Learning to Love the Heat

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Learning to Love the Heat Page 20

by Everly Lucas

Music blasts from the speakers at a typical club volume, so I have to go up on my tiptoes and speak right into Ben’s ear. “Seriously, what kind of place is this?”

  “One I think you’ll like,” he says, providing an unsatisfactory non-answer to my question. He’s sporting a rakish smile, and as wary as it makes me, I have to admit that rakish is a fucking fantastic new look on him. “Want a drink?”

  “I think I’m going to need one. Stoli and pineapple, please.”

  Ben takes me by surprise, sweeping me up in a full-on, no-holds-barred kiss. His tongue penetrates deep inside my mouth, and I eagerly open for him, on a mission to swallow him whole. My clit throbs like a second heart between my legs, and I kiss him back, shamelessly rubbing myself on him like a cat in heat. Just when I’m about to hike up my skirt, undo his jeans, and climb aboard, he backs away and heads for the bar, leaving me shellshocked in the middle of the crowded room.

  I’m lost in the aftermath of his kiss, licking my lips to savor the minty sweet flavor his mouth left on mine. When I look around, eyes are on me, on my body. My heart pounds against my chest, from equal parts exhilaration and fear.

  Ben returns and hands me my cocktail. I ignore the little black straw, choosing instead to tip the glass back and down half its contents, feeling it burn my entire esophagus along the way. The liquid is mostly clear, which means it’s almost all vodka—way more than I’m used to. I switch to nursing it after that. Ben holds his own drink in a tight grip, but the ice clinks as his hand trembles.

  “You feeling okay?” he asks.

  “Are you? You look…nervous.”

  He smiles again, all sweet and genuine. He wore that same smile when he crashed my blanket the day we met, and it still has the power to render me speechless. “I feel better than I have all week. Let’s go upstairs.”

  He takes my drink from me and sets both our glasses on a nearby table. Like a true gentleman, he lets me go ahead of him on the staircase. It might also be a convenient excuse for him to check out my ass.

  The music changes the closer we get to the second floor, and with each step I take, the bass works itself further into my system. I itch to move my body in time to it, and my hips already have an extra sway to them. It must have quite the effect on Ben, because as soon as we clear the top step, he pins me to a wall, fitting his mouth to mine and grinding his pelvis on me like an animal. As he kisses me, I feel my way up his arms and shoulders, my fingernails clawing at his skin.

  Screw the mind-clearing superpower I wanted at Leah’s party—give me the power to stop time. I want to stay in this moment, kissing Ben and giving myself permission to love him, for all the days, ever. No coming up for air allowed. And, really, who needs to breathe when you’re in a constant state of mouth-to-mouth?

  I don’t know how long we stay here, making out and humping each other against the wall, not giving a shit who’s watching. Actually, that’s a lie. I give a shit. In fact, I happily imagine that every single person in this room is catching our NC-17 live show.

  A song comes on that speaks directly to the molten lava pumping through my veins, and I roll my hips against Ben in time to the slow beat. He stills, letting me ride him like I’m a stripper and he’s my pole. My head tilts back, thumping on the wall behind me, and I feel Ben’s smooth, wet tongue delve into my cleavage and lick its way up to my throat, chasing a trickle of sweat.

  “How are you feeling, now?” his throaty voice asks, his mouth at my ear. He chuckles when I answer with a moan. “Dance with me.”

  “Isn’t that what we’re doing?”

  “Not here. On the dance floor. I want to show you off, not hide you between me and the wall.”

  Oh. My. Wow.

  My lungs expand and contract in rapid time, and it’s a wonder I don’t pass out. Everything becomes clear. This whole night suddenly makes perfect sense. He’s giving me one of my deepest desires—allowing me to live out the exhibitionist kink I shared with him in my email.

  A month ago, this would’ve triggered a debilitating panic attack. I’d have been huddled in a corner of the room and trembling like a frightened bird. Tonight? Hiding is the furthest thing from my mind. I’m here with a man I trust implicitly. A man who’s shown me endless amounts of patience. A man who doesn’t judge me and refuses to let me judge myself. He’s giving me a gift tonight, and all I have to do is unwrap it.

