Alien Indiscretions

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Alien Indiscretions Page 32

by Tracy St. John

  Korkla added, “You also sit on the Ethics Committee with Maf.”

  Diltan jerked at that. “I will not spy on him on your behalf.”

  “Of course not. However, if he is as determined to let his own agenda get in the way of doing his job properly, someone must keep an eye on that. That’s all we would ask you to watch out for.”

  Clajak noted, “As you are doing by coming here today.”

  The point was well taken. Diltan nodded. “I am willing to share my concerns on that point. Is there anything else?”

  Clajak managed a tight smile. “As bad as things look, we may yet have a chance to quiet the people’s anger. If you are willing, I’d like for you to consult with the councilmen who claimed those first Earther mates. My empress has an idea that might help us salvage some of this, if you will hear it.”

  Diltan looked to Jessica. He had always adored the brave Earther who had proven herself more than worthy to sit on Kalquor’s throne. He bowed to her. “I would be glad to listen, my empress.”

  She smiled at him, a sight that at one time would have made his heart double-beat. Now it only reminded him of another’s smile, one that was just as mischievous as hers. “Sit down, please,” Jessica invited, motioning towards the nearby seating area.

  The group gathered around the table, settling on seating cushions. Jessica offered her proposal, and Diltan agreed that it was as slim a hope as she claimed. However, it had possibilities. After an hour of discussion, Diltan agreed to help with the plan.

  * * * *

  Evening had fallen when Cissy’s door announce summoned her from her bedroom. Hope flared bright as a deep voice called out, “It is Clan Diltan, Matara. May we enter?”

  It was ridiculous to feel so delighted to hear the Dramok’s voice when she spent most of her time wanting to throttle him. It was just as silly for her to finger-comb her hair and smooth down the skirt she hadn’t yet returned to Tasha. It wasn’t as if Cissy hadn’t checked her appearance a hundred times in the last couple of hours, hoping the clan would at least vid-com. She hadn’t expected them to show up in person.

  She licked and sucked on her teeth, trying to make sure her light dinner wasn’t stuck between them before answering, “Come in.”

  The door opened, admitting the three men with Diltan in the lead. Their faces lit in smiles the instant they looked at her, and Cissy couldn’t help but beam back. Her whole body felt as if it wanted to grin. Damn, they looked good to her.

  Diltan offered a little bow. As Rolat and Wal followed suit, the Dramok asked with a trace of worry, “I hope our unannounced visit isn’t a problem?”

  “Not at all. At least, not for me.” The urge to wiggle like an excited puppy left Cissy, and she blurted out the concern that had overcome her following the council meeting. “Should you be here, Diltan? I want you here, but I mean, with me being related to the royal bunch and all, won’t you get into trouble or—”

  Diltan came to her, taking her in his arms and cutting her off with a kiss. And what a kiss. It started off soft and lovely before turning passionate with desire. Cissy’s legs gave out from under her. Her body melted into what was more a lovemaking of mouths than anything so innocent as a kiss.

  Diltan held her up as she sagged like a weak little damsel against him. Cissy thought she heard Wal and Rolat chuckle from a million miles away, but it was hard to be sure with the roaring in her ears. Her entire being centered on that kiss, on the feeling of Diltan plundering her mouth in what could only be a claiming. It stole her breath and her mind.

  When the Dramok ended the kiss, Cissy’s vision blurred. She thought she might faint. Her lips tingled. She knew she must look like an idiot, gazing up at Diltan with star-struck eyes and clinging to his magnificent body. She fought to get herself under control.

  She couldn’t come up with anything more intelligent to say except, “Oh. Okay. I guess you don’t give a red-hot damn about getting into trouble.”

  He gave her that patented pompous Diltan smirk, though it seemed a little more tense than usual. “I have reached the conclusion that the issue of Zarl’s records is not going to be pretty no matter what I do. So yes, I’ve decided not to give a red-hot damn. I want you. Unless I am forced to for the good of the Empire, I will not give up one second with you. Even then, I will come running back as soon as I can.”

  Wal came over to greet Cissy with a far more respectful kiss on her cheek. “You are more impressive than even you know, lovely. It’s not often anyone can get Diltan to go against what would look good.”

