, Cissy watched Diltan and Wal disrobe, showing off their gorgeous bodies. They descended into the basin, and she was handed down to them. The water was heated to the perfect temperature. A cup of cooler water was pressed to her lips. Then Rolat was in the huge tub too, smiling down at her.

  Their voices were distant as they spoke. Cissy was too caught up in the warmth of the bath, of the secure feeling of arms around her to hear what they said. She smiled dreamily up at the men, and she saw their faces stretch in laughter.

  Hands stroked and rubbed all over next, washing her. Every now and again, water and protein drinks were offered for her to sip. She took her time about coming back to the world. She luxuriated in the wonder of being doted on. It was the sweetest sensation she’d ever known, coming on the heels of being roughly and thoroughly satisfied. She thought she could have spent eternity like this, with these three men.

  * * * *

  Diltan had never thought of himself as possessing many Imdiko tendencies, but taking care of Cissy made him feel incredible. Seeing to her needs when she didn’t have the ability to take care of herself made him feel stronger than any other time of his life. Nothing compared to this feeling; not proving himself capable of amassing his own fortune and not rising in the political arena.

  He’d had hints of it before with Rolat and Wal. There had been times when he’d taken care of his clanmates in some form or another. But they were strong men in their own right. Diltan’s experiences in having another lean on him so completely had been nothing compared to this.

  All his irritation with Cissy’s brash ways, with her impetuous rush into experiencing life after being kept under Earth government’s thumb for so long – which he now understood – all of that had vanished. Seeing her soft and vulnerable, feeling her melt trustingly in his arms, knowing what lay beneath that frantic need to be her own woman had him enraptured. Diltan could see what his Imdiko and Nobek saw: a potential lifemate. Cissy was a woman he felt a need to care for and ke
ep secure.

  How could he do that when trouble for all of Kalquor peeked over the horizon? The worries he’d had over Zarl’s records came back tenfold. If the things he’d uncovered and unwisely divulged to Maf incited real unrest, would it put Cissy in danger? Or, ancestors forbid, what if it fomented outright rebellion? Earther Matara abductions had lessened recently, mostly due to more stringent safeguards. However, Diltan knew the Basma was determined to rid the Empire of its last hope for survival. Cissy and all the other women could find themselves in a great deal of danger in the next few days.

  It was not a matter to be discussed now, if ever. Particularly since Wal might be called to judge the matter if Imperial Fathers Yuder and Tidro were brought into his court to answer for Zarl’s misdeeds. Yet Cissy’s safety hung in the balance. She needed to know how precarious the situation might become. Wal and Rolat needed to know if they were to help protect their potential Matara.

  As awareness inched its way into Cissy’s gaze, Diltan made his decision. He prayed that this time it was the right one.

  He smiled down at the lovely woman nestled against his side. “How are you feeling?”

  She blinked at him, her blue-green eyes halfway between dreaming and awareness. “Weird. My brain feels like it’s coming out of a fog. That whole thing we just did ... it was crazy. Crazy but wonderful.”

  Wal cuddled close to her. On his opposite side, Rolat smiled. “I’m glad to hear the wonderful part.”

  “I quite enjoyed myself,” Wal said with a grin that matched the Nobek’s.

  Cissy returned the smiles. However, her look sobered when she glanced up at Diltan. “Okay, what did I do wrong this time?”

  He started. “Not one damned thing. You were amazing, and I thank you for sharing yourself with us. I know it can be a difficult thing making love to such demanding men, especially when you are a demanding woman.”

  She stretched luxuriously. To his delight, she cuddled against his side once more. “I am demanding. I worry a lot, especially about Tasha. She’s the nice one of the pair, you know.”


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