  Fuck if I don’t rip that paper right off.

  Giving him a sly smile, I make a beeline for the dance floor that takes up half the upper level. Bodies, well-lubricated with alcohol and lust, fill every inch of the space, and I’m hit with a wall of their combined heat as soon as I reach the edge. Not looking behind me to check if Ben’s following, I navigate through the dense crowd, my breasts and ass rubbing against countless men and women.

  In the center of the floor is a raised platform, about four feet high, and I flash back to what Ben said about this place—“One I think you’ll like.” He’s so right. I feel like a kid in a candy store, only, instead of candy, I’m salivating over the possibility of people seeing up my dress as I dance above them. I climb the steps and claim a spot near the edge.

  Closing my eyes, I shut off the thinking part of my brain and let my senses take over. The body heat, the vibrations that give the floor life, the skin of other dancers grazing mine. The pounding pulse of the music. The smell of sweat and cologne… I’m reduced to nothing but hormones and desire and need.

  My hands explore my curves, feeling the way they move to the music and rediscovering what my body is capable of. When I open my eyes, Ben stands in front of me, watching me with awed eyes and a wicked grin. Looking around, I see he isn’t the only one, but he is the only one allowed to move with me.

  My fingers clutch at him, and his hands replace mine on my body. He caresses my arms, my waist, my hips, and grabs my ass, pulling me to him until my body is flush with his. His erection is hard at my hip, making me gasp on my next breath.

  Our eyes lock on each other. Words aren’t welcome or necessary. Nothing should ever break the trance we’re in. I could live forever in this sinful moment—the ultimate, never-ending wet dream.

  And it is so wet.

  Ben’s sweat soaks through his shirt at his chest, abs, and back. Mine drips between my breasts and trails all down my spine. Our skin is slick with it. Our hair damp. If we stripped off our clothes, our bodies would glide easily over each other. I lick my lips, and Ben’s eyes drop their focus to my tongue moving over the pink flesh, still swollen from being pressed to his lips for so long.

  Then they snap up, landing on something behind me.

  I’m about to turn my head to see what’s distracted him, but before I get the chance, something tall, hard, and very male fits itself behind me. I feel a brief jolt of fright, but my pussy clenches, my arousal doubling. I study Ben’s face for any indication he’s upset about the new player in our game, but there’s nothing like that in his expression. In fact, he grins like the devil when he catches the excitement in my eyes.

  The stranger sweeps my hair to one side to gain access to my neck, which his mouth wastes no time taking advantage of. His full lips kiss their way to my ear, and he traces the outer shell with the tip of his tongue.

  “You’re lookin’ good enough to eat, Peach.”

  Andy’s deep bass resonates inside me, giving me chills as he sinks his teeth into my skin. My heart races, and my body freezes. What the holy fuck is happening? But when I feel his stiff cock at my backside, I have no choice but to press against it.

  “There’s my bad girl.”

  His large hands reach around my body to boldly grope my heaving breasts. When my mouth drops open on a moan, Ben swoops in and locks his lips and tongue with mine. All three of our bodies move in sync, with me trapped between the two men who make me feel like no others have. I’m safe with them. Safe and so fucking turned on. I want to open every part of myself to them. Share everything I have, inside and out.

  Andy grabs me, spinning m
e to face him. One of his calloused hands travels down my right thigh and grips behind the knee, hiking it up to his hip. My legs part enough for him to fit one of his powerful thighs between them, and my dress rides up, revealing the bottom of my bare ass. My g-string covers next to nothing.

  I use his body how he wants me to, getting myself off on his thick, hard muscles and the solid bulge of his crotch. Behind me, Ben’s teeth graze my neck, teasing just below my ear—one of my favorite pleasure points. I grind harder.

  With his solid cock riding my ass in a steady rhythm, one of Ben’s hands rounds my body, slides down my stomach, and doesn’t stop until his fingertips find my clit. The room spins as he works it in circles, first over my dress, then slipping underneath. I collapse against his chest, tilting my head back in a silent demand for more of his kisses. The position I’m in thrusts my breasts out, begging Andy to put his hands back on them.

