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Jericho Page 3

by Tess Oliver

  “Maybe we can do a little something with your hair today,” I said. “I could go down to the store.” I smiled and tried to sound enthusiastic. “I still think you’d be gorgeous as a platinum blonde.”

  She smiled and touched her hair. “Do you think?”

  “I know it. I’ll buy some color, and we can make you into a bombshell.”

  Sean walked in from the backyard carrying Easton on his shoulders.

  “Rocky! Rocky!” Easton hadn’t figured out how to made the X sound yet.

  “Who’s going to be a bombshell?” Sean asked as he placed Easton’s feet on the floor.

  “I am,” Nancy said, sounding better just with the notion of changing her hair color.

  I put the boxes on the floor and crouched down with open arms. Easton ran to me with his little curled right hand and his slightly paralyzed right leg toward me. He had a unique gate that always made me smile. Temporary lack of oxygen to the brain at birth was what the doctor had told Sean and Nancy when Easton was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Easton was luckier than most, the doctors had insisted. He was mobile and able to talk. To his parents and me, Easton’s small inconsistencies made him that much more adorable.

  Easton fell into my arms, and I wrapped him up in a hug. Sometimes, holding Easton was the only bright spot in my life, the only thing that convinced me to lower my feet to the floor in the morning. I’d always found it ironic that Nancy and her perfectly acceptable life with a loving marriage and the cutest little boy in the world was the one wallowing in a misery that made it hard to function.

  Easton’s round blue eyes went straight to the packages. “Aunnie Rocky, did you bring me gifs?”

  “Yes, but I need a kiss right here first.” I pointed to my cheek, and he smothered it with a wet kiss. I carried him to the couch, and Sean delivered the packages for him to open, which he did with the speed and strength of ten kids.

  Nancy sat in the easy chair that had clumps of stuffing exploding out of dozens of holes. Her tiny, skeletal form was nearly lost in the big chair.

  “Hey, Ro-Ro, do you want a coke?” Sean asked as he went to the fridge to get himself a beer.

  “Nah, I’m good. I’m going to go down to the store to get some hair color. Nancy and I are going to have a makeover session.”

  Easton pulled out the deflated beach ball and stared at it with a puzzled look. “What dis?”

  Sean took hold of it and started blowing it up. Easton laughed louder with every breath his dad took. His eyes grew as the diameter of the ball grew.

  Sean plugged it off and tossed it to Easton. He swung at it with his strong arm. It popped back off of his dad, and he laughed so hard, his little face turned red.

  “How is the job at the plant nursery going?” I asked.

  Nancy was already quiet, but Sean joined her silence. He refused to look my direction, which meant he was out of work again.

  “Sean,” I said.

  “The boss was a complete asshole. Ten dollars an hour shouldn’t come with verbal abuse. It’s already hard enough making pennies.”

  “Unfortunately, some bosses don’t care about morale, only profit,” Nancy chimed in to defend her husband. They had very little, and they had a son who was going to have to work extra hard to make it in life, but perpetual hard times and even Nancy’s depression never got in the way of their love for each other. I’d always envied their relationship. Not many people ever found their true mates, but Nancy and Sean had definitely found theirs.

  “I’ll find something else.” Sean pointed to the paper that was spread out on the table. “There are a few promising classifieds today.” Unfortunately, internet was something they couldn’t afford. It was a vicious circle. The internet was vital for job searching, but if you couldn’t even afford a computer, you were screwed. I, on the other hand, lived in a multimillion dollar house, in a lavish lifestyle I despised because of the man who provided it. But Trace was always quick to let me know that it was all his. I was just another one of his many possessions. When I bought stuff for Sean and Easton, it was from the money I earned keeping Trace’s books.

  The tiny living room quickly became too small for the giant beach ball. I got up from the couch. “Come on, Easton, let’s go outside and smack that thing around for awhile.”

  “Yay!” Easton cheered as he jumped off the couch. It took him another few seconds to round up the giant ball that he accidentally kept kicking as he went to grab it.

