The Barista's Love (Home Economic Series Book 6)

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The Barista's Love (Home Economic Series Book 6) Page 1

by Nickole Evans




  Copyright 2019 Nickole Evans

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter One

  H ere he is again, thought Poppy Rose Folds. Here being her coffee shop, she could not help the desire that flooded her light brown eyes, but she was a professional, and when he stood in front of her, said: “Black coffee with no cream, two sugars?”

  He looked startled for a minute, his grey eyes assessing her for a minute. “Yes, the usual.”

  Taking his money and not being able to help herself, she said, “You have been in here quite a few times, and I have a good memory. That is how I knew how you like your coffee.”

  Taking his change, he said nothing. He just stared at her with those haunting bluish-grey eyes. “Okay, I will be sitting over there,” Gunther said, pointing to the table in the corner of the coffee shop.

  “I forgot to ask, do you want a brownie or a piece of pie with that?” So much as being professional thought Poppy.

  “An oatmeal raisin cookie. I had one before, and they were delicious,” he said, bringing out two dollars to pay for the purchase.

  “One oatmeal raisin cookie and medium black coffee, no cream, and two sugars?”

  “Yes,” shop away and headed toward the table in the corner with a newspaper folded under his arms. At the table, Gunther unfolded the newspaper and started reading or tried to, his mind on the beautiful black woman who has taken his orders for the past month and never once acted like she recognized him. Why did she make it known that she did today?

  That was how Gunther ‘s mind work, always trying to figure out the how and why of things, like was it him or did he see the desire for him in her eyes. He noticed she had a number of regulars, and she always had a smile for them, but she hadn’t smiled when she took his order. She looked on edge like he made her nervous. He smiled at that because she made him nervous.

  “Here is your coffee and cookie, Mr…”

  “It is Mr. Williams. Gunther Williams,” he said. “You’re Poppy, right?”

  “Yes, Poppy Rose Folds. This is my coffee shop,” she said.

  “Nice coffee shop,” Gunther said.

  “Thanks,” she said. She didn’t know what else to say and ended up standing by the table, just staring at him. Finally, she said, “Is everything alright?”

  “The coffee is excellent as usual, and the cookie is just as good,” Gunther said.

  “No, I mean, are you alright. Is everything fine with you? You just seem haunted, that is all.”

  Gunther was startled again. He stared at her, taking in her hair in two braids on both sides of her head, her smooth and flawless brown skin, and her slight frame clothed in tight blue jeans and a sleeveless t-shirt which molded to her breasts and showed off her toned arms. Her lips were full and slightly pouty. “Are you always blunt?”

  “Yes, to my detriment,” Poppy said, “If something is wrong, you can talk to me.”

  “Lady, I don’t know you,” he said on an incredulous sigh.

  “True, can I sit down,” Poppy said.

  Intrigued in spite of himself, he said, “Sure, why not.”

  Taking a seat, Poppy said, “I am thirty-eight, and I have owned this coffee shop since I was twenty-five. I have a family back in New Orleans, just my mother and grandmother, and no siblings. I have close friends, we all graduated from the Maryland International School of Home Economics all of them are married now, and quite a few have children. I am honest, blunt, impatient, and , I have been told, smart. I like to run in the morning, and I love coffee. Your turn.”

  Gunther just stared at her for a minute and taken aback by her honesty. He simply said, “Are you for real woman?”

  “As real as you are. I don’t mean to intrude on your space I just wanted you to know if you ever need to talk I am a good listener,” Poppy said. She waited a moment and then stood up and walked away.

  Gunther looked at her and wondered how she knew that he was drowning in memories he wished he did not have. He turned his attention back to his newspaper and coffee.

  An hour later, Poppy watched as he walked out of the room, wondering why she was so drawn to him. Plastering a smile on her face, she went back to taking orders.

  Chapter Two

  T he next morning, Poppy went for her five-mile run and was glad it was Spring, so she was able to do so outside. She ran early in the morning to be able to open the coffee shop at 7:00am.

  When Poppy opened the coffee shop, her customers had more than coffee on their minds. It turns out that Ms. Tavern boutique, down the street from Poppy’s coffee shop, had been robbed last night.

  It was on everyone’s mind, and all the people wanted to talk about it. When he came in around 1:00pm, Poppy lit up and did not even know it.

  “Hello Mr. Williams,” Poppy said.

  “Hello Poppy. Did you hear about the scare last night,” Gunther said. His eyes slid over her and taking in her tight jeans and a blue t-shirt.

  “I heard about it. How did you hear that?” Poppy asked.

  “The police were warning business owners of the robberies.” At her confused look , he said, “ I have a private investigation business around the corner from you.”

  A look of interest entered Poppy’s brown eyes.

  Poppy watched him walk to the table in the corner, and her interest piqued. He left an hour later.

  The next day, Poppy told her employees to take care of the coffee shop she would be back in about an hour. Poppy decided to make a trip to Mr. Williams's office to ask him out. On the way , Poppy saw Murtle and waved her hand at her and said, “Hi.”

