Sol Lands

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Sol Lands Page 9

by Riker Kane

  “It is all thanks to you. We lost the people we loved when we were forced to relocate but we found a new home for Navica. I have no doubt you will be able to do the same for these people.”

  “Losing a village is a little different from losing an entire world. But I understand what you’re saying.”

  “If you don’t mind, I would like to speak to the other villagers to see if there is anything they need. I believe there is some assistance I can provide them as a Mana Seer.”

  “Right… Have you seen Lyra? She ran off as soon as we got back to Haven.”

  “I believe she is up near the wall.” Zafina pointed up toward the eastern hills. Sure enough, I could see the outline of her flaming arrow on her bow.

  “I wonder what she’s up to.”

  “We have a journey through the mountains tomorrow. After a long day, I suggest you get appropriate rest.”

  Zafina excused herself while I walked up the hill to meet Lyra.

  The silver-haired archer nocked a fiery arrow then launched it into the night. The flames soared through the dark sky like a comet before crashing down onto the grass below. The flames ignited the grass for a moment before eventually burning out.

  “You know, you might cause a giant wildfire if you keep that up.”

  Lyra’s focused expression didn’t change. “I am not channeling enough energy to burn the plains. It would take greater concentration to do what you are suggesting.”

  “I was only kidding. I can see how open the plains are.”

  In the distance, the black aura of the structure we were trying to deal with resonated ominously. Even at night, it was still as clear as day.

  Lyra didn’t seem interested in it though. She just kept firing arrows. She was doing it so intensely that a few drops of sweat dripped from her brow.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked.

  She smiled half-heartedly. “I am older than twenty of your years. I’m not a child you need to be concerned with.”

  “That doesn’t mean something’s not wrong.”

  “Fair enough… But this is something I like to do when I have the time. It reminds me what kind of power I possess.”

  I leaned against the short wall while she continued to fire over it. “What kind of power do you possess, exactly?”

  “Most from Qashia can harness Mana, one way or another. I can do it better. Using a bow allows me to fire it without needing to use my physical strength to heave it. That seer of yours manages to make it look quite effortless, however.”

  “Zafina has been training most of her life. Even today, she still pushes herself.”

  “Maybe one day I will be able to fire arrows without the need for a bow.”

  “Maybe. The bow is cool though.” I smiled at her but she didn’t smile back.

  Lyra lowered her bow down then turned to me. It seemed like something was on her mind. I knew better than to try and push someone I’d only just met. Then again, my mom always told me I was never the most tactful person.

  “You don’t seem to be a big fan of Nameno,” I said. “Even after he gave us his word.”

  Lyra returned to firing her arrows. “The word of a raider doesn’t mean much.”

  “So it’s the raiders you don’t like?”

  “Why would I? We are all from Qashia yet they act superior to others. We need to work together…”

  “If we need to work together, then you would need to trust them, too.”

  “…There are still many raiders to convince.”

  “We’ll get them, too.”

  Lyra stopped firing. Her eyes down, she stared blankly with something else heavy on her mind. I stayed leaning against the wall, giving her the quiet she needed to think.

  She only took a short moment before speaking. “This is a daunting task you have presented for yourself—this Operation Reconciliation. Are you not overwhelmed?”

  I thought about it for a moment then nodded. “One step at a time.”

  She gave me another half-hearted smile. “I hope the other raiders will see reason.”

  “They are from Qashia, just like you. Once they realize you are all the same, everything will be okay.”

  Lyra nodded then returned to firing her flaming arrows out toward the sky.

  “We have a climb through the mountains tomorrow,” I said. “Make sure you don’t burn yourself out. Eh? Get it? ‘Burn’?”

  “I’ll be ready,” she said bluntly.

  Lyra didn’t respond with the laugh or smile I wanted. I figured I’d try another night.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Show me my levels, Cybil.”

  The black screen shifted and blue text appeared as I’d requested.


  Level 64 Battle God

  Hit Points 300

  Endurance 200

  Earth (Strength) 21 (+1)

  Fire (Speed) 25

  Water (Durability) 21 (+1)

  Life/Death (Control) 32 (+2)

  “You have gained four levels,” Cybil said. “The stat points have been distributed to maximize Ultima’s efficiency.”

  “Not bad. What else do you got for me?”

  “You have increases in your elemental levels as well.”

  Elemental Levels

  Light - Level 3

  Dark - Level 2 (+1)

  Water - Level 2

  Fire - Level 2 (+1)

  Stone - Level 2

  “I’ve been sailing through the dimensions, helping out Omegas from time to time,” I said. “Finally increased everything to level two.”

  “As you know, the strength of your affinity is connected to your experience using your abilities. The more you use each element, the stronger your affinity with that element will become. As your levels increase, it will take much more use to strengthen your affinities. Though I believe there is no need for you to reach a maximum.”

  “There’s some satisfaction in getting as high as possible. But hopefully I get enough to do damage to whatever’s in front of me.”

  I smiled in approval. I didn’t know why I expected Cybil to respond. She wasn’t even there. But I figured she wanted me to get stronger as much as I did.

