Sol Lands

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Sol Lands Page 33

by Riker Kane

  “We can celebrate with Queen Cellica in Euphoria.” Lyra put her hands on my cheek and brought me close for another kiss.

  “We have all the time in the world to celebrate,” Rhiannon said. “The battle is won. This is our life.”

  I looked at the four women surrounding me, all of them eying me like they were holding back from pouncing.

  “This is my life…” I let out a deep sigh and nodded. “I can get used to this.”

  43: New Haven

  The hundreds of Qashians from Haven who’d taken refuge in Navica returned after the celebration ended several days and nights after it began. The soot and ash were swept away while lumber was transported to provide the people sturdier homes to build. The faint aroma of smoke lingered in the air but the breeze was strong enough to blow it away. The bright and sunny morning was enough to make everybody forget about everything they’d been through.

  While the citizens went over their business, I stood at the center of the village with Balec by my side.

  He brushed his hand through his blond hair and put his fists on his hips, posing with a beaming smile that would’ve made a superhero jealous. “It’s a shame what happened here. But a job well done in making sure it never happens again. Perhaps the Golden Arcs will take residence here.”

  “I’m sure Joris would be open to it,” I said. “Even for a guy like you.” My laugh made him raise an eyebrow at me.

  “Funny man.” He put a hand on my shoulder. “A job well done, Virgil.”

  “Thanks… I’m taking it the raiders have reconciled with one another?”

  “Animosity remained between us even while we fought alongside you in the final battle. But our triumph has opened their eyes, as I assumed it would. Nameno will remain in his camp. The same for Ceah. Raiders like Daleon will no longer be a threat, however. They have seen enough to keep fighting against one another. The land is plentiful and its resources abundant. We will thrive separately but not in conflict.”

  “And what about you, Balec? You and the Golden Arcs not trying to take control?”

  Balec pulled his hand back and put it on his chest in feigned offense. Then again, from what I knew about him, maybe he was offended.

  “The Golden Arcs were always serving the best interests of the people of Qashia.”

  “Hmm… Likely story.”

  “You don’t believe me, hmm?” He crossed his arms, his face as smarmy as ever. “How about this? As leader of the Golden Arcs, Balec will serve as a liaison between Ultima and the raiders of the Sol Lands.”

  “There won’t be anything in it for you.”

  “There’s plenty in it for me. Namely, the security of my new home here in the Sol Lands.” His smile left his face. Balec might have been an overconfident man who would’ve fit in perfectly with the board of directors I had to deal with back home.

  “You’ve done a good job so far,” I said. “I suppose there’s no harm in you continuing what you’re already doing.”

  Joris approached us with Lyra and Guillard walking by his side.

  “It was a pleasure, Virgil.” Balec stuck his hand out for me to shake before leaving just as the others arrived.

  “There’s peace out there in the plains,” I said. “There won’t be as much need for the walls. Balec will see to it that there are no threats from raiders.”

  “I suspected as much,” Joris said with a nod. “Their pride as Qashians will always have more value than anything else they might feel.”

  “Are the people here going to be all right? This is the second time you’ve had to make this place your home.”

  “And if something happens again, we’ll make this our home a third time. Do not fret, Virgil. Through all of the adversity we have faced, we remain standing. That is reason enough for us to keep going.”

  “I’ll always be here. If there’s anything you need, you tell me.”

  “I know Ultima serves to protect Iorus. We will forever be in your debt.” A friendly smile underneath his whiskers, Joris bowed his head and walked away with a slow stride. His hands behind his back, the older man had never looked so at peace despite the work ahead of him.

  Guillard held his hand out for me to shake. His face was weathered and wrinkled. His teeth were chipped. Age had taken away the muscles and strength of his body that he had in his youth. But the way he smiled was what you’d see from a kid.

  “Thank you.” He shook my hand firmly. “You did it.”

  “You did it. You risked your life to sail across the sea. If that didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have known about the Sol Lands.”

  “I did not risk anything. My life was already forfeit staying here.”

  “They say fate is what we make it. We were all playing a role.”

  “Some are more willing to play their part than others. And you…” He pressed a finger softly into my chest. “You had the most important role of all.”

  “You convinced the Qashians to fight with me.”

  “I did no convincing. I only reminded them of who they were.” He shook my hand again, his smile as proud as ever. “You are always welcome here, Virgil. Thank you.”

  We bowed our heads to one another before he turned to join Joris.

  “Good man,” I said. “I hope history remembers everything he did.”

  Lyra let out a soft sigh. “I’ll make sure Guillard’s name is never forgotten. They’ll celebrate him for the rest of history.”

  “Are you going to miss going on your scouting missions?”

  She shook her head. “Just because I don’t have to keep an eye on the raiders doesn’t mean there isn’t more out there for me to explore. Who knows what other secrets this place is hiding? But I’ll be sticking around until Haven gets rebuilt.”

  “I’m sure that’s what Norris would have wanted.”

