Fierce: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 4)

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Fierce: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 4) Page 2

by Violet Vaughn

  I shake my head to clear the shame and pick up my pace. I think I’ll take him to Stone Soup. They have an elk dish that makes my mouth water thinking about it, and he’ll probably enjoy local game. If not, they have great steaks.

  I call the dogs to make sure they stay with me, and I let my mind wander to having Christian in my house. While it was completely normal to invite my best friend’s brother to stay with me, I wonder if it could get weird. He probably thinks I have a huge crush on him. Okay, I do. But the fact remains that she’s going to be my sister-in-law, and he’s her brother. I need to tread lightly here.

  Oh, my God! I have an almost date. Excitedly I pick up the pace, and by the time I’m home I’m panting. From both exercise and anticipation.

  Chapter 3

  Dressed in a calf-length, brown suede skirt with a silk shirt, I decide on a silver-inlaid leather belt and cowboy boots to complete my outfit. I usually wear a ponytail, but tonight I’m wearing my long brown hair down. A little light makeup and I’m ready.

  I look down at the three dogs watching my every move. “What do you think, guys?”

  Tails sweep against the tile bathroom floor. “Thanks. I think I look good too. Now let’s go downstairs and thaw some shrimp for an appetizer.” While cooking isn’t my thing, I make a mean shrimp cocktail. Plus something about watching a man eat with his fingers is sexy.

  I snort at myself. I’m trying to seduce Gretchen’s brother. Pans rattle as I search for a colander to thaw the shellfish. Just as I’ve taken the package out of the freezer, the dogs start to bark. He’s early.

  Grateful I got ready first, I walk to the front door to let Christian in. “Sit!” Three bodies quiver with excitement but sit obediently.

  Christian is wearing a leather jacket over a button-down shirt and jeans. Nice. I open the door before he gets to it.

  “Come on in.” I wave my hand toward the dogs. “This is Ollie, Cleo, and Jake.”

  Christian holds out a hand for them to sniff. “What beautiful dogs. Gretchen told me about them.”

  I watch as he pets them and smiles because most people are surprised when they feel the silky hair instead of fur. He says, “They’re so soft. Almost like stuffed animals.”

  “They’re just as cuddly too, so look out, or you’ll have all three on your lap within minutes.” I lead him into the house and direct him to drop his bag by the stairs.

  “Can I get you something to drink? I have wine, beer, and even champagne if you’re feeling festive.”

  He sits on a cushioned bar chair at my granite counter. “I’d love a beer, please.”

  I pull out a Steinlager and a seltzer. Chilled glass frosts up when I pull a mug out of the freezer, and it’s cold in my hand. “So how did house hunting go?”

  “Not bad. Now the agent knows what I’m looking for, and tomorrow should be more productive.”

  Glass clatters on the counter as I set the beer and mug in front of Christian. “What do you have in mind?”

  “I’m thinking something I can turn into an investment property once I’ve had my fun. Four or more bedrooms and a nice big living area like this.” His arm makes a sweeping gesture.

  My seltzer fizzes on my tongue as I watch him expertly pour his beer in the icy glass. “Would you like a tour?”

  “I would.” He stands and grabs his mug. “Lead the way.”

  My boots click on the hardwood floor as we climb the stairs. “Up here I have four bedrooms. Two are masters.”

  I turn and take him to Derrick’s room. We enter a large bedroom decorated in dark green and navy. The faint scent of my brother’s cologne tweaks at my heart. I miss having him around. “This is Derrick’s room. There’s a master bath through that door.”

  Christian peeks into the bathroom, and I let my eyes scan the back of his body shamelessly. His jeans hug him enough for me to know there’s a tight butt in them.

  Walking back down the hall, I say, “There are two guest rooms and a bathroom, and down at this end is my bedroom.” Suddenly nervous about him seeing my space, I don’t enter my room but stand by the door. “It’s the same layout as Derrick’s.” Words tumble out of my mouth. “When I had this built, I knew Derrick would be here for the holidays and wanted him to feel like it was home. You probably know we don’t have any parents, right?”

