Once Upon a Power Play

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Once Upon a Power Play Page 14

by Jennifer Bonds

  Ryan sucked in a deep breath, knowing this wasn’t something he could push, or pull, or challenge her into. If they were going to do it, they both had to be all in.

  “We’ve both been burned in the past, but this is a chance for a fresh start. Just think about it. This thing between you and I? It’s real, no matter how hard we try to deny it. Why don’t we just take it slow and see where life takes us?”

  Chloe smiled that thousand-watt smile of hers and slipped the jersey over her head. It was easily five times too big, but hanging off her shoulder? It was the sexiest thing in the world.

  Drawing her close, he gave her a feather light kiss, their lips barely brushing. “For the record, I’m taking that as a yes.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Ryan tugged at his bowtie, wishing he could take the damn thing off. He liked a good party as much as the next guy, but he would prefer to ring in the New Year without the monkey suit. The team was riding high from their win against the Panthers and the annual event was in full swing, courtesy of the team’s owner. The alcohol was flowing and music pulsed through the room, threatening to blow his eardrums as the band rocked out on stage.

  Next to him, Chloe was practically twitching to hit the dance floor, a giant grin plastered on her beautiful face as she swayed to the music. It was strange to think that six weeks ago she hadn’t even been part of his life and now they were welcoming the New Year together. Even stranger was his willingness to join her on the dance floor, just to make her happy. And he knew it would make her happy.

  “Should’ve ditched the bowtie in the car,” Chloe teased, straightening his tie. Leaning in close, she pressed against him, stretching up to whisper in his ear. Her breath was hot on his cheek. “I’ll tell you what, if you can make it to midnight, I’ll let you tie me up with that thing later tonight.”

  Ryan groaned, his cock responding immediately to the suggestion. Wasn’t it enough that she was wearing that sexy fucking gold dress from the first night they met? Now she had to go and throw a little bondage in the mix, as if his imagination weren’t already offside? “Challenge accepted.”

  “Hey, man.” Jordy clapped him on the back, fashionably late and wearing a silver vest that would’ve looked tacky on anyone else. Somehow he managed to pull it off without looking like a complete douche. He winked at Chloe. “I’ve got a bottle of Patron with your name on it.”

  Throwing her head back, she laughed and patted his arm. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m keeping it low key tonight. Besides, I got everything I need from you, Skarkowski. Unless you were holding out on me?” She quirked her brow, apparently reevaluating his value to her charity work.

  Jordy just shrugged, looking too damn smug for his own good.

  “I’m going to grab another beer. You want anything?” Ryan asked. Although Chloe shook her head in response, her eyes remained focused on Jordy. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Please do not accept any of his ridiculous challenges while I am gone.”

  “I make no promises.”

  Changing tactics, he turned to his teammate. “You get my girl drunk tonight and I will kick your ass.”

  “Your girl, huh?” Jordy tilted his head, a devious grin spreading across his face as he slung an arm around Chloe’s shoulders. “Sounds like Chloe and I have some catching up to do.”

  Ryan rolled his shoulders. Bringing Chloe to the team’s New Year’s Eve party would start a new flurry of speculation about their relationship. Not that it bothered him. He was used to being in the spotlight and had stopped giving a damn what people thought years ago. When he’d said he wanted the world to know she was his girl, he’d meant it. Problem was, Chloe might not feel the same way. She’d made it perfectly clear she didn’t like seeing her face, or her personal life, splashed all over the papers. But that was a problem for another day. Tonight he just wanted to enjoy the party and the company of his gorgeous date. They’d have plenty of time to figure out the rest later.

  “Make sure you’re back before midnight.” Chloe’s fingers brushed his hand, sending a shiver down his spine. “With the bowtie.”

  It was official. The woman was trying to kill him.