  Our fire burns, the heat scorching my lungs, suffocating me. But if this is what not breathing feels like, I know exactly how I want to die.

  With Andy and Ben at my front and back, it occurs to me, finally, that this was Ben’s plan all along. Andy’s, too, apparently. If putting myself on display with Ben was a gift, this is like every present I’ve ever received, combined. And then some. They’re fulfilling each of my fantasies in a way nothing in my past was able to achieve—not even close.

  But it’s more than that. This is it—the ultimate manifestation of those fantasies. These aren’t college boys playing at a threesome with a girl they know will let them. Ben and Andy are two incredible men altering their friendship in order to give me what I want. Sharing me to give each other what they want, too.

  No, this couldn’t be more different from my past. Not only is there an undeniable attraction between us, but also an overwhelming affection. An overwhelming…

  A drop of sweat lands on my cleavage. As it splashes on my skin, I assume it fell from one of their foreheads. But when I look up, I see beads of condensation clinging to the low ceiling. As another drop falls, Ben’s fingers slip beneath the thin fabric at my crotch. He touches my throbbing clit, skin on hot skin, and I explode from my core and out through every limb, every pore. My sex pulsates, and my body is wild with the electricity zapping through it. I scream into Ben’s mouth, but he pulls back, letting everyone around us hear my primal cry of pure pleasure.

  I don’t care. Let them listen. Let them look. In fact, knowing they’re watching two of the sexiest men in existence bring me to orgasm just drags the high out longer, stronger.

  When I finally come down from the fiercest climax of my life, Andy eases my leg back down and sets my dress to rights. Aside from their strong hands soothing me, we stand motionless. Their bodies support mine, since I’m now as limp as a sexually satisfied rag doll.

  Ben whispers into my right ear, “Nous sommes follement en amour avec toi,” while Andy speaks into my left. “We’re madly in love with you, Peach.”

  My eyes close as I soak up their perfect words. When I open them, I smile at each of my guys—truly mine, now—and tell them both, “I love you, too.”



  We don’t stay long after I’m completely wrung out. The public arena served its purpose, and then some, and we see no reason to linger when we could be doing more productive things, elsewhere. While I’m still in my drunken, post-orgasmic state, the guys whisk me away to the limo.

  Inside, Ben cradles me in his lap while Andy, sitting next to us, runs his fingers through my sweat-dampened hair. I luxuriate in every touch, each of them new and wonderful and everywhere all at once.

  I’m still reeling from the words we said and the feelings we all fessed up to. Everything about this night has been dreamlike. If I wake up in the morning to find that none of it was real, I’ll have no choice but to commit myself. Lock me up in a rubber room and flush away the key.

  “Did you have fun tonight, babe?”

  “Do you really have to ask that?” I tilt my head back to look at Andy’s handsome face. His smile still has the power to make me dizzy, especially when it’s upside-down like this. “I think I’m still playing catch-up with reality, though. How did tonight even happen?”

  “You left us. We decided we couldn’t deal. So, here we are,” my sweet, dimpled Italian explains. I look at Ben, needing a bit more than that.

  He nods in Andy’s direction. “What he said.” My eyebrows lift, letting him know I’m waiting for the rest of the story. “No, really. You left us, and, honestly, it was the best thing you could’ve done. It sure as hell didn’t feel that way at first, but if you hadn’t—if you’d stayed and chosen one of us over the other…well, you were right. Nothing would’ve been the same. At least, not for a while.”

  He strokes the length of my arm, shoulder to wrist and back again. Between that and Andy’s fingers in my hair, I feel like a goddess being hand-fed grapes on a red velvet clamshell. A girl could get used to this kind of treatment.

  “I’m glad you both came to recognize my infinite wisdom, but that still doesn’t explain how this”—I wave my hand between the three of us—"happened.”

  Ben shrugs. “I was talking to Leah—"

  My eyes bug out of my head. “This was your sister’s idea?”

  “God, no,” he says, looking horrified. “But she has a way of getting me to see things from angles I never imagined.” Leaving my arm, he brushes my cheek with the backs of his fingers. I close my eyes and purr at his touch.

