The Billionaire Brothers

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The Billionaire Brothers Page 4

by Victoria Villeneuve

  “Oh, Jake... This is going to be amazing...”

  They kissed once more, the taste of her wetness still on his lips, as below, she could feel his cock press against her lower belly, then angle down to slip into the wet folds of her pussy. Jake grabbed her ass and boosted her onto the counter, opening her legs wide. He drew her dress over her head and quickly release her bra.

  “Megan, do we need some protection?” he asked quietly. “I had my physical last week, and I’m clean...”

  “Don’t worry, then,” she said. “I’m set.”

  Jake took a hard nipple into his mouth and sucked sharply, making her gasp once more, before encouraging her to guide his cock inside her. “Are you ready?”

  She took hold of him and pressed his tip to her opening. “Do I feel ready?”

  She felt his hardness entering her, sliding easily into her wet pussy. “You feel perfect,” he said, pushing deep inside of her. They moaned together at the new sensation, of hardness newly surrounded by soft femininity. Jake reluctantly withdrew for his second thrust, again entering her completely, his soft hairs pressing against Megan’s inner thighs. Then he eased back to glance down at the fresh coating of her juice which now covered his cock.

  Megan felt him push deep inside again as he began fucking her with a slow, rhythmic motion. Megan’s hands found Jake’s ass and pulled him into her, willing him deeper, faster. His pace increased, thrusting into her purposefully, harder. She felt herself begin to tense up around his cock, her hips responding to him, her body welcoming him, demanding more.

  Their sex created the perfect angle inside her. As he thrust forward each time, she felt him hit her g-spot as though searching for it, as though bringing her pleasure was all that he wanted. Between kisses and gasps, she encouraged him further. “Right there...” Her juices coated his balls now. “Give it to me...”

  Jake could no longer hold back his orgasm as the gentle warmth of Megan’s pussy coaxed him onward, to join her at their mutual peak.

  When it happened, he wanted to slow down but Megan pulled him into her with her legs wrapped around him, insisting on a strong, hard finish. Seconds later, he exploded inside her and they shared a giant, all-consuming orgasm. Pleasure unlike any Megan had ever known tore through her body, her pussy tightening uncontrollably around Jake’s cock as his cum spurted deep and hot inside her.

  Their first sex slowed to a gasping, naked embrace, right there on the kitchen counter-top. Neither wanted to part, but Jake gently withdrew and, grinning with satisfaction, ran his fingertips over her glowing skin as their breathing returned to normal.

  “Come on down from there,” he said, lending her a supporting arm. “The bathroom’s this way.”

  Unsteadily, still amazed by the bliss of their sex, Megan found her way through to a generous bathroom next to Jake’s own bedroom. Moments later, they were relaxing in his king-sized bed together.

  “Are you OK?” he asked with a cheeky smile. “I hope I haven’t ruined your late evening plans.”

  Laying on her side on his soft, white sheets, Megan slid into the crook of his arm. “The only thing you’ve ruined is my record of being a good girl on first dates.”

  “Well, I’m sorry for that,” Jake said, stroking her side with gentle fingertips.

  “Don’t be. It was a rule well worth breaking. Just don’t tell Erica, OK? I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “I won’t tell anyone, if you don’t want.”

  Megan stopped short. Does he mean his brother, Tom?

  But then, she let it go. This wasn’t a moment for worry. It was, she found as Jake’s fingertips found her nipple, a moment to lay back and let him touch. Let him kiss.

  Everywhere he wanted to.


  There was nothing, Megan reflected as she coaxed yet warmer water from Jake’s shower, to make a girl feel more lusted after than being woken up by a man with a gentle tongue between her legs.

  And nothing as likely to see that same man pushed gently aside than a thumping, dizzying hangover like this one.

  Jake had taken the refusal well, and helped her with her symptoms. Water, juice and strong coffee helped wash down painkillers before breakfast omelets and warm, fresh, artisanal bread filled them both up. It was only 8:45 by the time she stepped out of the shower, feeling markedly better, but Jake had already returned the Lamborghini, made breakfast and got himself ready for work.