  Sean finally helped him corral the rogue beach ball, and we all went outside to watch the one ray of sunshine that we all had in common.

  chapter 6


  “Holy shit, this guy is raking in the ducats,” Jacko said as we stood and stared up at the massive log house. “If he doesn’t offer us a good amount, I say screw it. Especially if we have to stay up here in between runs. Cost of living is going to be high with all those casinos nearby.”

  Reed looked at him. “Maybe we should have him throw a gambling allowance in on the deal.”

  Jacko looked back with greed in his eyes. “Do you think he’ll go for that?”

  Reed nodded. “Yeah, Jacko, and maybe he’ll give us an allowance for whores and beer too.”

  “You think?” Jacko’s eyes grew round and glittery with the thought of it.

  Reed stared at him for a few seconds. “No, you ass, I was just seeing how far I could push your stupid factor.” Reed turned to me. “Even further than I thought.”

  “Come on, let’s see what he’s got to offer.” I headed up the wide front steps that led to two giant pine doors.

  A housekeeper ushered us inside. The interior was cavernous. It had one of those sweeping great rooms where everything was connected into one big space. The kitchen, family room and dining room flowed into each other with no walls blocking views between them. Gleaming wood floors, top of the line furniture and expensive art filled the huge space, but none of it mattered. It could have been filled with garbage and it wouldn’t have detracted from the views that surrounded the place. Every window exposed a different angle on the turquoise blue lake below. Tahoe was one of the most scenic places in the west, and it seemed that Gamble had managed to bring all that awesomeness right into his home.

  The housekeeper led us to a big room with library shelves. One wall was lined with French doors that led to a balcony. The view was blocked by blinds, obviously shut to block out the mid-afternoon sun. Jacko and Reed plopped on the giant leather sofa to wait for Gamble, but I was dying to see the view from the balcony.

  I pushed the polished brass handle on the door and stepped outside. The dark blue water stretched on forever. My eyes scanned the entire scene, taking in more than I’d expected. A girl with a fucking awesome body was stretched out on her stomach on a chaise lounge. She had on pink bikini bottoms but her top was untied. Her golden hair was tied up in a messy bun at the back of her head.

  She picked her head up and looked at me. It was her, the girl from the Candy Strippers Club. I stood there like a speechless knucklehead.

  She reached down and lifted up a bottle of suntan lotion. “Hey, you’re just in time. I can’t reach that annoying spot between my shoulder blades.”

  Normally, when it came to girls, I was smooth as the fucking creamiest cream. With the exception of Seth Barringer, Luke’s brother, there wasn’t anyone who could out smooth me, and I was pretty sure I could outdo Seth with my tongue tied in a knot if the circumstances were right.

  But all that smoothness flew right off the fucking balcony. “Uh, you— you mean me?” I asked, stumbling over the few words I’d managed to spit out.

  She smiled and dropped the lotion. “Forget it. Maybe some squirrel with willing paws will scamper across the balcony railing.”

  I walked over. Shit, Jericho, pull it the fuck together. “I don’t want you to have to wait for a squirrel. You’ll end up with a red stripe between your shoulder blades.” I was back, sort of. I reached down and picked up the bottle of lotion.r />
  “Oh wait.” She hopped up and exposed every naked inch of her beautiful breasts up to her nipples. Those I could easily imagine were just as tempting as the rest.

  I looked at my palm. A huge mound of lotion sat in the center.

  “Too late,” she said. “I was going to warn you that the altitude makes the stuff come out really fast.”

  I stared down at the lotion, enough to cover her entire body, twice. “Yep, just figured that out. But hey waste not, want not.” I grinned down at her. “Where should I start? And where the heck should I end, cause now that I’m supplied with lotion, I’m willing and eager. I will put those grubby pawed squirrels to shame.”

  She laughed. “Well, you could start at the place that originally needed it. And, I suppose my legs could always use more.”

  I crouched down next to the lounge. She peered up at me from beneath long, dark lashes. Her eyes were as blue as the lake below. I stared at her face, taking in what was a far better view than the scene beyond.

  Her smile kicked up two dimples. She glanced back over her shoulder. “You can start anytime. I’m ready.”

