Prepper: A Story of the Future Collapse

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Prepper: A Story of the Future Collapse Page 10

by Franz Bates

  We have to hurry up. If it rains the whole day, well’ have to find another place to spend the night, since the car batteries would need to be charged and it’s dangerous to drive in the rain when darkness comes. Garreth explained to the teenager. We are taking the different route, so I don’t really memorize the road here. It would be dangerous to travel at night if it's raining. Elizabeth agreed to Garreth’s plans for the day. She knew that it was very tiring for Garreth to handle the long drives, especially that she cannot offer to take turns as she doesn’t know how to drive. The most that she could do is to always look after her own safety and avoid troubles. She also tasked herself to always make sure that Garreth is always eating meals on time and be very vigilant of the surroundings to help Garreth foresee any upcoming danger.

  The rest of the day seemed unlucky for them. It rained the whole day and the drive becomes harder because of it. The road is wet and slippery and their windshield seems to be hazy. They can’t see the road clearly. Garreth had to stop a few times and clear the pathway for some fallen tree branches. They tried to listen to the local South Carolina News. They are now crossing the border to North Carolina taking the I-95 road to Rowland. Even though the radio signal is weak, they are still able to get the news about the weather.

  Reporter: A typhoon signal stays the same for the most part of North Carolina. Tropical Depression 8 is spinning close to the coast. Starting at 5 p.m. EDT, the storm was situated around 30 miles south-southeast of Oak Island, N.C., with winds of 35 mph. It is moving toward the upper part of N.C passing through the major cities of Jacksonville, Goldsboro and Rocky Mount east at 5 mph and was expected to develop even stronger by late Friday night or Saturday morning. For everyone's safety, you are advised to stay in your homes and be prepared for any power outages, strong winds and heavy fall of rains. Pack up extra food, clothes, and batteries in case electricity and water food supply cuts off. You can charge up your emergency lights and your communication devices to stay connected for the latest updates. Both Garreth and Elizabeth sighed at the news they heard. They are both hoping for a good weather so that they can travel faster but the news about the typhoon put their hopes down.

  It looks like we’re going to be stranded due to the typhoon tonight. We should find a secure place to stay as soon as possible. Garreth said, feeling worried about their safety amidst the typhoon rage.

  Reporter: Looking at the present track, Hurricane Riza is probably going to bring solid, harming winds and substantial rainfall over the areas affected. A public warning and close status monitoring were ordered by the weather bureau. Alarming waves and impact have been anticipated and all possible damage control have been set in place.

  This is terrible. How could a storm target the same track as we are planning? Just perfect timing. Elizabeth was irritated and teary. She can’t believe the odds are in their favor all the time. All she ever wanted was to get home to her mother. Be safe and happy. Garreth tried to recover her mood by consoling her. Don’t worry kid, all we have to do is find a place for tonight and wait until the storm is over by the morning. By then, we can continue our drive to Virginia. Everything is going to be alright. Garreth never thought he could actually say those words. He is never a man of comforting words. He is known to be a bully always inside the Tallageda. He is also not expressive when it comes to empathy, so he is taken aback by his own words. He continued looking for a place as they drive along. He was hoping to find for a closed building where not so many people can find or have access to. Any moment that someone notices who he was with, their lives are instantly back to danger. Not that they are safe now, but at least they have changed their car and their clothes and the kidnappers and killers will have a hard time identifying them again. It has been an hour of search with no luck until they came across an old Steak House with wide parking area at the back. The Steak House is not operational anymore by the looks of it, but it was big enough to hide the wide parking lot at the back of the building. Garreth was happy to find this spot. At the left side of the parking lot, there is a small gated house or one story building that used to be a stock room. He woke up Elizabeth who was asleep for an hour already to advise her that he found a place to stay. The whole area has no electricity supply but Garreth was not worried at all. He has plenty of emergency lights inside the van. HE grabbed two of them and hurried to check the building.

  There are no signs indicating that someone is living here.Garreth told Elizabeth as soon as he gets back to the car. We can get inside and rest for the night. The van will not be visible on the main road passes because this area is covered by the mains Steak House building. Garreth carried the clothes to the building while Elizabeth followed him quickly. Is the Steak House open? Elizabeth asked excitedly, her eyes are sparkling in the thought of eating steak for dinner. I hate to break it to you young woman, but the steak house is not operational, otherwise we will not be able to stay here. Garreth said bitterly. He knew how excited Elizabeth was to the chance of eating an actual cooked food. Elizabeth frowned almost instantly. She was starving before she fell asleep, and waking up next to a non-operational steak house is just plain torture for her.

  I’ll get you a steak as soon as the storm is over and we are back on the road.Garreth said, hoping to erase the sadness in Elizabeth’s eyes. He couldn’t help but be sad too, that they didn’t have the luxury of eating real fresh or cooked food for several days now. He didn’t expect this kind of journey to welcome him to the outside world. Inside the prison cell, he gets a special treatment from the guards because of William. Needless to say, he eats whatever special food they have. He has the same set of breakfast, lunch, and dinner with them while other prisoners will just eat whatever the supply of the pantry is. Now that he is a free man, he couldn’t even eat whatever he wants. He reminded himself that this situation is just temporary and it will change as soon as they arrive in Virginia.

