Wrath of a Side Chick 2: A Chicago Hood Drama (Side Chick's Wrath)

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Wrath of a Side Chick 2: A Chicago Hood Drama (Side Chick's Wrath) Page 10

by Tamicka Higgins

  “Yeah,” Nikki said, shutting the door. “Come on. We can go back to my room.”

  Feeling the weight of both guns in his coat pockets, Breon followed behind Nikki. With all that he had on his mind, watching her ass sway from side to side just didn’t feel the same as it had when he’d first come over. As soon as he stepped into the bedroom, he shut the door. He knew he needed to do something to turn her on and get her listening to him from a positive point of view. Without hesitation, he leaned in and kissed her gently. He watched as a big smile came about on Nikki’s face. He then slid his hand behind her back and down into the crack of her ass. After he rubbed his finger along it, he pulled his hand away and slapped her ass cheeks hard.

  “What you been doin’?” Breon asked.

  “Shit, just chillin’,” Nikki said. “Thinkin’ about you.”

  “Thinkin’ about me?” Breon asked, smiling. “What the fuck you been thinkin’ about a nigga for?”

  “You know,” Nikki said. “How good that dick feel. But I also been thinkin’ bout what you got goin’ on. I was worried as fuck about what you got goin’ on. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes and no,” Breon responded. He knew that if he was going to get Nikki to help him talk to Erick and Lon up at Bad Girls, he would need to work up to that. For now, he just wanted somewhere to put these guns so that he didn’t have to carry them home tonight. Trina was too on top of the domestic duties for him to even think about taking them into the apartment. On top of that, he felt so very nervous even riding down the street with them. All some racist cop needed was one petty reason to pull him over and search his car and his life really could change in the blink of an eye. Breon took a deep breath before saying, “That’s actually what I came here for.” He looked back at the door to make sure that it was closed. “I need somewhere to keep somethin’ that I don’t want my girl to find ‘cause I feel like she the kinda chick that probably won’t understand.”

  “Oh yeah?” Nikki asked. “Well, what is it? What do you need to hide from her that she can’t be woman enough to handle?”

  Here was the moment that would make or break Breon's plans. “These guns,” he said, patting his coat pocket.

  Instantly, Nikki looked down at Breon's coat pockets. She couldn’t believe that she hadn’t noticed the bulges in Breon’s coat pockets, as he normally looked so lean. Most, if not all, of the dudes she’d seriously talked to were the kinds of guys that were about that life. In light of that, Nikki almost felt as if she were slipping or something for not noticing. She turned away from Breon.

  “And why can’t you just hide them guns at your apartment or somewhere, where your chick won’t be lookin’ and stuff?” Nikki asked.

  “’Cause,” Breon said, well aware that he needed to make a case, “I need somewhere where they gon’ be with somebody that I really trust and stuff, somebody who know about this life. And you know she don’t like that. I told you how she is. I just need somewhere to keep’ em for a couple days…until I get this money.”

  “What money?” Nikki asked, in a very serious way. “What money you talkin’ about?”

  Breon leaned in closer. His goal was to make this as enticing as possible. “This nigga I know owe me some money,” he said. “And I, well me and a nigga, need these two guns to get that money back and shit, but I can’t let nobody find that I got these guns.”

  Nikki, now nervously turning her body side to side, had to ask. “How much money you talkin’? If I’mma do some shit like this, I need to know it’s gon’ be worth it. I don’t know where them guns come from. For all I know, they could have bodies on them or something.”

  “You right, you right,” Breon said, quickly thinking. “And he owe me a hundred stacks.” He tightened his lips. “And I’m not gon’ stop until I get my fuckin’ money back and shit and that’s just gon’ be how it is. I’ll make you a deal.”

  Breon leaned in closer, pulling Nikki’s thick body closer to the front of his body. “I like you,” he said. “I knew there was something about you when we met and how you didn’t even begin to stoop down to the same level as that chick at the party that was startin’ shit with you.”

  “You right,” Nikki said, smiling. “She was just so damn jealous and like a monster that I couldn’t take it.”

