The Watchers

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The Watchers Page 27

by Reakes, Wendy

“But this isn’t your country now, Maggie,” he said, soberly. “It’s all ours.”

  Maggie reached up with both hands at the side of his face and planted a kiss on his lips. “Now, you’re talking, Yankee boy.”

  Mia watched Tom’s friend take some fast paces towards Fran who was standing on the beach with Elizabeth at her side. She let go of the girl’s hand and literally fell into his arms. He was holding her, kissing her face and running his fingers through her long golden hair. In his haste, in his desperate embrace, a flower fell from the side of her head, fluttering to the sand. Elizabeth, Keri Rain’s child, picked it up and handed it to them, and at that moment they became three, a family with broken ties, bonded by the new world they would now share for as long as the Watchers would let them stay.

  Mia turned towards the river flowing next to the village that was now her home, and she thought about her parents. Then, as she feared tears would fall from her eyes once more, she saw Jesus standing alone, watching the land across the river. He seemed in awe of the beauty, so exquisite, and he too became pensive as he thought about his Shanna and how she would have loved that place.

  Mia put her hand in her pocket and pulled out the photograph of Shanna, which Tom had taken from the van. She was about to step forward when an old woman with long curly greying hair went to his side and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and she stumbled, almost knocking the two of them off their feet. She hitched up her skirt and he saw her artificial leg. She made a comment and they both laughed, then they shook hands. Mia smiled as she watched Jesus tell the woman his name. She didn’t flinch, not one bit. She responded as if she’d always known he would be there.

  Mia put the photograph back inside her pocket when she felt a hand touch her shoulder. It was Tom. “Hey, Lakey!”

  She smiled. “Hey, Stoney!” How far they’d come.

  “How are we going to manage without a computer?” he quipped.

  She hit his arm, playfully. “This is the Internet, Stoney. It’s a non-virtual network joining people together and giving them new perspectives, new horizons, a new life.”

  “So what about you and me?”

  “What about us?” She turned towards him and saw his cheeky grin.

  “Are we sharing a hut, or what?”

  She thought about it for a moment. “Yes, we’ll share a hut...but, Stoney...”

  He lost the grin, but his eyes still flickered blue. “Yeah?”

  “For now, you sleep outside. Okay?”

  “Sure, sure...” he was moving from foot to foot.

  “We can talk through the walls maybe. You outside, me inside, you know, like when we were at the Henge.”

  “Yeah...sure, but, Mia...”


  He held out his hand and pulled her towards him. Then he kissed her with a passion she’d never felt before. Her head was spinning. She never thought it would feel like that...not with him. It felt...amazing. She could feel his arms go around her and she thought she would lose her breath if he carried on. He pulled away and she opened her eyes. Wow!

  She hit him on the arm. “And don’t go trying any funny stuff, Stoney. I’m in, you’re out. Got it?”


  That morning, around the land, on hills with towers and monuments and barrows atop, a powerful wind came and whistled through the structures, sounding like David’s trumpet blowing its final tune. It was the solstice and as the sun shone down upon them like God casting his eternal glow, new-born Watchers rose from the fields of corn.

  They were magnificent. They held their bodies erect, as the power of life fired through their veins, giving strength to their limbs and their magnificent white wings pulling them up. As they hovered in the air and then came back down to earth, finding their land legs, their features reflected the sun rays making them pure white.

  Suddenly their eyes, black with discs of yellow reflected in them, penetrated the new dawn like windows of hope. They were going home to their land of Caer Sidi, their mother’s world, uniting with their brothers so that they may all live as one.

  Far below the earth’s surface, in a place they named Avalon, a community of human dwellers began building a new world, where relationships formed and children grew and a man called Jesus preached the Word of God alongside the word of the Mother; religion, science and nature as one, where he performed ceremonies of marriages and deaths, births, anniversaries and celebrations of great achievement. It was the year 01. It was the beginning.

  In the land of Caer Sidi, across a range of mountains, the Watchers worked to prepare for the new horizon when they will begin again living alongside man as one. And in a room at the greatest height of the spiralled palace of Caer Sidi, was a chamber where the light was kept minimal except for occasional ceiling lights, like clusters of stars shining down on a surface of indigo marble.

  In the centre of that most sacred of rooms a stone altar held a glass coffin, gleaming and sparkling from the reflection of the star lights above. And inside the casket, perfectly preserved since the 13th century, the magnificent body of an Angel was displayed; seven-foot-tall and looking as if he was still alive, despite the blood no longer flowing through his veins. On the wall of the chamber was written these words:

  “In our hour of greatest need, one day he will rise again, here lies Arthur, King of all men.”

  The End

  The Resurrection Body. Corinthians 1.1

  So will it be resurrection of the dead. Listen I tell you a mystery:

  We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed – in a flash…at the last trumpet.

  For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable and we will be changed.

  For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality…

  The saying that is written will come true.”

  Wendy’s Other Novels



  The Song of the Underground

  The Judgement

  In the Shadow of Strangers

  The Girl in the Attic

  War of Angels (To be released)

  Drone (To be Released)




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