  Edging through the crowd, he made his way to the bar. The line was twenty deep. He checked his watch. Plenty of time to hit the head and grab a beer before midnight. Changing course, he slipped out of the ballroom and into the main hall. Thankfully, the heavy doors trapped most of the earsplitting music inside with the three hundred soon-to-be-deaf guests. He looked up and down the hall for the telltale restroom sign. Although he was grateful for a reprieve from the noise, he didn’t want to leave Chloe alone too long. Jordy would keep her company, but there was a very real possibility one or both of them would be moving from happily buzzed to totally lit if he didn’t get his ass back in there soon.

  When he’d finished in the restroom and straightened the offensive bowtie for the eight thousandth time, Ryan set out for the ballroom. He didn’t get far.

  “Hey, Ry.” Kelsey stepped out of the shadows, blocking his path. She wore a black dress that looked as if it had been painted on, and her hair was swept up, highlighting the perfect bone structure most people assumed came at the hand of a really good surgeon. Only Kelsey was all natural—on the outside. Inside? That was still up for debate.

  “Kelsey.” He silently cursed himself for the cold, clipped tone, which had everything to do with her standing in his way, but which she was sure to interpret as lingering anger over their nuclear breakup. “To what do I owe the honor?” he asked, trying to keep he edge from his voice.

  “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” She flashed him a coy smile and inched closer. It was the same trick she’d used to get her way a hundred times when they’d been dating. He stepped back, maintaining his distance. “We need to talk.”

  Ryan studied he woman who’d broken his heart and stripped him of his confidence and he felt…nothing. Gone was the burning anger, the humiliation, the resentment. All he felt was pity. And relief. If he hadn’t been hurt, if she hadn’t left, well, he might not have found himself. Or Chloe. His chest tightened at the thought. In the short time he’d known her, she’d become as integral as his next breath. The idea that his life could have gone on as it was before—without her in it—was unfathomable.

  “I’m not in the mood to talk, Kelsey.” Ryan crossed his arms over his chest. “Besides, you said more than enough the last time we spoke.”

  “You don’t have to talk, just listen,” she said, closing the gap between them. Only inches remained between their bodies. “I made a mistake Ryan. You and I? We belong together. Let’s try again. New year, new start.”

  “You’re drunk,” he charged, unable to believe his ears or his eyes. Did she really think he would just roll over and thank his lucky stars for a second chance? That he’d forget everything that had happened in the last five months? “Don’t do this, Kels. Don’t do this to Bash. He loves you.”

  “I don’t want to talk about Bash. I don’t love Bash,” she said, dragging a perfectly manicured nail down his chest. His heart hammered in response. This little talk was going from bad to worse. “I want to talk about us. I love you.”

  He grabbed her wrist to prevent any further exploration of his body. Those days were long gone and he had no interest in going back. Ever. “It’s too late. I’ve moved on. I’m happy with Chloe, a woman who actually gives a shit about me and not my bank account.”

  Kelsey laughed, a bitter, derisive sound sliding from her lips like poison. “You’ve had your fun. Now it’s time to think about your future. Dating a professional hockey player? Come on, Ry. You know it takes a strong woman. Do you really think Chloe is up to the challenge? With the long seasons? The road games? Puck bunnies? The paparazzi?”

  His gut twisted, hating the faint truth of her words. Hadn’t he wondered the same thing himself? Would his lifestyle bring Chloe a world of heartache? No. He wouldn’t let that happen. And why was he even having this discussion? It wa
s time to get his ass back to the party and Chloe’s side. That was the only place he wanted to be tonight.

  “Happy New Year, Kelsey. Have a good night.”

  “Oh, I will.” She smiled and stepped around him, tripping unceremoniously on her dress. Or maybe she’d just had too damn much to drink. Whatever the cause, instinct kicked in and Ryan reached for her, catching her around the waist and preventing any serious damage. Her hands found his chest again, braced against his body as she sought purchase. She beamed up at him as though he were the sun to her moon, just like the old days. And then she brought her mouth to his, as if she meant to kiss him.

  “What are you doing?” he yelled, extricating himself from her grasp and pushing her away an instant before those familiar lips brushed his.