  Murtle ran over from across the street and said, “Have you heard that Ms. Tavern got robbed the other day?”

  “Yes. We all have to be on alert,” Poppy said.

  “That is the truth? Bradley is working out of my shop, determined not to leave me alone.” Murtle said.

  “Where is Lincoln?” Poppy asked, mentioning their little boy.

  “He is at home with Bradley’s mother and father. They came for a visit.” Murtle said, still amazed that she got accepted into one of the wealthiest and prestigious families in the United States.

  “I am glad everything is going well for you, Murtle. I have to go. I am on my way to see a man.”

  A few minutes later, Poppy entered Gunther Williams’s office. “Hi Mr. Willaims,” trying not to notice how handsome he looked in his blue business suit. He was white with black hair and bluish-grey eyes. He had to be at least six-four inches tall. He was a big man from the looks of him in amazing shape.

  “Call me Gunther,” Gunther said, amazed how lovely she was. Her skin had a beautiful sheen to it, and her hair now pulled back in a bun showcasing her face in all its glory.

  “I thought maybe you would like to get together,” Poppy said, trying to ignore the way Gunther was looking at her.

  “Like a date,” Gunther said. He was a bit old fashioned, preferring to ask a woman out himself, but he was curious about Poppy’s invitation.

  “We can just hang out at my house,” Poppy said.

  “Okay,” G
unther said.

  “How about Friday night?” Poppy said.

  Gunther agreed. After she gave him the address to her house, Poppy left. As Gunther watched her walked out of his office, he couldn’t stop himself from watching her ass. He was looking forward to Friday night.

  Chapter Three

  G unther arrived at Poppy’s home at 7:00pm on Friday night. He took in the two-storey Victorian house in a nice neighborhood. When he rang the doorbell, she answered a minute later. “Hi, Gunther,” she said with a radiate smile.

  As Icarus was drawn to the sun, he was drawn to that smile. He walked in, taking in the beige sofa and love seat, the oak end table, and coffee table.

  “Have a seat, would you like some coffee?” Poppy asked.

  “Yes,” Gunther said. He watched her walked into the modern kitchen.

  “Would you like a sandwich? I am starving.” Poppy asked.

  “That would be great,” Gunther said.

  Ten minutes later, Poppy came into the living room with a sandwich, potato chips, and coffee. They ate and sipped their coffee before he said, “Decided to keep it simple?”

  “Pretty much. I decided we can watch a movie.” Poppy asked.

  What kind?” Gunther said, worried that she picked some chick lit flick to watch.

  “An action-adventure story,” Poppy said.

  “Sound good,” Gunther said.

  “I will go make some popcorn and get the soda. You know how to start the movie?”

  “Yes,” Gunther said, flashing a smile.

  A half an hour later, Poppy sat by Gunther on the beige sofa, trying to ignore how good he smelled. The movie was good: the hero was trying to stop an international incident and found a partner in a sexy brunette. Poppy dugged her hand in the bowel, trying to get some more popcorn. When their hands encountered each other, Gunther moved his hand away. By the time the movie ended, the sexual attraction between them was at an all-time high.

  Poppy got up and removed the movie disc. Turning toward him, she said, “Would you like another sandwich?’

  “No, thank you.”

  They locked eyes, and Poppy walked back over to the sofa. She sat down by him and turned her body toward him. “Why don’t you tell me about yourself?”

  “ I spent twenty years in the Marines. When I finished, I decided to move to New England and get my private investigator license.” Gunther said.

  “Do you have any family here?”

  “No, I grew up in an orphanage.” Gunther said.

  Poppy processed the fact he grew up that way. It explained a little about his reticence when she was talking about herself. “That must of been tough.”

  “It was a decent orphanage. They did right to us, so don’t feel too bad for me.”

  Poppy eyed him with her light brown eyes. He carried himself like a warrior, and she could not help but remember the haunted look in his eyes.

  “You keep looking at me like you are going to jump at me,” Gunther said.

  Poppy continued to eye him. A second later, he leaned over with a groan and claimed her mouth. The kiss was slow and ignited an ache between Poppy’s thighs. She opened her mouth and touched her tongue to his. Their tongues entered a sensual dance, and they did not stop until they needed to take a breath.

  When they pulled apart, they stood looking at each other for a minute. Gunther struggled to retain control of himself. He wanted to continue to kiss and hold her, but he suddenly said, “I better go.”

  “What?” Poppy said. walking to the door with him. “You don’t have to go.”

  “Yes, I do,” Gunther said, looking at her with heat in his eyes. He gave her a quick rough kiss, then he left.

  Poppy closed the door and stood with her back to it and touched her mouth. A smile spread across her lips. Who would have thought that a kiss could be that good?

  Poppy’s smile was radiate when she took Gunther’s coffee order the next day. She watched him walked to his usual table and did not turn her head away when he looked up at her.

  “Hi, Poppy,” Anne said.

  Poppy looked at her good friend and said, “How are you today?”

  Knowing that Poppy always had a smile on her face, Anne never the less was taken aback how good of a mood Poppy was in. “I am fine. You look like you swallowed the sun.”

