carnivilus - Carnivores on Touranim
Carpenter, Judith - Sister of Mariah Carpenter
Carpenter, Mariah - Human female with tremendous psychic ability
Carpenter, Rachel - Mother of Mariah Carpenter
Carpenter, Saul - Father of Mariah Carpenter
Carpenter, Stephen - Brother of Mariah Carpenter
Chazreen - In Yiddish, Chazen or cantor; Bovistan’s title “Chazeen of the `` Transformed”
Cheloran Star System - Anorasian solar system
Corvus - Bridge Pilot of Seftiras (see Meron Corvus)
Creel, Reuben - FBI agent
The Decilloq - The Anorasian Pronouncements (commandments) given to Moses byAleris
Deutriion - See Ton Re’Deutriion
Dhu al-Hijja - Holy pilgrimage to Mecca
Dicit - Shortened name of Eocene dicit’ledoni
dicit-H - bio-engineered compound manufacturing on Hakilam
dicit-I - Eocene dicit’ledoni found growing naturally in the chasms on Izorach
dicit-E - Eocene dicit’ledoni found growing naturally on Earth
Dir - Anorasian classification for Finance
Dir So’Grak - Osratas financial clerk
dodecahedron - Twelve-sided figure
Drango - See Meron Drango
Duodua - Left most vid-screen in the MERS on Izorach
dustifute - Old English for itinerant peddler
Deutriion - See Ton Re’Deutriion
ECS - Environmental Control System: Regulates chambers on Izorach laboratory, maintaining functions such as temperature, humidity, and precipitation
Efrikis - Forest in Touranim & Izorach
Elvilivle - One of the planets in the Min’yel’os’s empire
Elvilivlians - native of the planet Elvilive
Emmanuel - One of three humans males originally from Earth living on Izorach
Eocene dicit’ledoni - Moss-like entity originally found growing naturally on Izorach and Touranim; later genetically engineered and injected into Anorasians to regenerate cells, providing thousands of years of additional life. “Giver of health, life, and longevity.”
Ephres Ridge - Western wall of the Agrist K’anna
Ephraim, Mike - CIA agent
ERL - Environmental Research Laboratory: Consecutive ecology chambers equipped for experimentation and/or testing
Eritria - City in Africa
Falasha - Ethiopian for “Jewish”
Finding - Mariah Carpenter’s word for the process in which she discovers the whereabouts of kidnapped children
French, John - Clandestine Service Operator, CIA
FUMOMULDAV - FUll-MOtion, MULti-Dimensional Audio-Visual display room used as a physical form of health and muscular regeneration
Galaxaril - See Ton So’Galaxaril
Galiora - One of the three moons circling Hakilam
Gandir - Anorasian spaceship piloted by Nermelis to take Hesad off Touranim
Geez - An ancient Semitic language shared between Christian and Jew and usedexclusively for prayer and holy writings
Gevr’ah - Original First Minister of Hakilam, now Min’yel’os and one-time Shel’Zib
Grack - Accountant from Osratas
Griffin University - Genetic research laboratory associated with St. Vincent’s Hospital
GRID - Gamma Radiation Imaging Detector
Grisek - Anorasian dialect of the elite
Hakilam - Home world of the Anorasian race in the Cheloran Star System
Halacha - Oral Torah given to Moses on Mt. Sinai
HAVOC - Hydraulically Activated Vacuum-Operated Cup
Healing - Mariah Carpenter’s word for reversal of medical condition done to her body or someone’s with which she has Joined after a Finding has occurred
herbivilus - Herbivores on Touranim
Hesad - Anorasian Shel’Zib (high priest) of Touranim
Hevru - Hebrew in Grisek – “Those who pass from one place to another”
Him the Most Revered - God, or Shen’dalah to the Anorasians
High Priest - Also called Shel’Zib, head of state
Ho’rehabit - Horeb, or Mount Sinai, northern peak of the Jabal Katrinah
HST - Hyperspatial Transport: Technology used to move beings or objects through hyperspace almost instantaneously; produces a blue-white glow as it forms around the PES of a transport devic
Intezelin Torpedo - Destructive smart missile of the Shekron fleet
IRP - Intelligent Request Processor: Computer in vehicle cradle of hangar. Directs maintenance androids if vehicle’s on-board SIM cannot handle its own repairs. Also is linked to an NMIP.
