Unexpected Chances

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Unexpected Chances Page 2

by A. M. Willard

  Our usual corner booth is open. Sliding in, I look around the dark room, spotting a gentleman I’ve never seen here before. He’s with a few guys drinking beers, laughing and telling jokes. Seems to be around my age, business attire, not too stuffy.

  I’ll up the game, to see if I can attract his attention tonight.

  Usually, I meet Seth here for a few drinks and some light dancing. We start here, and move along to other hip places throughout town. He’s been crushing hard on the bartender for years. I think it’s more because she says no, and he doesn’t respond well to the word.

  “Here. I ordered you a martini and told them to keep them coming.”

  I grab my glass to take a sip. As the cold liquid slides down my throat, I feel my shoulders relax.

  I look over to Seth, “Thanks. Needed this one.”

  “So, what’s the plan tonight?”

  “I have a long day tomorrow; we’ll just stay here. Have a few drinks and dance some.”

  “You’re telling me that you look like that, for a few drinks and some dancing?”

  “Yes. I need to feel good tonight, and I had a long day, thanks to you.”

  “Oh, you can’t blame me,” he says with a chuckle.

  “I can and I will.”

  “Whatever, Firecracker,” he says as he throws back his beer.

  Taking a few more sips of my martini, I close my eyes. I do this to see if Carter’s eyes have disappeared. Ever since this morning when I shut them, he’s what I see.

  Angela will be back later in the week, and I’ll have to tip toe around this but I’ll ask her opinion. If I ask Seth, he’ll use it against me.

  A few years ago we made a pact. Yes, it was at the Waffle House at two in the morning, but still it was legally bound with waffles.

  Seth was just coming off a long relationship, and I hated men.

  We vowed never to fall in love.

  Never allow another human being to destroy our hearts like the ones in the past. We even did this cross your heart, turn the lock and throw it away, motion.

  Yes, we were dramatic.

  “I’ll be back,” Seth yells over at me as he slides out, and I watch as he finds his way over to a table full of ladies. He thinks he’s so smooth. I’m not even sure if he asked to join them. He just reaches around for a chair and pulls it up to the table with him. All I can do is shake my head at my brother.

  I look down at my watch to check the time when I hear a deep voice ask, “May I join you?”

  Tilting my head up, I see it’s the guy I’ve never seen here before and gesture for him to join me.

  “And you are?” I ask.

  “Jack McIntyre and you?”


  “Does Tabitha have a last name?”

  “Not tonight she doesn’t,” I say as he leans back against the leather booth and raises his arm up to rest on the back.

  “Well, Tabitha with no last name, can I buy you another drink?”

  “Yes. Dirty martini, three olives,” I say and watch him motion over to the waitress to order us another round.

  “Why is such a beautiful lady like yourself sitting in the corner on a weeknight?”

  “Long day, and keeping my brother company,” I say, gesturing my head over towards Seth and the girls he’s laughing with.

  “You his keeper tonight?”

  “No smart ass, I came out to have a few drinks, and he got distracted. What brings you out?”

  “Feisty huh? Work brings me out.”

  “What kind of work do you do?”

  “That’s for me to know.”

  “Secretive?” I ask in a hushed tone, leaning over a bit to grab my fresh drink.

  “You could say that.”

  I’m not sure how two hours pass by in a blur.

  I’ve spent the whole time sitting here talking with Jack. He asked question after question. Buying me drink after drink, only to answers the simple questions I asked him.

  Seth on the other hand, ditched me an hour ago for a random hook-up. Glad I took a taxi, this way I know I can get home safety.

  “Well, Mr. McIntyre it was a pleasure to meet you. If you’ll excuse me, I have a long day tomorrow and need to head home,” I say, as I start to slide out of the booth.

  “I hope you aren’t driving?” he asks, as I notice him sliding out at the same time.

  “No. Thanks for the concern though.”

  “Why don’t you let me drive you home or share a cab with you?”