  He peers in instead of entering. “I do. You two must be close.”

  The fact he didn’t say he’s sorry endears Christian to me even more. I hate when people apologize for something that had nothing to do with them. “We are. Probably too close, if the way I miss him right now is any indication.”

  “I can imagine. You had my sister here too, and I know how much space she can take up.” He chuckles.

  “Yeah, she’s not what one would call demure.” I grin and add, “She’s pretty great.”

  He touches my arm. “She thinks you’re pretty great too.” The heat of his hand captures my attention, and I imagine the warmth of his embrace.

  Breaking away, I continue down the hall, and we enter the family room where plush brown carpet muffles our footsteps. “And the family room.” A large flat-screen TV is on one wall with leather couches facing it.

  “Nice layout.”

  The dogs’ nails click on the hardwood floor behind us as we head back downstairs. I show Christian the den off the great room and then bring him to the basement door. “And now for the man cave.”

  We descend thickly carpeted stairs of red to a wet bar of dark wood. Past the bar is a pool table and dartboard. Beyond that are three oversized brushed-suede couches placed before another plasma TV. Speakers are in the ceiling in a state-of-the-art stereo system.

  Christian’s face shows his appreciation, and it makes me grin. “Wow, I see why you call it the man cave. I could live down here.” His fingers brush gently over the red felt of the pool table. “Do you play?”

  “I do.”

  He looks at me for a moment as a sly smile forms on his face. “We should play after dinner.”

  My body heats up, and I’m afraid my cheeks are about to show it so I turn away. “Do you like wine?” I ask as I move toward a door past the pool table.

  He’s right behind me, and from the way my body is beginning to tremble in response to his light male fragrance, he’s close. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  I pull the door open, and a cool draft comes toward us. “Sure, I would love to play pool after dinner.” He brushes by me to enter the small room. Racks of wine line the walls in an extensive collection.

  “Is this you or Derrick?” His long fingers drift over labels, and my body wishes it were me he was touching.

  “Both. Although most of it is Derrick’s. He likes to cook and have the perfect wine to go with dinner. I have a thing for champagne.” The blush I’ve been fighting to hide defies me.

  Christian turns toward me, and I step closer. At six feet tall, I’m only a couple of inches shorter, and our faces are inches apart, making us close enough to kiss without much more movement. “Is it the bubbles?” His male scent isn’t completely masked by his cologne, and it winds around me, making my knees weak.

  My answer comes out as a breath. “Yes.”

  His gaze drops to my lips. He speaks in an almost whisper too. “Me too. I like the way they tickle my tongue.” He licks his lips, and I almost bite the lower one.

  Instead I force myself to step back. “Should I open a bottle now?”

  “Please. I’m sure I’ll like whatever you do.” While he doesn’t wink, the twinkle in his eyes is pure flirting.

  My hands shake as I reach for my favorite. “I have a cold one of these upstairs. I learned about Bollinger from a clothing designer. He would celebrate a successful show with it.” I recall how I used to strip down for modeling and pose in next to nothing fearlessly. Yet here I am a quivering mess over a hot guy.

  I take a deep breath and lift the bottle out of the slot with competence as he says, “Let me.” His fingers brush mine delibera
tely as he takes the champagne from my hand. He inspects the label. “I’ve never had this one.”

  He shuts the door behind us when we leave, and I glance over my shoulder at him as I walk toward the stairs. “Well, good. I love introducing people to something new.”

  I stumble on a step, and Christian grabs my arm to steady me. “I think the winter with you is going to be fun, Nika.”

  Uh-huh. I believe that goes both ways.

  Chapter 4

  The cork pops and a curl of vapor rises from the champagne bottle as Christian opens it with expertise. He’s no stranger to the finer things in life, and I think tonight will be pleasantly comfortable for me. I say, “I made us reservations at Stone Soup. They focus on using local goods, and the elk dish is amazing.”