ISA - Intelligent Sensory Array: Part of the PTB that scans and analyses surrounding area for environmental conditions and life forms. Decision it makes controls PES associated with the PTB’s operation. Also linked to NMIP.
Izorach - One of three planets of Zubeln Star System; location of secret underground genetic research laboratory
Ja’endarc - Stirilium cruiser destroyed by Mariah in front of Sha’reva
Jahavla Monsea - (Jabal Musa) Arabic for Mountain of Moses
Jahavla Kitorin - (Jabal Katrinah) One of 3 mountains comprising the Sinai Peninsula in northeastern Egypt
Jiddah - Airport in Saudi Arabia
Joining - Mariah Carpenter’s word for her soul intertwining with another’s, providing her the psychic energy to do a Finding
Ju’nedha - Anorasian dialect of the common people
Jumaa, Mohammed Bin Saleh - Saudi Arabian CIA operative
Kaaba - Stone structure built by Abraham in the holy mosque in Mecca – ‘House of God’
Kana Gidrol - Yiddish for high priest of Judaism; Anorasians translation: one who guards the temple of Shen’dalah
King Faisel Airport - Airport in Mecca
LaPrad, Phillipe - FBI agent
Lepitera - MERS spaceship used by Sateron and Aleris
Lieutenant Alireza - Military man sent to retrieve Al-Ibrahim in Saudi Arabia
LIMC - Localized Inertial Mass Controller: Technology that reduces or reverses the effects of gravity along a directional plane
Lortinias - Last research colony on Touranim
Lurie, Jonathan - FBI agent
LZ-Ssn - Intelligent robotic device with multiple receptacles used by Siddhartha when he works in garden
Maka’rius - See Ton Re’Maka’rius
Man’asorai - Per Anorasian Netsor’ah or prophecy, the Rectifier who will be sent by the Shen’dalah to save their race
Matewos, Helina - Wife of Andualem Tadesse
Mecca - Holy city of Muslim faith
Mengistu, Eskender - Ethiopian who piloted Mariah to Axum
Meron - Anorasian classification for Military
Meron Corvus - Bridge Pilot aboard the Seftiras
Meron Drango - Shekron Bridge Pilot on board the Stirilium Cruiser Prehendere
Meron Senala - Shekron Prime Commander of the Stirilium Cruiser Prehendere
Meron Ta’daeu - Shekron Prime Commander
MERS - Mobile Exploratory Research Station: Large spaceship used to conduct experiments on all aspects of new planets under investigation for potential colonization by Anorasians. Completely self-sufficient and may be out in space for centuries.
Min’yel’os - Yiddish is minion (10 men who sit together to say prayers for the dead. In Anorasian, ten former members of the Synadracus whose essences were cloned into an NMIP to become a living, multi-core processing network acting as supreme rulers of their galaxy.
Noreptal - One of three planets in Zubeln Star System
Nermelis - Anorasian Prime Commander of the spaceship Gandir
Ner Tamid - Ethiopian for “Eternal Light”
Netsor’ah - Prophecy given to Hesad from Shen’dalah
NMIP - Neural Matrix Information Processor: Intelligent core, links functions such as power, environmentals, communication, long and short range sensors, hyperspace drive, navigation, weapons, etc. Communicates as a living entity, having hearing, speech, and visual recognition.
Offspring - ¼ size of the MERS
Onerus - Right most vid-screen in the MERS on Izorach
Paradise, David - FBI agent
PEA - Protective Energy Array: Force field erected between hostile and amenable environments.
PES - Protective Energy Shield: Force field, surrounds and protects whatever it is built into.
PDSU - Permanent Data Storage Unit: A 12-sided dodecahedron figure, the Holographic record of ancient Anorasian civilization on Touranim.
Piseda Ridge - Eastern wall of the Agrist K’anna
Prehendere - Stirilium Cruiser
Prime Commander - Nermelis, head of the Shekron of Touranim
Prophecy - Also called Netsor’ah, words handed down from the Shen’dalah which the Anorasian geneticist believe will save their race
PTB - Personal Transport Belt: Lets sentient beings have limited movement through space without a vehicle.
PTV - Personal Transport Vehicle: Small intelligent spaceship designed for one or two passengers.
