Werewulf Journals: Weddings, Bells, and a Brownie

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Werewulf Journals: Weddings, Bells, and a Brownie Page 3

by Camille Anthony

  “Hunter!” Melody hissed under her breath, struggling to get loose. “There are people watching us ... and listening!”

  He only tightened his grip and hauled her closer to his chest. Her feet dangled in the air as one of his hands foraged under her dress. “Our pack mating showed you how little I care about having an audience. When my bitch makes a statement like the one you just made, she deserves a reward. Now kiss me!”

  How could she resist? She loved a forceful man. Grabbing the hair at the nape of his neck, Melody dragged Hunter’s head down and opened her lips under his aggressive mouth.

  The store, along with the few male clients flipping idly through the inventory, as well as all Melody’s inhibitions, faded away under the heat generated by his loving kiss. Lost in his taste, she couldn’t have cared less about what the men might be thinking as they watched the tall, brawny white man trying to devour the chunky black woman from the lips down.

  Melody groaned and shifted, trying to get closer than skin-to-skin. Hunter’s hand on her butt mashed Buford between them. Her toes curled, and Vanessa wept for joy. Her anaconda rose to full fucking mode -- long, hard, and thick. She released Hunter’s mouth long enough to say, “Buford feels like he wants to play. Let’s go find a hotel room ...”

  “Fuck that!” Hunter groaned, rubbing his hard-on against her belly. “I can’t wait. Where’s the pants to this outfit?”

  “Hanging on the rack.” Melody leaned back and eyed her man, a worried thought niggling her. “Hunter, what are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking there’s a room right here big enough to fuck in.”

  “Are you insane? We can’t do that!”

  Hunter grinned, showing all his teeth. Some of them had elongated. “You think not?” He chuckled. “Watch me! Grab those pants, sweetness ...”

  Shell-shocked, she bent over and snatched his size off the bar, barely keeping her balance as he impatiently waited for her to finish. Keeping her in his arms, Hunter strode to the check-out counter.

  “I want to try these pants on.” He slapped a large bill down on the counter. “In private. Turn the camera off.”

  “Sir?” The man looked down at the denomination of the bill and his eyes widened. The money disappeared. “Oh, yes, sir! Right away, sir! Room number six is at the far end of the corridor.”

  Hunter’s lips curled up. “Thanks, man. Keep the change.”

  Melody buried her face in his neck, too embarrassed to look up as Hunter strode down the hall to the small changing rooms.

  “Get the door.”

  The terse command brought her head up. As she’d suspected from the gruffness of his voice, Hunter’s eyes had gone incandescent. The sight made her womb clench with excitement. A heated rush of fluid gushed between her legs.

  She reached to open the door and saw her hand was shivering. “Your eyes have changed.”

  He began shedding his clothes. “Strip.”

  Melody wrapped her arms around her torso. “Hell, Hunter, I’m not getting naked in a men’s store changing room.”

  “My eyes are gone so you know just how excited I am. If you don’t take them off, I’ll rip your clothes. What will you wear out of here?”

  “Well, since you put it so romantically ...” Melody tugged her dress up and over her head, feigning reluctance. Truthfully, she loved it when Hunter lost control. When his inner beast rode him hard, he, in turn, rode her harder. “You’re on the edge, aren’t you?”

  He smiled at her, showing fangs. “Teetering there, baby. You falling over with me?”

  Feeling giddy, Melody laughed. “Hell, yeah.”

  Hunter frowned at her. “Why are you wearing panties?”

  “Huh?” She paused in the middle of unhooking her bra.

  “You’re wearing panties, again. What’s the use when you know I’m just going to rip them off?”

  “Screw that crap, Hunt. You keep me so horny I have to wear panties to catch the overflow. It’s not comfortable walking around with girl-cum sliding past your knees, you know.”

  His frown deepened. “That’s my fault, then. You’re a highly sexed bitch in her prime and you require loving on a regular basis. I’ll have to make sure I take care of your needs more often.”

  That boggled her mind. More often ... than what we already do? I’ll be bowlegged!

  Naked, Melody walked into Hunter’s open arms. “How about we take care of your needs right now?”