  Lyra smiled softly then nodded. Her eyes looked away, memories of Qashia probably filling her head. After a few moments, she moved next to me, putting her hands around my neck to pull me in for a kiss. Her smile left her face as her silver eyes focused on me. “Thank you.”

  I searched for something to say but all I could do was lean forward to kiss her back.

  Our lips locked for several seconds before her tongue slipped out of my mouth. “I’ll come to Navica whenever you want me to.”

  “Or I can come here. It’s not any trouble to use a Mana Point.” I took her hand in mine and squeezed it softly. “Haven will be my home as much as Navica.”

  “Yeah…” She looked away from me, staring at the ground like something was on her mind.

  “Is something wrong?”

  Lyra turned her head back up and smiled. “No. I was just thinking about everything my people have gone through. Everything we went through together. We’re finally going to get a chance to settle down and live the peaceful life we all want.”

  “Looks like it.”

  “…I bet you want to bring Rhiannon and Zafina over here to have some fun.”

  My eyes widened in surprise. “That was the last thing on my mind.”

  “Sure. I know how men’s minds work. You’re always thinking about it.”

  “And are you not thinking about seeing them again, too? Or perhaps paying a visit to Asrath or Euphoria?”

  “Well…” She tapped her index finger on her chin, an impish little grin making it onto her reddening face. “I just want to live, Virgil. Since we’re here, we might as well make the most of it.”

  I put my hand around on her shoulder and held her close as I looked at the people reconstructing Haven.

  “I’ll always be here if you need me,” Lyra whispered.

  “Same here.”

  44: Friends, Old And New

  I stood outside of the Central Keep, basking in the Navica sun while everybody went about their business. Some townsfolk sat underneath the shade of awnings while they worked on textile weavings. Others sat outside of the pub while they told stories about what they’d encountered in the eastern forests on thei
r resource gathering trips. Children ran through the grass, chasing after one another with carefree smiles and excited giggles. None of the people here were under any obligations though they still lived their lives with a purpose to accomplish whatever task they set for themselves, even if that task was just to relax for the day.

  I had every opportunity to join them. At the moment, I was occupied by a man who was more enthused than anybody here.

  “I think we should develop the lake,” Yuma said. “It’s large enough that we don’t have to sit on the shore.”

  “So, what are you thinking?” I asked. “Rafts? Inflatable floaters? Maybe we can extend a pier for the children to go diving off into it.”

  “That all sounds enjoyable. But I’ve got an idea that will knock your socks off.”

  I rubbed my hands in anticipation. “What is it?”

  He put his hands out like painting a picture. “A floating pub. Now, now, now hold on a second. I know we already have a pub. But think about it. The waters are calm. The weather is always nice. Imagine relaxing out in the stars while you’re having a bowl of stew. Or enjoying the sun with the water splashing right next to you. I know you’re not up for it now but maybe—”

  “I’m up for it.” I shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal though Yuma still looked at me in surprise.

  “You’re up for it?”

  “Sure. That sounds like a fun idea. Just make sure that thing is as sturdy as it gets. I don’t want anybody piling onto it and having it capsize. Even the Titanic sank.”

  “I don’t know what the Titanic is but don’t worry. I’ll make sure there’s a limit. Exclusive clientele. You’ll be the first person to be invited. After all, you’ve saved Iorus twice now. I think that’s deserving of some first-class treatment.”

  “I’ve been getting first-class treatment all my life. What’s good for the people here is good enough for me.”

  “Yeah… It might take a bit before it’s constructed. How about a night of fishing? It’s been some time since you’ve had a chance to relax.”

  “Fishing… I’m still not any good but that sounds like fun.”

  “I’ll see you tonight. I’m going to get started on those plans. Ha!” Yuma slapped me on the arm then hurriedly made his way to the stockade to begin working on his blueprints.

  I wasn’t alone for long, as Rhiannon and Zafina both stepped out of the Central Keep.

  “The tasks you have set to accomplish have been fulfilled,” Zafina said. “Those on Valen have returned to their homes. The Sol Lands are at peace. Ultima can rest now.”

  “I’ve got enough energy to get back out there but it’s nice to catch my breath.”

  Rhiannon moved up to me and placed a firm kiss on my lips. “Zafina and I will return to Haven to help with their reconstruction. When you are not occupied, I would suggest you join us.”

  “Is that an invitation to lie under the stars together or to help with the rebuild?”

  Rhiannon raised an eyebrow as she walked away. “You’ll have to find out for yourself.”

  Zafina kissed me softly before turning to join her raven-haired companion. “Enjoy this time, Virgil. All of us will be here when you need us.”

  I nodded and watched the two of them head to the Mana Point to leave.

  A deep breath filled my lungs with the clean air I wouldn’t be able to find anywhere on Earth. Without Yuma, Rhiannon, or Zafina around, there was nothing for me to do except relax.

  I headed east toward the open grasslands in Navica. Even though the town had expanded in the past year, there was an open space that hadn’t yet been developed. Most of the time it was used by children to play in or the older villagers to lay out in the sun. It was the emptiest spot in the entire town but it might have been the one I enjoyed the most.