  Unwilling to rush someone recovering both from a hangover and from the intensity of their sex sessions – which came eventually to number three, he recalled with a wicked grin – Jake gently helped Megan into her clothes and got them out of the door. His sporty, black Acura waited in his secondary parking place.

  “This’ll have to do, I’m afraid,” he quipped as he opened the door for her.

  “It’s no Lamborghini, but I’m sure it gets you from A to B.”

  She was, it was now certain, going to be quite late for her 10am Pharmacology class, unless she chose to show up in last night’s slinky black dress. New underwear were an absolute requirement, anyway. Dropping her off at her apartment, Jake delayed her for a long kiss before escorting her to her door.

  “What can I say, Jake?”

  “’Thank you’ is traditional, but I should be thanking you,” he replied. “I can’t believe after all this time that we...”

  She put a finger to his lips, the better to avoid his putting their evening into words which would feel only tawdry in the morning’s uncompromisingly clear light.

  “Can I call you tonight?” he asked. “I’ll be in New York.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Jet-setter... Yes, you may call me. Not too late, though. I think it’s going to be an early night for me.” If she looked as exhausted as she felt, Megan reasoned, then there could be no greater contrast between the stunning girl he had picked up in his Lamborghini last night and this worn-out, next-morning Megan he was depositing back at her apartment. It did nothing to help her feel attractive, but she couldn’t really care less. If this was to be the cost of such a night, then so be it.

  “OK.” He kissed her cheek. “Thanks, again. I had a great time.”

  “Me too.”

  Erica was up and watching terrible morning TV, spooning cereal and intermittently brushing her hair. “Good morning, lover girl!” she said brightly.

  Megan padded quietly through to her room, her only gesture a palms-down ‘take it easy’ which Erica correctly interpreted as sure signs of a severe hangover. There were the sounds of drawers being opened and a few curse words, probably linked to Megan’s glancing at the clock, before she emerged wearing jeans and a hoodie with BOSTON STRONG emblazoned on the front.


  Megan mumbled something which sounded positive.

  “Out tonight?”

  This mumble was more negative.

  “Need some more Tylenol?”

  Megan stopped, checked her bag, found a pack of painkillers, and murmured negatively again.

  “OK, sweetie. You go get ‘em. Take it easy, OK?”

  Megan kissed Erica’s forehead and made her way down to her car, feeling pretty dreadful. It was only the glow of last night’s sweet excesses which kept her going through a tough, packed day.


  Della picked up on her fatigue, bringing Megan coffee as she slumped forlornly at their desk in the Pharmacology lab. Megan debated putting on her sunglasses as the sun began to break through the clouds, filling the airy room with unwelcome sunshine.

  "Hmm. A big Tuesday night. Let me guess... Someone’s birthday party?”

  Megan accepted the cup gratefully and unearthed two more Tylenol from her purse. “No. Would you believe, I was on a date?”

  “A what?” Della asked in only half-feigned shock.

  Megan swallowed the pills with a grimace. “You know. A girl, a guy. A restaurant.”

  Della slid onto the lab stool next to her, her coral tunic complementing her dark, olive skin and accentuating
Megan’s morning pallor. “And does this ‘guy’ have a name?”


  Della rubbed her hands gleefully. “Do tell, do tell...”

  The coffee was going to make her feel incredibly wired, but there was nothing else for it. “He’s rich, handsome and has excellent taste.”

  Della nodded, her attention rapt.

  “He picked me up in a friggin’ Lamborghini,” Megan said, trying to suppress a grin.

  “What? No, OK,” Della said, head shaking and holding up a hand in protest. “Now I know you’re just... how do you say... pulling my leg? You stayed up late watching a chick flick and drank an entire bottle of wine by yourself. You just don’t want to admit it.”

  “That does sound much more like me,” Megan nodded, “but this time I’m totally serious.” She smirked knowingly. “To be fair, though, it was just a loaned Lamborghini...”