  “Look. Thanks for the drinks and all, but I’ll be going home alone.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that. I just want to make sure you’re safe.”

  “I will be. I’m a big girl. Plus, I have mace in my purse,” I say with a raise of my eyebrows.

  With a bow of his head I watch as he moves away, heading towards the door.

  I walk out into the night, taking a deep breath in and release it all at once.

  I’m not sure if tonight was what I needed.

  Flagging down a taxi, I slide into the back, and spit out my address.

  On the ride home, I go over the night, and the questions Jack was repeatedly asking.

  Maybe I need to stop talking to strangers.

  My loose mouth almost spilled my whole life.



  Home in my condo, I notice a few missed calls from Bethany. She has some high society dinner to attend, and needs me on her arm. The day that I can stop wearing these stuffy tuxedos will be the best day of my life. It will mean that I’m free of the blood sucking rodent.

  As I make my way down to the bedroom, I slide open my phone and dial Jack. He’s one of my longtime friends from high school, with his own private detective agency in LA.

  It’s been a few months since we’ve talked, and I’m not even sure if he’s in town. Jack’s the only one I trust to look into Tabitha Michaelson.

  Picking up on the second ring, “Carter, it’s been awhile?”

  “It has. How’re things going man?” I ask, as I start sliding out of my shoes and look in the closet for my tux.

  “Good man. Real good. How’re things with you?”

  “You know, the same shit different day. Look, are you in town? I need a huge favor?”

  “I am, and it must be for you to call and get straight to the point.”

  “I need to see if you can look into a woman named Tabitha Michaelson. She works in Santa Monica. Not sure if that’s where she lives. Red hair, maybe around thirty or so.”

  “Well, I can run her in my database and see what I find. Let me go check, and if I find her, I’ll give you a call back here in a few.”

  “Perfect. Thanks, man.”

  “No problem, Carter. Oh, do I want to know why?”

  “No,” I say, as I hit the end button, tossing my phone down onto the bed. I need to shower and dress before Bethany shows up. I’ve learned over the last few years that if I’m dressed, she doesn’t expect a thing.

  Her text this morning stated to be ready by seven sharp. I’ll make sure to be ready, and downstairs in the lobby waiting for her limo to arrive.

  I jump in the shower, making sure I conveniently forget to shave. It pisses Bethany off when I leave the scruff, and since I’d rather not be attending tonight’s event, I might as well start it off with a bang.

  As I step out of the shower, I hear my cell ringing in my bedroom. Sprinting to grab it, I pant out, “That was quick,” I say to Jack.

  “When you’re good, you’re good.”

  “Did you find anything?”

  “Yeah, I found out a shit load. She sure likes to party, and is very predictable.”

  “What’s that mean? And what all did you find out?”

  “Why the interest in this girl? I need you to tell me that before I hand over this information?”

  “I don’t know man. It’s just something about her. I had a conference call with her this morning, and I can’t get her out of my head.”

>   “Look, I don’t know what to tell you regarding that. I can say she works for her best friend, and it seems that she runs the show pretty much. She’s single and likes to go out all the time with her brother and friends. You want me to tail her?”

  “Single? No boyfriend?” I ask, as I towel dry my hair and place the phone on speaker.

  “From what I can tell, yes.”

  “If you can tail her without her noticing anything funny, then go ahead. Send me the bill and thanks.”

  “I’ll see what I can do, man.”

  “Thanks. I’ll catch up later,” I say as I click the off button.

  Looking at myself in the mirror, I know that I need to move forward with her.

  I just have to figure out how.

  After I finish dressing, and I reach for my black tux jacket to head downstairs and wait for the driver.

  Chapter Four


  A few days have passed, and I still can’t close my eyes without seeing the blue eyed monster staring back at me. Knowing I have work to do, all I’ve been able to manage is to draw the perfect orbs that have tortured me, and shade them in.