  “You are worthy of worship for that alone.” Rolat was on the other side of Diltan. He too gave her a kiss that was almost chaste. Like Wal, the look in his eyes said his thoughts were of a far more lustful nature.

  Cissy giggled at their teasing as Diltan rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you both shut up? I am not such a fool as to halt this most delightful relationship.” He kissed Cissy’s still tingling mouth with a loud smack and kept kissing as he spoke. “In fact—” kiss “—I want it–” kiss “–to continue on–” kiss “– and on–” kiss “–and on.” Kiss.

  Cissy pushed against the ridiculous man, laughing and not really trying to get away. “Wait, I thought I was the rebellious one here!”

  Diltan’s grin filled with dark promise, making her insides tremble. He said, “Oh, please rebel, lovely girl. Feel free to resist all you like.”

  His ardor, on display without the slightest hint of holding back, enthralled Cissy. Her voice came out husky. “What if I don’t want to resist? What if it’s the last thing in the entire universe that I want to do?”

  This time Diltan’s smile showed no hint of the day’s tension at all. “That’s perfectly fine as well, my beauty. Since you are in such a giving mood, you may undress and kneel at my feet.”

  Chapter 20

  Cissy’s heart skipped a few beats as she looked up at the men gathered around her. What was it about these three Kalquorians that made her so eager to please? She’d always been tough as nails, ready to put others in their place if they dared to encroach on her or her sister’s liberties. Yet with Diltan, Rolat, and Wal, she felt soft. Yielding.

  It felt natural to give Diltan what he wanted. Too natural. It should have scared her, but it had the opposite result. Cissy lowered to a kneeling position, her body lighting in anticipation.

  The men were just as excited, their crotches swelling. The cinnamon scent of Kalquorian male arousal filled her nostrils. They lubricated, their bodies readying to fuck her. Cissy whimpered with avid expectation.

  Diltan grasped the crotch seam of his pants and pulled it open. His cocks fell free, glistening and hard. Cissy’s mouth watered.

  His honeyed voice sounding a bit breathy, Diltan ordered, “Warm me with your mouth.”

  Cissy obeyed without hesitation, sucking first the smaller cock into her mouth and quickly changing to the larger. Back and forth she moved, her hands curled around the bases of the two pricks. The sharp spiciness of his flavor delighted her.

  She wasn’t aware that Rolat and Wal had knelt on either side of her until their hands tugged on her clothing. She started for an instant, but recovered and continued the sensual assault on Diltan’s twin maleness.

  Fingers tugged at the front of her blouse. Made on Kalquor, it had the resealable seams her hosts preferred rather than buttons. Cissy thought it was Rolat who made quick work of opening the seam. He tugged first at one wrist and then the next as he pulled the sleeves free of her arms. Cissy relinquished her grip on Diltan just long enough to be divested of first the shirt and then her bra.

  At the same time he stripped her top off, Wal’s gentle hands eased the skirt down her hips. Her panties went to her knees next. Since she knelt, it was too much trouble to pull the articles off entirely. It didn’t matter; thick fingers accessed her pussy without any problem.

  Big, hot hands covered her breasts and squeezed. Calloused fingers and thumbs seized her nipples and rubbed. Sparkles of pleasure erup
ted to swirl down to her pussy, which was stroked with a firm touch. Her hips rocked in tandem. Her body awakened, unfolded, opened wide to the men.

  Cissy wanted to be distracted by those knowing touches. It was hard to not be overwhelmed by those exciting tugs to her nipples and clit, by the careful insertion of first one, then a second finger in her pussy. Another finger slid along her folds, wetting itself before prodding her anus to stretch the tight muscle ring there.

  As good as all that felt, Cissy held onto the urge to serve. Every time her thoughts began to scatter, she rolled her eyes up to look at Diltan. Seeing him watch her suckle his lengths, his eyes dark and demanding, helped her maintain her focus. She was here to pleasure the Dramok. His satisfaction was her responsibility, one she hated the thought of failing to uphold. His disappointment would devastate her.

  He grew plumper and harder under her care. His pulse thudded against her tongue. He rewarded her effort with drops of extra sweet saltiness. His cocks gave occasional jerks. Every indication of fulfillment that he gave Cissy encouraged her to work harder.