  “Your needs ... my needs: same thing,” Hunter growled, bending to take her mouth. His hands slipped down her back and around to her front; the fingers of one hand tangling in her pubic hair, sliding in the slippery juice coating her thighs. “Oh, hell, baby, you’re sopping wet.”

  “For you,” she panted, trying to climb his body. “Only for you ...”

  It was true. After their pack mating, Melody had asked Hunter and Andrea for ten minutes alone with Chase. She’d needed to prove to herself that he could no longer make her needy, make her want him as he had that afternoon in the condo. They’d given their permission and in an attempt to make amends for his earlier behavior, Chase had agreed to her demands.

  Ten minutes later, Melody had emerged from the bedroom, triumphant, convinced of her total immunity to Chase’s seduction. Now mated, her hormones had settled down and she was no longer pumping out what Chase had once called “fuck-me pheromones.”

  Since then, she’d felt more secure and comfortable, more able to respond to Hunter’s sexy overtures with total abandon -- like now.

  Mouth open to draw in needed air, Melody’s hand fumbled at Hunter’s waist, frantic on his zipper, desperate to get at his cock. She glanced up with a frustrated moan. “I could use a little help, here. Please ...?”

  Hunter’s hands came down and lifted her up. “Let me take care of that, sweet bitch. I want you too much. If you put your hands on me, I’ll be finished before we get started.”

  “You’re the one holding us up,” Mel groused. “I’m firing on all jets.”

  Hunter laughed. “That’s what I like about you, sweetness ...” He unsnapped his pants and pushed the zipper carefully past his burgeoning erection. “You’re always ready for me.”

  Buford sprang out, flushed and thick. Melody licked her lips as she salivated over the luscious sight of her mate’s rampant cock. Her palms pressed into the abundant mounds of her breasts, her fingers tugged at her stiff turgid crests. “Today I’m ahead of you!”

  Melody fidgeted as Hunter sat on the bench stretching from wall to wall in the narrow, changing room. He spread his legs and patted his thighs, wordlessly urging her to impale herself on his upstanding cock.

  Insides melting in anticipation of all that masculine heat and focused power reaming her hungry core, she almost wept at the promise of the pleasure awaiting her. Swallowing thickly, she moved forward, all her attention trained on that long bar of jutting flesh.

  She was hungry ... so hungry, starving for him. Though they’d made love before heading for the mall to shop, Melody’s need and desire was so strong, so intense, it felt as if she had been deprived of Hunter’s body for a year. Her stomach muscles screamed with tension, her womb clenched and rhythmically contracted on emptiness. Her hands came up to cradle her belly as she eagerly rushed over to straddle his lap.

  “Hunter, I hurt for you!”

  “I know, baby,” he crooned, hands coming to rest at her waist, holding her before him. “Let me take care of you.”

  Two fingers held her labia open as Hunter guided his cock to her wet entrance. She moaned with a mixture of pain and relief as he slowly pushed his way in, wedging the broad head of his penis past the tight elastic opening of her vagina.

  “Sink down, love.”

  She obeyed with alacrity, eager to feel his entire length spreading and filling her, hissing as his thick cock surged deep and sure. “Oh, God, oh, God, Hunter ...”

  He leaned back until his head rested against the wall. “By the Moon, sweet bitch, you feel so good wrap
ped around me ... so good!”

  Eyes squeezed close, mouth tight with strain, Hunter buried his fingers in the full round globes of her bottom and fucked her deeply, keeping the rhythm slow and steady.

  She wanted him to move faster, harder, and urged him pick up speed by jouncing on his lap. His hands came up and held her still, held her down as he continued to shaft her in an almost languid fashion.

  After the futile attempt to force her will on her stubborn lover, Melody gave in and focused her attention on the heated glide of Hunter’s cock. He sank into her depths over and over again, going deep, pulling her down onto his upright shaft as he speared up into her wet, clinging folds.

  Struggling to keep from shouting, Melody tipped her head back and moaned at the tidal waves of sensation splashing through her with each powerful surge of his hips. One hand released its grip on her ass to administer a sharp slap and she jumped, electrified by the sting of pain. The added stimulus had her cream welling and overflowing, bathing Hunter’s cock with her intimate fluids.

