The Billionaire Brothers

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The Billionaire Brothers Page 9

by Victoria Villeneuve

  She found herself thinking back to Tom’s hand on her jeans, to what might have happened without the interruption. She slid her hand down to her thigh to mimic the feel of Tom touching her, and then her fingers became his, rising steadily, as if Tom had kept going. In her mind, Tom’s hand moved higher, his fingers beginning to slide back and forth between her legs as he leaned in for a kiss.

  Megan’s bed became a warm, secret theater where she enjoyed a slowly built, slick-fingered fantasy of what might have been.

  Or what might be. Tomorrow night.


  It had been an easy decision to have coffee at Megan’s place, rather than at the restaurant, excellent though it would probably have been. Famed for its ribs and steaks, Garrison’s was on its way to becoming a Boston landmark, and had been extremely full. Both Megan and Tom quickly craved quiet where they might talk without raised voices. And flirt without raising eyebrows, Megan mused.

  On the drive back to her place, Megan found herself replaying once more the final, skin-tingling moments from last night’s flirtation. Daydreaming felt awkward while Tom sat right there, although, glancing over, she saw that his right thumb had started absently running back and forth over the supple leather of the steering wheel.

  Are you thinking about what I’m thinking about? I sure hope you are...

  She broke the silence with a hurriedly formed question. “So, last night you were telling me about your... space vacuum cleaner?” she asked, searching for the right word. “How is that coming along?”

  Tom changed lanes to avoid an uncertain cabbie and relaxed, enthused into his favorite subject. Megan was happy to let him chatter all the way back to her apartment and while they climbed the stairs together; he was a good guide for the uninitiated, and Megan found herself learning a lot about the challenges Tom faced as an engineer and designer.

  The place was lit but empty. Good girl, Erica. There’s a lady who knows the right moments to make herself scarce.

  Megan hung her jacket on the back of the door and headed to the kitchen to make coffee, a simple but delicious French press version, rather than Tom’s sophisticated home-made espresso. The place was immaculate, she saw, adding to her list another winning aspect to having Erica as a housemate; at least she needn’t worry that Tom, taking a moment in the bathroom, would see embarrassing, girly debris. Megan’s heart warmed at Erica’s unselfish compassion; the dizzy girl had tidied the place until it was barely recognizable as somewhere they both lived. Even the cushions were straightened.

  The water came close to a boil. In the living room, she could hear Tom checking in with Sophia. She stepped towards the door with quiet footsteps, but could only hear fragments. Then...

  Did he just tell her he’d be ‘very late’? Oh, Tom. Oh, God... Just breathe, Megan. In and out... Wait, how late is ‘very late’? Maybe don’t over think this right now... But that’s how I always do it! Does he mean 11:30 or 5am?

  Either subconsciously or otherwise, Megan found her fingers undoing the next button of her blouse. Glancing down, she saw that her short, tight, black skirt already sent the message she wanted to convey. Beneath were her black, lacey panties.

  Hopefully not for long.

  OK, he’s off the phone. Get in there and seduce him. He wants you. Just don’t screw it up.

  Bringing two cups through, she beckoned Tom to take a seat on their couch and then sat next to him, close enough so that their knees touched. Tom finished mapping out the little robot’s path on the coffee table’s glass surface.

  “Why do the solar arrays have to be so long?” Megan asked, her voice beginning to tighten a little.

  Tom turned to her and drew the ISS outline once more on her knee. “Well, the ISS experiments consume a lot of power,” he answered, “and then there’s air conditioning and heating and all kinds of stuff.”

  This was exactly where her fantasy had begun, last night, she noted with a flutter in her chest. That gentle, warm hand on her knee. Only, in her midnight daydream, as she had accepted the inevitable and slipped off her sodden panties, his hand had not stayed still for long. And tonight, there was no denim barrier between his fingers and her smooth, sensitive skin.

  “So, how is your little robot going to get up there?” she asked, her voice beginning to tighten.