  “Right.” I was no fool. I wasn’t going to put a glob of lotion between my hand and her silky skin. I pushed two fingers into the lotion and rubbed it into her skin, using the opportunity to draw my gaze along her incredible body. She had legs that seemed to go on forever and an ass that was as kissable as it was spankable.

  She relaxed her shoulders, and I took my time doing the best damn suntan lotion application of my life. I moved down to her lower back, my fingertips pushing just slightly below the top of her bikini bottoms. She didn’t protest or pull away from my touch. I moved down to the back of her legs, smoothing both of my lotion covered palms over her skin. I had an aching erection by the time I got to her ankles.

  I was disappointed when the lotion was gone from my palms. She lifted her head. A curl had worked loose from the bun, and she pushed it off her face, once again giving me a nice view of her naked breast. “You’re right. You put those damn squirrels to shame.”

  I stood, hoping my jeans were enough to hide my hard cock. “Yep, I did. Now I just have to be careful as I’m leaving here that I don’t get ambushed by the poor little guy who just lost his chance to put lotion on those legs.”

  She looked back over her shoulder again. “You like them, huh?”

  “What do you think?”

  She lowered her head. “Thanks again.”

  I walked back inside. Jacko looked up from a Playboy magazine. “How was the view?”

  “Good,” I said. “Fucking spectacular.”

  He held up the centerfold and turned it my direction. “Bet you didn’t see anything like this out there on your view quest.”

  I held back a smile. “How much do you want to bet?”

  Both Reed and Jacko looked up at me with curious expressions just as a tough looking guy with an expensive shirt and a gold necklace walked into the room.

  He walked straight over, offering his hand. “You must be Jericho. I’m Trace Gamble. Welcome.” He pointed to the empty couch cushion next to Jacko, and I sat down.

  Trace had dark eyes that had a slightly untrustworthy quality. He definitely looked like the kind of guy who came from nothing and was still figuring out how to look as if he’d come from money. I wondered if that was his girl out there on the lounge. It had to be. That was how fucked up the world was. Assholes with money always had the best girls.

  “What can I get you boys, a beer or something?”

  “No thanks, we’re fine,” I answered for the guys. I wasn’t there for a social visit. This was strictly business. I sat forward and rested my forearms on my thighs. “So, let’s talk terms, Gamble.”

  He grinned. Hated it already. Didn’t like the whole package in fact. More than likely, my new found jealousy was the reason behind the instant dislike, but then I’d always let my fondness for women cloud my judgment.

  “Right to business, eh?” Gamble laughed. “That’s fine. Business is my favorite part of the day.” The door opened, and the sunbathing, pink bikini-clad goddess walked inside. I could hear both my partners sucking in long, deep breaths. I realized that even though I’d spread lotion on her body, we’d never introduced ourselves.

  Trace gave her a cursory glance. Even if I’d been with her for a long time and saw her every day in that damn bikini, she would never be the kind of person who deserved a short, casual glance.

  I could almost hear Jacko’s pulse pounding in his veins. “Jeeezus,” he muttered under his breath.

  “Sweetie, open those blinds a little. It’s dark in here,” Gamble said. His calling her sweetie caused my teeth to grit together. I hardly knew the guy, but there was no fucking way he deserved this girl. She turned to open the blinds. I thought Reed and Jacko might fall face forward off the couch as their gazes followed her sweet curves and long, silky legs.

  Gamble noticed their stunned expressions, and that smirk came back on his face. The girl turned around. “This is Roxie,” Gamble said with a wave of his hand. She nodded and took an extra second to shoot a small smile my direction before walking through the room to the kitchen. Reed watched her, but discretely. Jacko made no effort to conceal his lust.

  It seemed to irritate Gamble. “And put something on over that bikini. You’re giving everyone a hard-on, and we’re trying to talk business.”

  She said something under her breath as she leaned into the fridge. From where I sat, I was sure she’d muttered fuck off.

  “What’s that, sweetie?” Gamble asked sharply. I already hated the asshole.