  During my conversation this afternoon with Angela, I lost my focus a few times, which caused her to question me. I was able to pass it off as being tired.

  Angela arrives back in California tonight, and I’m ready to have some girl time. She promised that we would visit Frank our stylist, and do a little shopping.

  I make my way over to the copier, that I swear is the devil. It never works for me. Angela says you have to talk sweet to it. Oh, I do. However, I call it every name in the book that can come from my mouth. This evil spawn of Satan has ruined more clothes of mine than coffee. In return, we have a love-hate relationship. Kicking the beast only ends with me limping around the rest of the day.

  Now, all I do is mouth off at it.

  I focus on being gentle, and copying the files for the latest potential client we’re seeking. Black Enterprises will raise the bar for Angela’s company. I need to make sure she has everything that’s needed or she might blow her top.

  I’m not sure what’s going on with her and her asshat of a husband, but she’s been on edge for the past few months. I told her she needs to slow it down, but Angela’s driven. She’s driven to succeed, to make something of herself. To prove that you can be the successful woman and have a family.

  When she married him, I told her she was nuts. I’ve hated Christopher from the first time I seen him walk through the office doors. I know deep down that he will crush her. I know it’s going to end badly, and I feel that it’ll be soon. Another reason I only date a guy a few times then move on.

  I’m not stupid. I never want to feel that kind of pain again.

  The office phone scares the pants off me when it starts to blare, causing me to drop all my papers to the ground.

  Reaching across my desk, I snatch up the phone, out of breath. “SHI, this is Tabitha, how may I help you?”

  “Afternoon Tabitha,” is all I hear before I drop the phone, releasing a long line of profanity?

  Picking up the receiver, I take a breath and say, “Sorry, yes this is Tabitha.”

  “Are you always so clumsy?”

  Playing stupid I ask, “Whose calling?”

  “I’m sorry, Carter Northwood. How rude of me to not introduce myself before you dropped me on the floor.”

  “Mr. Northwood, I’m sorry. I was at the copier, and the phone startled me,” I say, as I lean against my desk knocking over a few more items. I’m sure he can hear the crash of pens hitting the floor. Mentally I curse myself for allowing this man to turn me into a mess.

  “Please call me, Carter,” he says in a sexy, deep voice that makes me weak in the knees. I grip the sides of my desk and exhale.

  “Carter, what can I do for you?”

  “I’m calling about the meeting that needs to be setup between Mrs. Stephens and me. Have you had a chance to review her schedule?”

  “Yes, and I’m going over it with her when she arrives back this week. I thought we discussed that I would email you the dates.”

  “You did. I just needed to check, and see if we’re still on track. I’m a very busy man, and have a board to answer to.”

  “I’m very aware of the situation. I’ll be sure to email her once we finish this conversation, and narrow down the days before she returns. Is there anything else I can help you with, Carter?” I ask, adding a little extra innuendo into his name.

  “No, I think that will do it for today. I look forward to hearing from your filthy mouth soon. Try not to break anything else in the meantime,” he states, as he disconnects the call.

  Placing the receiver down, I turn to hold onto the front of the desk, dipping my head down. I start shuffling my feet and shake my head. I ask myself how a simple phone conversation has turned me into a wrecking ball. Praying to the Lord that I never have to see this man face to face.

  If that ever happens, I’ll end up either breaking my neck or covered in whatever I’m eating or drinking.

  Pushing off the desk, I bend down to pick up the pens and folders I knocked off. I pile the mess together and shove all the pens back into the pen holder.

  I pivot around and see the huge mess on the floor. Grumbling to myself, I stomp over and start snatching the papers up. “Stupid man, causing me to drop everything, and I mean every dang thing I touch. Someone please put the earth back on its rotation. I can’t deal with him and his sexy voice and eyes that I need to swim in,” I say out loud to no one but myself.

