The Arrival: A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Paranormal Romance

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The Arrival: A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Paranormal Romance Page 10

by Ashley West

  His other hand joined the first under her shirt, and he cupped both of her breasts in them, callused thumbs brushing over her nipples and making her arch and moan softly. "Sorrin," she breathed, and her legs went wider, practically begging him with her body language.

  "Mm," he replied. "I like when you say my name."

  "Sorrin." She said it again, breathier this time, on a moan when he pinched and tugged at her nipples, making her shiver with her desire.

  "Do you like that?" he asked her, eyes intent on her face. He pulled harder, and Abby moaned. "I think you do." He slid a hand down from her chest to her stomach and then down further to cup her sex through her shorts. By now she was damp even through the fabric, and he smirked when he discovered that, rubbing her slowly. "Tell me you want me."

  Abby licked her lips, breath catching. "I want you."

  That much should have been obvious.

  It didn't seem like one of his hands should be able to fit into her shorts, but he made do, stroking her flesh. One long, thick finger pushed into her center, eased along by the wetness that coated her inner walls, and she gasped again and ground down onto his hand.

  When he added another finger, she moaned, not above pleading. "Please, Sorrin."

  "Please what?"

  "I need more. I want you."

  "I'm bigger than this," he warned her, and Abby could have figured that out for herself. Sorrin was over seven feet tall and looked like he could bench press a car. Of course he was going to have a large dick. She wanted to see it. That apparently showed on her face because he shrugged a shoulder at her. "Stand up."

  She did so, taking the time to shimmy out of her shorts to make things easier. Nervousness and desire warred in her stomach in an interesting cocktail of sensations, and she licked her lips as she watched Sorrin undo his fly and then lift his hips enough that he could push down his pants and underwear. His abs distracted her for a moment as his shirt rode up, but then she saw a trail of dark hair and it led down to his dick which revealed as he got his pants down low enough and then kicked them off and away.

  His cock was lovely. Thick and long, already hard. The veins in it stood out, and it was flushed, nearly purple with the combination of red blood and his blue tinted skin. It curved up towards his stomach, and as she watched, Sorrin wrapped a hand around it and gave a languid stroke.

  Abby's heart raced when she looked at it. She'd expected big, of course, but there was a difference between expecting something and seeing it in front of her.

  She still wanted it.

  "Come here," Sorrin said, repeating his earlier refrain. He held a hand out to her, and she took it, letting him curl their fingers together. "Good girl," he breathed, voice low. "Do you want this?" His other hand was still stroking his length, and Abby couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight.


  Sorrin smiled again.

  Sinking down onto something so big was an experience. Gravity was on her side, and it helped that she was so wet it was starting to make her thighs sticky, but still, it was a stretch. Literally. She took it slowly, and Sorrin helped, rocking his hips up as she moved down, the slight burn making her breath catch as she finally got herself seated.

  The feeling of fullness was incredible, and she moaned softly, rocking in tiny waves in Sorrin's lap. She leaned back so she could see where they were joined together and the way her body was impaled on his hard cock.

  "Stars and Creators, you feel good," Sorrin rumbled, and he let his hands settle at her waist, waiting.

  Clearly, she was in charge here, and that made sense. Letting her set the pace would make sure he didn't hurt her with his size and strength before she was used to it.

  She went slowly, so as to take that gift and use it well, raising and lowering herself in slow, easy motions that had her moaning softly as she rode him. His hands settled at her waist, and he gave her encouragement in the form of gentle words of praise and near breathless growls as he helped her move on him.

  And it felt good. God, did it ever. Fire and lightning sparking through her veins as she rolled her hips in sinuous waves, taking him deeper and faster each time she rose up and then sank down. Every time they met in the middle, it felt like magic, fierce and hot, desperate and delicious, and Abby already knew that there was nothing she’d ever had that felt as good as this. “Sorrin,” she groaned again, and he dropped his head to her shoulder, mouthing at it lightly while he held onto her tightly.