  “Any other changes?” I asked.

  “A new bond has been detected.

  Mana Bonds

  Zafina - Level 5: 20% Ability Damage Bonus

  Rhiannon - Level 5: 20% Summon Speed Bonus

  Araceli - Level 3: 10% Rune Endurance Drain Decrease

  Sawyer - Level 3: 10% Physical Attack Damage Bonus

  Yuma - Level 3: 10% Damage Resistance Bonus

  Lyra - Level 1

  “Lyra…” I thought about the silver-haired girl and smiled. “It seems like the Qashians really do have a connection to Mana. It kinda makes sense why the Heralds would have an interest in destroying their world.”

  “The Heralds’ objectives are not concrete. I can only tell you they wish to consolidate as much power for themselves as possible.”

  “It’s pretty clear they’re not trying to open a charity. No point in worrying about that now. Cybil, what can you tell me about the mountains?”

  “The green mountains to the north of the Sol Lands are centuries old and have existed since Iorus’s creation.”

  “Is it possible for someone to live up there?”

  “The terrain is not truly treacherous as the predators that might threaten you. If these Nobles you speak of are similar to the other Qashians, it would be reasonable for them to have the power to tame their surroundings.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I figured.”

  “There is something else, Ultima.”

  Cybil’s sudden response made me raise an eyebrow. It almost sounded like she was worried, even though she always spoke in that stoic tone of hers.

  “I sense something,” she said. “There is a malevolent force in the mountains.”


  “I cannot tell you for certain. My powers have been drained. I can only tell you there is
something there that appears… unclear. Take heed of my warning.”

  I was already on my toes but if Cybil was warning me, I knew it was something serious.

  “So much for a peaceful hike through the mountains… Just one more thing before I go.” I held up the Core I’d collected from the squid. “Can you do anything with this?”

  A hole opened up in the white floor and a small podium rose.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” I said as I placed the orb onto the podium. The podium receded into the floor like there wasn’t even a hole there.

  “It may take some time to process it into Mana,” she said. “When it is finished, I will be able to apply it to the Life Rune.”

  “Okay.” I rubbed my hands together in anticipation. “What are we looking at here? New abilities? More stats?”

  “The effects of this Core will be up to you. You need only make that decision when the time comes.”

  “Like waiting to see what my present is. I can wait a few days… If there’s nothing else for me, I’m going to get some rest.”

  “I await your return, Ultima.”

  13: Something Wicked

  It was early in the morning when we returned to Nameno’s encampment to begin our trek up the green mountains. The sun was just coming up over the horizon to the east, brightening the dark sky and warming the grass.

  I put my cane on my hip and had the Life Rune activated as I dug my feet into the soil. The mountainside wasn’t so steep I had to worry about losing my balance but considering the mountaintops disappeared into the clouds, I knew the journey wouldn’t be a short walk.

  “Since we’re going north, we’ll have the sun with us for the entire day,” I said. “Hopefully, it doesn’t take that long.”

  “If we can secure the resources we need, it won’t be necessary to reach the apex,” Rhiannon said. “We will need iron, copper, and silver. There should be ample ore available once we get deeper into the caverns within the mountain.”

  “I’m betting this trip won’t be so easy,” Lyra said.

  “What’s wrong?” I said. “Worried about a few mountain goats?”

  “Mountain goats will be the least of our worries. The Nobles have taken residence up here.”

  I’d heard about the Nobles since I first arrived to the Sol Lands. Encountering them seemed like it was inevitable. Just from the disdain in Lyra’s tone, I knew they weren’t the most pleasant people in the world. Then again, Lyra didn’t like the raiders either, so anybody outside of Haven was hostile.

  “The Nobles,” I said. “What’s their deal?”

  Lyra trudged forward, grunting as she walked by my side. “When everybody arrived from Qashia, there was immediate dissension among us. There were those arguing over what was best for our people. Some wanted to prepare for war and attack the other world so we could take back our home. Others wanted to take over this world. Then there were those, like Joris, who just wanted to be safe. We found old papers and scrolls referring to it as Iorus. Everybody interpreted them in their own way and made separate decisions.”

  “Joris appears to have the most sensible opinion,” Zafina said.

  “Sensible goes out the window when you watch everything you’ve ever known get destroyed. It wasn’t long before deciding what was best for our people turned into a power struggle. Everybody split off into their own groups. The Nobles were led by ‘Queen’ Cellica. Cellica convinced her followers to go into the mountains where they could establish a new society. They considered themselves superior since day one and now don’t even think of themselves as Qashians.”

  “Such a shame,” Rhiannon sighed. “For now, the Nobles are not our concern. Let us focus on our journey to secure these resources.”

  We conserved as much of our energy as we could, staying quiet as we ascended. It didn’t seem like we were covering much ground but when I looked back to see the ground I’d covered, I could barely make out Nameno’s village. The rest of the plains were in view and I saw just how sprawling the Sol Lands were.

  It was more than an hour when the sweat began to drip from my forehead. “Hmm…” I dabbed it away from my fingertips. “For a god, I still maintained all of my human tendencies.”