  “Right,” Breon said. “And you respect the fact that I got a girl. I don’t really know where our relationship is headed, but I can’t be all that sure if I’m comin’ to you and shit askin’ you to do some shit that I should be able to count on her doin’ without even having to ask.”

  “I feel you on that,” Nikki said.

  “And shit, I’ve only known your for three, four days, and you already got a nigga comin’ back,” Breon added, smiling. “I just need to keep these over here for a little while until we use them and stuff, that’s all. I’mma get this fuckin’ money back and since you a real class chick and shit. You want a cut of it?”

  Nikki, with eyes opened wide, looked into Breon’s eyes. “Hell yeah, nigga,” she said. “If I let you keep them guns here and shit, I want some of the money when you get it. You think this nigga really got the money in cash like that for you to just be gettin’ and shit?”

  Breon nodded and smiled. “Yeah,” he said. “We just try’na find out where he live ‘cause we hear that he keep mad money on him from all the weight he be movin’ and stuff. You know how these niggas are out here sometimes. They don’t keep no money in the bank or nothin’ like that.”

  “Okay,” Nikki said, jumping into action. She immediately stepped over to her closet as she’d thought about somewhere that Breon could keep the guns. “I swear, I won’t tell my roommate or nothin’, ‘cause she talk too much and half the time she be gettin’ shit wrong or swearin’ that somethin’ happened that didn’t.” Nikki thought about how Gracelyn had said that the Ray guy was saying that one of his best friends was getting married. Based on the look on Breon’s face when he talked about his chick, marriage seemed to be the furthest thing from his mind.

  Nikki quickly pulled out some shoe boxes then a metal box where she’d kept important documents like her Social Security card or her Illinois state birth certificate. She wasn’t sure if the box would be big enough, but upon seeing it, it was definitely big enough to keep two guns.

  Out of instinct, Breon made sure the bedroom door was closed. He then pulled the two semi-automatics he’d gotten from Kiwi out of his coat pocket and gently sat them down in the box. Nikki couldn’t help but look at the guns, considering they were so sleek looking—not the everyday gun you’d see in the hood or something.

  As Nikki put the guns away, burying them in her closet, Breon looked at the way her ass practically spilled out of the back of her pants. If he hadn’t used up all of his energy on Trina earlier, he’d beat the breaks off of Nikki. However, he needed to go home and get back to sleep. The longer he was out, the more he risked Trina waking up and finding him gone. He’d already messed up enough that she had a little suspicion, so he didn’t want to make it any worse.

  “I promise,” Nikki said. “You ain’t got to worry about me sayin’ shit to nobody. I’mma help you get the money that nigga owe you, okay?”

  “That’s wassup,” Breon said. Ready to go, he nervously squeezed her ass cheeks. He could see the look in her eye that she was wanting some of the dick. “What time do you work tomorrow?” he asked. “Shit, depending on when you get off and when I get off or go in, a nigga might be able to swing by and see you.”

  “I don’t know,” Nikki said. “I’mma have to go online and look at what time I go into that stupid ass job. But I think I go in at noon.” She grabbed his crotch, loving how big and full Breon felt in her hands even when he was completely soft. “’Cause I want some more of this dick.”

  “This dick want some more of that good ass wet pussy you got,” Breon said.

  He slapped Nikki’s ass as hard as he could before turning around and heading for the door. “I betta get goin’ and shit,” he said
. “I’mma hit you up in the morning and see what you doin’ and stuff, okay?”

  “Okay,” Nikki said, walking Breon out of the door. Once Breon had stepped out into the hallway and began to make his way down the stairs, Nikki closed the door. There she stood for a moment, in the doorway, thinking, Breon’s relationship must not really be all that if he’s coming to me to help him when he need it. What the fuck is that chick over there doing that he’d have to come to me?

  Shaking her head at the very thought of how some chicks just don’t know how to treat a good man when they got one, Nikki headed back toward her bedroom. No sooner than she’d stepped over the threshold into her bedroom, she’d heard Gracelyn open her bedroom door.

  “Nikki?” Gracelyn said.