  Glad tonight is Thursday, and Seth and I will hit up The Hill for our usual night out. I’m not even sure if this will clear my head. Maybe if I go with him and his friends this weekend to play paintball it will help.

  Shooting the boys always makes me happy.

  They banned me a few months back from attending their monthly games. Saying that I play too hard core with shooting to kill. I told them they were all chickens and to suck it up. Deep down it hurts their ego when I win. Seth told me that it turned a few of the guys on when I go all “GI Joe” on them.

  I think that’s what I need a day of shooting the boys. I’ll get Seth toasty tonight and have him agree to it. I’ll video record him agreeing just to cover my ass.



  Board meetings, site visits, and dealing with inspectors have me about to pull my hair out. I’ve tried to focus on everything being said, but all I can think about is that green-eyed redhead.

  I haven’t been able to sleep. I'm not into the condos we're designing, not into the business mode right now. My mind and thoughts are on Tabitha and when I’ll contact her next.

  Jack emailed me a list of places that she attends on a regular basis. He confirms that my Tabby Cat likes to shop, and have a good time. I laughed at that last conclusion. I knew this the first day I set eyes on her. She said she was meditating, but you could tell that she was napping, or recovering from a long night.

  I’ve cleared the next couple of days from my schedule and know the next step I’m going to take. All I need to do is make a quick phone call.

  Locating the number to her office, I dial and wait for what I hope to be her on the other end.

  She answers, sounding out of breath, and shaken.

  I hear a loud bang on the other end.

  Shaking my head, “Are you always this clumsy?”

  When she responds, I can hear the frustration laced in her voice. It’s quite the turn on, getting her this worked up from the other side of the phone line.

  She’s confused to who’s on the line, and I like that. I could keep this little charade up a bit, but I’ll take a bite.

  When she calls me, “Mr. Northwood” it makes me think of how it would sound on the end of her name. She draws out the wood in my last name.

  “Please call me, Carter,” I inform her.

  “Alright then, Carter what can I do for you?”

  Shit, just when I thought it
couldn’t get any hotter, she has to say my first name in that stern, sexy as sin voice. I adjust in my seat as I try to remember why I called.

  I continue to taunt her with my reasoning. It’s pointless because I know the outline, and I understand what to expect.

  I needed to hear her voice.

  I needed to hear her get as frustrated as I am right now.

  After my makeshift conversation, I end the call abruptly and hang up. No reason to say bye. I’ll be seeing her soon enough.

  Chapter Five


  It’s Thursday night, and that means “Thirsty Thursday” at The Hill. One of my favorite nights to go. They offer half-priced drinks for the ladies and crank up the music.

  I tried to drag Angela out with me, but her excuse was paperwork. Blah… Paperwork. I’d light it all on fire if I could, but then I wouldn’t be a magnificent assistant now would I?

  Seth’s meeting me with some friends of ours. Since I’m off tomorrow, I plan to live it up. This whole week has thrown me off, and I need to bring peace and order back to my universe.

  I’ve found my cute baby pink slinky dress and paired it with my silver rhinestone heels. Curling my long red hair and pinning it back on the sides with a cluster of pink pearls barrette. I slide on a few bangles and dangle earrings.

  My makeup is done to a minimum. I line my lips with a pink liner and color in with pale gloss. Giving a final smack of my lips in the mirror, I take a quick glance of myself. “You look killer. Let’s own it tonight,” I say out loud.

  I flag down a cab outside my building and give the driver the address. I’m not even going to attempt to drive, and then worry with where I leave my car tonight. Seth and I already know it’s going to be a long night and have made plans to meet and then head out to another location. It’s his night to cover the taxi rides, and I plan to live that up.

  I throw a twenty up to the driver, “Keep the change,” as I slam the door behind me.

  Pulling the door open, the aroma of stale beer hits me. “Ugh why do we come here again?” I ask myself.

  Shocked that Seth beat me here, I spot him and his buddies right away. Yep, they’re the loud group of guys standing at a bar high table.


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