  Kelsey straightened her back, looking up at him with sad eyes. Her shoulders rose and fell as if the weight of the world rested upon them. “It was worth a shot.”

  “I told you, I’m happy with Chloe.” He dragged a hand through his hair, trying to sort out his thoughts. Why the hell had Kelsey tried to kiss him? Hadn’t he been clear? The only woman he wanted to kiss was Chloe.


  His stomach dropped. She’d be wrecked if she thought he were sneaking around with Kelsey. And it would wreck him to hurt her like that. Would she believe him if he told her the truth? He wasn’t sure. Their relationship was too new, too fragile. She’d barely agreed to give him a chance. Something like this? It would send her running. He knew it in his gut. She’d write him off as another douchebag athlete who broke her heart. He couldn’t let that happen, not when things were going so well between them. A glance up and down the hall confirmed he and Kelsey were alone, something he’d ensure never happened again. “Stay the hell away from me, Kelsey. Just stay away.”

  Chloe scanned the room, searching for Ryan. It was nearly midnight and she was determined to ring in the New Year right, kissing those sinful lips of his, no matter how surreal the whole thing felt. And to think just weeks ago she’d sworn off men, vowing she’d never date another athlete. Life was funny like that sometimes, giving you just what you needed when you least expected it. She still had moments of doubt, those niggling little voices that said Ryan would never truly be hers, or that he would tire of her and trade her in for a blond model, but for now, she was giving him—them—the benefit of the doubt. The way he made her feel? It was worth the risk. It had to be.

  Weaving her way through the crowded room, she gave silent thanks for the five-inch stilettos that pinched her toes. Even with the added height, most of the guests seemed to tower over her. Fortunately, Ryan kind of stood out in a crowd. Seeing him approach from the other side of the dance floor, still wearing the bowtie, she grabbed two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter. This would be the best New Year’s Eve ever.

  “Took you long enough,” she teased, when he reached her side empty handed. “What? Did they run out of beer? No worries. I grabbed champagne for the toast.”

  “Thanks.” Ryan accepted the glass, looking distracted. It was impossible to miss the tension that laced his shoulders, especially when he lifted the flute to his mouth and drained it, not bothering to wait for midnight.

  Chloe raised her brow, but said nothing. Instead, she reached up and straightened his tie again. The damn thing seemed to have a mind of its own. She grinned, thinking about her earlier promise to Ryan. There was no doubt he’d hold her to her word. Her belly fluttered at the thought of the soft black material wrapped around her wrists.

  The MC took the stage and all eyes turned to the front of the room. With a few pretty words and a flick of the wrist, Times Square lit up the stage, projected on a larger than life screen. Eleven fifty-nine. Chloe’s breath hitched in her throat when Ryan slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her flush to his side. Heat radiated from his body, raising her own body temperature instantly. Or maybe that was hormones? That was probably it. A dangerous tingle spiraled through her body and she found herself admiring his profile instead of watching the countdown.



  Ryan’s body turned, his gaze locked on hers.



  The way he was looking at her… Oh, God. It was like she was the only woman on the planet, stripped bare for him alone.



  Chloe’s body was on fire.



  She couldn’t breathe.



  The room exploded. Auld Lang Syne drifted from the stage. Fireworks burst from the Times Square feed. Confetti rained down from above. It was sensory overload, but all the sights and sounds paled in comparison to what she felt when Ryan touched her. His touch was gentle as he brought his hand to her cheek and lifted her chin to him, his eyes burning right through her as his lips descended. It was the kind of kiss she’d always longed for. Tender. Sensual. Possessive. Some rational part of her brain reminded her they weren’t alone, and that this kiss went beyond a chaste PDA, but she didn’t care. Couldn’t care. Not when Ryan was holding onto her like she was his last breath. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. In all her life she’d never experienced anything like it. Was it possible love had actually found her when she’d finally stopped looking?