  “Damn,” Nikki said. “I swear, you worse than Wendy Williams sometimes. I know you was prolly standin’ against the wall, listening.”

  “Girl, boo,” Gracelyn said, marching out of her bedroom dressed in a purple tank top and hearted pajama pants. Her hair was wrapped up in numerous rags, as she was trying to salvage what was left of it before going back to the hairdresser. “Was that Breon that just left?” she asked.

  “And if it was?” Nikki snapped back. “What is it to you if he just left?”

  “Girl, calm down,” Gracelyn said. “I ain’t even hatin’ on you if he was comin’ over here to give you the dick and shit, so don’t even try to act like that’s the case. I was askin’ ‘cause I wanted to know if he told you what was goin’ on.”

  “What you mean?” Nikki asked, wondering what her friend knew.

  Gracelyn explained how she’d gone over to Ray’s place and how she’d been woken up to leave suddenly because Ray had some business to handle. She talked about how she’d thought she’d seen Breon heading into Ray’s apartment building when she was pulling off.”

  “And, so…” Nikki said, trying to make some sense out of it. There was no way that she was going to tell Gracelyn what happened. She’d learned a long time ago, and was still learning, that while Gracelyn may have been one of the coolest chicks she’d ever met, Nikki needed to be a little choosy with what she told her. Breon was obviously going through a tough time, as she could see on his face. Nikki didn’t want to do anything that might jeopardize that. “Girl, ain’t nothin’ goin’ on,” she said. “And I think you be makin’ up shit.”

  “Makin’ up shit about what?” Gracelyn asked, putting her hand on her hip.

  “’Cause at first you said that the other nigga who you just so happened to go fuck after I told you that I had met Breon at Wayne’s homecoming party for Jayron getting’ out,” Nikki said, “told you that his best buddy was try’na get married. I don’t know what you talkin’ bout, but judging by the look on that nigga’s face, he probably ain’t try’na marry that chick he with no time soon. Don't even sound like she understand him, based on some of the things he was sayin’ to me. But I’m not gon’ go into all that because it’s between me and him.”

  Gracelyn looked at Nikki and wondered what had gotten into her. Was the dick really that damn good to where she couldn’t see that she was being used?

  “Whatever,” Gracelyn said. “I was just comin’ out to ask and say is all, ‘cause I thought you might want to know. Somethin’ seemed up with that nigga Ray and how he had me hop out the bed and shit like I couldn’t just lay there and keep sleepin’ while he had whoever, I guess Breon, over to talk about whatever the hell they had to talk about.”

  “Well,” Nikki said, “maybe it just wasn’t meant for you to know and stuff.”

  “Girl, you stupid,” Gracelyn said. “Every time you get some dick, you go actin’ crazy and stuff and doin’ whatever some nigga ask you. You’ll do anything for some dick.”

  “Bitch, I know you not talkin’!” Nikki said, feeling so insulted. “Some of the things you done for niggas just to keep them comin’ around and gettin’ up in that BBW you say they like so much… You ain’t got no room to be talkin’ about me. I ain’t got to do nothin’ to keep no man around. That’s you with your fat ass, and I ain’t talkin’ about just your ass.”

  Gracelyn stepped out into the hallway and looked Nikki dead in her face. “Bitch, you really shouldn’t be talkin’,” she said. “Go to some party and suck some nigga’s dick out in the car. Shit, that’s something prostitutes do. I got too much class to be doin’ some shit like that. But hey, when you got more ass than you got class, I guess you’ll do anything to make sure that some nigga notice so that he’ll like you. Yeah, I’m a BBW and shit, but these men keep me around and don’t be askin’ me to do no favors for them or no shit like whatever he came over here at two thirty in the middle of the fuckin’ night askin’ you for or to do.”

  “Gracelyn, don’t go there,” Nikki said. “You know how you get when you get to try’na fill in gaps and stuff. Girl, you know you not smart. I don’t even know why you think you are. You try…And I’ll give you credit for that, but if you couldn’t suck dick so good, a man probably wouldn’t want you for anything to do with your actual head. Just thought you should know. He came over here to talk to me, not to you. I know you jealous and stuff ‘cause I’m gettin’ the good dick while you wastin’ time with the little dick niggas and stuff, but you really ain’t gotta be that damn obvious with it. Who are you to come out here try’na warn me about somethin’ when I was really wonderin’ why you went over to his friend’s place all over again in the first place.”