  “Oh god,” Abby gasped when she was close. “Oh god, I’m—”

  It seemed that sentiment was universal because Sorrin just chuckled and started moving his hips faster, snapping them up while she met him on the downstroke, and she clambered to a somewhat messy finish in his arms.

  He followed soon after, the waves of her orgasm pulling his from him, and it was amazing how good it was to feel him spill his release right there.

  Sorrin looked up, blue eyes clouded with lust and satisfaction, and he smiled at her again. She was quickly learning that she wanted to see more and more of that smile.

  Chapter Nine: Soften

  Once they could walk again, they went to find a bed to lie down in. One of the good things about taking over a mostly abandoned building was that they could have all the space they wanted and there was no one around to stop them or question them about it. Still, Sorrin wondered if Abby found it lonely.

  Her apartment was a floor up, but they stopped in one that had a bigger bed for the night. "Since you're so much bigger than me, and I care about your comfort," Abby had said with a cheeky smile.

  "Thank you so much," Sorrin had deadpanned back, and Abby's answering giggle had been rewarding.

  He'd been coming to know things about her in the time they'd know each other, which was admittedly pretty short. There was a fire in her eyes that he liked, a set to her shoulders, to her mouth that made him feel like she was more than the weak human she seemed sometimes. There was also a gentleness in the way she spoke and acted that called to him, too. She was so soft and pliable in the time after their coupling, sticking close to him, and smelling overwhelmingly of sex and him, and Sorrin couldn't bring himself to push her away.

  In fact, when they got to the bed, he pulled her closer.

  Abby rested her head on his chest, and he wrapped an arm around her, hand stroking down her back. Settled, he realized that she had left all her own clothes in that storage room and was wearing only his discarded shirt.

  Something low and possessive tightened in him. Something he hadn't felt in years or thought he would feel again. It was primal, going back to the time when his kind picked their mates from the throngs of others and chose them to be theirs forever. Woe to anyone who tried to come between them. In that moment, Sorrin thought he'd rip the head off of anyone who wanted to try and take Abby from him. It was a disconcerting feeling. They hadn’t known each other long at all, and it was odd for such a connection to have been forged over that short amount of time, but maybe… Perhaps he’d just been waiting for someone. Perhaps he’d been longing for a connection this whole time. Not that he would admit that out loud, of course.

  His hand kept moving, stroking down her back and then back up, fingers brushing through her hair just briefly before heading back down again.

  Abby seemed to enjoy it, her head pillowed on his chest, one hand pressed over his heart as she snuggled closer. And honestly, he was having a hard time believing that the word 'snuggled' was something he was entertaining, much less the practice of it. But it was so nice, so comforting to have her close to him, and Sorrin was struck by just how alone he'd been.

  Sure, there had been the random strangers in cantinas over the years who would feel sorry for him, sit down and have a drink with him before moving on with their lives, and there was Caldir, who hadn't gone away no matter how many times Sorrin had pushed. Amalda would have gotten close if he'd let her, but he'd kept a solid wall between them. Being with Abby felt something like being around Halphia, if there had been
anything romantic or sexual between them at all (which there hadn't no matter what the gossips had insisted had to be going on). It was comfortable and almost...familiar in a way that he was coming to rely on. That was dangerous, but he couldn't bring himself to stop.

  "How did you get taken?" he was asking before he could stop himself. That was really a problem lately. Usually he was much more controlled than this.

  Judging from the sharp intake of breath that answered his question at first, Abby hadn't been expecting him to ask that. She fidgeted for a second, and Sorrin could almost hear how hard she was thinking. It made him furrow his brow in confusion. Surely it was a simple enough question.

  "If you don't want to tell me, you do not have to," he said after several seconds of silence. "I won't push."

  Abby licked her lips, and he felt her shake her head against his chest. "No. No, it's okay. I was just... I haven't thought about it in a few months."