  That night, both of them ate instant noodles. They were able to use the old heater that is still working in that stock room. They got the chance to heat some water to cook the noodles. It was still overall a lucky day for them. Finding a place to sleep for the night, and being able to eat hot food in a stormy weather could be the biggest blessing they had for the day. Tomorrow they are hoping to continue their journey without any misfortune along the way. The storm’s rage can be felt inside the stock building that they are taking refuge to. Garreth set the emergency light open so that Elizabeth will not be horrified of the thunders. Just like the night before in the gym, they are positioned on opposite sides of the wall with an emergency light placed on their feet. They used thick clothes to cover the floor and crumpled jackets as their pillows.

  For someone who lived in luxury since birth, Elizabeth is such a disciplined lady, Garreth thought. He did not hear any complaints with their situation, considering the fact that most of them are probably her first-time encounter. Sleeping on the floor with only thick clothes underneath, eating canned goods and spending days and nights in new places every time. And most of all, it’s a new establishment every time they need to use the bathrooms. He is certain that those dirty public comfort rooms are not her type but she never complained a single time. Somehow with that thought, he admired the president and the first gentleman. The key to raising a well-mannered child is the responsible parenting behind it. If they weren’t good natured people, Elizabeth wouldn’t be this amazing. Garreth knew even from inside the prison cell that President Hillary was noble and decent. He even voted for her during her first run for the presidency. And from the day she took over the White House leadership, Hillary ever failed his expectations from a leader. The only time in history when he questioned her leadership was when she appointed Mr. Kennedy as the new vice president of the States. But upon learning from Elizabeth that the first gentleman passed away from the virus and now her being missing from a helicopter crash, he could now understand why the president has been making unsure decisions. Her current state indicates that she is still mourning the loss of a hu
sband and hoping to get her daughter back alive.

  They both fall asleep that night with questions in their minds and a small hope their heart that everything will fall into the right place soon. The next day is a new set of trials and experiences on the road. Elizabeth’s thought floats back to her family’s humble abode in Washington before her mother became the president of United States. They strictly spend breakfast and dinner together to ensure that they are all updated with each other’s activities. Elizabeth misses the times when her mom would wake her up for breakfast so that she could get ready for school. And her dad, despite being a busy lawyer, takes her to school every morning. All those simplicities of life that they have were gone when her mom, was invited to be a member of the board of justice, then senate president and she just woke up one day as the first daughter. And the rest is history. Days become busier and social life becomes more sensitive. She couldn’t just easily go out without bodyguards. She couldn’t just join social groups and attend social gatherings without approvals. It had become a series of “I-need-to-ask-permission-first” for all her daily activities.

  Since her mother became a political figure in the United States, her car became her home. Her home became a prison cell for her. She could only remember a less tight schedule if she will go out with her mother’s assistant and also her best friend Michael. Most of the times they go to musical events and concerts, with complete full packed bodyguards trailing them. It is not that bad though if she is with Michael. At least she is with someone who completely understands her like a brother. He can be completely honest and ridiculous at the same time and yet she knew she wouldn’t be judged at all.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The next few days have been a series of gun fights between Seth’s group and the convicts. They have defeated the first group easily with Seth’s strategy but the next group that is attempting to take over the town is heavily equipped with guns and pistols. Seth couldn’t determine where are they getting those. Seth and Father Alain had to double their efforts in keeping the peace and order. They have asked for more volunteers to join Seth’s training. Seth and Brodie had to go back and forth to the cabin to get some more gasoline supply and he had to carry with him more firearms for the volunteers to use. He conducted wide training for all the volunteers about creating baits and traps for any convict attackers in the church and even in their individual homes.

  They implemented strict curfew hours for children, youth and women. By six o’clock in the evening, only the peacekeeper volunteers along with Seth and Brodie can be seen on the streets. Father Alain was thankful though that the locals were obedient to the orders that they are initiating. They printed community registration papers for everyone for easier management of entry and exit points to Boone. Everyone that passes the road going in and out of the town should present their registration paper. The residents and the locals understood that it is being done for their own protection and safety. It has been a few days now that they are implementing strict security measures in Boone and they received no complaints so far. Additionally, no instance of convicts attacking stores and public areas since the tightened security was put in place. Aside from the busy days in Boone, Seth had to monitor as well the status of doctor Frankel’s research for the vaccine. Although he is more lenient this time because he knows that the doctor is in constant communication with the president and he has personal bodyguards protecting his safety. He just wished that whoever stole the initial research handbook will make use of it for good purpose.

  In CDC office, doctor Frankel was carrying his suitcase with samples of the vaccine he created. He is meeting up with his sister Hillary to initiate the testing. This is a big break for doctor Frankel’s career after being rejected for the Chicago virus last year. It’s a little over a month since he last came here and he can see familiar faces greeting him along the way. As he arrived in the meeting room; her sister President Hillary was already sitting at the table eagerly waiting for the rest of the attendees. One by one the specialists and other important personalities came in and anticipating good news.