  “Girl, whatever,” Gracelyn said, turning around. “I ain’t got time to stand around and talk to no simple bitches who think that some men love them when he really love your ass and the fact that you’ll walk around on your knees.”

  “Bitch, I’d rather walk around on my knees than stomp and shit!” Nikki said, now clearly furious.

  Gracelyn, not wanting to deal with it anymore, stepped into her bedroom and closed the door. Nikki rolled her eyes and went to bed herself. As she lay in the dark, she thought about how she hated that Gracelyn even had the audacity to question her judgment on anything. Nikki wasn’t doing anything that she hadn’t done before. However, this time her heart wasn’t fully invested, so she didn’t have as much to lose. She wanted her cut of the money that Breon had promised to her, as well as to keep getting as much of the dick as he could dish her way. Breon had proven himself, especially on Friday night, to be more of a gentlemen than a lot of men were.


  When Breon got home that night, or, rather, early morning, it was going on 3 a.m. He had gently let himself into the apartment, as to not wake Trina. When he got inside, it was very clear that Trina had never gotten up. The apartment was clearly untouched. He quickly pulled his coat off and went to the bedroom where he slid his belt off smoothly before the rest of his clothing. Once he was naked, he buried his cell phone under his pile of clothes as a way of hiding it. He settled in and calmed down, feeling like he’d gotten something accomplished. He went to sleep, with his arms wrapped around Trina, thinking about how he was going to pull all of this together. He thought about the notion that everything happens for a reason, because if he hadn’t met Nikki just over the weekend at Wayne’s house, this story might be completely different. Breon noticed the smile that came onto Trina’s sleeping face when she could feel his arms wrapping around her body. He fell asleep quickly after that.

  When Breon woke up on Tuesday morning, around 10:30 or so, of course Trina was already gone. She’d had to be at work at 9 in the morning every day. While Breon was surprised that he was so knocked out that he hadn’t even noticed Trina get up to leave, he then thought about what had been on his mind to conquer today: he was going to call Sandra.

  Breon loved Trina’s mother, almost like she was an auntie of sorts to him. He never sensed that the woman had any sort of problem with him, either. However, Breon knew how certain people tended to show their true colors when either love was on the table, or money. He was as nervous as he could possibly be just thinking about calling Sandra up to not only talk
about proposing to her daughter but to also get the number to the man for whom she was very bitter about years after her marriage had ended.

  “Fuck,” Breon said. “This is what a nigga gotta do when he try’na do shit the right way.”

  At work, Breon talked about it off and on with his boy Fasil. While Fasil was indeed from a different culture with a different set of beliefs, talking with him about what to say was certainly appealing. He came up with some good ideas about how to talk to a daddy that isn’t really on good terms with his daughter.

  With Fasil's advice fresh on his mind, Breon was anxious to hear the buzzer ring out in the warehouse area of Johnson & Pearl. The buzzer ringing at 4:30 meant that it was time for him to go on lunch. After looking through his new phone, and a couple of his older ones as well, to figure out which number was Sandra’s from the time Nikki’s phone had gone dead while she was over there, Breon pulled out two numbers he believed could be Sandra’s phone numbers. He hurried out to his SUV, where the bright sun of the winter day actually helped it to not feel so cold.

  After pushing through the wind, Breon now sat behind the wheel of his SUV. With his fingers and the sides of his face stinging, he called the first number. Since Sandra was a guidance counselor, he knew that she went into work earlier in the morning, which meant that she’d probably get off early in the afternoon. As the phone rang, he hoped that she’d answer and that he’d have the right number. He was in luck. The voice that answered was a woman and it sounded familiar.

  “Hello?” Breon said. “This is Breon. Is this Miss Sandra?” Breon made sure to keep his most respectable voice on and carry it throughout the conversation. Miss Sandra may have been nice, but she obviously didn’t play.


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