  “Yeah,” Della quipped. “People lend me those all the time. Anyway, then what?”

  “We went to Circus? Do you know it?”

  “I’ve heard of it,” Della replied, her eyes widening. “A drink there is supposed to cost a semester’s tuition!”

  “It wasn’t cheap. Nice martini, though,” Megan added, though her stomach churned to think of it.

  “And...?” Della was desperate to know.

  Megan smiled at the memory. “La Taverna.”

  Della’s hand flew to her mouth. “Is he absolutely loaded, or what?”

  “He’s pretty rich. Part of a very successful company.”

  Della twiddled her thumbs in silent thought. “Would this be... by any chance... a world-famous computer software company?”

  “It would.” OK, Della, get it over with.

  “Oh, Megan... Don’t tell me you...”

  “Keep your voice down,” Megan hissed. “There’s no need for the whole friggin’ lab to hear about this.”

  Della stood. “If you weren’t so damned hungover right now, I’d slap you upside the head.”

  “Why?” Megan asked, shocked. Hadn’t Della told her to get herself a date, only days before?

  “Because you...” She lowered her tone. “That was the wrong brother!”

  Megan grabbed Della by the lapel and fairly dragged her into the hallway, behind the coffee machines. “You don’t get to judge me, Della. All I did was to have a nice evening with a nice man.”

  Megan’s friend was red-faced and apologetic. “I’m just trying to look out for you. There’s the steady, dependable one, and there’s the other one, with the reputation, and ...”

  “And how much of that do you think is really true?” Megan was in too much pain to really chew Della out, though she felt her friend had earned the admonition.

  “Well, you know him better than I do.”

  “Quite a lot better.” There was the beginning of a smile to Megan now. “We had a very nice evening.”

  Others came to grab coffee from the machines, so Megan led Della back into the lab. “Are you going to tell me about it, or are we actually going to analyze this chemical reaction?” Della asked.

  “I’ll tell you later, if you’re very lucky” Megan assured her. “But there’s one person I’m definitely not going to tell.”


  Andrea’s piano lesson had gone about as well as it ever did. She hadn’t even complained at being asked to play minor scales and, although her Bach was still far from perfect, she was showing a better attitude. Tom texted to confirm that he would be picking her up as usual, and in the moments before his arrival, Megan felt a creeping awkwardness. Can I possibly lie to Tom? About something like this?

  In the end, she didn’t have to. “She’s practiced well this week,” Megan reported to Tom as they waited in the entryway for Andrea to get her shoes on.

  “That’s good to know,” Tom smiled, looking relaxed in faded jeans at the end of this hectic workday.

  “Of course I have!” Andrea chimed in. “I’m going to be a genus!”

  “It’s genius, sport,” Tom corrected with a chuckle, ruffling his daughter’s hair. “And that’s for other people to tell you.”

  “But Megan says I’m a genius,” Andrea said.

  “Miss Peterson,” her father reminded her, a finger raised in reprimand. “And I’m not sure she said that,” he added, giving Megan a quizzical look with friendly, deep-brown eyes.

  “I might have said that Bach was a genius,” Megan admitted. “Though Andrea is showing signs of great talent. She just needs to keep practicing.”

  Megan saw them out. Tom had either been tactful in not asking about her date with his brother, or perhaps he simply hadn’t known about it, but either way, Megan was relieved. There’s nothing quite so awkward, she reflected, as discussing the love affairs of your siblings. Besides, during the past few years, Megan had been as much a mother to Andrea, and a helpful, younger sister to Tom, than anything else. Certainly more so than anything romantic. It would have been tragic to spoil their friendship over such trivia as her night with Jake, the Lamborghini and the Limoncello.

  Megan’s phone showed a voicemail which had come in during her lesson with Andrea. Megan could barely believe the instant excitement of hearing Jake’s voice; the sound of it had a nostalgic and very enjoyable effect.