  Doctor Frankel presented his research to the attendees and he can see hope in their eyes. Finally, the virus that killed nearly half of the U.S population will now have a vaccine. He was about to end his presentation when somebody barged into the door and called everyone’s attention. It was Mr. Kennedy, doctor Frankel recognized him and he knew that he was recently appointed by his sister as the Vice President.

  Stop all this nonsense because I am pretty sure, that vaccine will not work! Kennedy said, pointing at doctor Frankel’s sample. I have the correct research here and this is the correct vaccine with the positive trial result. He added further. Doctor Frankel was shocked and couldn’t say a word. He knew for sure that it was Kennedy who stole his initial research. Hillary saw the worried face of his brother and spoke up immediately.

  Where did you get that research then Kennedy? And why do you have that? You are not even a specialist. Kennedy was taken aback by the string of questions from the president. He almost forgot that he was discrediting a scientist that happened to be her brother. Well, I worked closely with some private doctors and came up with this experiment. Kennedy answered; his voice was laced with nervousness. That fact didn’t skip Hillary’s eyes. There is no such thing as private here Kennedy, bring them to this meeting and we will altogether test both vaccine samples. We couldn’t just rely on your words; we need to know who they are. That is an order. Everyone in that meeting room was silent. The president’s strong words silenced their voices. Kennedy was standing at the doorway, his face is pale and beads of sweat started to appear in it.

  What now? I’ll give you 10 minutes to get them here. Hillary made a strong order.

  You cannot just take a credit for something you have not done and you do not own Kennedy. I know you were the one who stole the initial research of my brother and now you are presenting it as your own, pretending that you worked with some private doctors to come up with it. Hillary added and everyone in that meeting was shocked. All the CDC board members, Senators, and high-ranking security authorities are there. One official called out on his radio and in a split second the police came and arrested Kennedy. He kept shouting that Hillary’s allegations were wrong but little did he know that Hillary and Michael already submitted evidence to the police in order to properly file a case and issue an arrest warrant.

  Doctor Frankel was still standing in front of everyone in shock of what just happened. He couldn’t believe that Hillary conducted her own investigation in just a few days. He told Hillary the incident of robbery in is the house that caused the missing research handbook that he initially conducted.

  It’s alright Tim, you can proceed with the presentation or would you like to take a short break and proceed with sample session? Hillary asked her brother, however, the doctor didn’t say a word. Hillary then decided to send all the attendees in a short break. She added that she will just call everyone’s attention few minutes before the test session will commence. And without questions, all the people inside the board room left without a word. Hillary came to her brother and hugged him. I told you I will not let anyone embarrass you anymore. They are up against me. I know he has been meaning to contact you about the vaccine but he knew as well that you wouldn’t agree to his evil plans. He plans to sell your vaccine to Europe and U.S governments for billions of dollars. Hillary explained referring to Kennedy. The doctor finally spoke up.

  Thanks, Hill, I have a phobia against public humiliation since that incident in CDC headquarters in Chicago. The doctor explained why he wasn’t able to speak right away earlier.

  After about twenty minutes and a cup of coffee, President Hillary called for another meeting for everyone to witness the testing session. The test will be done in the observatory of CDC where one virus victim was lying in the clinical bed. Doctor Frankel took out one test tube and filled the syringe with its contents. He carefully pushed the syringe contents in the shoulders of the infec
ted lady until all the liquid is absorbed by her veins. After the vaccine was implanted to her blood, they put her back to the quarantine area inside the observatory. Doctor Frankel walked into the small room adjacent to the observatory. The room is labeled sterilization area.

  The doctor stayed there for few hours undergoing the disinfection process to make sure he will not incur the virus infection after being exposed to the infected victim. All other attendees left already but President Hillary waited for doctor Frankel to come out. When the doctor finally appeared in the hallway, Hillary asked him to go home with him for a dinner to which the doctor agreed. They boarded the chopper at the top of the CDC headquarters in Virginia and flew back to the Mount Weather Operations Centre building. The siblings both had a good time with their mini-reunion. They talked mostly about their parents during their dinner. Doctor Frankel told Hillary all what Seth is doing for Boone and how he got convinced to create the virus. Hillary promised to the doctor that if ever the testing was successful, they will prioritize the town of Boone to be one of the first recipients of the vaccine. She also asked doctor Frankel to schedule a meeting soon as she would like to know more about Deputy Marshal Seth Andrews, who seems to be a rising hero of Boone.

  Hillary also introduced Doctor Tim to Michael and the latter gave updates about the search and rescue operations being conducted for Liz. Doctor Frankel was saddened by the fact that his niece is still missing but he likes Michael for not giving up easily. That night, Doctor Frankel did not fly back to North Carolina due to bad weather conditions. He also decided to stay in Mount Weather with her sister to assist in the search of Liz.


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