  “Well, that sounds like a good thing,” Poppy said.

  “It is. Give me my vanilla latte, skim milk and no whipped cream,” Anne said.

  “How is your new embroidery project coming along?”

  “It is fine. I am thinking of having my eyes checked. The detail on this project is killing me,” Anne said.

  “You have always have had the twenty-twenty vision. Do you think you are going to need glasses.”

  “Probably, I am getting older. By the way, if you look over at the gorgeous man one more time over there, you are going to get whiplash,” Anne said.

  “Am I that obvious?” Poppy asked.

  “Only to anyone who has eyes,” Anne said, taking her latte from Poppy’s hand. “I better get back to work, and why don’t you go over there and talk to him.”

  Poppy eyed Gunther with a deep breath. She told one of her employees to step in for her and walked over to his table. “Is everything to your liking, Gunther?” Poppy asked.

  “Everything is good, Poppy,” Gunther said, eyeing her with desire in his bluish-grey eyes. “I wanted to ask you if you would like to have dinner with me.”

  A smile spread across Poppy’s lips. “I would like to have dinner with you. When did you have in mind?”

  “How about next Friday night around 8:00pm? I will pick you up,” Gunther said

  “That would be fine,” Poppy said, wanting a moment and looking at him. Then she turned around and walked away, putting an extra swing in her hips.

  Watching her walk away, Gunther could not help but smile. He knew he shouldn’t get involve with Poppy, but she was in his mind, and he could not help but give in to this need to get to know her better.

  When next Friday night came, Poppy was staring at herself in the full-length mirror. She took special care of her appearance. She thought she looked good. She just hoped Gunther agreed. She was excited and nervous. She stared at her reflection, noting the grey silk dress she was wearing and the high heel black strappy shoes with her hair falling in natural waves down to her shoulders.

  When the doorbell rang, she took a deep breath and peered through her peephole in her door when she saw it was Gunther she opened the door. He looked handsome in his blue suit, white tailored shirt, and a brown tie. This was a Gunther she has never seen before: sophisticated, worldly, and comfortable with himself.

  “Hi, Gunther,” Poppy said. “Let me just get my wrap.” She turned to walk to the couch where the wrap was laying and took a deep breath, trying to regain her equilibrium. When she turned around, she almost jumped. Gunther was standing behind her. They stared at each other for a moment before Poppy said, “I got it. We can go.”

  “Here, let me help,” Gunther said. He took the black and blue wrap from her hand and put his arms around her shoulders and place the wrap around her. He waited for a second, then dropped his arms. They could cut the tension with a knife, and Gunther finally said, “We better go.”

  The restaurant was high end and as sophisticated as Gunther. They placed their order and sat there, Poppy nibbling on a roll and Gunther taking a sip of his water.

  “You want to talk about that haunted look in your eyes.”

  Unbuttoning his suit jacket, he said, “Not really.” After a moment of silence, Gunther said, “I did two tours of duty in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. It would be strange if I did not have a haunted look in my eyes.”

  Accepting his answer, Poppy decided to change the subject, “I have been in New England for years.”

  “You moved here from Maryland?”

  “I went to school in Maryland, but I like I told you earlier, I am originally from New Orleans,” Poppy said. She
struggled to hold her end of the conversation from going, which was a new feeling for Poppy. When the food arrived, she was relieved, and she thought that Gunther felt the same.

  “We both need to relax,” Gunther said.

  “I don’t know why I am so nervous,” Poppy said.

  “It might be because of the sexual tension between us,” Gunther said.

  Poppy almost choked on the pasta she was eating, reacting to what Gunther said.

  “Are you alright?”

  Taking a sip of her water, Poppy said she was fine and started to laugh. Gunther joined her, and they both relaxed, and the conversation started to flow between them. They talked about their interests, and Poppy made sure she stayed away from subjects that were sensitive to Gunther. On the walk back to the car, Poppy felt happy and comfortable with Gunther. When he opened the car door for her, she stood facing him on the other side of the door, smiling, and their eyes met.

  She thought he said, “Damn,” but she couldn’t be sure, and then she was lost in their kiss. Gunther roughly took her mouth, plundering its depths with barely any control. He pulled back with a sigh. He rubbed his thumb against her lower lip and said, “I am sorry about that.”

  Moving from behind the car door, Gunther took her in his arms and gave her a gentle kiss. His lips glided softly against Poppy. It was an apology for his previous rough handling, and Poppy melted into it. She opened her mouth, and Gunther’s and her tongue intertwined. When they needed to take a breath, they parted.

  “I better get you home,” Gunther said, closing the door of the grey Sedan door.

  He dropped Poppy off at home. He walked her to the door and insisted that he check her house for her. After he deemed it safe, he left her with a brief kiss on her lips, “See you later Poppy.”

  After he left, Poppy went up to her bedroom and changed into her checkered pajama bottom and a white t-shirt. She got into bed and grabbed the mystery she had been reading for the past week from her side table, but she couldn’t concentrate. She kept thinking about Gunther and those kisses he had given her.


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