  “Hey Megan... It’s Jake. I hope you’re doing well.” He sounded slightly hesitant, as though making the call had required the mustering of considerable courage. Surely not, with a reputation like his. Maybe he’s just not used to calling women back the next day. “I wanted to thank you again for such a nice evening on Tuesday. I really had a great time, and I hope we can do it again soon. Actually, I’m back from New York and wondered if you wanted to maybe have dinner on Saturday night?”

  He included his number and signed off. Megan replayed the message. And then again. There was something in his voice when he confessed to having had a ‘really great time’ which put her in mind of their moments of pleasure. She brought her phone through to her bedroom, closed the door and lay on the bed. Impulses beyond her control seemed to take over, and soon she was fantasizing their next phone call.

  Hmmm... which part was ‘really great’ for you, Jake?

  She imagined his voice, husky and low. When you showed me how wet you were. How ready you were for me.

  She put the phone aside and let her hands travel downward. What about when I helped to slide your big cock inside me?

  Skirt up... panties down... What about when you came together with me, that first time?

  Hmmm it was so strong... I could feel you tightening... your pussy urging me on...

  Fingers gently parted Megan’s warm, wet lips. Or what about the second time, in your bed, with me riding you?

  You looked amazing... Rising and falling slowly on my erection... Your face a picture of pleasure...

  She began a soft circling of her clit. Do you remember the third time?

  How could I forget? I’ve never cum that way before...

  Her orgasm was a slowly unfolding narrative in her mind, her personal highlights reel from the wonderful evening of unselfconscious sex they had shared.

  So intimate... so special... cumming in each other’s mouths...

  Fingers duplicated his deep thrusting inside her, and when it came, the much-needed release saw her back arching in pleasure as she brought to mind his mouth on her pussy, that first time.

  Megan was careful to wash up a little before touching her phone, but got a special kick out of calling him while she was also gently toying with her clit. “Hey, Jake?”

  “I was hoping you’d call,” he said. Background noise told her that Jake was driving.

  “So, Saturday night, huh?”

  “Yeah. What do you think?” he asked.

  She allowed a few seconds’ silence. I think that nothing more than a goddamned voicemail just made me horny as hell. “I think I’m free,” she said, nonchalant. “I can probably move some things around.” The smile in her voice betrayed her sarcasm, though
she was determined not to appear too easy, especially after being so intimate on their very first date.

  “Great. May I pick you up as early as 5.30?”

  What’s the plan, Jake? Sex even before dinner, this time?

  “You may, young Sir.”

  Jake cleared his throat. “Not that I would ever presume, but... May I also recommend an overnight bag? I kinda have something special planned.”


  Erica was buzzing as though she were Megan’s maid of honor before her wedding.

  “Try these,” Erica said, tossing Megan a box containing silver earrings. Jewelry wasn’t the problem, they found. An hour of debate had produced little progress until Erica found a stunning, navy blue dress with lace cut-outs in the back of her closet and convinced Megan to try it on. After that, Erica’s advice had been simply for Megan to wear the sexiest things in her underwear drawer and get her hair into shape. They were so well organized that Megan had time to sit and do nothing before Jake arrived.

  “So, where’s Loverboy taking you?”

  Megan shrugged. “He didn’t say. All he said was that I should be prepared to stay overnight.”

  “Duh... Yeah!” Erica exclaimed, as if acknowledging the entirely predictable. “I mean, you could bring him back here, but I don’t know if we’re at that stage in our friendship yet.”


  “I’d try it if you wanted me to,” Erica said demurely. “For the sake of science.”

  “Try what?”

  “Never mind,” Erica said, swatting Megan away. “Did you charge your phone?”

  “Why, are you going to want text updates throughout the evening?” Megan joked.

  “I might! Besides, I’ve heard so little about your first date.”

  “And that’s the way it’s going to stay,” Megan assured her. A little detail was fine, she had decided, but she didn’t need all of her friends gossiping about it.

  “Oh, come on!” Erica complained, slumping into the sofa. “I’d tell you every last detail if I had a date with a guy that hot.”

  “Well,” Megan explained patiently, “we’re a little different in that particular way.”


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