  At last Diltan curled his fingers on top of her head, capturing a handful of hair to hold her still. He took a slow step back, disengaging from her mouth with a look of regret. His gaze flickered to Wal.

  “Have you made her wet for my pleasure?”

  Wal withdrew his fingers from Cissy’s pussy to hold the wet digits up for Diltan’s inspection. “Dripping wet, my Dramok. She is soaked.”

  “Good. Pick her up and hold her for my use.”

  Rolat and Wal lifted Cissy, holding her between them. Arms supported her back while they each took a leg, holding them up and open.

  Diltan peeled his shirt off and shoved his pants down to his ankles before drawing close. “You may put me in place for your fucking,” he told Cissy.

  She grasped his cocks again, aiming them at their intended berths. Diltan tilted his hips, nudging the tips of his tapered lengths into her. She sighed to feel him there. It was strange to note how empty she felt right now as she readied for him to fill her.

  He did so, thrusting in one great movement. Cissy’s body yielded to the driving lengths, hurting in the most wonderful way. It drove the breath from her. Her loins seized, close to orgasm all at once. She arched against the arms holding her as she cried out her elation.

  * * * *

  Diltan felt soft tightness enfold him, squeezing him with perfect tension. She took him, having no choice in the matter. The Dramok thought perhaps Cissy didn’t want a choice. Her glad shout and the flexing muscles clutching his dicks verified that notion.

  Fully embedded in her heat, Diltan paused so that she didn’t succumb to orgasm too soon. He stood still, buried deep in the luscious little Earther, reveling in the power he held.

  The three of them served him right now, giving over all control to Diltan. Wal and Rolat, their cocks straining their pants, had put their own needs on hold for him. They held Cissy’s lush body so that Diltan might enjoy her. They would wait until he had sated himself on this woman before having her themselves ... if he allowed it.

  Wal and Rolat were their own men, strong and sure. They had forged careers and success on their own merits. They did not give themselves to be ruled because breed dictated Diltan was a natural leader. Yet there were moments like these, moments during which they handed over all control of the unit to Diltan, when they recognized the force of his personality and conceded he had earned the right to direct them.

  Wal and Rolat watched Diltan fuck the woman they also wanted, keeping her in place for however long he required them to. The power added to his excitement, feeding his ardor.

  Cissy’s spasms calmed while the Dramok contemplated the wonder of being granted the gift of his clanmates’ regard. She looked up at him with wide, glazed eyes. Waiting to fulfill his needs. Another amazing gift, one he felt he should earn with all speed.

  Having noted her crumbling so quickly from his first thrust, Diltan wanted to see her completely overcome. He grabbed her sumptuous ass, delighting in how it molded to his grip. He drew almost all the way out.

  Diltan plunged back in and kept plunging, over and over, taking Cissy with strength. She squalled by the second thrust, writhing in the arms of the other two men as her sheaths clenched hard around Diltan’s driving lengths. Her hands slammed against his chest and hooked into claws. The feeling of her nails biting into his skin, dragging fiery lines down to his belly, sent liquid fire rushing into his secondary cock. Diltan’s mouth opened wide, displaying fangs as they descended from the roof of his mouth.

  Cissy screamed and twisted in Wal and Rolat’s grip. They held onto her, their fangs also unhinging as they held her prisoner for Diltan.

  She would go over in a matter of seconds. Diltan wanted to be responsible for that release. As Cissy scratched fresh furrows down his chest, he pinched her clit.

  She detonated, her body straining as he slapped their groins together. Her wails filled Diltan’s ears. The wild sound, along with the feeling of her womanhood drawing desperately on his larger cock, brought a thick ribbon of heat surging from his secondary prick into the primary. He was coming.

  The fiery trail raced through, the area between his cocks squeezing down, forcing more rapture through them. Diltan’s breath froze in his throat, his world coming to a standstill for the briefest of instances. At that moment his seed arrived at the end, poised at the border between man and woman. The Dramok’s whole body galvanized, frozen at the precipice.

  The violent river broke through, pouring from him in heady bursts. Diltan’s head filled with blinding brightness. His ears buzzed. Every hair on his body stood on end. His staccato groans announced each surge of release that emptied his straining loins.