  "Not even when you were still with them?"

  She shook her head again. "It was easier not to. I don't...I don't remember a lot of it, and that scares me."

  Ah. That made sense. Living through it was one thing, but living through it with little memory of how it had happened was something completely different. There had been times when Sorrin had wished that he could forget what'd happened that day with the Camadors. He wished for a blow to the head or some kind of amnesia that would take the memories from him so he didn't have to relive them over and over again. But in the end, he needed to have them. He needed to know and remember what had happened, if only so he wouldn't let it happen again.

  "What do you remember?" he murmured, dipping his head down to press a kiss to the top of her head. Hopefully that would be comforting in some way.

  Abby let out a messy breath. "I remember them coming here," she said. "I was just...standing in the middle of the street. I don't even remember where I was going, but I was headed somewhere. Then, all of a sudden, something was blocking out the sun. Sometimes clouds pass over, and it gets shady for a bit until they move on their way, but this was different. It was this...great big upside down dome shape, and it passed right in front of the sun, casting this huge shadow. Everybody looked up." Her voice was soft as she spoke, and Sorrin kept stroking her back with gentle fingers.

  "Were you afraid?" he wanted to know.

  "Not at first. I was...confused, I think. You always hear people talking about how aliens have to be out there, but I'd never really..." She trailed off with a short laugh. "I'd never really put much thought into it. Look at me now."

  Sorrin's lips curved into a smile. "Look at you now," he echoed.

  "Anyway," Abby continued. "Some people thought it was a publicity stunt. You know, like some company had hired some kind of blimp or balloon or something and they were about to make this big spectacle. But then a ladder came down, one of those things-"

  "The Camadors," he supplied.

  "Right. One of the Camadors came down and said that we were all going to surrender or something like that. Some people were already panicking. Some people were just...shocked, I guess. I was somewhere in the middle. It's know how they are. All gorgeous and perfect, but it's terrifying and kind of artificial the way they look. You just know there's no way they're as sincere as they want you to think they are. Something...dangerous is under those pretty faces."

  She was perceptive, too, then, or maybe she'd just gotten a taste of the Camadors capacity for cruelty when she'd been their prisoner. At least Sorrin knew for sure he wouldn't have to waste time convincing her that they weren't to be trusted. "There is something dangerous," he agreed. "They're killers." He hadn't shared with her the full details of what had brought him to Earth, of course, that wasn't for her to know yet. It was enough for her to know that he knew how dangerous the Camadors could be.

  "Right," she murmured. "I...there was this guy in the cells with us. He...I don't know. He got on their bad side somehow. One night they came and they took him out of the cells and he didn't come back."

  "He's dead, most likely," Sorrin said bluntly. He didn't see the point in dancing around the fact.

  Abby nodded. "I know that."

  "How did you get put in the cells?"

  "That's the part I don't remember so well," she admitted. "I remember the one guy coming down the ladder and saying we had to submit or whatever, but I don't remember what happened next. There much chaos. People were kind of...almost spellbound before that, right? Just standing there staring, but as soon as he spoke, the panic started up again. Everyone was screaming and running, some people were praying, some were begging the Camador not to kill them. And then there was this flash of light, I think? It was bright, whatever it was. And that's all I can remember from before. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in the cells with the others."

  A flash of light...

  Sorrin furrowed his brow, thinking. He was familiar with the vast majority of the Camadors' powers and their effects, but this flash of light thing was new. He supposed it stood to reason that they would have been off developing new tricks in the four years that they were hiding on the edge of the galaxy or wherever they'd been. It was disconcerting to think that it had helped them capture several hundred humans and apparently also made them forget how they'd done it.

  Something stood out to him as he mulled over Abby's words, and he kept his hand moving over her back as he pried a little more. "You were in the cells with other humans at first?" he asked.

  "Yes," Abby replied, sounding a bit confused.