  “My whole life, I dreamed of having the perfect family, and once I met you, I was sure you’d be a part of it. But, God, when I lost you…” He tightens his hold on me, and I don’t complain one bit. “And the next thing I know, I’m losing him, too….”

  “You were what?”

  I look at Andy just in time to watch his happy face fall. For a second, I see the same misery I knew all too well this week.

  “I couldn’t stay, babe.”

  Looking back at Ben and his sweet smile, I’m reminded that we have no more reasons to be miserable. That awful week is in the past. This moment—this perfect slice of time—contains more love and joy than I ever thought possible.

  “Leah asked me a question, one that flipped some clarity switch in my head. It made me realize that I don’t care what my family looks like, as long as it’s whole, with no missing pieces. As soon as that epiphany hit, I left Lee on my couch and ran out to find Andy. I didn’t want to lose my nerve.”

  “Jackass interrupted my workout.”

  “Hardly. I found you at the juice bar.”

  I giggle, still a little delirious. Okay, a lot delirious. “So, Ben just came to you out of the blue and said, ‘Here’s a thought—let’s share Claire,’ and you were all, ‘Yeah, okay’?” As I say it out loud, it sounds ludicrous. But here we all are, so my guess can’t be that far off.

  “He looked at me like I’d lost it. Said you’d already run from us once—no need to make you run screaming the second time.” Ben sneaks a hand under my dress to palm my ass. I squirm in his lap, feeling him twitch and stiffen. “I just asked him for a little trust.”

  “So, you never told him about…?”

  One corner of his beautiful lips quirks up, and he shakes his head. I kiss him, soft and sweet and grateful, before sliding off his lap. Swinging my leg around to straddle Andy, I feel his cock stir to life in his jeans as I lower myself over it. With my thighs spread, my dress rides up over my ass, and Andy’s eyes dart to the space between my legs.

  “Didn’t you think it was strange that a nice guy like Ben would suggest double-teaming a good girl like me?” I make a solid effort at sounding innocent. Not an easy task, given I just shared my orgasm with an entire club full of people.

  “I decided not to think about it, at all,” he says, mesmerized by the wet triangle of fabric at the front of my g-string rocking back and forth on his crotch.

  I slip under his tight t-shirt, finally getting my hands on those eight-pack a
bs I panted over the morning Andy and I met. His skin is softer than I expected, and I never want to not be touching it.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know how he could possibly come up with such a crazy idea?”

  Ben chuckles at the confusion and pleasure warring for dominance on Andy’s face, while he shifts into a more comfortable position, reclining on the leather seat. This is more relaxed than I can ever remember seeing him. I don’t care how many back rubs and blowjobs it takes—I’m making it my life’s mission to keep Ben this relaxed, at all times.

  “I honestly thought he’d gone batshit crazy, but I figured I might as well go right along with him.” Andy looks over at his best friend. “This wasn’t just a gamble that paid out big?”

  “Nope,” I answer for Ben. “See, I’d told him a secret about me. Can you keep a secret, Andy?” My hips move faster, grind harder. When he nods, I lean into him, pressing my breasts to his solid chest and bringing my lips to his ear. “My secret is…I’d rather be with two men than one.”

  My teeth latch onto his earlobe and give it a tug as the limo pulls to a stop. Not waiting to see Andy’s reaction—though his feral growl gives me a pretty good idea what it is—I slide off him and fix my dress before the driver opens the door.

  I’m disoriented as soon as I set foot on the sidewalk. It’s all trash-littered concrete. Not a single red brick in sight.

  “What are we doing at my place?” Confused, I spin back to see Ben tipping the driver and Andy advancing on me like a lion on a gazelle—a gazelle who wouldn’t dream of running from such a big, sexy lion.

  “Your place was closer to the club, Peach. We needed to get you alone. No waitin’.”

  His unbelievably strong arms scoop me up and throw me over his shoulder, and his free hand pats down every part of me it can reach like he’s checking me for contraband.

  “Where’re you hidin’ the keys in this dress? They in here?”

  I squeal loud enough to wake the whole neighborhood when he pushes my panties aside to inspect me on the inside. That squeal morphs into a guttural moan as he slips a thick finger into me.


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