  She turned around holding up a water bottle. “I said, anyone want water?” She blinked innocently.

  “Nope, they don’t want anything,” Gamble answered for us.

  “Actually,” I said, and got up from the couch, “a water sounds good.”

  Gamble continued a conversation with Reed and Jacko, and I headed to the kitchen. She held up the cold water bottle and watched me walk toward her. But I wasn’t looking at the damn bottle of water. I stepped around the counter deciding I didn’t want the water handed to me over it. I wanted one more chance to see all of her. I stepped close enough that I could smell the fruity scent of her lotion, a fragrance I wouldn’t soon forget. As I dragged my gaze over her body, she did the same to me. Having that bastard Gamble just twenty feet away made me just that much cockier and made the flirting that much more fun. I stepped even closer.

  “So,” she said in a near whisper as she pressed the cold bottle against her cheek, “is it true?”

  “Is what true?”

  She glanced pointedly at my fly. “That you’ve got a hard-on from watching me walk through the room in my itsy bitsy bikini.” This girl was a fire starter, a tease, and I was fucking in love already.

  “There are definitely some stirrings going on down there.”

  A tiny smile creased one cheek. Her attention dropped to my president’s patch. She touched it. “President, huh? Does the position come with any perks?”

  I shrugged. “I guess it’s just like the real prez. The job comes with a lot of responsibility and not that many perks. Only I don’t even get my own plane.”

  “Hey, meeting is over here,” Gamble called. There was a harsh edge to his tone.

  I took the bottle from her hand, making extra sure to touch her fingers.

  I headed back to the couch. My buddies were staring at me, knowing full well that I’d been in there flirting with the asshole’s girlfriend. I sat down to listen to Gamble’s offer, but concentrating on business was going to take some effort now.

  I opened the water and took a few swallows.

  “As I was telling your crew here,” Gamble said, “the three percent we’d talked about on the phone still stands. There can be as much as a hundred grand in one haul. If you get the money from one location to the other, then your cut is three percent of the take.”

  “What about longer trips?” I asked. “Seems like the perce
nt should go up if we’re on the road for more than say, two hours. And like I’d mentioned before, this deal is only good if there’s no snow on the roads. Come winter, our price goes up to five percent.”

  Roxie walked back through. It seemed as if the oxygen had been sucked out of the room, although it might just have left my lungs. I wasn’t hiding my reaction to Gamble’s amazing girlfriend, and it hadn’t slipped his notice. But the last thing I wanted was to get her in trouble.

  “Thought I told you to cover up,” Gamble sneered.

  “I’m going out to sunbathe,” she snapped back.

  He grabbed her wrist roughly, and I stood up. It had been a reflex. Growing up with Dreygon Sharpe and some of the other notable assholes of the MC world had made me extra defensive, especially when someone was hurting a girl. Gamble’s dark gaze flicked my direction. His mouth pulled into a tight grin, his attempt at convincing me his firm grip on her arm was all in fun.

  Gamble peered up at her, and I was sure I saw her wince as he discretely tightened his grip. “You need a fucking attitude adjustment, sweetie.”

  She pulled her hand away and grabbed the door handle.

  Gamble looked questioningly at me. “Sometimes you’ve got to get a little rough, right?”

  “Nope. Never had to get rough,” I said.

  Roxie shut the door hard behind her. Through the slits in the blinds, I watched her cross the balcony to the lounge.

  “You must be some kind of a saint, then,” Gamble said.

  “Guess so.” I combed my hair back and walked over to the window, pretending to be interested in the view of the lake. But I really only wanted to see her, to make sure she was all right.

  “So, since we left those five bikers crying for their mommies last night, I assume we passed your test,” Reed said.

  My gaze caught Roxie’s as she glanced toward the doors. With the lounge pushed out of view of the doors, I was the only person who could see her. Gamble was talking but I couldn’t hear a fucking word he was saying. Roxie stared straight at me as she reached back and untied her bathing suit. The top of the bikini fell to the ground. She gazed at me for a second longer, giving me a full view of her naked breasts, before stretching back out on the lounge.


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