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chloe sat on the edge of her seat, a swarm of butterflies doing a number on her belly. She wiped her palms on her skirt, anxious for the Garden of Dreams executives to finish their introductions and wrap up the New Year’s pleasantries with the other PBA team members. She didn’t need perfunctory good will from the board members, she needed the GoD fourth quarter results.

  After all, it was January second. Happy New Year was so yesterday. Fortunately, Cole was much better at politicking. He appeared perfectly at ease chatting about resolutions that wouldn’t last the week while it took a herculean effort for her to smile politely and laugh at all the right moments. Especially when all she really wanted was to go Jerry Maguire on their asses and yell ‘show me the money’. There were several A-list actors on the board. Who knew—maybe they’d appreciate the dramatics.

  When the GoD board finally passed around the presentation deck, Chloe left her copy untouched on the table in front of her. Unprofessional or not, there was no way she’d be able to stop herself from flipping ahead if she opened it. She was dying to know if the campaign—and all of her extra fundraising efforts—had delivered. She’d worked so damn hard on the campaign. Now it was time to find out if all that hard work had paid off.

  Under the table, her phone buzzed in her bag. She ignored it, doing her best to focus on the speaker who was droning on and on about the financial challenges GoD had faced earlier in the year. No surprises there. It was the exact reason they’d hired PBA. Everyone in the room knew it.

  The damn phone buzzed again. Even on silent, the vibration was a distraction in the quiet boardroom. A few heads turned her way. So much for being discreet. Shifting in the soft leather chair, she pushed the bag further under the table, knowing it wouldn’t actually help. When it buzzed again not thirty seconds later, she reached under the table and pulled the bag into her lap.

  “I’m terribly sorry for the interruption,” she said, fishing for the phone and shutting it off without looking at the screen. “Please continue.”

  Cole shot her a questioning glance. She shrugged. Whoever it was could wait. If it were a true emergency, they’d call the office and Cole’s admin would pull her out of the meeting. Gabby was nowhere to be seen, so it was probably nothing.

  The speaker, whose name she couldn’t pronounce if her life depended on it, cleared his throat and continued. “The push Garden of Dreams received from the PBA campaign tipped the scales in the fourth quarter. Donations increased by nineteen percent.” Pausing, he pushed his glasses up the slope of his nose. “In fact, media coverage for the Christmas party was so strong, Garden of Dreams received record donations the wee
k of the holiday.”

  “That’s fantastic news,” Cole said, gesturing to Chloe. All eyes swung in her direction. Heat flooded her cheeks. No doubt she was grinning like a fool, but it didn’t matter. Record donations? She kind of wanted to do a happy dance right on the table. The phrase “high on life” suddenly took on a whole new meaning. The butterflies that had been fluttering around in her belly had taken flight, fanning out through her body with a burst of adrenaline. “I told you my team would deliver.”

  “We are incredibly pleased with the results, given the compressed timeline. I should also warn you that we’ll be looking for even bigger gains next year.”

  Cole laughed good-naturedly and the rest of the team followed his lead. The time for pressure would come later. Today was about celebrating a job well done. She couldn’t wait to tell Ryan. After all, he’d played a key role in raising awareness and donations with his Blueshirt Challenge.

  When the meeting wrapped up and there were no more attaboys to be handed out, Chloe headed back to her desk, walking on air. Double-digit growth in the fourth quarter? That was huge. No one could say PBA hadn’t delivered, but mostly she was excited about what it would mean for the foundation. More money meant more resources for more children. Her heart swelled with pride, knowing her work would help change thousands of lives throughout the tri-state area.

  Back at her desk, she dug her phone out of her bag and pushed the power button. What was so important it had been blowing up during the meeting? The screen flashed to life. Her jaw nearly hit the desk. Eighteen text messages, four missed calls, and a pile of notifications on all of her social media accounts? She glanced at the clock. It had only been, what? Thirty minutes? The adrenaline that had her soaring just moments ago soured in her veins. Sucking in a deep breath, she collapsed in her chair, hugging the phone to her chest. It was bad news, no doubt about it. But how bad?

  Only one way to find out.


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