  I moved closer to the lake and took a seat on the shore. The water’s surface rippled softly from the fish swimming beneath. Funny how they were always more active when I wasn’t fishing.


  Something behind me filled my ears—a soft crackle. I’d heard that sound before. I wasn’t completely sure but I didn’t bother looking to see who or what it was.

  Footsteps in the grass approached slowly and a figure stood next to me. From the corner of my eye, I knew they weren’t from Iorus. Nobody dressed in black suits around these parts.

  “This water… It’s so peaceful.” The man spoke with a calm voice. “I might like to fish out here one day.”

  “Good luck. It takes a special hand to catch anything out here. Maybe I’ll get Yuma to teach you.”


  “One of the villagers here. Just an ordinary Navican…”

  I finally turned my head to make sure it was him.

  I’d seen Agent Lockett once before. The black suit with the perfect creases. The straight tie. The dark shades. The blond hair slicked back into a tight ponytail. The man looked every bit the part of an LOD special agent.

  Lockett put his hands behind his back as he stared out into the water.

  “How are things in Iorus?”

  “They were busy just a little while ago but now…”

  “It appears I missed all the fun. I would have assumed you were bored, considering the appearances being reported by Omegas across the world.”

  “Sometimes there’s nothing to do around here. I’ve never run a Junction as an Omega before. I figure doing my part would give me a chance to train my skills as Ultima.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way. There’s something we need to discuss.”

  Agent Lockett wouldn’t have bothered coming all this way just to say hello. There was no point in trying to get rid of him. We were on the same side, after all.

  I dusted my hands off and got up from my seat. “What is it, Lockett?”

  “The threat in Pandora is growing stronger. A recent encounter at the Vegas District suggests we’re dealing with something with more destructive potential than anything that happened during the First Event.”

  I smirked. “You should’ve been here a few days ago. I could’ve told you that.”

  “Our mapping efforts have allowed us to better pinpoint where this threat will come from. This… collective.”

  “The collective.” I remembered everything Romanis said and it came to me. “I’ve had encounters with them, too.”

  “Then I don’t have to explain to you the serious ramifications of this.”

  “But I’m guessing you’re going to tell me anyway.”

  Lockett put his hands behind his back. His chin up, his stare from behind his shades was focused though I couldn’t see his eyes.

  “‘The Next Event’ is happening whether any of us want it to or not. I’m aware of Ultima’s status as the protector of Iorus. But Earth will need your assistance, too.”

  “Pandora is a threat to Earth and Iorus. I won’t sit by if there’s something I can do about it.”

  “That’s what I thought you’d say.” He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small black device. It was the size of a car fob—a small rectangle like a domino. There were no buttons or ornaments on it. There was only something that looked like a blinking light, which was off at the moment.

  “Keep it,” he said.

  “What is it—”

  “Don’t lose it. You’ll know what it is when the time comes.”

  I stared at the device and shrugged. “Right…”

  Agent Lockett looked out to the lake. His chest rose with a deep breath before he nodded softly. “This is what we’ve been preparing for, all of us, whether we realized it or not. If we lose this fight, everything will be for nothing.”

  “I feel like I’ve fought a lot of those battles these days.”

  “Then you won’t mind another. One final battle.” Agent Lockett backed away from me and raised the device in his hand. “I’ll see you again… Ultima.”

  He clicked the device and disappeared in a flash.

  “Weird…” I chuckled to myself
and took a seat back in the grass. The peaceful scenery left me alone with nothing but my thoughts. Everything Lockett just told me replayed in my head as I examined the device in my hand.

  Pandora was still out there. Earth was still fighting. The time would come when things would have to be settled.

  But none of those things were important to me now. I was in the world I’d come to call home, surrounded by friends I’d made, new and old.

  If the time to fight came again, I’d be ready. But if it didn’t, I was happy with where I was now.

  I leaned back on the grass and put my hands behind my head as I stared at the sky. Another deep breath filled my lungs with the fresh air. The Navica weather had never been so perfect.

  “Can’t imagine a better place than this… Can’t imagine a better home…”

  More by Riker Kane

  Another adventure ends with Virgil getting more power and saving the day again in Battle God 2. With Ultima’s power growing, he’d be a real asset in the war against Pandora… How will he use that power next? Will he even be needed?

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  More by Riker Kane on Amazon

  The imposing figure sat quietly in his seat, a lone spotlight from the ceiling shining down on him. His black cowl draped over his head, covering his entire face except for his mouth. His pale hands rested on the armrests. The rest of his body had dark robes draped over him. His eyes closed, his thoughts were empty. But he wasn’t sleeping. No, he couldn’t have been any more awake.

  Footsteps approached from the darkness before him before a figure appeared. In comparison to the person in his chair, the other was considerably slighter. His simple black robes didn’t need nearly as much fabric to cover him. Just from the long fingers he extended out, it was easy to tell how skinny the rest of his body was


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