  Tom smiled and, somewhat to Megan’s disappointment, brought both hands into mid-air to show her something new. Her aroused, bare skin immediately missed his touch and she willed his hand to return. He mimicked a rocket taking off, complete with lift-off noises, bringing a giggle from Megan. Then he returned to her leg and began to describe the orbits of the ISS and the arriving rocket, using two circulating fingertips on her skin which eventually came together for the final docking procedure.

  Megan was finding if gradually more difficult to control her breathing, and had to suppress a gasp as she glanced over and noticed a definite bulge in Tom’s pants. Hmmm, that wasn’t there before...

  Tom continued to describe the mission, somehow working a continued stroking of Megan’s thigh into his narrative. Finally, one of his fingers slide beneath the edge of her skirt and Megan gasped out loud. His hand went still but did not retreat, and his eyes drifted to hers. Megan noticed, for the first time, nervousness and uncertainty on his handsome face.

  “Megan, I...” He seemed unable to finish the sentence.

  “I know, Tom... Me too.” She lifted a hand to stroke the side of his face.

  “Are you sure? This will change everything.”

  “I’m starting to think,” she said, “that change is a good thing. And, for you and me, it’s a very good thing.”

  Tom drew her head towards him and kissed her gently on the lips. Their kisses quickly became deeper and more intimate as they overcame their collective shyness.

  “Oh, Tom.” Their lips met again, simple, slow kisses which grew longer, a little deeper, becoming a sensual, drawn-out union. And then, not too soon, growing more confident, Megan’s mouth opened around Tom’s, encouraging him to become bolder.

  The first warm meeting of their tongues was an electric contact, Megan slid her tongue over his and let his hand complete its journey under her skirt, cupping her moistness and pressing lightly with the heel of his hand. She gave a little start, her body almost unready for the contact but then relaxed into a soft grinding motion against his hand. Their kiss broke with a sharp gasp.



  “Bed.” It wasn’t a question. Quivering legs brought her to the doorway, Tom’s hand in hers, Megan’s body tingling as though carrying a pulsing, erotic current.

  She half-pushed, half-pulled him to the edge of her queen bed, its fresh, light-blue sheets fresh from the wash. As he sat, she brought his hands to her blouse buttons and gave him a sexy, encouraging smile. Each movement revealed more of her smooth, pale stomach. When they were all loose, she slowly eased her blouse onto her shoulders, opening it for him.

  Tom’s gaze followed her navel up to the line of her bra. He found the catch and it unsnapped easily, falling forward. Megan shed her blouse, letting it slip down her back and onto the floor, her bra following. No words were needed; she trusted Tom’s mouth to know where to pleasure her.

  She embraced him, offering her breasts to him. It was the first contact which made her shudder, almost uncontrolled, a jolt of pleasure from such a simple kiss, but it was his mouth gently enveloping her nipple which made her tense up, surprised. Below, Megan felt the certain beginnings of what she would later remember as an unceasing, sweeping orgasm which would last as long as their first sex.

  Fingers in his hair, she let him suck, and release, and lick, and then suck deeply, almost too much. The sight of his mouth on her, a red and swollen nipple being teased by his tongue, could have made her laugh, or cry, or gasp in pleasure, but it was an open-mouthed sigh of pleasure which Tom heard. No sound in his life had made him as hard and ready as the sound of Megan’s body responding to him.
  The soft, exploring kisses from the sofa had passed, replaced by a hungrier, needier, deeper connection. His fingertips exploring between her legs brought more gasps, and then Megan could no longer hold back from unbuttoning his pants. He stood to let her, and there, on her knees, she took in the sight of his hardness, unveiled and strong. She gave him a long like, up his warm underside, then moved onto his balls and took his hardness in a tentative, gentle hand.

  She wanted to watch. She breathed warm, humid air on his cock, his tip unhooded now, as she slipped him back and forth, a dozen, slow strokes, and then a little faster. Tom sighed deeply, let her explore him, let her push him back, strip him off, lay between his legs, all the while her gentle hand pleasing him.

  Then Megan’s mouth was on him. Around him. Letting him push inside.