  Lifting her arms and circling his neck, Mel leaned in and up to meet Hunter’s lips, her large breasts rubbing against the washboard hardness of his chest.

  Another slap landed and the sharp sound echoed in the small room. Melody’s ample flesh bounced under the impact. She felt the vibrations clear to her clit. “Oh, God, Hunt! I need you deep and hard. Please, darling, fuck me hard.”

  “You’ll scream ...” he warned, staring down into her eyes, his own gleaming with the otherworldly glow of imminent change. “Best take it slow and easy.”

  “No!” Melody licked his skin at the bend of shoulder and neck, her blunt teeth worrying his flesh, caressing him as he’d taught her. “You’re my mate,” she goaded, knowing she pushed him beyond his limit, knowing she ignited his territorial instincts. “Fuck me like the Alpha you are. Make me scream and show these puny males I belong to you!”

  An instant later, she had what she asked for. With a roar of possession, Hunter’s body bulked with muscle. Fur flowed down Hunter’s shoulders, enveloping his flesh. The cock tunneling in her lengthened and thickened until its size strained her specially bioengineered sex.

  His thrusts gained in strength and speed until he was slamming into her stretched pussy, lifting her body with the power of his driving lunges. Sharp teeth played at her nipples, nipping and teasing with the threat of a more painful bite.

  Her dark tips tightened and firmed, beaded under the sweltering heat of his breath. She lifted her torso toward his mouth and fangs, offering him her neck and breasts, anything he wanted.

  Voice gone in the extremity of mid-change, Hunter resorted to mind-speak. Oh, love, you taste so delicious! Ride me now. Ride me hard. Never let me go!

  Hold me, Hunter. Make me forget where we are. Send the world away.

  I can’t hold out long, my mate. This is going to be a fast, rough ride!

  Yes! Oh, thank God ... yes!

  Ten minutes later, Hunter tossed the pants and jacket of the tuxedo onto the desk. “Thanks for the use of the room.”

  The attendant glanced up with a sly grin. “Thank you, sir. Will you be taking these?”

  Hunter grinned right back, tucking a blushing Melody under his shoulder. “Naw, I think I’ll need to try a few more suits before I can come to a final decision.” He glanced down at his mate, and his grin widened. “My wife is too tired to wait for me to try on any more now, so we’re leaving. We’ll be back later. Make sure our room is ready.” He slid an obscenely large bill across the counter, where it disappeared beneath the quick palm of the young cashier.

  “Yes, sir! No problem, sir. I’ll put an out of order sign on the door, but you can ignore it and just go right on in.” The boy leaned forward and whispered, “Just in case you wanted to know ... you could hardly hear anything from out here.”

  Hunter laughed as he picked up a groaning, hot-cheeked Melody and headed out of the store.

  Chapter Five

  “Why this particular sound system, Ari? Couldn’t we just buy one of our own? I don’t lack money, you know, and wouldn’t mind putting out for the present.”

  “Gregori, this sound system is already set up to work with a loud speaker. Now, I could, given time, figure out how to rig that on a new machine. But why should I when I can just borrow this one? And why buy a new one when I never plan to use it again?”

  He turned and reached for a new marker. “Right speaker in.”

  Gregori scribbled the words down and passed up the Post-It sticker.

  Ari attached it and called off the next instruction. “Main power cord.”

  “Well, come to think of it, why shouldn’t we ... er ... borrow from the mosque? There’s nothing like getting everyone mad at us. We’ve stolen from every Catholic church in the city and a few of every other denomination. No one can call us prejudiced.”

  “Gregori, shut up and pass the next sticker.”

  The vampire hissed. “Tell me again why I chose to work with you?”

  The Greek god looked down and smiled. “You’re in lust with me and trying to soften me up for your bed.”

  Vlasavic blinked. “Oh, yeah, now I remember.”

  Chapter Six

  “... In the news today, three more babies have mysteriously disappeared from their homes in what is shaping up to be the most bizarre case of serial infant snatching this city’s law enforcement agencies have ever faced. Join us as we go live to Will Dorden as he questions the parents ...”