  “Perhaps you will get stronger as you acquire more Mana,” Rhiannon said.

  “That’s a possibility. Then again, I kinda like possessing my ‘Virgil’ qualities. The price I pay for immortality…”

  I chuckled and the breeze suddenly picked up. I put my hand up to block the wind, digging my feet even deeper to make sure I didn’t fall over.

  We trudged forward through the grass a few more steps then made it onto a plateau. The grass was as green as the rest of the mountain, with a wide-open space where a couple of mountain goats were grazing.

  I couldn’t focus too much on the peaceful scenery though with the wind continuing to push at me.

  “There.” I pointed at the cavern on one end and saw the light from the other side. “Must be some sort of wind tunnel channeling the mountain winds.”

  “It doesn’t look like there’s anywhere else to go, short of climbing the mountain,” Rhiannon said.

  “The mountain is too high for me to fly without knowing where the peak is. I’d drain all of my endurance trying to reach the top. Come on.”

  I put my head down and pressed forward toward the cave as the wind grew stronger. I had to keep one foot on the ground at all times because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to fly against the current beating down on me.

  We stepped into the cavern and I noticed something strange. There were bones scattered in every direction. They were mangled and broken, so it was hard to tell what they belonged to. But even stranger than that was the smell. It was like walking into a butcher’s shop where everything had spoiled. A closer look and I saw bloodstains on the walls. I knew it was fresh because the red streaks dripped as the wind continued to blow.

  Something was up. I couldn’t tell the others to be on guard because the wind was deafening at this point. But there was something there.

  The light at the end of the tunnel brightened as we neared it. I kept pushing forward and got out of the tunnel, quickly moving to the side to avoid getting blown back into the cavern. Lyra moved by my side with Rhiannon and Zafina standing on the other end of the cavern.

  “What the…” I looked out on the plateau we’d found ourselves back on. It was just as wide-open as the clearing we’d just come from. It was a shame there weren’t a couple of goats eating peacefully.

  Instead, the grass was blackened like it had been burned. The soil was dug up from the ground with divots everywhere. The bones I saw in the cave were only a prelude to everything else here. Skulls and skeletons of poor creatures that didn’t have a chance were scattered everywhere. The carrion was bright red, with a rotten stench that nearly made me gag. It was times like this I wished my armor had a mask built into it.

  I looked out toward the path in the distance, about a hundred yards away. “The wind is moving in a straight line,” I said. “We can go around it and keep moving upward.”

  “Ungh…” Lyra groaned. “Are you not going to mention how gross it is up here? Someone made a mess.”

  “And the longer we stay here, the better chance we have being a part of this mess. Come on—”


  I took a single step forward when thunder cracked in the sky. A swirl of purple and black energy opened up a rift and immediately, a group of pale white vultures swooped down toward us.

  Lyra drew a flaming arrow and fired. Zafina matched her, sending more flames at the birds.

  “Fire it is.” Not to be outdone, I raised my hand and sent out a fiery beam that engulfed one of the birds and turned it into Mana.

  Thunder broke the sky again as more birds descended in our direction. Rhiannon drew her Mana blade and charged at a group heading right for her. She twirled and slashed, cutting down the white birds. She ripped through their flesh and sent blood and feathers flying in ever
y direction before they exploded into Mana. But their group was so large, even her swiftness wasn’t enough for her to evade completely. Despite the cuts along her abdomen and arms, Rhiannon didn’t lose her fervor for battle.

  “They can’t keep this up,” I said. “Keep fighting!”

  Dozens of white vultures circled above—so many of them that their shadows darkened the ground beneath us. But we all stayed focused and composed to keep them away.

  The ground was littered with every color of Mana orb, enough to cover up even the dead underneath them.


  Just when it seemed like we were holding all of them at bay, a line of purple lightning came from the dark cloud and burned through the grass like a missile. The smell of scorched flesh made the toxic smell even stronger. But as the fire burned in the center of the plateau, I saw a figure emerge.

  “What…” I was speechless again, eyes squinting as I made sure I was looking at it right.

  It was a ram about the size of a pick-up truck. I knew it was a ram because of how its white horns curled. But its skin was black and rotting, melting off of its body. Half of its face had been ripped off, revealing the skull and teeth underneath it. Its white pupils shifted around the plateau before it spotted the four of us. I didn’t need to see it stomping its misshapen hoof into the grass to know it was heading for us.

  “Go!” I summoned a Stone Golem and sent it charging forward to meet the ram.

  The ram let out an ungodly scream as it raced in my Golem’s direction. The beast collided head first into my familiar, vaporizing it completely with its horns.

  “Crap.” I flew into the air as the ram kept going and headed right toward me.

  “I have you!” Lyra fired two burning arrows at the ram and landed them right in its side. The ram let out another scream as it turned its attention to the silver-haired archer. Even with two arrows in its side, the ram didn’t slow as it charged at her.

  I zoomed down and scooped an arm around Lyra, narrowly avoiding getting bucked by it.

  “That was close—”


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