  She wanted to feel every inch of him, and for every inch of him to feel her mouth. His orgasm was not her goal yet. Her sucking was slow, his cock passing only slightly inside her mouth, her tongue teasing his tip with little flickers which melted into long tongue-strokes, covering his entire length. When his cock did slip deeper into her mouth, she simply held him there, letting him feel her lips around his base, her tongue on his shaft. Released, his cock was wet, and harder than he thought possible.

  A soft hand returned to stroke him. Megan looked up and watched him pull his shirt off, and then she responded to his beckoning hand. She slid along his body, her breasts pressing against his legs, his balls, slowing graze her nipples along his cock. Tom drew her up and quick hands unzipped her skirt and slipped it off. He rolled her quickly onto her back, loving her schoolgirl giggles, relishing the chance finally to reveal everything. Megan’s skirt joined the scattering of clothes on the floor. Only then, for the first time, was she shy, covering her panties with her hands with a modesty which Tom found so much sexier than the simple discarding of her underwear he had planned.

  Then, Megan’s fingers began circling her clit and, in an instant, her shyness metamorphosed into a yet greater arousal. She was pressing the black fabric into her lips, daring him to intrude, to disturb her display. Instead of her pussy, she showed him her arousal, her willingness to be wet and open for him, a willingness still hidden but all the more transparent for it. When his hands joined hers, mimicking her rhythm, she found them relenting their hold, slipping out from under his, allowing him to press and circle as she had done.

  Then he simply had to see her. Tugging downward, Tom found no resistance now. Her dark triangle was exposed, and then the pink lips which hid within, all coated with an excitement which had been building since before the restaurant, before Tom told Sophia he’d be late, before seeing and kissing and sucking him, and which now soaked her panties and her inner thighs. Tom held the skimpy fabric to his nose and inhaled deeply. As he did so, Megan slid up the bed, arranged pillows behind her and slowly, with the sexiest smile, opened her legs to show Tom her pussy.

  Incapable of words, Tom kissed his way up Megan’s legs with a warm thoroughness which contrasted his urgent impulse to ravage her with his mouth. By the time he was kissing her inner thigh, Megan’s pussy juice was leaving smears of her excitement on the sheets every time she moved, and she moved often, directing her pussy toward Tom’s mouth, desperate to feel him.

  He looked up and saw a picture of such lust that he nearly skipped the coming feast and mounted her, there and then. Barely under control, he submitted to providing the kiss Megan was dying to feel. Tom placed slow kisses on Megan’s outer lips and then, unable to stop himself, opened her lips with his fingers and slid them deep inside her pussy as his mouth returned to her clit.

  She came in a long, wet sequence, pleasure upon pleasure, heightening as Tom approached and then devoured the swollen, red nub of her clit. Megan gave full voice to the sensations; she had no choice. As Tom’s fingers found her deep, aching center, she let go completely. Megan uttered an amazed, rising wail as she allowed her cum to flow free, her swollen lips newly deluged. Tom withdrew his fingers, their goal wonderfully accomplished, but kissed and licked Megan’s throbbing little clit as her soaking climax began to pass, moving down to her lips, and to her sodden entrance. Then Tom kissed her ass, the smaller opening equally welcoming of his tongue.

  While she regained her breath, Tom focused his kisses there, at her hidden entrance, the sensations to new, and so arousing, that Megan was able to cum again quickly, only slowly emerging from under the pillow which had stifled her cries of joy. Her ecstasy, given voice without reluctance or fear now, added to his already painful hardness, which he slowly stroked, careful not to encourage too far the huge orgasm which lay, always, just under the surface.

  Megan breathed deeply, shifting down the bed and lifting her hips to his mouth, opening herself to these intensely personal kisses, the first her sensitive and more hidden entrance had ever felt. As her body relaxed, Tom kissed higher once more, returning to lick her swollen, dripping pussy lips with soft, broad strokes of his tongue.

  Megan reached for a towel on the bedside table, thoughtfully prepared for just this reason, a longed-for eventuality Megan had predicted even last night, as she lay in her wet fantasy of Tom. As she dried her inner thighs, Tom sat back on his haunches to watch, thrilled at the pleasure he had given her but still short of the completion his ceaseless erection demanded. Megan slid the towel under her and took Tom’s hand, pulling him to her and wrapping her legs around his. They would need no hands, no guidance. Tom’s hardness sought out the center of her wetness, found it easily, and he pushed inside her as fully and deeply as he could.