Quercus - Mahogany-colored tree upon which the natural Eocene dicit’ledoni grows
Ramirez, Emily - Student nurse at St. Vincent’s Hospital
Raphael, Thomas James - Mariah Carpenter’s lover and cameraman who films the Findings
Re - Anorasian vocational classification for Scientist
Recine, Dr. Lucas - Chief of Hematology and Genetic Research, St. Vincent’s Hospital
Roberts, Dennis - Mariah morphs into this person on her trip to Ethiopia
Sateron - See Ton Re’Sateron
Sar’ednos - Animals inhabiting Touranim
S’edra - Tree native to Touranim
Seekers - A religious sect who follow the teaching of Net’sorah
Seftiras - Meron Ta’daeu’s Stirilium cruiser
Senala - See Meron Senala
SHARD - Secured Holographic Archive Retrieval Device, they key to opening the PDSU
Shal’amal’kam - Shalom Aleichem: traditional Middle Eastern greeting
Shanaria - Karma; destiny
SHARD - Secured Holographic Archive Retrieval Device: Key to opening the PDSU.
Shekron - Military of Hakilam
Shel’Zib - See High Priest
Shen’dalah - Anorasians’ name for God of Netsor’ah, also called the Great and Glorious
Shel’Zib - Yiddish is Shaliach Tzibur or Chazzan, means one who speaks on behalf of the congregation. Hesad’s title means “High Priest” in Anorasian. Title equivalent to our meaning of Pope
Shobokshi, Alhasan - Head of the local forces guarding the holy mosque in Mecca
Sho’revra - Residence of the Min’yel’os
shul - Yiddish word meaning “synagogue”
Siddhartha - One of three humans males on Izorach originally from Earth
Silverstein, Dr. Menachim “Manny” - Chief of Staff, St. Vincent’s Hospital
SIM - Synthetic Intelligence Matrix: Core of the artificial intelligence entity that controls the PTV.
Simone, Giselle - CIA agent
So - Anorasian vocational classification for Accounting
Sol - Star System discovered by Anorasian geneticists 10,000 BC
solam tebrosm - Root hybrid developed to grow in the soil on Elvilivle
Sov’dovaris - The Destroyer, the entity bent on the destruction of the Universe of the Universe.
SRIG - Self-Regulating Insulated Garment: flexible, protective, self-contained garment worn by Anorasians.
St. Vincent’s Hospital - Located in San Jose, California where Mariah Carpenter was brought when she fell into a coma
Stirilium Cruiser - Mid-sized battle cruiser in the Shekron fleet
Suwaidi, Ahmed AssadSaudi - Arabian CIA operative
swshswsh - Noise made when someone arrives via a hyperspatial transport
Synadracus - Governing body of the Cheloran star system
Ta’daeu - See Meron Ta’daeu
Tadesse, Andualem - Ethiopian Jew, Mariah’s host
Tadesse, Salahadin - Youngest son of Andualem Tadesse
Tadesse, Tarikawi - Eldest son of Andualem Tadesse
The’azarn - one of three moons orbiting Hakilam
The Three - Referring to al-Amin, Siddhartha, and Emmanuel
Ton - Anorasian classification for Government
Ton Re’Aleris - Female Anorasian geneticist from Hakilam; one of two responsible for a secret laboratory on Izorach
Ton Re’Deutriion - Anorasian geologist from Hakilam
Ton Re’Maka’rius - Anorasian geologist from Hakilam
Ton Re’Sateron - Male Anorasian geneticist from Hakilam; one of two responsible for a secret laboratory on Izorach
Ton So’Galaxaril - Minister of Finance on Hakilam
Touranim - Ancient Anorasian name for Earth
Traiteal - A sub-orbiter orbiting earth in the eastern hemisphere downloading information to Onerus
Transformed - Seekers who have become inducted into the religion
tutivillus - any fancied supernatural being
Valariti - sub-orbiter in the western hemisphere of Earth feeding information to the Valariti vid-screen
VEF - Vectored Energy Field: Force field used to separate chambers in the ERL on Izorach.
virtual cocoon - Anorasian exercise chamber which suspends occupant while electromagnetic impulses contract and relax muscles, also allowing access to a viewscreen with nearly unlimited mental stimuli.
Voltrex Star Ship - three times the size of a Stirillium Cruiser
Wahhab, Abdullah Ibn Abdul - Saudi Arabian CIA operative
Ward, Dr. Aubrietta - Chief of Neurology, St. Vincent’s Hospital
Winters, Gabriel - Technical Operations Officer in the CIA agent posing as an FBI agent
Yoreshed - Anorasian dialect of middle class
Zubeln Star System Solar - system having three uninhabited planets: Izorach, Ashtawr and Noreptal
Prophecy Page 37