  “Good choice. I love elk. How are the desserts?” He pours champagne into a tilted glass as I arrange shrimp on a plate.

  “Delicious. Did Gretchen tell you about my love for sugar?”

  A glass clinks on the granite when he sets a champagne flute before me. “No. I happen to be a dessert fan, and was hoping you were too.”

  “I am. Seems we’re a lot alike.” Brazen, I know, but I seem to be getting good at it. I smile in a suggestive way.

  Christian’s face lights up when he drinks the champagne. He keeps it in his mouth to savor the flavor, and when he swallows he lets out a small moan. “Oh, this is good.” I imagine that response to something physical. I smile and nod because I’m too flustered to speak.

  He takes a shrimp and drags it through the sauce. “Seems we are quite similar. Shrimp cocktail is one of my specialties too.”

  This time he winks at me. I tilt my glass in response and take a sip as I watch his teeth bite down on the shellfish. Goodness, if that doesn’t send a shiver through me.

  I grab the appetizer and walk toward the couches. “Let’s sit in here. It’s more comfortable.” The moment I settle on a sofa, Cleo jumps up on one side to be next to me, and Ollie lies at my feet. Jake stands by Christian, hoping he’ll get food.

  But Christian is too smart for him and pats the leather to let Jake jump up to cuddle. He says, “I miss having dogs. I couldn’t really have one in the city, I worked too many long hours, and it wouldn’t have been fair.”

  “Maybe you can get one when you move here.” Cleo’s head is in my lap, and I stoke her.

  He shakes his head. “No, I’m probably only here for a year or two before I get back to the real world again.”

  “Oh, well then, you’ll just have to visit mine.”

  “That would be nice. Who knows? I might end up being your neighbor. I have an appointment to see one of the spec houses down the street.”

  Really now? “That would be fun.” I send him a sideways glance. “But which one of us will get the newlyweds when they come to visit?”

  Christian chuckles. “I think your setup might win. I’ll have some work to do to compete.”

  I remember he only has a duffle bag for luggage. “Are you going back to the city before moving here?”

  “Yes. I wasn’t quite sure this would work, so I need to get back and tie up some loose ends.”

  His brow furrows, and I wonder what he’s leaving out. I decide if I’m going to play the flirting game for keeps I should know if it’s worth the effort. I’m dying to ask if he has a girlfriend, and I blurt out, “Is there a—?” Damn it. “Is there a relationship you need to sort out?”

  His face softens a little. “No, Taylor took care of that a few months ago. I’m a free agent and plan to stay that way for a while.”

  My heart sinks. “Oh, well you’re coming to the right place. The life of a ski bum is all about no commitments other than paying rent.” I force a huge smile, but my spirits have fallen flat. So much for that almost date.

  Christian leans forward to take a shrimp. Before he bites he says, “I didn’t say I was afraid of commitment, just not ready to fall in love again.” He closes his eyes for a second while he chews. He swallows purposefully. “Besides, there are some things I can’t resist.”

  He licks his finger, and I can’t help but watch. The motion appears to be blatantly sexual, and I resist the urge to shift in my seat. I bite my lip before I realize what I’m doing, and a smile flickers at Christian’s mouth.

  He raises his glass, inviting me to do the same. “To a winter full of adventure together. What do you say?”

  I think I’m in over my head with this guy. “To adventure.”

  The sweet flavor coats my tongue and goes tart as champagne flows down my throat. Christian asks, “So is there a special guy in your life?”

  “No, not right now.” I have no intention of telling him that while I’ve had boyfriends, none of them have been very special.

  He raises his eyebrows at me. “Good. I would hate to think I might have to stop flirting with you because of some jealous man.”

  I flush and drop my gaze. But raise it again when Christian touches my knee. “I keep embarrassing you, Nika. I’m sorry. Should I stop being so forward?”

  Oh, my goodness, he’s so sweet. “No, I’m the one’s that sorry. I’m not very good at flirting.”