  At last his body quieted, climax leaving small shudders in its wake. Diltan opened his eyes, his breath still ragged in the aftermath.

  At first glance, Cissy looked as if she’d lost consciousness. She lay limp in Wal and Rolat’s arms. The two men still held her in place. Their strained expressions told Diltan of their excitement and agony.

  “Cecilia,” Diltan said. He cupped her perspiration-shiny face in his palm.

  Her eyelids fluttered. She blinked as she tried to focus. “Huh?”

  He quelled a chuckle at her confusion. Despite his shaky legs and thundering heart, Diltan was not quite ready to relinquish the command they had all given him. There were still two men to be taken care of. He had to hope Cissy possessed the strength to do so.

  Making his tone firm, Diltan said, “Now you will suck Wal’s cocks. Mind you do a good job of it, little girl. My Imdiko is precious to me, and I will not tolerate him being disappointed.”

  Cissy’s eyes snapped wide open at that. Temper flashed like lightning. Diltan thought she might tell him to go suck Wal himself.

  Instead, she gave him a look that spoke of hurt pride. “Of course I will do a good job of it, Master. I serve him as I do you.”

  Again, Diltan had to fight off a grin. Even playing the subservient, Cissy had a rebellious streak a mile wide. She wasn’t going to let him get away with questioning her abilities.

  Then she noticed the scratches running down his torso. Her breath caught. “Oh. Oh I – I didn’t mean to—”

  “To show how much you enjoy me? I’m glad you did. Feel free to demonstrate your appreciation anytime, Cecilia.” He gave his clanmates a smug look that challenged, see if you can do half so well.

  Two pairs of purple eyes narrowed at him. Message received.

  Rolat and Wal set Cissy down on the floor, helping her sink safe to her knees. Though her balance wavered a little, an aftereffect of the strong climax Diltan had given her, Cissy pulled the Imdiko’s trousers open and took his cocks out. Within moments her mouth surrounded him, making Wal groan.

  Diltan almost groaned along with him, though his own passions were sated for the moment. The Earther had quite the talented mouth, and she used it with spectacular results.

  Wal had a weaknes
s for being watched, which no doubt enhanced his pleasure as Cissy suckled him. The Imdiko’s gaze went from the woman at his feet to Diltan and Rolat and back to Cissy. His chest rose and fell. Feeling his clanmates eyes on him as he was fellated got to him in a hurry. Diltan thought he detected a minute tremble in Wal’s legs.

  It was a lovely sight. Pleasant-faced Wal turned arresting when he smiled ... and when he was aroused. The lines of his usually tense expression eased. His sometimes too-hectic gaze turned unfocused. Everything about his face softened. Diltan fell in love as if for the first time every time Wal looked like that.

  He felt a similar surge of adoration for the woman kneeling at Wal’s feet, making his Imdiko look so stunning. Cissy was just as beautiful as Wal right now. Her hair was mussed as befitted a woman being loved. She strained to take as much of Wal’s lengths as she could, her mouth stretching wide. She shouldn’t have looked gorgeous like that, but she did. Her attitude of giving everything for their pleasure elevated her, just as Wal’s smile did for him. Plus she had all those soft curves that made Diltan’s depleted dicks twitch anew.

  Wal’s hands tightened into fists. His eyelashes fluttered. The trembling moved from his legs up his body. Knowing the signs, Diltan called a halt. “That’s enough, Cecilia. Strip and lie on the lounger, my Imdiko. Cecilia, you will fuck him until he comes.”

  His face lost in a dreamy smile, Wal answered, “Yes, my Dramok.” He pulled his clothes off.

  “Yes, Master,” Cissy crawled over to the couch to await the Imdiko.

  Wal joined her, his trim and toned body draping prettily over the cushions of the seating. Cissy clambered on top of him. Within moments, she rode the man beneath her. Wal pulled her down so that he could mouth her breasts while she fucked him. Their moans mingled in the air.

  Diltan caught Rolat’s eye and nodded to a basket of long, blue-plumed reeds that decorated the table. The Nobek grinned at him. “For pleasure or pain?” he said in a low voice so as not to disturb the lovers.


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