  Rosa crossed herself as a woman appeared on the screen, sobbing so hard she could barely catch her breath. I just want my baby back! I’ll do anything, anything!” Another woman stared at the camera, face blank with shock, with self-guilt. It’s my fault. I should have been more patient, spent more time with my baby.”

  Rosa felt dreadful for the mothers whose children were missing. There was nothing more horrendous than not knowing where your child was, wondering every day whether or not they were safe.

  Dressed only in a thin nightgown, she puttered about the kitchen putting on the coffee and squeezing fresh orange juice.

  A few minutes later, Rosa glanced up with a smile as Andrea danced into the kitchen, ears covered by oversized headphones. Music blared from the MP3 player clipped at her waist and Rosa wondered why she bothered with the earphones. She could hear the music just fine from across the room.

  “Drea, turn that down! You’ll wreck your hearing.”

  Andrea pranced over to the cupboard and removed a bowl and glass, obviously oblivious to Rosa’s demand. Dancing to the refrigerator, she took out milk and orange juice and, executing a series of sweeping turns, placed them on the table.

  “Andrea Montalvo!” Rosa shouted, fists balled at her hips. She stomped into her daughter’s line of sight.

  The teen pulled one pad away from her head. “Good morning. You say something, Mom? I didn’t hear you.”

  “No wonder,” Rosa muttered, snatching the headset off her daughter’s head.


  “I’ve warned you before ... if you don’t turn this darned thing down I will confiscate it. Mija, I’ve told you about having it on so loud you can’t hear anything else. Do you know how dangerous that is? What if you went to cross the street and didn’t hear a car coming?” She waggled her fingers, demanding the player.

  With a pout, the girl unhooked the device and handed it over. Her shoulders slumped and then firmed as she unconsciously echoed her mother’s stance. Hands on hips, she blurted, “Mom, get real! There’s no way a car is gonna hit me. From the moment I leave out this door till the time I return home, I’m shadowed better than President Bush. Like those two wulf goons Chase sent to watch over me are gonna let me so much as trip and skin my knee.”

  Rosa took a step back, taken aback at the scope of her daughter’s knowledge. She and Fortrayn had decided to keep certain things -- such as ever-present bodyguards -- concealed from her. Then again, Drea always seemed to know what was going on around her ... some
times better than her mother! “I didn’t know you knew about the bodyguards.”

  Andrea snorted. “They’re pretty hard to miss. Especially when one of them messed up and let me catch him peering through the classroom window. Imagine my surprise when I ran to report a Peeping Tom and the teacher says, “Oh, that’s just your bodyguard. He’s been okayed by the principal.”

  Grabbing the box of Honey-Nut Cheerios, Andrea upended the box over her cereal bowl. Her young face twisted into a fierce scowl when only a trickle of cereal fell out. Growling, she threw the box down on the table and turned on her mother.

  “Mom! I can’t believe you let Daddy Fort eat my Cheerios again! You know I only eat these, but he’ll eat anything. He takes my cereal then when that’s gone, he just switches over and eats up all the rest. That is so not fair!”

  Rosa eyed the empty box and then her daughter’s angry face with an expression used by all mothers when faced with a rebellious teen. Without saying a word, she crossed her arms and pursed her lips, mouth set in a tight moue.

  Grumbling under her breath, Andrea huffed. Snatching up the box, she mangled it before tossing it in the trash.

  “Watch your tone!” Rosa snapped. “For your information, it wasn’t Fort this time. I watched Blair while Hunter and Melody went shopping for a tuxedo day before yesterday. He wanted some finger-food. I didn’t realize he ate so much. That boy has a growing appetite to go along with his stretching body. I swear he’s shot up an inch in the last week!”

  Andrea’s frown didn’t lighten. “Aunt Melody should have sent something with him, then. How come he always comes over here and eats up my stuff?”

  Rosa stared at her daughter in disbelief. “What in the world is wrong with you? I’ve never seen you this disgruntled and mean.”

  “She’s waving the flag.”

  Andrea’s skin heated and flushed hot peach. “Daddy Fort, you’re not supposed to mention that!”


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