  He tilts his head. “Seriously? Guys don’t hit on you all the time?”

  I shake my head. “Nope. Apparently I send out a not-interested vibe that scares them away.”

  “Well, threatening to let them tie you up might not work for some, but…” His grin covers his face, and I cringe. He quickly says, “Damn, there I go again. I’m sorry, but you’re awfully cute when you’re embarrassed.”

  I snort and close my eyes. “You’re killing me, one sentence at a time.”

  Warm hands take mine. “I’m going to have to help you with this flirting thing. You clearly need the practice, and I’m just the guy to show you the way.”

  “Oh, really? Is there a fee for this service?” I lick my lips and end by scraping my teeth over the lower one.

  Christian’s gaze focuses on my mouth, and his voice lowers. “I can think of a few ways you can repay me, but let’s start with the place to stay.” He drops my hands and sits back. “These accommodations are much better than any hotel, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m enjoying the company.”

  Christian lifts his glass and swirls the pale yellow liquid. “So are you working right now? Or waiting for ski season to start?”

  “I’m unemployed and bored out of my mind until the ski area opens. Why?” Glass scrapes across wood as I push the plate of shrimp toward the middle of the coffee table to keep Ollie’s sniffing nose from reaching them.

  “Want to come house hunting with me tomorrow? I love what you’ve done here, and I think you have a knack for it. I could use another opinion.”

  His words make my ego glow with happiness. “I would love to. Derrick teases me and says I should be a real estate agent because I’m constantly looking at houses online.”

  “Hmm. It seems I’m going to get deeper and deeper into debt with you. I hope I can live up to my end of the bargain.”

  His playful look makes me heat up, but I swing my mental racket and do my best to return the lob. “I think I can find a way.” This time I wink, and the chuckle Christian gives me makes me smile with pride. I think I like this game.

  Chapter 5

  Christian insisted on driving to the restaurant, and I insisted we take my Land Rover instead of his rental. The blinker clicks quietly as he stops to turn left out of my neighborhood. I say, “Follow this road until the end and turn left.”

  The dashboard offers enough light for me to make out his profile. His strong nose and jawline make me want to trace it. He says, “You know, this car once again reinforces how much alike we are. It’s a beautiful machine to drive.”

  “Do you have one?”

  “No, but when I got Gretchen hers I decided it will be my next car.”

  “You made my brother very happy when he saw her driving that instead of the beat-up car she had before.”

sp; Christian gives me a sideways glance and nods. “Yeah, it made me happy too. I’m still surprised she made it out here the first time in that rust bucket she used to drive.”

  I chuckle. “I remember it.” I also remember how it made Derrick scowl the first day we met Gretchen. Of course I knew it pushed his alpha-male, take-care-of-the-woman buttons because he had just met the love of his life. It took the two of them much longer to figure that out. I smile with the memory.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  “I was remembering the day we met Gretchen. She had my brother all worked up from the very beginning.”

  “Love at first sight?” The car slows as we approach the intersection. Red glows from the traffic light as cars streak by.

  “Something like that, but neither one knew what had hit them.”

  “It’s hard to see when you aren’t ready. I’m glad they figured things out because Derrick is good for my sister. She deserves to be cherished.”

  I nod. “Derrick does too. I’m glad they found each other.” We’re almost at the restaurant. “Park anywhere you can. It’s up ahead on the right.”

  Christian parallel parks with ease and impresses me with the skill. “City parking makes this look easy, right?”

  His seat belt zings as it retracts, and he turns in his seat. “It does. I like the slower pace around here. Everything seems easier.”

  The sky is clouding over, and light flurries dance around us as we walk up the path to Stone Soup. I take a deep breath to fill my lungs with cold. “I think we’re supposed to get a substantial amount of snow tonight. It won’t be long now.”

  Christian tilts his head up to the sky. “I hate that I have to go back to New York. I want to stay and ski the first day the mountain opens.”


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