  "When we met you were in a cell alone."

  "Technically," she said. "I was in a cell with you."

  Sorrin rolled his eyes. "You were alone before I got there, clearly. Why?" When she was silent for several seconds, he added, "Do you remember?"

  "They just...moved us sometimes," Abby said. "They took Nathan and did whatever to him, and they'd isolate us sometimes. Maybe they didn't want us planning an escape? Maybe they wanted to keep us from getting too comfortable. I don't know."

  "Hm," Sorrin hummed. "It's anyone's guess, I suppose."


  The room was silent for long minutes, and Sorrin wondered if bringing this up had been the right thing to do. Certainly it had killed whatever mood had existed between the two of them in the aftermath of their coupling. Surprisingly, Sorrin wanted it back.

  "Have you heard of the galactic Senate?" he asked.

  Abby startled at the sound of his voice. He could feel how hard her heart was racing with how close she was pressed against him, and he felt bad. Reliving her captivity was clearly hard for her, and with the amount of information he'd gotten from it, he regretted bringing it up now. Hopefully the subject change would work.

  "No," she replied finally. "What's that?"

  "They govern the Independent Colonies," Sorrin explained. "Have you heard of those?"

  "No," she said again, but this time she sounded more interested.

  Sorrin smiled to himself and began to talk. His voice was pitched low, to be more soothing, or so he hoped, and he explained it all to her. The way the colonies had broken off from the rest of their planets, how the Senators were chosen and served in ten year terms unless they put in for re-election. Briefly he explained that he'd served one such Senator, that she'd been his friend, and if Abby noticed that his voice changed when he spoke of Halphia and Gollen Par, she didn't press him about it, for which he was grateful.

  He talked more that night than he had talked in the last four years, telling her stories of each of the colonies and their Senators and about how the rest of the planets in that system thought the colonists were jumpy upstarts. He talked until Abby's breathing had evened out, and she seemed to be asleep against his chest.

  Silence reigned in the bedroom for long moments. Sorrin was still too keyed up to sleep, but he felt better than he had in days.

  Apparently sex and companionship were good for that.


  Apparently she wasn
't asleep, then.


  "Will you..." Abby hesitated, and Sorrin already knew what her question was going to be. It felt like it had been a long time since he'd talked about this, a longer time since he'd wanted to, but after what had happened that day in the warehouse, he supposed he owed her an explanation. She'd stopped him from murdering the Camador woman, something he had been angry about for the rest of the day, but he understood it now.

  "Finish your question," he murmured to her.

  "Will you tell me what happened? Why do you hate them so much?"

  "Do you not hate them?" he asked her. "For what they did to you?"

  Abby was quiet for a long moment, and he assumed she was thinking that over. He didn't see how anyone couldn't be angry about being held prisoner for months, but she didn't seem to be as brightly burning with rage as he was. Maybe because she didn't blame herself for what had happened to her and her people.

  "I don't know how I feel about it," she replied softly. "I've been trying not to think about it."

  "Does that work?"

  "No. Not really."

  Sorrin nodded and then sighed. "I will tell you," he said. "I've told you of the Senate and my place within it. I was to defend Gollen Par and Senator Halphia to my last. When the Camadors came, seeking to overthrow the Senator and take Gollen Par for themselves, I led the charge against them. We...we were not prepared."

  "Physically or mentally?" Abby asked.

  "Either. We had never fought them before, and didn't know enough about their powers to understand the danger we were walking into. It was...horrible. Most of us didn't survive. My friends and comrades, they were slaughtered. I was gravely injured, and I made myself go back to the city. But it was burning. My family was killed in the fires. And once everyone and everything had felt the pain of their attack, they left."


  "Yes. Four years ago, I watched them take everything I had ever cared for away from me. I resigned from my position as a warrior of the Senate, and I left. And I planned. And now I have my chance to get revenge on them for what they did to so many innocent people."


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