  “Oh, God...” she cried out loudly. His generous cock filled her completely, sliding in almost to the point of pain but all the more pleasurable for it.

  Tom took her slowly, breathing deep, his own pleasure likely to peak before hers, he knew. Under him, Megan’s soaking pussy enveloped and massaged his cock, her tongue mimicking his thrusts, meeting his, sliding past, their mouths locking together as if dependent on each other. A deep, hard push inside her brought a sharp cry; Tom feared having given her too much and began to pull out, but she gripped his biceps firmly, her fingernails indenting his skin, pulling him towards her. He repeated the full, firm thrust and her body seemed to open, to welcome this stronger sex.

  From there they built quickly, necessarily, from their initial gentle lovemaking to a harder, more intense embrace. The word presented itself to Megan, suffused in a cloud of passion and desire.


  Her pussy sucked Tom’s penis deep, telling him it was OK, telling him just to do it. Breathing too hard for kissing now, Tom held her tight and drove deep, again and again, his cock repeatedly engulfed by Megan’s perfect, soaking pussy.

  Fucking... Tom’s fucking me.

  Wetness soaked the towel beneath them, ignored. She cried out as Tom’s mouth found her nipple for a moment and it was almost too much.

  Tell him. Let him hear it. Make him come with just those two words.

  She stroked his hair and brought his eyes to hers. “Fuck me, Tom.”

  “Oh, baby...”

  She held his gaze. “Do it... Fuck me hard.”

  “Megan, I can’t hold it...”

  She licked his mouth. “Don’t hold it. I want it.”

  “Oh God, here... here it comes...”

  His cock was flashing in and out of her now, his full length withdrawing and plunging in again with each hard, deep stroke, and Tom did then what he simply had to, what Megan most desired, what his whole body ached for.

  “Yes... Yes... Now, baby...”

  Megan’s walls squeezed Tom’s cock as he began to let go. She came, spasming almost painfully as her lover approached his peak, and then opened her body for him, to let Tom come, feeling his final strong thrusts deep inside her. His orgasm arrived as the first of many jolts, so strong that Megan felt every one, her muscles tightening with each waves of cum that flowed into her pussy. As he climaxed, she felt her entire body tingling with pleasure and let out a long,
loud sigh born of the overwhelming ecstasy she was feeling.

  Her man, laying amazed on top of her, his cum overflowing at once, slowed his strokes as the intensity melted away. His mouth met hers. His warmth flooded her.

  She found, as she opened her eyes, that he was smiling down at her. She kissed him, over and over, and it became a long, sensual kiss which could have lasted all night, so little did either feel like pausing. It was only the lake which was gathering under her ass which prompted Megan to gently nudge him aside.

  “Wow.” Tom stared down at the towel and soaked sheets below, stunned. It was as if a full glass of water had been spilled.

  Megan grabbed the towel and tended to her soaked thighs. “I should have warned you.”

  He caught the thrown towel and dried her wetness off his own body. “No, it’s great... I’ve found my very own sexual fountain.” Tom’s chuckling continued even after he was shooed off the bed so that Megan could lay out new sheets.

  “Very funny. Really.” No point in being embarrassed, Megan reminded herself. It just shows him what a great fuck he was.

  Tom stopped her, grabbing the sheets away, and slid an arm around her, pulling her close, their naked bodies pressing together. He kissed Megan’s mouth and face and shoulders before helping her straighten the bed up. Megan pulled the new top sheet around them both as Tom drew her to him again and cuddled her, his hands wandering over her ass.

  “Oh, wait.” Megan hopped up quickly, pulled simple white panties from her underwear drawer, and returned to Tom.

  “Awww. Why?” he asked. “Don’t tell me you’re feeling self-conscious now.”

  Megan gave him a look as she pulled them on. “Because, darling,” she explained with a mildly sarcastic tone, “for some reason, there’s this huge amount of your cum inside me.” Tom nodded, grinning ruefully. “I don’t want to mess up these new sheets,” she said, climbing back into bed.


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